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3356 lines (2551 loc) · 93.9 KB

Modern C++

Modern C++: Build and Tools (Lecture 1, I. Vizzo, 2020)

Compilation flags

  • -std=c++17, -o, etc
  • Enable all warnings, treat them as errors
    • -Wall, -Wextra, -Werror
  • Optimization options
    • -O0 -- no optimizations [default]
    • -O3 or -Ofast -- full optimizations
  • Keep debugging symbols
    • -g

Header file

  • #pragma once

    • In the C and C++ programming languages, #pragma once is a non-standard but widely supported preprocessor directive designed to cause the current source file to be included only once in a single compilation.
      #progma once
      struct foo {
          int member;
    • #pragma once serves the same purpose as include guards, but with several advantages
  • include guards

    #ifndef GRANDPARENT_H
    #define GRANDPARENT_H
    struct foo {
        int member;
    #endif /* GRANDPARENT_H */ 


  • Create a static library with

    • ar rcs libname.a module.o module.o ...
  • Static libraries are just archives just like zip/tar/...

  • Linking: to use a library we need

    1. A header file library_api.h
    2. The compiled library object libmylibrary.a
  • Use modules and libraries

    • compile modules, -c to assemble and generate object file
      c++ -std=c++17 -c tools.cpp -o tools.o
    • organize modules into libraries
      ar rcs libtools.a tools.o <other_modules.o ...>
    • link libraries when building code
      c++ -std=c++17 main.cpp -L . -ltools -o main
      • -L <dir> tell compile to search libraries in this path
      • -l specify the library you want to link

Build Systems

  • They began as shell scripts
  • They turn into MakeFiles
  • And now into MetaBuild Systems like CMake
    • Accept it, CMake is not a build system
    • It's a build system generator
    • You need to use an actual build system like Make of Ninja

Build a CMake project

  • Build process from the user's perspective

    1. cd <project_folder>
    2. mkdir build
    3. cd build
    4. cmake ..
    5. make
  • The build process is completely defined in CMakeLists.txt

  • And childrens src/CMakeLists.txt, etc

    First CMakeLists.txt
    # first CMakeLists.txt
    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)  # Mandatory.
    project(first_project)  # Mandatory.
    set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17)  # Optional.
    # export compile commands in a json file
    set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON)  # Optional. important
    # tell cmake where to look for *.hpp, *.h files
    # create library "libtools"
    add_library(tools src/tools.cpp)  # creates libtools.a
    # create executable "main"
    add_executable(main src/main.cpp)  # creates main
    # tell the linker to link "main" with "libtools"
    target_link_libraries(main tools)
  • More CMake directive

    • set cxx flags
      set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Werror")  # Optional.
    • set debug & optimization
    • set build type if not set
        set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release")
  • User pre-compiled library

    • For example, given it can be used in the project as follows
      # find library named tools in
                  NAMES tools
                  PATHS ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}
      # use it for linking
      target_link_libraries(first_project ${TOOLS})
  • Search for some_pkg.cmake file and load it

    # search for some_pkg.cmake file and load it
    find_package(some_pkg REQUIRED)

Modern C++: Core C++ (Lecture 2, I. Vizzo, 2020)

Range for loop

  • Iterating over a standard containers like array or vector has simple syntax
  • Avoid mistakes with indices
  • added in c++11
    for (const auto& value: container) {
        // this happens for each value in the container

c++17, Iterating map in a pythonic way

  • New in c++17

    #include <map>
        std::map<char, int> my_dict{{'a', 1}, {'b', 2}};
        for (const auto &[key, value] : my_dict) {
            std::cout << key << " " << value << std::endl;
  • Similar to

    for key, value in my_dict.items():
        print(key, value)
  • implemented as a tree, so it does not have a reserve method to set capacity.

References to variables

  • We can create a reference to any variable
    float& ref = original_variable;
    std::string& hello_ref = hello;
  • Reference is part of type: variable ref has type float&
  • Whatever happens to a reference happens to the variable and vice versa
  • Yields performance gain as references avoid copying data.


    std::stringstream filename("205.txt");

    int num = 0;
    std::string ext;

    // split the string stream using simple syntax
    filename >> num >> ext;

    std::cout << "num: " << num << std::endl; // 205
    std::cout << "ext: " << ext << std::endl; // .ext

Modern C++: C++ Functions (Lecture 3, I. Vizzo, 2020)


  • #include <string>
    const std::string source("copy this!");
    std::string dest = source;

Return type

Automatic return type deduction C++14

auto GetDictionary() {
    return std::map<char, int> my_dict{{'a', 1}, {'b', 2}};

return multiple value like python

  • with the introduction of structured binding in c++17 you can now:
    #include <tuple>
    auto Foo() {
        return make_tuple("Super Variable", 5);
    int main() {
        auto [name, value] = Foo();

WARNING: Never return reference to locally variables !!!

  • But in fact, in C++11, this is the preferred way:
    std::vector<X> f();
  • With C++11, std::vector has move-semantics, which means the local vector declared in your function will be moved on return and in some cases even the move can be elided by the compiler.
  • RVO: Return value optimization

Argument List

void f(type arg1, type arg2) {
    // f holds a copy of arg1 and arg2 } 

void f(type& arg1, type& arg2) {
    // f holds a reference of arg1 and arg2 } 
    // f could possibly change the content of arg1 or arg2

void f(const type& arg1, const type& arg2) {
    // f can't change the content of arg1 or arg2

Default Arguments

  • Only set in declaration, not in definition
  • Cons:
    • Evaluated upon every call
    • Values are hidden in declaration
    • Can lead to unexpected behavior when overused
  • Only use them when readability gets much better.

Passing big objects

  • Pass by reference to avoid copy
  • Avoid using non-const ref
    • use const refs to ensure the object passed in won't be modified unexpectedly
    • non-const refs are mostly used in older code written before c++11


  • helps avoiding name conflicts

  • group the project into logical moduels

    namespace module_1 {
        int SomeFunc() {}
    namespace module_2 { int SomeFunc() {} }
  • Avoid using namespace <name>

    // Avoid !!!
    using namespace std;
  • Only use what you need

    using std::cout;  // explicitly use cout.
    using std::endl;
  • Never use using namespace <name> in *.hpp files

    • Prefer using explicit using even in *.cpp files

Nameless namespace

  • If you find yourself relying on some constants in a file and these constants should not be seen in any other file, put them into a nameless namespace on the top of this file
    namespace {
        const int kLocalImportantInt = 13;
        const int kLocakImportantFloat = 13.0f;
    } // nameless

Modern C++: The C++ STL Library (Lecture 4, I. Vizzo, 2020)


  • #include <array> to use std::array
  • Store a collection of items of same type
  • Create from data: array<float, 3> arr = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f};
  • Access items with arr[i]
  • Number of stored items: arr.size()
  • Useful access aliases:
    • First item: arr.front() == arr[0]
    • Last item: arr.back() == arr[arr.size() - 1]
#include <array>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::array<float, 3> data{10.0F, 100.0F, 1000.0F};
    for (const auto &elem : data) {
        std::cout << elem << std::endl;
    // std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << "Array empty: " << data.empty() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Array size : " << data.size() << std::endl;


  • #include <vector> to use std::vector
  • Vector is implemented as a dynamic table
  • Remove all elements: vec.clear()
  • Add a new item in one of two ways:
    • vec.emplace_back(value) [preferred, c++11]
    • vec.push_back(value) [historically better known]
  • Use it! It is fast and flexible!
    • Consider it to be a default container to store collections of items of any same type.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3};

    std::vector<std::string> names = {"Nacho", "Cyrill"};

    std::cout << "First name : " << names.front() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Last number: " << numbers.back() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Optimize vector resizing

  • reserve(n) ensures that the vector has enough capacity to store n items
  • This is a very important optimization
    vector <int> vec; // size 0, capacity 0
    vec.reserve(N); // size 0, capacity 100


  • #include <map>
  • sorted associative container
  • Contains key-value pairs
  • keys are stored using the < operator
    • your keys should be comparable
  • create from data
    std::map<KeyT, ValueT> m{{key1, value1}, {...} };
  • check size: m.size()
  • Add item to map: m.emplace(key, value);
  • modify or add item: m[key] = value;
  • Get const ref to an item:;
  • check if key present:
    • m.count(key)> 0
    • m.contains(key) [bool] starting in c++20
#include <iostream> // I/O stream for simple input/output
#include <map>

int main() {
    using StudentList = std::map<int, std::string>;
    StudentList students;

    students.emplace(1509, "Nacho");
    students[1508] = "Paco";

    for (const auto &[id, name] : students) {
        std::cout << id << " " << name << std::endl;


  • #include <unordered_map>
  • implemented as a hash table
  • key type has to be hashable
  • faster to use than std::map
  • in contrast to map, std::unordered_map has the concept of capacity, it has reserve method.
    • add clear won't affect its capacity.

