diff --git a/docs/images/traffic_opt.png b/docs/images/traffic_opt.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31ade8f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/traffic_opt.png differ diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index f8a7bfb..1e71f64 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -533,23 +533,98 @@


we can directly compare LLM's ability to find the optimal solution against the classical numerical optimizers like gradient descent. In this case, the Trace graph is equivalent to the computation graph constructed by PyTorch -- representing the underlying numerical operations over x.

+ +

We run 30 trials over different randomly generated problems. All methods see the same randomness. On + average, Trace is able to match the best-in-class Adam; on the other hand, without access to the full + computational graph, the optimizer alone struggles to find the optimal x.

-    from trace import node
+    from trace import node, GRAPH
     program = NumericalProgramSampler(chain_length=7, param_num=1, max_gen_var=4)
     x = node(-1.0, "input_x", trainable=True)
-    z.backward(feedback="Output should be larger.", visualize=True)
+    for i in tqdm(range(n_steps)):
+        GRAPH.clear()
+        if feedback.lower() == "Success.".lower():
+            break
+        try:
+            output = program(x, seed=program_id)
+            feedback = program.feedback(output.data)
+        except TraceExecutionError as e:
+            output = e.exception_node
+            feedback = output.data
+        optimizer.zero_feedback()
+        optimizer.backward(output, feedback)
+        optimizer.step()
- -

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We tested Trace in a traffic control problem which is an instance of hyper-parameter tuning. We used UXSim to simulate traffic at a four-way intersection, where the trainable parameters are 2 integers in [15,90], which are the green light duration for each direction of traffic flow.

+ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/toruseo/UXsim/images/gridnetwork_macro.gif +

Image sourced from UXSim Website


The feedback is the estimated delay experienced by all vehicles due to intersections, and the goal of an + optimizer is to minimize the delay using the fewest number of traffic simulations. To this end, this + optimizer must find the right trade-off for temporally distributed and variable demands.


We report the performance of a SOTA heuristic from the traffic control literature, SCATS as + well as two black-box optimization techniques: Gaussian Process Minimization (GP) and Particle + Swarm Optimization (PSO). All methods use the same starting parameters.

+ +

GP and PSO appear bad because 50 iterations are insufficient for their + convergence; given enough iterations, both will eventually perform well. Trace is quickly competitive + with the SCATS heuristic, whereas OPRO is not. We show the code sketch below. Trace sends a node object into the simulator + and let the environment operate on it. The underlying operation logic is automatically revealed to the Trace optimizer.

+    from trace import node, GRAPH
+    def traffic_simulation(EW_green_time, NS_green_time):
+        W = None
+        try:
+            W = create_world(EW_green_time, NS_green_time)
+        except Exception as e:
+            e_node = ExceptionNode(
+                e,
+                inputs={"EW_green_time": EW_green_time, "NS_green_time": NS_green_time},
+                description="[exception] Simulation raises an exception with these inputs.",
+                name="exception_step",
+            )
+            return e_node
+        W.data.exec_simulation()
+        return_dict = analyze_world(W, verbosity)
+        return return_dict
+    EW_x = trace.node(MIN_GREEN_TIME, trainable=True, constraint=f"[{MIN_GREEN_TIME},{MAX_GREEN_TIME}]")
+    NS_x = trace.node(MIN_GREEN_TIME, trainable=True, constraint=f"[{MIN_GREEN_TIME},{MAX_GREEN_TIME}]")
+    optimizer.objective = (
+                "You should suggest values for the variables so that the OVERALL SCORE is as small as possible.\n"
+                + "There is a trade-off in setting the green light durations.\n"
+                + "If the green light duration for a given direction is set too low, then vehicles will queue up over time and experience delays, thereby lowering the score for the intersection.\n"
+                + "If the green light duration for a given direction is set too high, vehicles in the other direction will queue up and experience delays, thereby lowering the score for the intersection.\n"
+                + "The goal is to find a balance for each direction (East-West and North-South) that minimizes the overall score of the intersection.\n"
+                + optimizer.default_objective
+        )
+    for i in range(num_iter):
+        result = traffic_simulation(EW_x, NS_x)
+        # some steps skipped for simplicity
+        feedback = result.data
+        optimizer.zero_feedback()
+        optimizer.backward(result, feedback, visualize=True)
+        optimizer.step()

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