diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de372103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This .gitignore file was automatically created by Microsoft(R) Visual Studio.
diff --git a/vc/Detours.sln b/vc/Detours.sln
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08262301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc/Detours.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 15
+VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.27703.2035
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Detours", "Detours.vcxproj", "{37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ DebugMDd|x64 = DebugMDd|x64
+ DebugMDd|x86 = DebugMDd|x86
+ DebugMTd|x64 = DebugMTd|x64
+ DebugMTd|x86 = DebugMTd|x86
+ ReleaseMD|x64 = ReleaseMD|x64
+ ReleaseMD|x86 = ReleaseMD|x86
+ ReleaseMT|x64 = ReleaseMT|x64
+ ReleaseMT|x86 = ReleaseMT|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMDd|x64.ActiveCfg = DebugMDd|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMDd|x64.Build.0 = DebugMDd|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMDd|x86.ActiveCfg = DebugMDd|Win32
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMDd|x86.Build.0 = DebugMDd|Win32
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMTd|x64.ActiveCfg = DebugMTd|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMTd|x64.Build.0 = DebugMTd|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMTd|x86.ActiveCfg = DebugMTd|Win32
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.DebugMTd|x86.Build.0 = DebugMTd|Win32
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMD|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseMD|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMD|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseMD|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMD|x86.ActiveCfg = ReleaseMD|Win32
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMD|x86.Build.0 = ReleaseMD|Win32
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMT|x64.ActiveCfg = ReleaseMD|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMT|x64.Build.0 = ReleaseMD|x64
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMT|x86.ActiveCfg = ReleaseMT|Win32
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}.ReleaseMT|x86.Build.0 = ReleaseMT|Win32
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {1E71C644-7F30-4025-B1DF-6A4F07A2EDB3}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/vc/Detours.vcxproj b/vc/Detours.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7bbb527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc/Detours.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ DebugMTd
+ Win32
+ DebugMTd
+ x64
+ DebugMDd
+ Win32
+ ReleaseMT
+ Win32
+ ReleaseMT
+ x64
+ ReleaseMD
+ Win32
+ DebugMDd
+ x64
+ ReleaseMD
+ x64
+ 15.0
+ {37489709-8054-4903-9C49-A79846049FC9}
+ Win32Proj
+ Detours
+ 10.0.17134.0
+ StaticLibrary
+ true
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
+ true
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
+ false
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
+ false
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
+ true
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
+ true
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
+ false
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ StaticLibrary
+ false
+ v141
+ Unicode
+ Level4
+ true
+ WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ Windows
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ Level4
+ Disabled
+ true
+ WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ MultiThreadedDebug
+ true
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ Windows
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ Level4
+ Disabled
+ true
+ _DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ Windows
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ Level4
+ Disabled
+ true
+ _DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ MultiThreadedDebug
+ true
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ Windows
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ Level4
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ Level4
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ MultiThreaded
+ true
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ Level4
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ true
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ Level4
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ MultiThreaded
+ true
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ mkdir ..\include
+xcopy /I /Y /D /R /K "..\src\*.h" "..\include"
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc/Detours.vcxproj.filters b/vc/Detours.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0995631d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc/Detours.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}
+ cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx
+ {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}
+ h;hh;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;ipp;xsd
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
\ No newline at end of file