diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ground-Pts3D.xml b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ground-Pts3D.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aabd20ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ground-Pts3D.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ 0.182895665614618341 -3.78002060469805157 2.56022810571964277
+ Stone-1
+ 1 1 1
+ 0.234792215591026754 -5.36333800580974884 2.42659720440635063
+ Stone-2
+ 1 1 1
+ 0.194213046998492761 -4.82293063921051068 1.75377255914109642
+ Stone-3
+ 1 1 1
+ 0.754045221758523621 0.496427193197002514 0.431416432371162006
+ I-of-I
+ 1 1 1
+ 0.898750585424819226 1.10409507249266081 0.444680581722013746
+ Acute
+ 1 1 1
+ 1.31771333753878528 0.989188464947304724 0.370627429238321537
+ Finger-1
+ 1 1 1
+ 0.150697933447584281 1.10818337179321613 0.773464897817899177
+ Stone-6
+ 1 1 1
+ 0.256396378205514475 2.35318759021626445 2.23887785258234207
+ Stone-7
+ 1 1 1
+ 1.40207519252831658 2.1945458898399548 0.40382985984277503
+ Grille
+ 1 1 1
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/GroundMeasure.xml b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/GroundMeasure.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..554b2fb1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/GroundMeasure.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ IMGP4170.JPG
+ I-of-I
+ 452.278142467572422 808.192805895297056
+ u-of-You
+ 521.272784862528056 1015.52756464228401
+ Acute
+ 458.441997415626133 1100.83130652515365
+ Finger-1
+ 344.785721369910448 1112.92280566175327
+ IMGP4168.JPG
+ I-of-I
+ 430.52658272147653 227.090326619720145
+ u-of-You
+ 495.717626755149013 454.825546116027397
+ Acute
+ 431.735281413390453 510.222991095907105
+ Finger-1
+ 316.373353330086218 471.678176822389275
+ Stone-6
+ 667.402028214032839 479.731591690534685
+ Stone-7
+ 1284.05120739189965 981.021140912616147
+ Grille
+ 362.602015084684353 1078.96450589692108
+ IMGP4169.JPG
+ I-of-I
+ 475.161154787777321 516.404520623212079
+ u-of-You
+ 538.999416573275425 732.995393503311675
+ Acute
+ 475.850364860953221 802.548038024082189
+ Finger-1
+ 362.721106696891582 789.307120972098687
+ Stone-6
+ 706.139274179003905 741.525951210447488
+ IMGP4167.JPG
+ Stone-6
+ 644.286307996218966 232.6833164507199
+ Stone-7
+ 1265.36807144116688 735.26882940476105
+ Grille
+ 322.076097286495724 766.811866179541425
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4167.JPG b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4167.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..387ab4d443
Binary files /dev/null and b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4167.JPG differ
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4168.JPG b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4168.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cdf086a08
Binary files /dev/null and b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4168.JPG differ
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4169.JPG b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4169.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff620e8101
Binary files /dev/null and b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4169.JPG differ
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4170.JPG b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4170.JPG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54c23c6f6f
Binary files /dev/null and b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/IMGP4170.JPG differ
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml
similarity index 57%
rename from MMVII/apib11/Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml
rename to MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml
index 9a528a7641..8e88701b71 100644
--- a/MMVII/apib11/Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml
+++ b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
3 1 1
- 2113.26900143641
- 857.203461218707 577.076198246255
+ 2113.29189076302
+ 857.206754888925 577.075355949847
- -0.0992818343588939
- 0.105926341210555
- 0.0365920357111148
+ -0.0992778414574082
+ 0.105924077620665
+ 0.0366404677720908
- 6.32129028493475e-05
- -7.41880900367172e-05
+ 6.3479994323078e-05
+ -7.41705215866132e-05
- -1.24734259119908e-08
- 4.79395702261653e-07
+ -1.62457752333968e-08
