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API Reference

Top-Level Exports


Every function described above is a top-level export. You can import any of them like this:

import { koaGraphql } from '@meltwater/mlabs-graphql'

Additionally, all modules from GraphQL.js and GraphQL-tools are reexported, and graphql-tag is reexported as the default export for this module, e.g.,

import gql, { graphql, makeExecutableSchema } from '@meltwater/mlabs-graphql'


Koa router for Apollo GraphQL Server GraphQL Playground.

Creates a new Apollo server instance for each request. The server is created with context set to the Koa ctx and assigned to ctx.state.apolloServer.

The server is created using the following logic:

  • If ctx.state.container is defined, resolve apolloServer from the Awilix container.
    • The passed options will be registered as gqlOptions before resolving apolloServer.
    • The Koa context will be registered as gqlContext before resolving apolloServer.
  • If ctx.state.container is not defined, look for gqlTypeDefs, gqlResolvers, and gqlSchema in ctx.state and pass to createServer as typeDefs, resolvers, and schema respectively.
    • If schema, resolvers, or typeDefs are passed these will override any corresponding values in ctx.state.


  1. options (object): Any additional options are passed directly to createServer.
    • schema (object): The GraphQL schema. Default: null.
    • typeDefs (object): The GraphQL type defs. Default: null.
    • resolvers (object): The GraphQL resolvers map. Default: null.
    • middleware (array): Koa middleware to use after Apollo server starts but before the request is handled.
    • graphqlRoot (string): Path to serve GraphQL endpoint. Default: /graphql.
    • subscriptionsRoot (string): Path to serve GraphQL subscriptions endpoint. Default: /subscriptions.
    • playgroundRoot (string): Path to serve GraphQL Playground endpoint. If null, the endpoint will be unavailable. Default: /playground.


(object): The router.


graphqlRouter = koaGraphql()


Create an Apollo Server. Either typeDefs and resolvers or a schema must be provided.


  1. options (object): Any additional options are passed directly to the Apollo Server.
    • schema (object): The GraphQL schema. If given will override all other schema-specific options below.
    • typeDefs (array): The GraphQL type defs. Must be either an array of only strings or an array of only strings tagged with gql, an array of mixed types is not currently supported.
    • resolvers (object): The GraphQL resolvers map.
    • remoteResolvers (object): The GraphQL remote resolvers map.
    • schemaDirectives (object): The schemaDirectives option when creating or merging the schema.
    • mergeInfo (object): The mergeInfo option for mergeSchemas.
    • transformSchema (function): The transformSchema option for mergeSchemas.
    • onTypeConflict (function): The onTypeConflict option for mergeSchemas.
    • graphqlRoot (string): Path to serve GraphQL endpoint. Default: /graphql.
    • subscriptionsRoot (string): Path to serve GraphQL subscriptions endpoint. Default: /subscriptions.
    • log (object): A Logger. Default: one will be created.




Execute a query on a schema (wraps graphql).


  1. options (object):
    • query (object): The graphql requestString argument.
    • schema (object): The graphql schema argument.
    • variables (object): The graphql variableValues argument.
    • root (object): The graphql rootValue argument.
    • context (object): The graphql contextValue argument.
    • throwGqlErrors (boolean): If true, throw when any errors are returned. Default: true.
    • log (object): A Logger. Default: one will be created.


(object) Promise from the graphql function.


Fetch a remote schema from a GraphQL endpoint using Apollo Link and makeRemoteExecutableSchema.

Returns a promise.


  1. options (object):
    • origin (string required): The GraphQL server URL origin.
    • path (string): The GraphQL endpoint on the server. Default: /graphql.
    • token (string): Token to send in the authorization header. Default: none.
    • link (object): The Apollo Link to use. Default: create a new Apollo HTTP Link.
    • linkOptions (object): Options passed directly to Apollo HTTP Link if link is not provided.
    • schemaOptions (object): Options passed directly to makeRemoteExecutableSchema. Default: none.



  • schema: The remote executable schema.
  • link: The Apollo Link for the remote schema.
  • health: An async function that will fetch a new schema, compare the current schema, and throw if they differ.
  • introspectionQueryResultData: The data returned from the introspection query.

fetchRemoteSchemas(schemas, options)

Fetch remote schemas from a GraphQL endpoint using fetchRemoteSchema(options).

