This document describes how to install RedPepper Manager and Agent on Linux. If you want to use RedPepper on other platforms, you will have to install and configure it manually.
To install the Manager, run the following command:
curl | sudo bash
Set up the Smallstep CA for use with RedPepper by running this command after installing the Manager:
Note: Make sure to use the correct hostname for the CA server, or agents will not be able to request certificates from the CA.
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/redpepper-tools install-step-ca
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/redpepper-tools setup-step-ca
If your Manager server has a public domain name, you can use free certificates from LetsEncrypt for the API server and web console.
Alternatively, generate certificates for the API server with the Smallstep CA by running this command after setting up the CA:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/redpepper-tools install-step-keypair-manager-api
Generate certificates for agent communication by running this command after setting up the CA:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/redpepper-tools install-step-keypair-manager
To install the RedPepper Console, run the following command:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/redpepper-tools install-console
To install the Agent, run the following command:
curl | sudo bash
Run the following command to set up communication and authentication paramenters for an agent:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/redpepper-tools basic-agent-config
On agent machines, generate certificates for manager communication by running this command after setting up the CA on the manager machine:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/redpepper-tools install-step-keypair-agent
To upgrade the Manager, run the following command:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/uv tool upgrade redpepper-manager
To upgrade the Agent, run the following command:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/uv tool upgrade redpepper-agent
For both the Manager and Agent, you should also upgrade the tools package as well:
sudo -u redpepper /opt/redpepper/.local/bin/uv tool upgrade redpepper-tools
To uninstall everything, stop the services and delete the following files and directories: