1.17.0 (2024-10-18)
- add cht-sync collector and update the sql exporter example (b31f6b0)
1.16.0 (2024-09-18)
1.15.0 (2024-09-18)
1.14.0 (2024-05-16)
- couch-backlog: multi-couch2pg isntances on 1 db, update fake-cht, add prometheus env vars (#108) (7bfcbf7)
1.13.0 (2024-05-10)
- #99: add couch2pg exporter compose file to run stand alone without watchdog (#102) (7817175), closes #99
1.12.0 (2024-04-25)
1.11.2 (2023-09-28)
1.11.1 (2023-09-21)
1.11.0 (2023-09-21)
1.10.0 (2023-09-07)
1.8.2 (2023-07-28)
1.8.1 (2023-06-27)
1.8.0 (2023-06-21)
1.7.0 (2023-06-20)
1.6.0 (2023-06-14)
1.5.2 (2023-06-14)
1.5.1 (2023-06-14)
1.5.0 (2023-06-13)
1.4.1 (2023-06-06)
1.4.0 (2023-05-30)
1.3.0 (2023-05-23)
1.2.1 (2023-05-15)
1.2.0 (2023-05-15)
- #34: automate releases (#42) (158ff6e), closes #34 #34 #34 #34 #34 #34 #34 #34 #34
- releases: fix releases tag format (#48) (66f07de)