A procuring body that decides to use EN 301 549 "Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe", for accessibility requirements in the Technical Specification, has two options:
- refer to the Functional Performance Statements in clause 4.2 of EN 301 549
- refer to appropriate Functional Accessibility Requirements in clauses 5-13 of EN 301 549.
For more advice see http://mandate376.nomensa.com/procurement-stages/call-for-tender
The offered solution shall meet Clauses 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.7,,,, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5.2, 6.5.3, 6.5.4, 6.6, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.3, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3, 9.2.4, 9.2.5, 9.2.6, 9.2.7, 9.2.8, 9.2.9, 9.2.10, 9.2.11, 9.2.12, 9.2.13, 9.2.14, 9.2.15, 9.2.16, 9.2.17, 9.2.18, 9.2.19, 9.2.20, 9.2.21, 9.2.22, 9.2.23, 9.2.24, 9.2.25, 9.2.26, 9.2.27, 9.2.28, 9.2.29, 9.2.30, 9.2.31, 9.2.32, 9.2.33, 9.2.34, 9.2.35, 9.2.36, 9.2.37, 9.2.38, 9.3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11.4.1, 11.4.2, 11.5, 11.6.1, 11.6.2, 11.6.3, 11.6.4, 11.6.5, 12.1.1, 12.1.2, 12.2.2, 12.2.3, 12.2.4, 13.2, 13.3 from EN 301 549"Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe", available at http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_en/301500_301599/301549/01.01.01_60/en_301549v010101p.pdf
Any of the following means of proof will be accepted:
- Accredited third party certification - a certificate with content compliant with Annex B.5 in CEN/CLC/ETSI/TR 101 552 "Guidance for the application of conformity assessment to accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe", and issued by a conformity assessment body, accredited in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European parliament and of the Council.
- A test report from a conformity assessment body, accredited in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
- A Supplier's Declaration of Conformity compliant with Annex B.2 in CEN/CLC/ETSI/TR 101 552.
- A First Party Declaration, compliant with Annex B.1 in CEN/CLC/ETSI/TR 101 552.
- A technical dossier of the manufacturer of the offered Web-based internet and intranet system.
Note 1: the statement of conformity should be compliant with clause C1 of EN 301 549, i.e. the statement of conformity should have a form that:
- makes clear whether there is compliance with all the applicable requirements or whether there is only compliance with some requirements;
- notes the sampling and assessment techniques used to evaluate the ICT;
- notes whether equivalent accessible functionality exists in places where non-compliance was found;
- notes whether equivalent means were used that achieve the outcome envisioned, where technical non-compliance was found.
Note 2: "Technical dossier" is a term used in EU procurement directives. A technical dossier could be a product sheet or a technical description. This dossier shall be issued by the manufacturer and must not be produced specifically for the tender in question.