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Microsoft FastTrack Open Source - Teams Upgrade Snippets

Here are a few common Teams Upgrade PowerShell snippets that our customers have found useful in their journey to Teams Only mode.


These snippets are not provided as PowerShell scripts as they are only a few lines each, and would often be run interactively or as a one-off.

Note we do assume the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module has been installed and signed in. For assistance, please see the following docs page:

After installing the Microsoft Teams module, here's an example of connecting to remote Teams/Skype for Business Online PowerShell:

Import-Module MicrosoftTeams

Note: Ensure you are running the 2.0.0 (March 2021) or later version of the MicrosoftTeams module. You can verify installed versions with Get-Module MicrosoftTeams -ListAvailable, and if needed install the latest update from an elevated PowerShell session with Update-Module MicrosoftTeams

Upgrade a list of users to Teams Only mode

Input CSV needs a column with name UserPrincipalName.

$upgradeusers = Import-Csv "C:\path\to\upgradeusers.csv"

foreach ($user in $upgradeusers) {
    Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -Identity $user.UserPrincipalName -PolicyName "UpgradeToTeams"

If you need a quick start creating an input csv to start from, download your full list of Skype/Teams users and save off the desired user rows to the upgradeusers.csv file from this export:

Get-CsOnlineUser -ResultSize Unlimited | Export-Csv "C:\path\to\exportusers.csv"

Server-side batch upgrade for long list of users

Alternatively, for a long list of users, you can use the new batch policy assignments process. In particular this can help avoid the 60-minute timeout. This batch policy assignment is only available in the Microsoft Teams module, not the Skype for Business Online one.

Important It's recommended to break up the batches into groups of about 5000 and not run more than a handful of batches at a time.

$upgradeusers = Import-Csv "C:\path\to\upgradeusers.csv"

New-CsBatchPolicyAssignmentOperation -PolicyType TeamsUpgradePolicy -PolicyName "UpgradetoTeams" -Identity $upgradeusers.UserPrincipalName -OperationName "Teams Upgrade Batch 1"

Report on previous batch policy assignments with Get-CsBatchPolicyAssignmentOperation. With the specific OperationId returned from the above New batch policy assignment or from the list from that Get command, pull complete details of a single batch policy assignment:

Get-CsBatchPolicyAssignmentOperation -Identity xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | Format-List *

Run the Meeting Migration Service after upgrading to Teams Only org-wide

As discussed in the Meeting Migration Service (MMS) doc article, Skype for Business meetings will automatically be upgraded to Teams meetings when upgrading individual users to Teams Only mode or Skype for Business with Teams Collaboration and Meetings mode (also called Meetings First mode), but will not upgrade meetings automatically when the org-wide setting for Teams Upgrade is flipped to one of these modes. The following snippet will find all users who are in Teams Only mode or Meetings First mode by org-wide setting inheritance, not by individual upgrade mode assignment, and will queue up MMS for them.

$orgwideupgradeusers = Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {(Enabled -eq $true) -and (TeamsUpgradePolicy -eq $null)} | where TeamsUpgradeEffectiveMode -in "TeamsOnly","SfBWithTeamsCollabAndMeetings"

foreach ($user in $orgwideupgradeusers) {
    Start-CsExMeetingMigration -Identity $user.UserPrincipalName -SourceMeetingType SfB -TargetMeetingType Teams -Confirm:$false

Report on Meeting Migration Service status

Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus -SummaryOnly

Export MMS attempts that have ended in a Failed status to a CSV file for further investigation:

Get-CsMeetingMigrationStatus -State Failed | Export-Csv "C:\path\to\MMSFailedreport.csv"


Author Last Updated Date
David Whitney, Microsoft March 16, 2021


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The scripts, samples, and tools made available through the FastTrack Open Source initiative are provided as-is. These resources are developed in partnership with the community and do not represent official Microsoft software. As such, support is not available through premier or other Microsoft support channels. If you find an issue or have questions please reach out through the issues list and we'll do our best to assist, however there is no associated SLA.

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