Returns a promise.


  1. schemas (object): Object where each value is passed to fetchRemoteSchema.
  2. options: (object): Default options to merge with each schema before passing to fetchRemoteSchema.


(object): Object with the same keys as schemas with values replaced by the return of fetchRemoteSchema.


Create a GraphQLClient. If a link or cache are not provided, they will be created.

The Apollo Client fetchPolicy option is set to no-cache by default for each operation.


  1. options (object): Any additional options are passed directly to the GraphQLClient.
    • origin (string): The GraphQL server URL origin. Default: an empty string.
    • path (string): The GraphQL endpoint on the server. Default: /graphql.
    • reqId (string): Request id to send in the x-request-id header. Default: none.
    • token (string): Token to send in the authorization header. Default: none.
    • log (object): A Logger. Default: none, but one will be created by the GraphQLClient.
    • cache (object): The Apollo Cache to use. Default: create a new Apollo InMemoryCache.
    • cacheOptions (object): Options passed directly to Apollo InMemoryCache if cache is not provided.
    • link (object): The Apollo Link to use. Default: create a new Apollo HTTP Link.
    • linkOptions (object): Options passed directly to Apollo HTTP Link if link is not provided.
    • apolloClientOptions (object): Options passed directly to Apollo Client.




const client = createClient({
  origin: '',
  reqId: null,

registerClient(container, client)

Register a GraphQLClient and its dependencies in the Awilix container.

The container must provide the dependencies registry, log and reqId. The reqId will be sent in the x-request-id header. The registry is passed as metricRegistry to the GraphQLClient.

For example, registering a client named gql will register the following dependencies:

  • gqlClientCache: The Apollo InMemoryCache (singleton).
  • gqlClientHttpLink: The Apollo HTTP Link (singleton).
  • gqlClientLink: The Apollo Link (scoped). Combines the HTTP Link and request id header forwarding.
  • gqlClientApolloClient: The Apollo Client (scoped). Uses gqlClientCache and gqlClientLink. The fetchPolicy option is set to no-cache by default for each operation.
  • gqlClient: The GraphQLClient (scoped). Uses gqlClientApolloClient.

Any of these dependencies may be overridden manually be registering a compatible dependency under the corresponding name.


  1. container (object required): The Awilix container.
  2. client (object):
    • name (string): The (unique) client name. The client will be registered as ${name}Client. Default: gql.
    • origin (string): The GraphQL server URL origin. Default: an empty string.
    • path (string): The GraphQL endpoint on the server. Default: /graphql.
    • token (string): Token to send in the authorization header. Default: none.
    • cacheOptions (object): Options passed directly to Apollo InMemoryCache.
    • linkOptions (object): Options passed directly to Apollo HTTP Link.
    • apolloClientOptions (object): Options passed directly to Apollo Client.
    • clientOptions (object): Options passed directly to GraphQLClient.




registerClient(container, {
  name: 'foo',
  origin: ''

const client = container.resolve('fooClient')

registerClients(container, clients, defaults)

Register each GraphQLClient and its dependencies in the Awilix container using registerClient.


  1. container (object required): The Awilix container.
  2. clients (object): The clients to register. Each key will be used as the client name and the value will be passed as the second argument to registerClient.
  3. defaults (object): Options to apply to each client by default.



registerServer(container, models, options)

Register a GraphQL server and its dependencies in the Awilix container. The options argument is optional and will be passed to createServer.

The container must provide the dependency log.

Register the following dependencies as well as named dependencies for each model (see below). Any of these may be overridden by re-registering them after calling this method.

  • gqlTypeDefs (singleton). Pass useScopedTypeDefs = true in options to override this.
  • gqlResolvers (scoped).
  • gqlRemoteResolvers (scoped).
  • gqlSchemas (scoped).
  • gqlSchema (scoped).
  • gqlSchemaDirectives (scoped).
  • gqlContext (scoped).
  • gqlOptions (scoped).
  • gqlExec (scoped). Function that wraps execSchema(options) and takes the following arguments: query, operationName, variables, context,
  • apolloServer (scoped). Pass useScopedServer = false in options to use singleton.
  • apolloServerStart: Calls willStart.
  • apolloServerStop: Calls stop.
  • installApolloServerSubscriptionHandlers: Calls installSubscriptionHandlers for websocket subscriptions support. Depends on server as a registered dependency which should be an instance of the Node.js built in http.Server.

