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Arithmetic operations

  • Projects done during my study of Harvard University's cs50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.


  • Files written in Visual Studio Code 1.73 editor.
  • C files compiled using gcc 9.4.0.
  • C files wriiten according to the betty coding style.
  • Files tested on Windows 10 using gcc.


File Description
0-sum_calculator.c A calculator for getting the sum of 2 integers.
1-points_calculator.c The program promts the user to enter the number of points and compares them with 2.
2-points_calc.c Alternative to 1-points_calculator.c.
3-odd_even.c A C program testing for even and odd numbers.
4-agree.c Prompts user to agree or disgaree.
5-agree.c Alternative of 4-agree.c
6-sale_price.c Promts the user to enter the regular sales price, and calculates the actual sales price after the discount.
7-average_scores.c C program that prints the average of 3 scores.
8-average_scores.c Alternative to 7-average_scores.c
9-average_scores.c Alternative to 7-average_scores.c
10-average_scores.c Alternative to 7-average_scores.c
11-average_scores.c Alternative to 7-average_scores.c