- var / let
- var means mutable , let means constant.
- really important in swift
- it's a multi-threaded environment from the very beginning .
- they make no compromise for single-threaded performance
- string interpolation
- let apples = 3
- let oranges = 5
I have \(apples+oranges) fruits.
- array
- pretty same
var emptyArray = [String]()
, or []
- dictionary
- not
, but [ "a":xxx ]
var emptyDictionary = [String:Float]()
, or [:]
if type cam be inferred
- for
for xxx in xxxx { }
for i in 0..<4
for i in 0...3
for var i=0;i<4;i++
- optional construct
var optionalString: String? = "Hello"
- optional variables have actually 2 states: have nothing , or have a value
- 0 is not the same thing as nothing
- switch
- you can switch on many types , integer, string , object, ...
- tuple
for (key, value) in someDict { ... }
- while / do ... while
- function
- keyword:
func calc( scores:[Int] ) -> (min: Int, max: Int, sum: Int) { return (0,0,0) }
let result = calc( [5,3,100,3,9])
- return value is more than just a tuple, it's actually a named tuple
- function can be nested
- functions are actually a special case of closures: blocks of code that can be called later.
// you can write a closure without a name by surrounding code with braces {}
// use in to separate the arguments and return type from the body
(number: Int) -> Int in
let result = 3*number
return result
// or more concisely
// when a closure's type is already known, such as the callback for a delegate
// you can omit the type of its parameters , its return type, or both
let mappedNumbers = numbers.map( { number in 3*number } )
// You can refer to parameters by number instead of by name
// When a closure is the only argument to a function, you can omit the parentheses entirely.
let sortedNumbers = numbers.sorted { $0 > $1 }
- class
var shape = Shape()
in python => init
in swift
- inherit :
class square: Shape {
- override :
override func xxxx
- getter / setter
var perimeter : Double {
get {
return 3.0 * sideLength ;
set {
sideLength = newValue / 3.0
- structure
- structures are passed by value
- and this gets into the whole multi-threaded multiprocessing