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AWS SageMaker Workflow for GitHub Actions

This template repository contains a sample application and sample GitHub Actions workflow files for continuously deploying both application code and infrastructure as code with GitHub Actions.

This MLOps workflow demonstrates training and evaluating a machine learning model to predict taxi fare from the public New York City Taxi dataset deployed with Amazon SageMaker.

This repository contains a number of start workflow files for GitHub Actions:

  1. build-deploy-pipeline.yml This workflow runs when a pull request is opened or commit with the following stages:
  • build: This workflow creates or updates the Sagemaker Pipeline, and starts an execution in the development environment.
  • deploy_staging: This workflow deploys the SageMaker endpoint in the staging environment.
  • deploy_prod: This workflow deploys the SageMaker endpoint with Model Monitor in the prod environment.
  1. publish-template.yml runs when a new commit is pushed to the main branch in the aws environment:
  • Synths and uploads the CFN templates and build & deploy assets for launching the stack.

Create a GitHub repository from this template

Click the "Use this template" button above to create a new repository from this template.

Clone your new repository, and deploy the IAM resources needed to enable GitHub Actions to deploy CloudFormation templates:

aws cloudformation deploy \
  --stack-name amazon-sagemaker-workflow-for-github-actions \
  --template-file cloudformation/github-actions-setup.yml \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
  --region us-east-1

You can review the permissions that your repository's GitHub Actions deployment workflow will have in the github-actions-setup.yml CloudFormation template.

Retrieve the IAM access key credentials that GitHub Actions will use for deployments:

aws secretsmanager get-secret-value \
  --secret-id github-actions-sagemaker \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --query SecretString \
  --output text

The GitHub Actions workflow has three stages: Model build, Deploy to staging, and Deploy to production. Each has their on environment which secrets and optional protection rules.

  1. development This is the environment in which runs your Model Build and starts the SageMaker pipeline execution, and on completion it will publish a model to the Registry. It is recommend you run this on pull_request and push.
  2. staging This second stage deploys your Staging endpoint. It is recommend you run this on commit to the development branch and configure a protection rule to continue after you have approved the model in the SageMaker Model Registry.
  3. prod This final stage deploys you Production Endpoint. It is recommend you this on commit the main branch with a protection rule to require approval after Staging endpoint has been tested.

For each of the environments you will require setting up the following secrets.

  1. Create a secret named AWS_REGION defaulted to region us-east-1
  2. Create a secret named AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID containing the AccessKeyId value returned above.
  3. Create a secret named AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY containing in the SecretAccessKey value returned above.
  4. Create a secret named AWS_SAGEMAKER_ROLE containing the SageMakerRoleArn output in the setup stack.

If you configure protection rules for you environments, you will need to click Review deployments to approve the next stage as show below:

Execution Role

When the workflow successfully completes, you will have both Endpoints deployed in staging and production, with drift detection enable which will trigger re-training on drift.