Each model is an object containing any or all of typeDefs, resolvers, schema, directive, directiveResolver, remoteResolver, mutation, and query. Each of these should be a factory function which will be registered in the container and thus may request dependencies. (Supplying a constant non-factory functions is also supported.) The name of the model is its key in the model object and is prefixed to the registered dependencies. For example, if the models object has a key Cat, then CatTypeDefs, CatResolvers, CatRemoteResolvers, CatSchema, CatDirective, CatDirectiveResolver, CatMutation, and CatQuery may all be registered. See the example below for the format of each type.


The following properties are added to the context:

  • container: The Awilix container scoped to the request.
  • getDep: Alias for container.resolve.
  • getDeps: Function that takes a list of dependency names and resolves them as an object. Additional arguments are passed to container.resolve.


  1. container (object required): The Awilix container.
  2. models (object): The models to register.




const Cat = `
  type Cat {
    name: String
    type: CatType
    food: FoodType

const CatType = ({ catTypes }) => `
  enum CatType {
    ${catTypes.join(' ')}

const typeDefs = ({ catTypes }) => () => [
  CatType({ catTypes }),

export const resolvers = ({
}) => ({
  food: (...args) => FoodQuery.get(...args)

export const query = ({ catService }) => ({
  get: (parent, { id }, context, info) => catService.get(id)

export const mutation = ({ catService }) => ({
  create: (parent, { input }, context, info) => {
    return catService.create(input)

const catModel = {

const foodModel = {...} // will define FoodQuery.get(...)
const QueryModel = {...} // will use CatQuery.get(...)
const MutationModel = {...} // will use CatMutation.create(...)
const RootModel = {...} // will define Query and Mutation under schema

registerModels(container, {
  Food: FoodModel,
  Cat: CatModel,
  Root: RootModel


Convenient query and mutate examples for projects using examplr.

  • Each example receives the same options and takes the same arguments (see below).
  • The query (mutation) example looks for a queries (mutations) directory under dataRoot.
  • The GraphQL query or mutation is loaded from a file matching ${name}.graphql. The corresponding variables are loaded from a file matching ${name}.${vars}.json.
  • By default, to support queries without variables, the special name default is used for vars, in which case there is no error if the variables file is not found.


  • dataRoot (string required): Path containing the queries and mutations directories.
  • graphqlOrigin (string required): The GraphQL server URL origin.
  • graphqlPath (string): The GraphQL endpoint on the server. Default: /graphql.
  • graphqlVarTransforms (object): Functions to transform the variables loaded from the JSON file before making a request. Looks for a transform function under queries[name] or mutations[name]. Each function will receive the variables as an object and should return a new object. Additionally, all arguments passed to the example will be passed to the transform function as additional arguments beyond the first (name, vars, etc.). Default: no transforms.
  • graphqlClientOptions (object): Additional options to pass to createClient. Use defaultOptions inside this to directly affect the query or mutation.
  • graphqldefaultNames (object): Default names to use for queries and mutations. Default: {query: 'query', mutation: 'mutation'}.
  • log (object): The Logger.


  1. name (string): The name of the query or mutation to load.
  2. vars (string): The name of variables to load.


(object): The {data} result from the query or mutation.


Create examples/mutations/foo.graphql and examples/mutations/foo.default.json, then update an existing set of examplr examples, e.g.,

/* examples/index.js */

import createExamples from '@meltwater/examplr'

import { examples } from '@meltwater/mlabs-graphql'

const envVars = [

const defaultOptions = {
  graphqlVarTransforms: {
    mutations: {
      bar: vars => ({...vars, date:})
  graphqlDefaultNames: {query: 'foo', 'mutation': 'bar'},
  graphqlOrigin: 'http://localhost:9000',
  dataRoot: __dirname

if (require.main === module) {
  const { runExample } = createExamples({


Collect metrics with Prometheus client.

Call this function once with a Prometheus Registry instance and pass the same Registry instance to each GraphQLClient that should send metrics to this Registry.