Iterating over maps

    for (const auto &student : students) {
        std::cout << student.first << " " << student.second << std::endl;

New in C++17

    for (const auto &[id, name] : students) {
        std::cout << id << " " << name << std::endl;

Much More

Sequence containers

container desc
array (c++11) static contiguous array
vector dynamic contiguous array
deque double-ended queue
forward_list (c++11) single-linked list
list doubly-linked list

Associative containers

Associative containers implement sorted data structures that can be quickly searched (O(logn) complexity).

container desc
set sorted by keys
map sorted by keys
multiset keys may be non-unique, sorted by keys
multimap keys may be non-unique, sorted by keys

Unordered Associative containers

container desc
unordered_set hashed by keys
unordered_map hashed by keys
unordered_multiset keys may be non-unique, hashed by keys
unordered_multimap keys may be non-unique, hashed by keys

To be able to use std::unordered_map (or one of the other unordered associative containers) with a user-defined key-type, you need to define two things:

  1. A hash function; this must be a class that overrides operator() and calculates the hash value given an object of the key-type.
    • One particularly straight-forward way of doing this is to specialize the std::hash template for your key-type.
  2. A comparison function for equality;
    • this is required because the hash cannot rely on the fact that the hash function will always provide a unique hash value for every distinct key (i.e., it needs to be able to deal with collisions), so it needs a way to compare two given keys for an exact match.
    • You can implement this either as a class that overrides operator(), or as a specialization of std::equal, or – easiest of all – by overloading operator==() for your key type (as you did already).

For example, assuming a Key type like this:

struct Key
  std::string first;
  std::string second;
  int         third;

  bool operator==(const Key &other) const
  { return (first == other.first
            && second == other.second
            && third == other.third);

namespace std {

  template <>
  struct hash<Key>
    std::size_t operator()(const Key& k) const
      using std::size_t;
      using std::hash;
      using std::string;

      // Compute individual hash values for first,
      // second and third and combine them using XOR
      // and bit shifting:

      return ((hash<string>()(k.first)
               ^ (hash<string>()(k.second) << 1)) >> 1)
               ^ (hash<int>()(k.third) << 1);

Container adaptors

Container adaptors provide a different interface for sequential containers

adaptors desc
stack adapts a container to provide LIFO data structure
queue adapts a container to provide FIFO data structure
priority_queue adapts a container to provide priority queue


Iterators are the glue that ties standard-library algorithms to their data.

Iterators are the mechanism used to minimize an algorithm's dependence on the data structures on which it operates.

sort()      -----\            /-----  vector
find()      -----\            /-----  map
merge()     ------ Iterators  ------  list
...         ------            ------  ...
my_algo()   -----/            \-----  my_container
your_fct()  -----/            \-----  your_container

STL uses iterators to access data in containers

  • Iterators are similar to pointers
  • Allow quick navigation through containers
  • Most algorithms in STL use iterators
  • Defined for all using STL containers

Access Data

  • Access current element with *iter
  • Acceptes -> alike to pointers
  • Move to next element in container iter++
  • Prefer range-based for loops
  • Compare iterators with ==, !=, <

Range Access Iterators

the leading c means const

  • begin, cbegin
    • returns an iterator to the beginning of a container for array
  • end, cend
    • returns an iterator to the end of a container for array
  • rbegin, crbegin
    • return a reverse iterator to a container to array
  • rend, crend
    • return a reverse end iterator for a container or array
iter example
#include <iostream> // I/O stream for simple input/output
#include <map>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::vector<double> x{1, 2, 3};
    for (auto it = x.begin(); it != x.end(); ++it) {
        std::cout << *it << std::endl;

    std::map<int, std::string> m = {{1, "one"}, {2, "two"}};
    std::map<int, std::string>::iterator it = m.find(1);
    std::cout << it->first << ":" << it->second << std::endl;

    auto it2 = m.find(1); // same thing
    std::cout << it2->first << ":" << it2->second << std::endl;

    if (m.find(3) == m.end()) {
        std::cout << "3 not found" << std::endl;

    return 0;

STL Algorithms

  • About 80 standard algorithms
  • Defined in #include <algorithm>
  • They operate on sequences defined by a pair of iterators(for inputs ) or a single iterator (for outputs).
  • Don't reinvent the wheel
  • When using STL containers, std::vector, std::array, etc. Try to avoid writing your own algorithms
  • If you are not using STL containers, then providing implementations for the stardard iterators will give you access to all algorithms for free.


