Ensure docker is running
python3 -m venv ~/venv/molecule
. ~/venv/molecule/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
If using Artifactory, set the following environment variables
export ARTIFACTORY_URL=https://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory
export ARTIFACTORY_REPO=software-installers-repo
export ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Molecule examples see molecule --help
for full details
dependency, cleanup, destroy, syntax, create, prepare, converge, idempotence, side_effect, verify, cleanup, destroy
molecule test -s ihs-v90-rockylinux8
dependency, cleanup, destroy, syntax, create, prepare, converge, idempotence, side_effect, verify, cleanup, destroy
molecule test -s ihs-v90-rockylinux8 --destroy never
See next section for more examples or use molecule --help
docker build -t molecule:latest .
docker run --privileged -d \
--name molly \
-v [localPath/projectName:/opt/[projectName] \
-w /opt/[projectName] molecule:latest
Example 1. Using local installers
docker run --privileged -d \
--name molly \
-v /Users/devops/spm-middleware:/opt/spm-middleware \
-w /opt/spm-middleware molecule:latest
Example 2. Using installers from Artifactory
export ARTIFACTORY_URL=https://artifactory.mycompany.com/artifactory
export ARTIFACTORY_REPO=software-installers-repo
export ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
export LOCAL_PATH=/Users/devops/git/spm-middleware
docker run --privileged -d \
--name molly \
-v $LOCAL_PATH:/opt/spm-middleware \
-w /opt/spm-middleware molecule:latest
Create alias
alias modo='docker exec -it molly'
Run molecule test on single scenario
modo molecule test -s db2-115-rockylinux8
Run molecule test on single scenario - keep container
modo molecule test -s db2-115-rockylinux8 --destroy never
Run molecule in verbose mode
modo molecule test -s db2115 --destroy never -- -vvv
Check running containers within molecule container
modo docker ps
Connect to test container within running molecule container
modo docker exec -it rockylinux8 /bin/bash
New roles, playbooks, and modules are always welcome.
Contributions must meet a minimum criteria:
- Must have a Molecule scenario/test
- Must be idempotent
- Must pass Ansible linter (run
Table of Contents:
- Docker CE
- Python >= 3.6
- Creating a Python
is highly recommended!
- Creating a Python
- Python modules listed in
- Can be installed using
pip install -r ci-requirements.txt
- Can be installed using
- Repository cloned to
We use Molecule for testing our roles and have written converge playbooks and tests for all roles. We have developed a molecule image that can be used for development. Follow the instructions on Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/spmdevops/molecule
The Dockerfile that was used to create this image is located in the root directory.
The role must have a minimum of
file describing its functionality and requirementsmeta/main.yml
file with the authorship and license information for Ansible Galaxytasks/main.yml
file with the tasks
This structure can be generated from the provided skeleton structure using
ansible-galaxy role init --init-path ./roles --role-skeleton ./skeleton_role awesome_role
Note: Role names are limited to contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, plus _
and must begin with a letter.
To meet the acceptance requirements, the role must have a reasonable Molecule scenario defined.
In the molecule/
directory, copy the default
scenario, and update the converge.yml
and verify.yml
playbooks to run/check your new role
These playbooks may be run using the molecule [converge|verify] -s scenario_name
command, similar to Chef's Test-Kitchen framework
Using a python virtual environment is recommended for running molecule tests locally. Create it in the collection root (the root of your repository) with the venv
Using a venv lets you keep all the packages and requirements for your molecule tests in an isolated environment that can be cleaned easily from your machine.
python3 -m venv myenv (running this in the root of your repo will create a myenv folder)
source myenv/bin/activate (your command line will indicate you are venv. "deactivate" will exit the venv)
brew install yamllint
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptoolspython3 -m pip install "molecule[ansible]"
python3 -m pip install "molecule[docker,lint]"
molecule test -s ihs-v85-centos-7 --destroy never (destroy never tag keeps the docker environment, useful if you have a large download or similar in your test)
Docs: https://packaging.python.org/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/
Creating a new collection is quite simple:
- Copy a new repository from the
repo - Update the
files to match your desired namespace and collection name
To enable the Travis, set the following variables:
- GitHub Personal Access Token for tagging/publishing releaseARTIFACTORY_TOKEN
- Artifactory API Token, if required for your roles/playbooksARTIFACTORY_URL
- Artifactory URL, if required for your roles/playbooksARTIFACTORY_REPO
- Artifactory REPO, if required for your roles/playbooks
Note: Make sure to never commit any sensitive or private data!