Pipeline to replicate Katsman et. al fragmentomics results
Requires: guppy minimap2 bwa samtools picard bedtools R perl
Rpackages: "vroom", "data.table", "ggplot2", "ComplexHeatmap", "circlize", "pals", "ggplot2", "ggbeeswarm", "ggpubr"
To download raw data refere to Katsman et al. publication
It's possible that you need to trim Ns at 3’ end of illumina reads. You can do it as you prefere; alternatively, a custom script is provided:
perl ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/General/trim_Ns.pl sample.fastq.gz output_folder
Align with bwa mem and filter out unmapped reads, supplementary and secondary alignments. Sort by coordinates
bwa mem reference.fa sample_R1.fastq sample_R2.fastq | samtools view -F 0x4 -F 0x100 -F 0x800 -b | samtools sort -O BAM -o sample.srt.bam
Mark duplicates using picard
java -jar /bin/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=sample.srt.bam O=sample.marked_duplicates.srt.bam M=sample.metrics
Filter out duplicates, reads not in proper pair and alignments with mapping quality < 20. Filter out aligments with TLEN >= 700bp
samtools view -F 0x400 -q 20 -f 0x2 -h sample.marked_duplicates.srt.bam | awk '( $9 < 700 || $1 ~ /^@/ )' | samtools view -bS - -o sample.filtered.bam
If analysing a multiplex run, demultiplex your basecalled fastq files using guppy_barcoder (according to the developer instructions)
guppy_barcoder -i fastq_pass/ -s demultiplexed_fastq/ --trim_barcodes --barcode_kits EXP-NBD104 --compress_fastq
If you want to keep only reads with barcodes at both ends use the --require_barcodes_both_ends flag
guppy_barcoder -i fastq_pass/ -s demultiplexed_fastq_bothbarcodes/ --require_barcodes_both_ends --trim_barcodes --barcode_kits EXP-NBD104 --compress_fastq
keep the ids of these reads as they will be useful later (see "Fragment Length" section)
gzip -dc sample.fastq.gz | grep -o "@........-....-....-....-............" | sed 's/@//' > ~/Fragmentomics/Data/BOTH_BARCODES/sample.ids
Align with minimap2 and filter out unmapped reads, supplementary and secondary alignments, and alignments with mapping quality < 20. Annotate TLEN field with read length obtained from CIGAR string (custom script provided) and filter out alignments with TLEN >= 700bp
minimap2 -ax map-ont --MD -L reference.mmi sample.fastq.gz | samtools view -h -q 20 -F 0x4 -F 0x100 -F 0x800 | perl ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/General/samCigarToTlen.pl | awk '( $9 < 700 || $1 ~ /^@/ )' | samtools view -bS - -o sample.filtered.bam
Then store your filtered bams in a folder of your choice for the subsequent steps (in this tutorial ~/Fragmentomics/Data) Perform all the subsequent commands from that folder. The Genome_Biol_Data_analyzed contains the final analyzed files from Katsman et al. for plotting
Enter the folder in which the filtered bams (from now on "sample.bam") are stored (~/Fragmentomics/Data/) and create the folders for the subsequent analysis
Create .stats files (custom format)
samtools view sample.bam | perl ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/General/stats_maker_0basedstart.pl > STATS/sample.stats
.stats files are 15 column, tab separated files which are used for both 4-mer and read-length analysis. In order, the columns are:
- Contig name
- Alignment start position (0-based)
- Alignment end position (1-based)
- Read-id
- 0 (for formatting purposes)
- strand
- sam flag
- mapping quality
- Left Hard clip length (from CIGAR)
- Left Soft clip length (from CIGAR)
- Aligment length (from CIGAR)
- Right Soft clip length (from CIGAR)
- Right Hard clip length (from CIGAR)
- Mate orientation (F or R, only for illumina)
- bam TLEN field
NC_000014.9 42181158 42181344 00000a94-0391-41f5-9a31-8fa0ba907910 0 + 0 60 0 0 186 1 0 NA 186
NC_000002.12 209229299 209229465 00000edf-2af4-4f11-bfb6-5c9800f27702 0 - 16 60 0 1 166 0 0 NA 166
NC_000007.14 41236402 41236569 00000f90-3b76-4e4a-925b-030dffc521dd 0 + 0 60 0 164 167 54 0 NA 167
NC_000007.14 30069730 30069868 0000a877-57f5-4eba-859c-81ef1197f442 0 + 0 60 0 0 138 0 0 NA 138
Use bedtools to extract template sequences using .stats files as bed. Then use awk to extract the first 4 nucleotides and print read names
bedtools getfasta -s -name -tab -fi reference.fa -bed STATS/sample.stats | awk '{{ print $1, substr($2,1,4)}}' | awk -v FS='::' -v OFS=' ' '{{print $1,$2,$3}}' > STATS/MOTIF/sample.motif
.motif files are 3 column, space separated files which report:
- Read-id
- contig:start-end(strand)
- 5' 4-mer
00000a1a-f400-4203-9aaf-5008d975bf73 NC_000003.12:49124212-49124348(+) CCCC
00000b41-de8c-4fe4-89fd-952d601ccef5 NC_000014.9:82929351-82929599(-) CTGG
00000f0b-ef56-401b-88ae-54085e19c8b5 NC_000020.11:4622611-4622769(-) cttt
0000a096-3c26-46ad-bb20-4ad452db2ea0 NC_000001.11:239968433-239968602(-) CCTT
Obtain the counts of each 4-mer motif using the custom script provided and the .motif files previously produced. You have to provide a list of the chromosome names you are including in the analysis in a chr_list.txt file (one chromosome per row). The file used for Katsman et. al is provided in the ~/Fragmentomics/Utility folder.
