PoemsForFrancePrototype is the initial dataset in Excel format, with additional tabs for Gephi nodes and edges.
These tabs have been copied to the following csv files in order to more easily generate the Gephi graph:
- letters
- person
- poems
- publications
- letter_mention_person
- letter_mention_poem
- letter_mention_publication
- person_author_poem
The graph can be downloaded and dragged into a Neo4j Browser window to import the database
- Persons are orange
- Poems are red
- Publications are blue
- Letters are beige
MATCH p=(:Person {firstName:' Nancy'})-[]-() RETURN p
Excludes letters sent or received directly by her. Cunard is the orange node in the top left, and Poems for France is the blue node in the middle, surrounded by red poems.
MATCH (p:Person {firstName:' Nancy'})-[]-()-[]-(n) RETURN p,n
- Person nodes have property types
, but Poem has property typesauthorFirstName
( oversight when importing the data but doesn't cause any issues) firstName
properties have a space at the beginning (iefirstName: ' Nancy'
notfirstName: 'Nancy'