    std::array<int, 10> s = {5, 7, 4, 2, 8, 6, 1, 9, 0, 3};
    std::sort(s.begin(), s.end());


    std::array<int, 10> s = {5, 7, 4, 2, 8, 6, 1, 9, 0, 3};
    auto result1 = std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), 7);
    if (result1 != s.end()) {
        std::cout << "Found 7 at index " << std::distance(s.begin(), result1)
                  << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "7 not found" << std::endl;


    std::fill(v.begin (), v.end (), -1);


how many time a value appears in the container

    int num_items1 = std::count(v.begin (), v.end (), n1);


inline bool div_by_3(int i) { return i % 3 == 0; }
int main () {
    std::vector <int> v{1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    int n3 = std::count_if(v.begin (), v.end (), div_by_3);


    std::vector <int> nums {3, 4, 2, 8, 15, 267};
    // lambda expression
    auto print = [](const int& n) { cout << " " << n; };
    std::for_each(nums.cbegin (), nums.cend (), print);


inline bool even(int i) { return i % 2 == 0; };
int main () {
    std::vector <int> v(10, 2); // 2 2 2 2 2  2 2 2 2 2
    std::partial_sum (v.cbegin (), v.cend (), v.begin ());
    // 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

    bool all_even = all_of(v.cbegin (), v.cend (), even);
    // true


std::vector <int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
std::rotate(v.begin (), v.begin () + 2, v.end ());
// before rotate: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
// after rotate: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2


auto UpperCase (char c) { return std::toupper(c); }
int main () {
    const std::string s("hello");
    std::string S{s};
    std::transform (s.begin (), s.end (), S.begin (), UpperCase );
    // s: hello
    // S: HELLO


    std::vector <int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
    int sum = std::accumulate (v.begin (), v.end (), 0); // 55
    int product = std::accumulate (v.begin (), v.end (), 1, std::multiplies ()); // 3628800


    using std::max;
    cout << "max(1, 9999) : " << max(1, 9999) << endl;
    cout << "max('a', 'b'): " << max('a', 'b') << endl;


int main() {
    std::vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 1, 0, 5, 9};
    auto result = std::min_element(v.begin(), v.end());
    std::cout << "The minimum element is " << *result << std::endl; // 0
    auto min_location = std::distance(v.begin(), result);
    std::cout << "min at: " << min_location << std::endl; // min at: 4
    return 0;


    using std::minmax_element ;
    auto v = {3, 9, 1, 4, 2, 5, 9};
    auto [min , max] = minmax_element (begin(v), end(v));
    cout << "min = " << *min << endl;
    cout << "max = " << *max << endl;
    // min = 1
    // max = 9


    // value should be between [kMin ,kMax]
    const double kMax = 1.0F;
    const double kMin = 0.0F

    cout << std::clamp (0.5 , kMin , kMax) << endl; // 0.5
    cout << std::clamp (1.1 , kMin , kMax) << endl; // 1
    cout << std::clamp (0.1 , kMin , kMax) << endl; // 0.1
    cout << std::clamp (-2.1, kMin , kMax) << endl; // 0


#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream> // I/O stream for simple input/output
#include <random>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::string in = "C++ is cool", out;
    auto rnd_dev = std::mt19937{std::random_device{}()};
    const int kNLetters = 5;
    std::sample(in.begin(), in.end(), std::back_inserter(out), kNLetters,
    std::cout << "from : " << in << std::endl;   // C++ is cool
    std::cout << "sample: " << out << std::endl; // sample: +  ol   // random
    return 0;

Modern C++: I/O Files (Lecture 5, I. Vizzo, 2020)

C++ Utilities

  • two groups libraries
    1. language support libraries
      • type support (std::size_t)
      • dynamic memory management (std::shared_ptr)
      • error handling (std::exception, assert)
      • initializer list(std::vector{1,2})
      • much more...
    2. general-purpose libraries
      • program utilities (std::abort)
      • date and time (std::chrono::duration)
      • optional, variant and any (std::variant)
      • pairs and tuples (std::tuple)
      • swap, forward and move (std::move)
      • hash support (std::hash)
      • formatting library (coming in c++20)
      • much more...


    int a = 3;
    int b = 5;

    std::swap(a, b); // a:5, b:3


    // can be either int or float, but not both
    std::variant <int, float> v1;
    v1 = 12; // v contains int
    cout << std::get <int>(v1) << endl; // 12
    // will raise error if you want to get float
    v1 = 1.0; // override value