The list of (un-prefixed) metric names is exported as metricNames.


  1. options (object):
    • register (object required): Prometheus registry to use for metrics.
    • prefix (string): Prefix to prepend to all metric names. Default: graphql_client_.
    • metricOptions (object): Override options for each metric. Default: no overrides.




const register = new Registry()

  prefix: 'my_prefix_',
  options: {
    'request_duration_milliseconds': {
      buckets: [0, 200, 300, 800]

const client = createClient({ metricRegistry: register })
await client.query(...)



All methods are asynchronous (return a promise).


  1. options (object):
    • apolloClient (object required): The Apollo Client instance to use for requests.
    • name (string): The client name (for logging). Default: graphql.
    • retry (object or number): Options to pass directly to async-retry.
    • metricRegistry (object): Prometheus Registry to collect metrics. Default: null (metrics disabled).
    • metricPrefix (object): Prefix prepend to all metric names. Default: See collectClientMetrics.
    • healthQuery: Query used for health check. Default: standard type query.
    • reqId (string): A request id to bind to the instance. Default: one will be generated.
    • reqIdHeader (string): Name of the header to use for the request id. Default: x-request-id.
    • reqNameHeader (string): Name of the header to use for the request name. Default: x-request-name.
    • responseLogLevel (string): Log level to log successful responses. If this level is active, then successful responses will be logged according to the other log response options. Default: debug.
    • willLogOptions (boolean): If true, log additional options passed to the client methods under meta. Default: true.
    • willLogResponseProps (boolean): If true, log props returned by getLogResponseProps. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level. Default: true.
    • willLogResponseData (boolean): If true, log data returned by getLogResponseData. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level. Default: true.
    • getLogResponseProps (function): Receives the full response from ApolloClient and returns an object whose properties will be logged at the top level. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level. Default: no additional props are logged.
    • getLogResponseData (function): Receives the full response from ApolloClient and returns an object whose properties will be logged under data. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level and willLogResponseData is set. Default: logs the full ApolloClient response.
    • log (object): A Logger. Default: a new logger.


import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client'
import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'
import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'

const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  link: new HttpLink({uri})

const client = createClient({apolloClient})



(boolean): If the client is healthy.

query(query, options)


  1. query (string required): The GraphQL query.
  2. options (object): Options to pass to the Apollo Client query method.

Alternatively, if a single argument is provided as an object, it is passed directly to the Apollo Client query method.

  • Failing requests will be retried on certain errors.
  • If the query is given an operation name or name is given as an option (in either case above), log messages will include the name and the name will be sent in the request name header.
  • Pass the meta option to log additional properties to the meta key.
  • Pass the logProps option to log additional properties at the top-level.
  • The following options may be set per-request to override the defaults defined by the constructor: retry, willLogOptions, willLogResponseProps, willLogResponseData, getLogResponseProps, getLogResponseData and responseLogLevel.


const query = gql`query Hello { hello }`

// Each call will execute the same query and log 'Query Hello: Start'
// and set the request name to 'Query Hello'.
client.query(query, {name: 'Hello'})
client.query({query, name: 'Hello'})


(object): The response.

mutate(mutation, options)


  1. mutation (string required): The GraphQL mutation.
  2. options (object): Options to pass to Apollo Client mutate method.

Alternatively, if a single argument is provided as an object, it is passed directly to the Apollo Client mutate method.

  • Failing requests will be retried on certain errors.
  • If the mutation is given an operation name or name is given as an option (in either case above), log messages will include the name and the name will be sent in the request name header.
  • Pass the meta option to log additional properties to the meta key.
  • Pass the logProps option to log additional properties at the top-level.
  • The following options may be set per-request to override the defaults defined by the constructor: retry, willLogOptions, willLogResponseProps, willLogResponseData, getLogResponseProps, getLogResponseData and responseLogLevel.


const mutation = gql`{ mutation Greeting { setGreeting(name: "Hola") } }`

// Each call will execute the same mutation and log 'Mutation Greeting: Start'
// and set the request name to 'Mutation Greeting'.
client.mutate(mutation, {name: 'Greeting'})
client.mutate({mutation, name: 'Greeting'})


(object): The response.