+ 4.80179377691907e-07
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4167.JPG.xml b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4167.JPG.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9700b4d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4167.JPG.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "IMGP4167.JPG"
+ "Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5"
+ 5.20644436052294 1.49611001038881 2.11724479232937
+ -0.162074830392862 0.0384131738848583 0.986030515463501
+ 0.0965180346057596 0.995067755113336 -0.0229004744393625
+ -0.982046851402196 0.0914581369031654 -0.164983001685735
+ 0.645757292454901 -0.0442730622939557 -0.761926109801983 -0.022494852710068
+ -150.998255793775 -79.1267383625106 -149.225556118573
+ 166.666421173337 -80.4118527918605 -172.097549838315
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from MMVII/apib11/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml
rename to MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4169.JPG.xml b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4169.JPG.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9a803313c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4169.JPG.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "IMGP4169.JPG"
+ "Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5"
+ 5.15627029486289 0.215205620108451 2.08689313795566
+ -0.176953806326696 0.0409905785444553 0.983365203216529
+ 0.102280177137307 0.994488561576619 -0.0230492138266792
+ -0.978890247061056 0.0965001210561815 -0.180171059953831
+ 0.63979756472186 -0.0467137347321854 -0.766748561762124 -0.0239488245862174
+ -151.826374151718 -78.2064061610764 -149.971874858426
+ 166.957716505788 -79.5347343248668 -172.709771641196
diff --git a/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4170.JPG.xml b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4170.JPG.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d628fb4d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4170.JPG.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "IMGP4170.JPG"
+ "Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5"
+ 5.05921122405539 -0.271167237239889 2.10496651279359
+ -0.166220702212525 0.066458650739172 0.983846495088489
+ 0.0817737345468281 0.995218720586036 -0.0534111835981814
+ -0.982692085291339 0.0715747576805015 -0.170860526654747
+ 0.643843438212809 -0.0485311854795092 -0.763593469958542 -0.00594674221196073
+ -157.270824042625 -79.3244958204942 -153.804715242581
+ 158.207395729614 -79.6876565611983 -162.640699790022
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/.gitignore b/MMVII/apib11/.gitignore
index 6533a85e56..6311f06221 100644
--- a/MMVII/apib11/.gitignore
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/.gitignore
@@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ Tmp-MM-Dir
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/MMVII.py b/MMVII/apib11/MMVII.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f2f9bb1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/MMVII.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+mmv2_src_relative_path = '../'
+mmv2_install_relative_path = '../../../MMVII/MMVII'
+mm_data_path = None
+# test if run from MMVII sources
+test_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + mmv2_src_relative_path)
+if os.path.isfile(test_path + '/bin/MMVII'):
+ print("Using local MMVII")
+ mm_data_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + mmv2_src_relative_path)
+ #search for .so file
+ so_path = None
+ for path in Path('build').rglob('_MMVII.*.so'):
+ if so_path is None:
+ so_path = path.parent
+ else :
+ print('Warning: multiple _MMVII.*.so files found in build directory')
+ if so_path is not None:
+ print("Using _MMVII.*.so file from directory ",so_path)
+ sys.path = [ str(so_path) ] + sys.path
+ # test if installed
+ for p in sys.path:
+ test_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + mmv2_install_relative_path)
+ if os.path.isfile(test_path + '/bin/MMVII'):
+ mm_data_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + mmv2_install_relative_path)
+ break
+if mm_data_path is not None:
+ print('MMVII path:', mm_data_path)
+ from _MMVII import *
+ themodule = MM_Module(mm_data_path)
+ print('Error: impossible to find MMVII binary. Error at installation?')
