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C++ Modules

Adding new modules

  1. Create /src/cpp/modules/yourModule/CMakeLists.txt with the following content where YourModule is the name of your module:

    project("ADBench_YourModule" CXX)
    add_library("YourModule" MODULE)

    Note that global runner expects the directory name to be equal to the module binary name but with a lowercase first letter.

  2. Add the following line to /src/cpp/modules/CMakeLists.txt:

    add_subdirectory ("YourModule")
  3. For each objective create a class implementing the interface ITest<TInput,TOutput> where T is an objective type (GMM, BA etc.). You can find this interface in ../../shared/ITest.h (the path is relative to the directory of your module). TInput and TOutput are input and output types specific for the objective there. They are defined in ../../shared/TData.h (the path is relative to the directory of your module).

    The functions you need to implement:

    • virtual void prepare(TInput&& input)
      Converts the input data from the format in which it is provided by the calling benchmark runner into the format optimized for use with the tested AD framework. It also allocates memory for internal buffers and results structure.
    • virtual void calculate_objective(int times)
      Repeatedly computes one of the objective functions given number of times, saving results into a pre-allocated internal structure.
    • virtual void calculate_jacobian(int times)
      Repeatedly computes a derivative of one of the objective functions given number of times, saving results into a pre-allocated internal structure.
    • virtual TOutput output()
      Converts internally saved outputs into the format specified by the runner.
  4. For each class add an exported factory function just below class implementation as follows:

    extern "C" DLL_PUBLIC ITest<TInput, TOutput>* get_T_test()
        return new YourClass();

    where T is still an objective type here.

    DLL_PUBLIC is a macro defined in /src/shared/ITest.h. It is made to export functions from shared libraries both on Windows and Linux with GCC and MSVC compilers.

  5. Specify target sources in the project CMakeLists.txt.

  6. Compile, run via C++ runner and enjoy!

Please, don't forget to add unit tests.

Unit Tests

GTest and GMock are used to test C++ modules in this project.

Adding tests for a new module

AD Bench already contains some tests for each objective. When you add a new module, the first thing you should do is to test your module with the existing tests. Follow these steps for every objective you want to test:

  1. Open /test/cpp/modules/common/TTests.cpp where T is the short name of the testing objective. You will see the following lines:

        std::make_tuple("../../../../src/cpp/modules/manual/Manual.dll", 1e-8),
        std::make_tuple("../../../../src/cpp/modules/manualEigen/ManualEigen.dll", 1e-8),
  2. Add a tuple containing the module's path and a tolerance for test results to the list of test parameters:

        std::make_tuple("../../../../src/cpp/modules/manual/Manual.dll", 1e-8),
        std::make_tuple("../../../../src/cpp/modules/manualEigen/ManualEigen.dll", 1e-8),
        std::make_tuple(your_path, absolute_error),      

    tolerance is a number used to compare results of the current module execution with the "golden" results. If an absolute difference between at least one of them exceeds this value then the test is failed.

Adding a new test case

Follow these steps to add a new test case for objective:

  1. Open /test/cpp/modules/common/TTests.cpp where T is the short name of the testing objective.

  2. Add the following lines to the end of the file:

    TEST_P(TModuleTest, TestCaseName)

    In a test case you should generally:

    1. load the module
    2. load input data
    3. prepare the module
    4. perform computations
    5. compare the results of computations with the previously known correct ones

Adding new objectives

You might want to add a new type of objective to test. In that case just do the following:

  1. Create /test/cpp/modules/common/TTests.cpp.
  2. Include gtest/gtest.h in it.
  3. Use INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P macro to list all modules supporting T objective type as it described in the "Adding tests for a new module" section.
  4. Use TEST_P macro to add new test cases as it described in the "Adding a new test case" section.
  5. Open /test/cpp/modules/common/CMakeLists.txt and mark TTests.cpp as source via target_sources command there.