Rscript ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/Motifs/count_motif.R ~/Fragmentomics/Utility/chr_list.txt STATS STATS/MOTIF STATS/MOTIF/MOTIF_COUNTS/ sample
This will produce .motif.R files, which are R objects (tables) with the raw count of each 4-mer motif.
Use ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/Motifs/motif_heatmap.R file to make the heatmap from Figure 2 Use ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/Motifs/plot_motif_CCCA.R file to make the CCCA jitterplot from Figure 2
For both the scripts you have to provide a samples_info_heatmap.tsv file (the one used for Katsman et al. is included in the ~/Fragmentomics/Utility folder) with the following columns:
- MOTIF_COUNTS folder full path
- sample basename (file name without the extension)
- sample printed name
- Disease annotation: Cancer, Healthy (Can be specified if HU or ISPRO samples)
- Sample sex (not mandatory)
- Library type (Illumina, Nanopore, Nanopore_HU)
- Sample type (Healthy, Lung)
- Tumor Fraction
~/Fragmentomics/Data/STATS/MOTIF/MOTIF_COUNTS/ BC01.HAC BC01 Cancer M Nanopore Lung 0.252
~/Fragmentomics/Data/STATS/MOTIF/MOTIF_COUNTS/ BC04.HAC BC04 ISPRO M Nanopore Healthy 0
~/Fragmentomics/Data/STATS/MOTIF/MOTIF_COUNTS/ BC08_ILL BC08 Cancer M Illumina Lung 0.105
create folder for read length counts files
Obtain the counts of each readlength bin (1bp) You have to provide a list of the chromosome names you are including in the analysis in a chr_list.txt file (one chromosome per row). The file used for Katsman et. al is provided in the ~/Fragmentomics/Utility folder.
/usr/bin/Rscript ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/Read_length/count_readlength_illumina.R ~/Fragmentomics/Utility/chr_list.txt STATS STATS/READLENGTH_COUNTS sample
Obtain the counts of each readlength bin (1bp) You have to provide a list of the chromosome names you are including in the analysis in a chr_list.txt file (one chromosome per row). The file used for Katsman et. al is provided in the ~/Fragmentomics/Utility folder. You can provide a list of read ids which will be used for the analysis. For the paper, for multiplex runs, we used the ids of reads which had barcodes at both ends.
/usr/bin/Rscript ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/Read_length/count_readlength_nanopore_bothbarcodes.R ~/Fragmentomics/Utility/chr_list.txt STATS STATS/READLENGTH_COUNTS sample ~/Fragmentomics/Data/BOTH_BARCODES/sample.ids
Use "NO" if you don't want to provide an .ids file (for example for singleplex runs)
/usr/bin/Rscript ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/Read_length/count_readlength_nanopore_bothbarcodes.R ~/Fragmentomics/Utility/chr_list.txt STATS STATS/READLENGTH_COUNTS sample NO
you can create a list of read ids from a fastq (for example obtained via demultiplexing with guppy using the "--both-barcodes" flag) in this way
gzip -dc sample.fastq.gz | grep -o "@........-....-....-....-............" | sed 's/@//' > ~/Fragmentomics/Data/BOTH_BARCODES/sample.ids
Use ~/Fragmentomics/Scripts/Read_length/readlengh_plots.R file to make the read length jitterplots and density plots from figure 2.
You have to provide a samples_info_readlength.tsv file (the one used for Katsman et al. is included in the ~/Fragmentomics/Utility folder) with the following columns:
- READLENGTH_COUNTS folder full path
- sample basename (file name without the extension)
- sample printed name
- Disease annotation: Cancer, Healthy (Can be specified if HU or ISPRO samples)
- Sample sex (not mandatory)
- Library type (Illumina, Nanopore, Nanopore_HU)
- Sample type (Healthy, Lung)
- Tumor Fraction
~/Fragmentomics/STATS/READLENGTH_COUNTS/ BC01.HAC BC01 Cancer M Nanopore Lung 0.252
~/Fragmentomics/STATS/READLENGTH_COUNTS/ BC04.HAC BC04 ISPRO M Nanopore Healthy 0
~/Fragmentomics/STATS/READLENGTH_COUNTS/ BC08_ILL BC08 Cancer M Illumina Lung 0.105