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/Makefile b/MMVII/apib11/Makefile
index dabb723b12..513f9577c7 100755
--- a/MMVII/apib11/Makefile
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/Makefile
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ MMV1_LIBDIR=${MMV1_DIR}/lib
-MODULE=MMVII$(shell python3-config --extension-suffix)
DOC_INCLUDES=../include/MMVII_PCSens.h ../include/MMVII_memory.h ../include/MMVII_AimeTieP.h ../include/MMVII_Geom3D.h ../include/MMVII_Mappings.h
# =========== Includes & Libraries
MMV1_INCLUDES=-I ${MMV1_DIR}/include -I${MMV1_DIR}
MMV2_INCLUDES=-I ${MMV2_DIR} -I ${MMV2_INCDIR} -I ${MMV2_DIR}/ExternalInclude
@@ -25,9 +24,10 @@ EXT_LIBS=-lpthread -lX11 -lstdc++fs
# =========== Compiler & Flags
-CXXFLAGS=-fopenmp -std=c++17 -Wall -Werror -O3 -fPIC ${MMV2_INCLUDES} ${MMV1_INCLUDES} ${PYBIND_INCLUDES} '-DPYBIND_MMVII_DIR="$(abspath ${MMV2_DIR})"'
-LDFLAGS=-fopenmp -shared
+CXXFLAGS=-fopenmp -std=c++17 -Wall -Werror -O3 -fPIC ${MMV2_INCLUDES} ${MMV1_INCLUDES} ${PYBIND_INCLUDES}
+PYTHON = python3
+PIP = pip3
# =========== Use ccache if found
CCACHE:=${shell which ccache}
@@ -35,39 +35,27 @@ ifneq (,${CCACHE})
override CXX:=${CCACHE} ${CXX}
+SRCS:=${wildcard *.cpp}
# ============ Targets
-.phony: all clean
-all: ${MODULE}
+.phony: all module clean install uninstall
+all: module
- rm -f ${OBJS} ${DEPS} ${MODULE} docstrings.h
+clean: uninstall
+ rm -f docstrings.h
+ rm -Rf build/ dist/ $(MODULE_NAME).egg-info/ __pycache__/
+ $(PYTHON) setup.py clean
docstrings.h: ${DOC_INCLUDES} Makefile
pybind11-mkdoc -o $@ ${DOC_INCLUDES} ${CXXFLAGS} >/dev/null
-# =========== Build Objs
-SRCS:=${wildcard *.cpp}
+module: docstrings.h ${SRCS}
+ CC="${CXX}" $(PYTHON) setup.py build
+ CC="${CXX}" $(PYTHON) setup.py bdist_wheel
-%.o: %.cpp Makefile docstrings.h
- ${CXX} -c ${CXXFLAGS} $(python3 -m pybind11 --includes) $< -o $@
+install: module
+ $(PIP) install --user dist/*.whl
+ $(PIP) uninstall -y $(MODULE_NAME)
-# ========== Build Module
- ${CXX} ${LDFLAGS} $^ ${EXT_LIBS} -o ${MODULE}
-# =========== Auto dependancies
-DEPS=${join ${addsuffix ., ${dir ${OBJS}}}, ${notdir ${OBJS:.o=.d}}}
-.%.d: %.cpp
- @set -e; rm -f $@; \
- ${CXX} -MM -MP -MT '${patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$<} $@' -MF $@ ${CXXFLAGS} $< 2>/dev/null
-ifneq (${MAKECMDGOALS},clean)
--include ${DEPS}
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/README.md b/MMVII/apib11/README.md
index 3ac12db861..3b93b8c176 100644
--- a/MMVII/apib11/README.md
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,40 @@
-pip3 install pybind11_mkdoc
+MicMac v2 Python3 API
+First, compile MMv1 and MMv2.
+Then, in 'apib11' directory:
+ make
+The module can be used from this directory without installation (this local version has priority to installed modules).
+ make install
+The file dist/MMVII-*.whl, created at compilation, can be distributed to machines with same OS, arch and python version.
+It can be installed with:
+ pip3 install MMVII-*.whl
+Upgrade pip if needed:
+ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ import MMVII
+See 'examples' directory for use cases.