    // get the index of stored type
    std::cout << "v1 - " << v1.index() << std::endl;

    std::variant <int, float> v2 {3.14F};
    cout << std::get <1>(v2) << endl;  // 3.14

    v2 = std::get <int>(v1); // assigns v1 to v2
    v2 = std::get <0>(v1);  // same assignment
    v2 = v1;  // same assignment
    cout << std::get <int>(v2) << endl; // 12
  • when to use ?
    1. a function may return different types of return values.
      • For example: the formula for finding the root of a quadratic equation in one variable,
      • the root may be one, or two, or none
      using Two = std::pair<double, double>;
      using Roots = std::variant<Two, double, void*>;
      Roots FindRoots(double a, double b, double c) {
          auto d = b*b-4*a*c;
          if (d> 0.0)
              auto p = sqrt(d);
              return std::make_pair((-b + p) / 2 * a, (-b - p) / 2 * a);
          else if (d == 0.0)
              return (-1*b)/(2*a);
          return nullptr;
      struct RootPrinterVisitor
          void operator()(const Two& roots) const
              std::cout << "2 roots: " << roots.first << " " << roots.second << '\n';
          void operator()(double root) const
              std::cout << "1 root: " << root << '\n';
          void operator()(void *) const
              std::cout << "No real roots found.\n";
      TEST_F(TestFindRoot) {
          std::visit(RootPrinterVisitor(), FindRoots(1, -2, 1)); //(x-1)*(x-1)=0
          std::visit(RootPrinterVisitor(), FindRoots(1, -3, 2)); //(x-2)*(x-1)=0
          std::visit(RootPrinterVisitor(), FindRoots(1, 0, 2));  //x*x - 2 = 0
    2. polymorphism
      using Draw = std::variant<Triangle, Circle>;
      Draw draw;
      std::vector<Draw> draw_list {Triangle{}, Circle{}, Triangle{}};
      auto DrawVisitor = [](const auto &t) { t.Draw(); };
      for (const auto &item : draw_list) {
          std::visit(DrawVisitor, item);
  • The time complexity of std::visit to obtain the type actually stored in std::variant is O(1), and the performance will not decrease with the increase of types in std::variant.


    std::any a; // any type
    a = 1; // int
    std::cout << std::any_cast<int>(a) << std::endl;

    a = 3.14; // double
    std::cout << std::any_cast <double>(a) << std::endl;  // 3.14

    a = true; // bool
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::any_cast <bool>(a) << std::endl; // true


  • this is usually something we can solve using like if/else
#include <iostream> // I/O stream for simple input/output
#include <optional>

std::optional<std::string> StringFactory(bool create) {
    if (create) {
        return "C++17";
    return {}; // return nothing

int main() {
    std::cout << StringFactory(true).value() << '\n';         // C++17
    std::cout << StringFactory(false).value_or(":(") << '\n'; // :(
    return 0;


    std::tuple <double , char , string> student1;

    using Student = std::tuple <double , char , string>;
    Student student2 {1.4 , 'A', "Jose"};

    cout << std::get <string>( student2) << endl; // Jose
    cout << std::get <2>( student2) << endl; // Jose

    // C++17 structured binding:
    auto [gpa , grade , name] = make_tuple (4.4 , 'B', "");


  • there are much better ways of doing benchmarking but let's say that you want to benchmark a function...
    auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now ();
    cout << "f(42) = " << fibonacci (42) << '\n'; // f(42) = 267914296
    auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now ();

    std::chrono::duration <double> sec = end - start;
    cout << "elapsed time: " << sec.count () << "s\n"; // elapsed time: 1.84088s

Error Handling

  • Only used for exceptional behavior
  • Often misused : e.g. wrong parameter should not lead to an exception
  • GOOGLE-STYLE Don’t use exceptions

Error handling with exceptions

  • We can throw an exception if there is an error
  • STL defines classes that represent exceptions. Base class:std::exception
  • #include <stdexcept>
  • An exception can be caught at any point of the program (try - catch) and even thrown further (throw)
  • The constructor of an exception receives a string error message as a parameter
    • This string can be called through a member function what()

throw exceptions

  • Runtime Error:
    string msg = "specific error string";
    throw runtime_error (msg);
  • Logic Error: an error in logic of the user
    throw logic_error (msg);
    • they are due to errors in the internal logic of the program. In theory, they are preventable.

catch exceptions

    try {
        x = someUnsafeFunction (a, b, c);
    // we can catch multiple types of exceptions
    catch ( runtime_error &ex ) {
        cerr << "Runtime error: " << ex.what () << endl;
    } catch ( logic_error &ex ) {
        cerr << "Logic error: " << ex.what () << endl;
    } catch ( exception &ex ) {
        cerr << "Some exception: " << ex.what () << endl;
    } catch ( ... ) { // all others
        cerr << "Error: unknown exception" << endl;

IO Library

Reading and writing to files

  • Use streams from STL
  • Syntax similar to std::cerr, ctd::cout
#include <fstream>

using Mode = std :: ios_base :: openmode;

