Customize Editor
- We want a cube generate random color.
MeshRenderer meshRenderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if(meshRenderer) { meshRenderer.sharedMaterial.color = Random.ColorHSV(); }
- CustomEditor adds custom Editor UI
- now we want to change cube color by a button in editor
- put editor codes under
folder, any assets underEditor
won't be included when building a executable. - don't even attack the script to any object
- OnInspectorGUI to add functionality
Using UnityEditor; ... [CustomEditor(typeof(CubeLogic))] // We want to custom the inspector panel of `CubeLogic` script public class CubeLogicEditor: Editor { // not Monobehavior Color m_color; public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); CubeLogic cubeLogic = (CubeLogic)target; // access CubeLogic // add GUI lable GUILayout.Label( "Press the button below to generate a color" ); // add GUI button if(GUILayout.Button("Generate Color")) { if (cubeLogic) { cubeLogic.GenerateColor(); } } } }
- GUILayout.Lable
- GUILayout.Button
- EditorGUILayout.Colorfield
[CustomEditor(typeof(CubeLogic))] // We want to custom the inspector panel of `CubeLogic` script public class CubeLogicEditor: Editor { // not Monobehavior ... EditorGUILayout.ColorField( "Select your color", m_color ); // add another GUI button if(GUILayout.Button("Set Colorfield Color")) { if (cubeLogic) { cubeLogic.SetColor(m_color); } } }
- Make 2 GUI items lie in same line
GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); ... item1 ... item2 ... GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
- EditorGUILayout.Slider
m_cubeSize = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_cubeSize, 0, 5); ... transform.localscale = Vector3.one * scale ;
- Execute actions in EditorMode
- MenuItem allows adding new entries in Toolbars
- Execute action by clicking on it or by assigning a shortcut
public class CustomMenuItems: Editor { [MenuItem("Tools/PlayerPrefs/Delete All")] private static void DeleteAllPlayerPrefs() { PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); } [MenuItem("Tools/Spawn/Ground Platform")] private static void SpawnGroundPlatform() { GameObject basePlatform = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); basePlatform.transform.localscale = new Vector3(30,1,30); } }
- EditorWindow allows creation of new Windows
- Each Window can have unique functionality
public void RenameObjectsWindow: EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Tools/Rename Objects/Rename Object From Selection")] static void RenameObject() { EditorWindow window = GetWindow(typeof(RenameObjectsWindow)); window.show(); } // add GUI items on window private void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label("Select an object in the scene hierarchy to rename"); if (Selection.activeGameObject) { Selection.activeGameObject.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Object name: ", Selection.activeGameObject.name); } Repaint(); } }
public void RenameMultipleObjectsWindow: EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Tools/Rename Objects/Rename Object From Selection")] static void RenameObject() { EditorWindow window = GetWindow(typeof(RenameMultipleObjectsWindow)); window.show(); } // add GUI items on window private void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label("Select all object in the scene hierarchy to rename"); m_inputName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Object name: ", Selection.activeGameObject.name); int numObjectsSelected = Selection.gameObjects.Length; if (numObjectsSelected > 0) { for(int index=0; index< numObjectsSelected; ++index) { Selection.gameObjects[index].name = m_inputName ; } } Repaint(); } }
- Selection.activeObject -> Main active object as shown in inspector
- Selection.gameOjbect -> Multiple objects selected using CTRL
- Spawn Select Object
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler( new Vector3(rotX, rotY, rotZ) ); Instantiate(Selection.activeGameObject, new Vector3(posX, posY, posX) , rotation, null);
- Spawn Trees Onto Platform
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ) ; Ray ray = new Ray(pos, Vector3.down) ; RaycastHit rayHit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out rayHit, 10.0f)) { ... }
- EditorWindow allows creation of new Windows
GUI selector
private void OnGUI() { ... string[] selectionOptions = { "Enter Position Coordinates", "Select Spawn Box" } ; m_selectionIndex = GUILayout.SelectionGrid( m_selectionIndex, selectionOptions, selectionOptions.Length-1 ) ; if (m_selectionIndex==0) { ... } else { ... } ... }
- in order to set unity for source control, Project Settings/Editor
- Version Control ->
Visible Meta Files
- Asset Serializtion ->
Force Text
- Version Control ->
- unity folders shouble be ignored by SCM
- Library/ , obj/ , Temp/
- UNet [Command] & [ClientRpc]
- let's say a player wants to shoot, you would use a [Command] function.
- let's say you shoot at other player, and other player dies, and the server want to broadcast the dying to all other players, in that case you uses [ClientRpc]
- [SyncVar] + [ClientRpc] to sync varialbes
declare that this variable will be sync whenever a new client joins
- Sprite Sheet
- import your sprite sheet into unity, in inspector, et
Sprite Mode
, apply - launch Sprite Editor,
it, add Apply. - you can click each sprite, see its name, position, border , etc...
- in assets windows, drag the sprite you want to use into the scene
- import your sprite sheet into unity, in inspector, et
- If you enlarge the sprite ( by scaling ), it will blur.
- solve it by setting the sprite sheet
Filter Mode
toPoint (no filter)
- solve it by setting the sprite sheet
- 2D Movement using Rigidbody2D
- CharacterController is NOT available in Unity2D, use Rigidbody2D instead
- Calculating movement using input is similar, now useing Vector2
m_rigidBody.MovePosition( m_rigidBody.position + m_movementVelocity * Time.deltaTime );
- Animating Sprites
- name sprites using Spritesheet Editor
- Open Animation window adn setup sprites in order
- select the charactor , Window > Animation > Animation > Create
- it will also automatically create an Animator Controller
- setup Animator Controller for Player Sprite
- 2D Triggers & attack collisions
- Setup BoxCollider2D around character
- Make as Trigger
- Activate during Attack using View Direction
m_hitColliders[index].enabled = true;
- Deactivate after Attack
m_hitColliders[index].enabled = false ;
- Add a sprite as bg
- create 2D Object > Sprite
- draw image to the sprite renderer
- rescale it
- UI
- create UI > ...
- Canvas , UI Scale Mode -> Scale with Screen Size
- Profiler
- Window > Analysis
- When you open profile windows, be sure to turn on
Deep Profile
- performance optimization
- use Static Batching when possible
- Reduce & Reuse Textures
- Use Culling to reduce Rendered Objects
- default by camera
- Optimize objects using LOD
- Optimize Physics calculations using LayerMasks
- when using raycast, you won't want to check every collider
- Use simple colliders and don't overuse Rigidbodies