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/ex_cam.py b/MMVII/apib11/ex_cam.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1a854e70..0000000000
--- a/MMVII/apib11/ex_cam.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-from MMVII import *
- TP photogra
- Data from MurSaintMartin
-pts3d = {
- 'I-of-I': (0.754045221758523621, 0.496427193197002514, 0.431416432371162006),
- 'Acute': (0.898750585424819226, 1.10409507249266081, 0.444680581722013746),
- 'Finger-1': (1.31771333753878528, 0.989188464947304724, 0.370627429238321537),
- 'Stone-6': (0.150697933447584281, 1.10818337179321613, 0.773464897817899177),
- 'Stone-7': (0.256396378205514475, 2.35318759021626445, 2.23887785258234207),
- 'Grille': (1.40207519252831658, 2.1945458898399548, 0.40382985984277503)
-pts2d = {
- 'I-of-I': (430.52658272147653, 227.090326619720145),
- #'u-of-You': (495.717626755149013, 454.825546116027397),
- #'Acute': (431.735281413390453, 510.222991095907105),
- #'Finger-1': (316.373353330086218, 471.678176822389275),
- #'Stone-6': (667.402028214032839, 479.731591690534685),
- 'Stone-7': (1284.05120739189965, 981.021140912616147),
- 'Grille': (362.602015084684353, 1078.96450589692108)
-imName = 'IMGP4168.JPG'
-calib = PerspCamIntrCalib.fromFile('Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml')
-cam = SensorCamPC(imName, Isometry3D.identity(), calib)
-# recompute orientation with 4 points
-# compare with oritentation in reference file
-cam = SensorCamPC.fromFile('Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml')
-predicts = {}
-for name, pt in pts3d.items():
- predicts[name] = cam.ground2ImageAndDepth(pt)
-# Show predictions
-allX = [p.x for p in predicts.values()]
-allY = [p.y for p in predicts.values()]
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import matplotlib.image as mpimg
-img = mpimg.imread(imName)
-plt.scatter(allX, allY, 3)
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/ex_camera_ori.py b/MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_camera_ori.py
similarity index 90%
rename from MMVII/apib11/ex_camera_ori.py
rename to MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_camera_ori.py
index af3398caec..9b698807bf 100644
--- a/MMVII/apib11/ex_camera_ori.py
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_camera_ori.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from MMVII import *
-cam = SensorCamPC.fromFile('Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml')
+dirData = '../../MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/'
+cam = SensorCamPC.fromFile(dirData + 'Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml')
pose = cam.pose
icalib = cam.internalCalib
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/ex_test.py b/MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_test.py
similarity index 66%
rename from MMVII/apib11/ex_test.py
rename to MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_test.py
index 65f8078ced..2c7bc4e7b0 100644
--- a/MMVII/apib11/ex_test.py
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_test.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import numpy as np
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
print("diff = ",diff)
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_tp_cam.py b/MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_tp_cam.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ec62736f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/examples/ex_tp_cam.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+from MMVII import *
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.image as mpimg
+ TP photogra
+ Data from MurSaintMartin