// ifstream: stream for input file
std :: ifstream f_in(string& file_name , Mode mode);
// ofstream: stream for output file
std :: ofstream f_out(string& file_name , Mode mode);
// stream for input and output file
std :: fstream f_in_out(string& file_name , Mode mode);
  • modes under which a file can be opened
    Mode Meaning
    ios_base::app append output
    ios_base::ate seek to EOF when opened
    ios_base::binary open file in binary mode
    ios_base::in open file for reading
    ios_base::out open file for writing
    ios_base::trunc overwrite the existing file

Regular columns

  • Use it when:
    • The file contains organized data
    • Every line has to have all columns
    1 2.34 One 0.21
    2 2.004 two 0.23
    3 -2.34 string 0.22
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    int i;
    double a, b;
    std::string s;

    std::ifstream in("test.txt"); // default mode: std::ios_base::in
    // Read data, until it is there.
    // even if there are empty lines and leading spaces
    while (in >> i >> a >> s >> b) {
        std::cout << i << " " << a << " " << s << " " << b << std::endl;
    return 0;
// 1 2.34 One 0.21
// 2 2.004 two 0.23
// 3 -2.34 string 0.22

Reading files one line at a time

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::string line, file_name;
    std::ifstream input("test_bel.txt");
    // Read data line-wise
    while (std::getline(input, line)) {
        // std::cout << line << std::endl;
        // Strting has a find method
        std::string::size_type loc = line.find("filename");
        if (loc != std::string::npos) {
            // Get the file name
            file_name = line.substr(line.find("=", 0) + 1, std::string::npos);
            std::cout << "File name: " << file_name << std::endl;
            // File name:  /home/ivizzo /. bashrc
    return 0;
// line in file: `filename = /home/ivizzo /. bashrc`

Writing into text files

#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip> // for setprecision

int main() {
    std::string filename = "out.txt";
    std::ofstream out(filename);
    if (!out.is_open()) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    double a = 1.23456789;
    out << "Just string" << std::endl;
    out << std::setprecision(10) << a << std::endl;
    return 0;
// out.txt
// Just string
// 1.2345678899999998901

Writing to binary files

  • fast
  • No precision loss for floating point types
  • syntax:
    file.write(reinterpret_cast <char*>(&a), sizeof(a));
00000000: 0200 0000 0300 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
00000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
00000020: 0a

Reading from binary files

  • syntax <char*>(&a), sizeof(a));
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::string filename = "image.dat";
    int r = 0, c = 0;
    std::ifstream in(filename, std::ios::binary);
    if (!in) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    }<char *>(&r), sizeof(r));<char *>(&c), sizeof(c));
    std::cout << "r = " << r << ", c = " << c << std::endl;
    std::vector<float> data(r * c, 0);<char *>(, data.size() * sizeof(float));
    for (float d : data) {
        std::cout << d << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;
// r = 2, c = 3
// 0 0 0 0 0 0

C++17 Filesystem library


#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

int main() {
    // PS. it's create_directories, NOT create_directory
    fs::create_directories("sandbox/a/b"); // mkdir -p
    // walk
    for (auto &p : fs::recursive_directory_iterator("sandbox")) {
        std::cout << p.path() << std::endl;
    fs::remove_all("sandbox"); // rm -rf sandbox
    return 0;
// "sandbox/file2.txt"
// "sandbox/file1.txt"
// "sandbox/a"
// "sandbox/a/b"


#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>

namespace fs = std ::filesystem;

int main() {
    std::cout << fs::path("/foo/bar.txt").filename() << '\n' // "bar.txt"
              << fs::path("/foo/.bar").filename() << '\n'    // ".bar"
              << fs::path("/foo/bar/").filename() << '\n'    // ""
              << fs::path("/foo/.").filename() << '\n'       // "."
              << fs::path("/foo/..").filename() << '\n'      // ".."
              << fs::path("//host").filename() << '\n';      // "host"

    return 0;


#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>

namespace fs = std ::filesystem;

int main() {
    std::cout << fs::path("/foo/bar.txt").extension() << '\n' // ".txt"
              << fs::path("/foo/bar.").extension() << '\n'    // "."
              << fs::path("/foo/bar").extension() << '\n'     // ""
              << fs::path("/foo/bar.png").extension() << '\n' // ".png"
              << fs::path("/foo/.").extension() << '\n'       // ""
              << fs::path("/foo/..").extension() << '\n'      // ""
              << fs::path("/foo/.hidden").extension() << '\n' // ""
              << fs::path("/foo/").extension() << '\n';  // ".bar"
    return 0;


#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>

namespace fs = std ::filesystem;

int main() {
    std::cout << fs::path("/foo/bar.txt").stem() << std::endl   // "bar"
              << fs::path("/foo/00000.png").stem() << std::endl // "00000"
              << fs::path("/foo/.bar").stem() << std::endl;     // ".bar"
    return 0;


