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File metadata and controls

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Understand subscribeOn and observeOn

By default, Observable instances specify an execution policy of "immediate." That is, if a thread has an action to perform, then it is executed immediately by that thread. We can observe this in our banal example from the item Understand Observable and observer chains. To refresh our memory, that example is:

Observable<Integer> o1 = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Observable<Integer> o2 = o1.filter(x -> (x % 2) == 1);
Observable<Integer> o3 = -> x * x);
o3.subscribe(integer -> System.out.println("Received value: " + integer));

We can observe the effects of the immediate scheduling policy by setting a breakpoint on the line with subscribe and then running the program. When this breakpoint is reached the stack trace shows:

Stack trace for the observed value

Note that at the bottom of the stacktrace we find the call to subscribe on o3. The item Understand Observable and observer chains explains in detail why this happens, but to summarize:

  • The client explicitly calls subscribe on o3.
  • o3 then implicitly calls subscribe on o2.
  • o2 then implicitly calls subscribe on o1.
  • The subscribe method of o1 then performs its work, by emitting each value that it was constructed with.
  • The first value of 1 passes the filter operator, and then its value is squared. We observe this value at the breakpoint.

This stacktrace gives a complete picture. We can follow the thread of execution from its call to subscribe on o3 to each observed value.

But while this immediate execution policy is easy to reason about, it is not ideal when the work performed by the root Observable instance is CPU-intensive or performs I/O. In such cases, the thread of execution can spend significant time computing the result or blocking on a read or write operation. And if the application is an Android application, then the thread of execution is likely the main thread. Consequently the UI will freeze entirely and the user might have no choice but to force-quit your unresponsive application.

To remedy these problems, we can introduce Scheduler instances via methods subscribeOn or observeOn.

Choosing a scheduler

A Scheduler instance defines the thread on which actions should happen. If you are familiar with the concurrency libraries from Java, you can think of a Scheduler as resembling an Executor. (In fact, the Schedulers class from RxJava has a from method that adapts an Executor instance to the Scheduler interface.)

The Schedulers class has static factory methods for creating common Scheduler implementations:

  • The computation method returns a Scheduler for CPU-intensive work. The work is typically performed by a backing thread pool, where the number of threads equals the number of CPU cores. If new work is scheduled but all thread in the pool are busy, then that work is enqueued for later execution.
  • The io method returns a Scheduler for I/O-bound work. The work is performed by a backing thread pool that grows as needed. This growth strategy is chosen because most threads in this pool will be blocked on a read or on a write operation. These threads do not contend for the CPU.
  • The immediate method returns a Scheduler that executes work immediately on the current thread. It resembles the default execution policy explored at the beginning of this item.

Finally, if your application has a default run loop, then consider a Scheduler implementation that adapts it. For example, the RxAndroid project provides an AndroidSchedulers class. Its static method mainThread returns a Scheduler for the main UI thread.

Some methods of Observable that perform work take a Scheduler parameter specifying the thread on which the work is performed. But for the most part, you specify a Scheduler in your chain of Observable instances using the subscribeOn and observeOn methods. Let's consider subscribeOn first.

Using subscribeOn

The subscribeOn method applies to upstream Observable instances. Its Scheduler parameter specifies the thread on which the upstream subscribe method is invoked. Consequently, if the root Observable instance performs work, a downstream subscribeOn specifies the thread on which the work is performed. This allows us to offload I/O or CPU-intensive tasks to another thread.

Let's redefine o1 so that it reads the integers that it emits from a file. Moreover, we will print the name of the thread of execution:

Observable<Integer> o1 = Observable.create(subscriber -> {
    System.out.println("Reading file on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

    final List<Integer> integers = readIntegersFromFile();
    for (Integer integer : integers) {

We do not want method readIntegersFromFile to execute on the main thread, and so we pass the instance to the subscribeOn method downstream:

Observable<Integer> o2 = o1.filter(x -> (x % 2) == 1);
Observable<Integer> o3 = -> x * x);
Observable<Integer> o4 = o3.subscribeOn(
o4.subscribe(integer -> System.out.println("Received value: " + integer));

This revises our summary of how the observer chain is created:

  • The client explicitly calls subscribe on o4.
  • o4 then enqueues on the instance the work of calling subscribe on o3.
  • A thread belonging to the thread pool backing executes this work, thereby calling subscribe on o3.
  • o3 then implicitly calls subscribe on o2, which implicitly calls subscribe on o1, which then performs the work of calling method readIntegersFromFile and emitting each returned value.

Consequently, o1 performs its work on a thread belonging to the thread pool backing the instance. We validate this by running the program:

Reading file on thread RxCachedThreadScheduler-1
Received value: 1
Received value: 9
Received value: 25

RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 is the name of the thread in the thread pool backing the instance. As desired, we have offloaded the work of reading the file to another thread.

But there is one consequence that is not obvious: Because a thread belonging to is executing the work of o1, then it is that thread that invokes the downstream operators and calls our observer passed to the subscribe method of o4. We can verify this by printing the thread name at that point:

o4.subscribe(integer -> {
    System.out.println("Received value " + integer + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()));

When run, this prints:

Reading file on thread RxCachedThreadScheduler-1
Received value 1 on thread RxCachedThreadScheduler-1
Received value 9 on thread RxCachedThreadScheduler-1
Received value 25 on thread RxCachedThreadScheduler-1

Above the observer passed to the subscribe method of o4 simply prints the emitted values to the screen. But we can easily imagine cases where the provided observer must execute on the main thread. (Such as an Android application where the upstream Observable makes a network request, and the downstream observer consumes this response by updating the application state.)

To ensure that the emitted events are observed on the desired thread, we use method observeOn.

Using observeOn

The observeOn method applies to downstream Observable instances. Its Scheduler parameter specifies the thread on which events, such as the next emitted value or the stream terminating normally or with an error, are observed downstream.

As we have seen, if you use subscribeOn so that the upstream Observable instance performs work on another thread, and if that work emits events that is consumed downstream, then you should typically also use observeOn. This ensures that the consumption of the events happen on the proper thread, which is typically the main thread that called subscribe.

Assuming we are writing an Android application, we can observe the events on the main thread like so:

Observable<Integer> o4 = o3
o4.subscribe(integer -> {
    System.out.println("Received value " + integer + " on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()));

When run, this prints:

Reading file on thread RxCachedThreadScheduler-1
Received value 1 on thread main
Received value 9 on thread main
Received value 25 on thread main

Note that by placing the observeOn method immediately before the call to subscribe on o4, it is the RxCachedThreadScheduler-1 thread that executes the logic of the filter and map operators. This is ideal, as you should not schedule more work than necessary on your main thread.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, near every call to subscribeOn should be a call to observeOn. As Dan Lew suggests in his excellent Don't break the chain article, consider defining a Transformer that calls both of these methods.