+dirData = '../../MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/'
+# from Ground-Pts3D.xml
+pts3d = {
+ 'I-of-I': (0.754045221758523621, 0.496427193197002514, 0.431416432371162006),
+ 'Acute': (0.898750585424819226, 1.10409507249266081, 0.444680581722013746),
+ 'Finger-1': (1.31771333753878528, 0.989188464947304724, 0.370627429238321537),
+ 'Stone-6': (0.150697933447584281, 1.10818337179321613, 0.773464897817899177),
+ 'Stone-7': (0.256396378205514475, 2.35318759021626445, 2.23887785258234207),
+ 'Grille': (1.40207519252831658, 2.1945458898399548, 0.40382985984277503)
+# from GroundMeasure.xml
+pts2d = {
+ 'IMGP4168.JPG' : {
+ 'I-of-I': (430.52658272147653, 227.090326619720145),
+ 'u-of-You': (495.717626755149013, 454.825546116027397),
+ 'Acute': (431.735281413390453, 510.222991095907105),
+ 'Finger-1': (316.373353330086218, 471.678176822389275),
+ 'Stone-6': (667.402028214032839, 479.731591690534685),
+ 'Stone-7': (1284.05120739189965, 981.021140912616147),
+ 'Grille': (362.602015084684353, 1078.96450589692108)
+ },
+ 'IMGP4169.JPG' : {
+ 'I-of-I': (475.161154787777321, 516.404520623212079),
+ 'u-of-You': (538.999416573275425, 732.995393503311675),
+ 'Acute': (475.850364860953221, 802.548038024082189),
+ 'Finger-1': (362.721106696891582, 789.307120972098687),
+ 'Stone-6': (706.139274179003905, 741.525951210447488)
+ }
+# 1 - Read Calib, apply it
+imName1 = 'IMGP4168.JPG'
+# Show 2d points
+plt.title('Read 2d points')
+allX, allY = zip(*pts2d[imName1].values())
+img = mpimg.imread(dirData + imName1)
+plt.scatter(allX, allY, 30)
+# apply calibration
+calib = PerspCamIntrCalib.fromFile(dirData + 'Ori-Ground-MMVII/Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml')
+dist = calib.dir_Dist()
+sten = calib.calibStenPerfect()
+inv_sten = sten.mapInverse()
+inv_dist = DataInvertOfMapping2D(calib.dir_DistInvertible())
+for name, pt in pts2d[imName1].items():
+ print('Pt im: ', pt)
+ print(' -> central with disto: ', inv_sten.value(pt))
+ print(' -> central no disto: ', inv_dist.value(inv_sten.value(pt)))
+ print(' -> lig/col no disto: ', sten.value(inv_dist.value(inv_sten.value(pt))))
+def mySten(calib: PerspCamIntrCalib, pt_central: tuple) -> tuple:
+ # TODO, see doc 3.2
+ pass
+def myDist(calib: PerspCamIntrCalib, pt_central: tuple) -> tuple:
+ # TODO, see doc ...
+ pass
+print('Test mySten:')
+for name, pt in pts2d[imName1].items():
+ print('Pt im: ', pt)
+ pt_central = inv_sten.value(pt)
+ print(' -> central with disto: ', pt_central)
+ print(' -> my lig/col with disto: ', mySten(dist, pt_central))
+print('Test myDist:')
+for name, pt in pts2d[imName1].items():
+ print('Pt im: ', pt)
+ pt_central_nodist = inv_dist.value(inv_sten.value(pt))
+ print(' -> central no disto: ', pt_central_nodist)
+ print(' -> my central with disto: ', myDist(dist, pt_central_nodist))
+# 2 - Read Ori, projection
+cam1= SensorCamPC.fromFile(dirData + 'Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-'+imName1+'.xml')
+# project ground points on image
+allX, allY,_ = zip(*map(cam1.ground2ImageAndDepth,pts3d.values()))
+plt.title('Projected 3d points')
+img = mpimg.imread(dirData + imName1)
+plt.scatter(allX, allY, 30)
+def myGround2ImageAndDepth(camPose: Isometry3D, calib: PerspCamIntrCalib, pt3d: tuple) -> tuple:
+ # TODO, see doc 3.2
+ pass
+for name, pt in pts3d.items():
+ print('Proj MM: ', cam1.ground2ImageAndDepth(pt))
+ print('My proj: ', myGround2ImageAndDepth(cam1.pose, cam1.internalCalib, pt))
+# 3 - Pseudo-intersection
+# Second image
+imName2 = 'IMGP4169.JPG'
+cam2= SensorCamPC.fromFile(dirData + 'Ori-Ground-MMVII/Ori-PerspCentral-'+imName2+'.xml')
+# Compute 2d points without disortion
+pts2d_nodist = {}
+for imName in pts2d.keys():