#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

namespace fs = std ::filesystem;

void demo_exists(const fs::path &p) {
    std::cout << p;
    if (fs::exists(p))
        std::cout << " exists\n";
        std::cout << " does not exist\n";

int main() {
    demo_exists("sandbox/file");  // "sandbox/file" exists
    demo_exists("sandbox/cacho"); // "sandbox/cacho" does not exist
    return 0;

Type safety

  • bad – the unit is ambiguous

    void blink_led_bad (int time_to_blink ) {
        // do something with time_to_blink
  • good – the unit is explicit

    void blink_led_good ( miliseconds time_to_blink ) {
        // do something with time_to_blink
  • Usage

    void use () {
        blink_led_good (100); // ERROR: What unit?
        blink_led_good (100ms); //
        blink_led_good (5s); // ERROR: Bad unit

Modern C++ Classes

Example class definition

class Image { // Should be in Image.hpp
    Image(const std ::string &file_name);
    void Draw();

    int rows_ = 0; // New in C+=11
    int cols_ = 0; // New in C+=11

What about structs?

  • struct is a class where everything is public
  • GOOGLE-STYLE Use struct as a simple data container, if it needs a function it should be a class instead.

Always initialize structs using braced initialization

struct NamedInt {
    int num;
    std :: string name;

NamedInt var{1, std :: string{"hello"}};

Constructors and Destructor

  • Classes always have at least one Constructor and exactly one Destructor
  • Constructors crash course:
    • Are functions with no explicit return type
    • Named exactly as the class
    • There can be many constructors
    • If there is no explicit constructor an implicit default constructor will be generated.
  • Destructor for class SomeClass:
    • ~SomeClass()
    • Last function called in the lifetime of an object
    • Generated automatically if not explicitly defined

Many ways to create instances

class SomeClass {
    SomeClass(){};               // Default constructor.
    SomeClass(int a){};          // Custom constructor.
    SomeClass(int a, float b){}; // Custom constructor.
    ~SomeClass(){};              // Destructor.
// How to use them?
int main() {
    SomeClass var_1;     // Default constructor
    SomeClass var_2(10); // Custom constructor
    // Type is checked when using {} braces. Use them!
    SomeClass var_3{10};          // Custom constructor
    SomeClass var_4 = {10};       // Same as var_3
    SomeClass var_5{10, 10.0};    // Custom constructor
    SomeClass var_6 = {10, 10.0}; // Same as var_5
    return 0;

Setting and getting data

  • Use initializer list to initialize data
  • Name getter functions as the private member they return
  • Avoid setters, set data in the constructor
class Student {
    // initializer list
    Student(int id, std::string name) : id_{id}, name_{name} {}
    // getter
    int id() const { return id_; }
    const std::string &name() const { return name_; }

    int id_;
    std::string name_;

Declaration and definition

  • Data members belong to declaration
  • Class methods can be defined elsewhere
  • Class name becomes part of function name
    SomeClass::SomeClass () {} // This is a constructor
    int SomeClass::var () const { return var_; }
    void SomeClass::DoSmth () {}

Always initialize members for classes

  • C++ 11 allows to initialize variables in-place
  • Do not initialize them in the constructor
  • No need for an explicit default constructor
class Student {
    // No need for default constructor.
    // Getters and functions omitted.
    int earned_points_ = 0;   // initialize in-place
    float happiness_ = 1.0f;
  • Note: Leave the members of structs uninitialized as which will forbid using brace initialization

Const correctness

  • const after function states that this function does not change the object
    int var () const;
  • Mark all functions that should not change the state of the object as const
  • Ensures that we can pass objects by a const reference and still call their functions
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    class Student {
        Student(std::string name) : name_(name) {}
        // This function might change the object
        // compilation error, you must add `const` after the function name()
        const std::string &name() { return name_; }
        std::string name_;
    void Print(const Student &s) { std::cout << << std::endl; }
    // error: 'this' argument to member function 'name' has type 'const Student',
    // but function is not marked const

Move semantics

Intuition lvalues, rvalues

  • Every expression is an lvalue or an rvalue
  • lvalues can be written on the left of assignment operator (=)
  • rvalues are all the other expressions
  • Explicit rvalue defined using &&
  • Use std::move(…) to explicitly convert an lvalue to an rvalue
int a; // "a" is an lvalue
int& a_ref = a; // "a" is an lvalue
                // "a_ref" is a reference to an lvalue
a = 2 + 2;  // "a" is an lvalue ,
            // "2 + 2" is an rvalue
int b = a + 2;  // "b" is an lvalue ,
                // "a + 2" is an rvalue
int&& c = std::move(a); // "c" is an rvalue


  • std::move is used to indicate that an object t may be “moved from”, i.e. allowing the efficient transfer of resources from t to another object.
  • In particular, std::move produces an xvalue expression that identifies its argument t. It is exactly equivalent to a static_cast to an rvalue reference type.
  • So, this is the definition, it's impossible to understand...

