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Chas. Boyd edited this page Sep 2, 2019 · 30 revisions

The following table provides important information about released versions of the compiler components. The compiler releases as dxcompiler.dll, and can be recognized by the !llvm.ident value produced in DXIL modules. The validator releases as dxil.dll, and can be identified by a runtime query; the rules applies can be identified via DXIL metadata.

Release File File version Notes
Windows 10 Creators Update dxil.dll 10.0.15063.0 no validator version
Windows 10 Creators Update SDK dxcompiler.dll 10.0.15063.0 !llvm.ident:dxc 1.0
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update dxil.dll 10.0.16299.15 validator version 1.1
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update SDK dxcompiler.dll 10.0.16299.15 !llvm.ident:dxc 1.1

All these releases have been via the Windows SDKs or PIX tools. PIX releases have a file version of the form 'dxcoob 0.2017.6.0' and the matching identifier would read '!llvm.ident:dxcoob 2017.06'

The following releases are pairing compiler bits from GitHub with the OS-produced dxil.dll. The goal is to provide these milestones every month or two until the next major OS and associated SDK ships. Please see the project releases tab.

Release File File version Notes
Windows 10 19H1 Update dxil.dll 10.0.18362.1 validator v1.4 19H1
               2019-07-15 Preview dxc.exe, dxcompiler.dll 1.4.1907.0 !llvm.ident:dxc 1.4