+ pts2d_nodist[imName] = {}
+ for name, pt in pts2d[imName].items():
+ pts2d_nodist[imName][name] = list(inv_dist.value(inv_sten.value(pt)))
+# TODO: compute 3d coordinates of common points
+def myPseudoIntersect(cam1: SensorCamPC, pt2d1: tuple, cam2: SensorCamPC, pt2d2: tuple) -> tuple:
+ # TODO, see doc 3.2
+ pass
+# apply to common points between im1 and im2
+for ptName, pt1 in pts2d[imName1].items():
+ if not ptName in pts3d :
+ continue
+ if not ptName in pts2d[imName2] :
+ continue
+ pt2 = pts2d[imName2][ptName]
+ print(ptName, ': GND =', pts3d[ptName])
+ print('Pseudo-intersection: ', myPseudoIntersect(cam1, pt1, cam2, pt2))
+# 4 - Orientation from known points
+# recompute orientation from 4 2d/3d points
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/py_MMVII.cpp b/MMVII/apib11/py_MMVII.cpp
index 706eed9f5d..372c38d45c 100644
--- a/MMVII/apib11/py_MMVII.cpp
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/py_MMVII.cpp
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ namespace MMVII {
void CloseRandom();
-const char* pybindMMVIIDir = PYBIND_MMVII_DIR;
static void ErrHanlderPy(const std::string & aType,const std::string & aMes,const char * aFile,int aLine)
MMVII::ErrOut() << "\n\n######################################";
@@ -31,28 +29,33 @@ void ElExit(int aLine,const char * aFile,int aCode,const std::string & aMessage)
-class TheModule
+class MM_Module
- TheModule()
+ MM_Module(const std::string &pybindMMVIIDir)
+ if (init) //TODO: improve
+ {
+ ErrHanlderPy("python","MM_Module already initialized!",__FILE__,__LINE__);
+ }
std::cout<<"MMVII initialized."<(m, "MM_Module")
+ .def(py::init())
+ ;
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/pyproject.toml b/MMVII/apib11/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89a314ed2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+requires = ["setuptools", "wheel", "pybind11", "pybind11_mkdoc"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
diff --git a/MMVII/apib11/setup.py b/MMVII/apib11/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73a292696b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/apib11/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import sys
+import glob
+import os
+# Available at setup time due to pyproject.toml
+from pybind11 import get_cmake_dir
+from pybind11.setup_helpers import Pybind11Extension
+from setuptools import setup
+from pybind11.setup_helpers import ParallelCompile
+__version__ = "0.0.2"
+module_name = 'MMVII'
+all_cpp_api_files = glob.glob('./*.cpp')
+cxxflags = ['-fopenmp', '-std=c++17', '-Wall', '-Werror', '-O3', '-fPIC']
+ext_modules = [
+ Pybind11Extension("_MMVII",
+ all_cpp_api_files,
+ libraries = ['X11', 'Xext', 'm', 'dl', 'pthread', 'stdc++fs', 'gomp'],
+ library_dirs = [],
+ include_dirs = ['/usr/local/include', '.', '..', '../include/', '../ExternalInclude/'],
+ language = 'c++',
+ extra_objects = ['../bin/libP2007.a', '../../lib/libelise.a', '../../lib/libANN.a'],
+ extra_compile_args = cxxflags,
+ define_macros = [('VERSION_INFO', __version__)],
+ ),
+xml_micmac_files = glob.glob('../../include/XML_MicMac/*.xml')
+xml_gen_files = glob.glob('../../include/XML_GEN/*.xml')
+ name=module_name,
+ version=__version__,
+ author="IGN",
+ #author_email="",
+ url="https://github.com/micmacIGN",
+ description="MicMac v2 Python API",
+ long_description="",
+ ext_modules=ext_modules,
+ py_modules=['MMVII'],
+ data_files = [
+ (module_name+"/MMVII/bin", ['../bin/MMVII']),
+ (module_name+"/include/XML_MicMac", xml_micmac_files),
+ (module_name+"/include/XML_GEN", xml_gen_files)
+ ],
+ platforms = ['x86_64'],
+ install_requires=['numpy'],
+ zip_safe=False,
+ python_requires=">=3.7",