Important std::move

  • The std::move() is a standard-library function returning an rvalue reference to its argument.
  • std::move(x) means "give me an rvalue reference to x.""
  • That is, std::move(x) does not move anything; instead, it allows a user to move x, taking ownership.

Hands on example

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std; // Save space on slides.
void Print(const string &str) { cout << "lvalue: " << str << endl; }
// the parameter is a rvalue
void Print(string &&str) { cout << "rvalue: " << str << endl; }

int main() {
    string hello = "hi";
    Print(hello);            // lvalue: hi
    Print("world");          // rvalue: world
    Print(std::move(hello)); // rvalue: hi
    // DO NOT access "hello" after move!
    return 0;

Never access values after move

  • The value after move is undefined
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::string str = "Hello";
    std::vector<std::string> v;

    // uses the push_back(const T&) overload , which means
    // we'll incur the cost of copying str
    std::cout << "After copy , str is " << str << std::endl;
    // After copy , str is Hello

    // uses the rvalue reference push_back(T&&) overload ,
    // which means no strings will be copied; instead ,
    // the contents of str will be moved into the vector.
    // This is less expensive , but also means str might
    // now be empty.
    std::cout << "After move , str is " << str << std::endl;
    // After move , str is
    return 0;

How to think about std::move

  • Think about ownership
  • Entity owns a variable if it deletes it, e.g.
    • A function scope owns a variable defined in it
    • An object of a class owns its data members
  • Moving a variable transfers ownership of its resources to another variable
  • When designing your program think who should own this thing?.
  • Runtime: better than copying, worse than passing by reference.

Custom operators for a class

  • Operators are functions with a signature:
    • <RETURN_TYPE> operator<NAME>(<PARAMS>)
  • <NAME> represents the target operation, e.g. >, <, =, ==, << etc.
  • Have all attributes of functions
  • All available operators:

Example operator <

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Human {
    Human(int kindness) : kindness_(kindness) {}
    bool operator<(const Human &other) const {
        return kindness_ < other.kindness_;
    int kindness() const { return kindness_; }

    int kindness_ = 100;

int main() {
    std::vector<Human> humans = {Human(40), Human(20), Human(30)};
    std::sort(humans.begin(), humans.end());
    for (const auto &human : humans) {
        std::cout << human.kindness() << std::endl;
    // 20 30 40
    return 0;

Example operator <<

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Human {
    Human(int kindness) : kindness_(kindness) {}
    int kindness() const { return kindness_; }

    int kindness_ = 100;

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Human &human) {
    return os << "Human with kindness " << human.kindness();

int main() {
    std::vector<Human> humans = {Human{0}, Human{10}};
    for (const auto &human : humans) {
        std::cout << human << std::endl;
    return 0;
// Human with kindness 0
// Human with kindness 10

Class Special Functions

Copy constructor

  • Called automatically when the object is copied
  • For a class MyClass has the signature: MyClass(const MyClass& other)
    MyClass a;      // Calling default constructor.
    MyClass b(a);   // Calling copy constructor.
    MyClass c = a;  // Calling copy constructor.

Copy assignment operator

  • Copy assignment operator is called automatically when the object is assigned a new value from an Lvalue
  • For class MyClass has a signature: MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& other)
  • Returns a reference to the changed object
  • Use this from within a function of a class to get a reference to the current object
    MyClass a;     // Calling default constructor.
    MyClass b(a);  // Calling copy constructor.
    MyClass c = a; // Calling copy constructor.  ???
    a = b;         // Calling copy assignment operator.

Move constructor

  • Called automatically when the object is moved
  • For a class MyClass has a signature: MyClass(MyClass&& other)
    MyClass a;                  // Default constructors.
    MyClass b(std::move(a));  // Move constructor.
    MyClass c = std::move(a); // Move constructor.

Move assignment operator

  • Called automatically when the object is assigned a new value from an Rvalue
  • For class MyClass has a signature: MyClass& operator=(MyClass&& other)
  • Returns a reference to the changed object
    MyClass a;                  // Default constructors.
    MyClass b(std::move(a));  // Move constructor.
    MyClass c = std::move(a); // Move constructor.
    b = std::move(c);         // Move assignment operator.


#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class MyClass {
    MyClass() { cout << "default" << endl; }
    // Copy(&) and Move(&&) constructors
    MyClass(const MyClass &other) { cout << "copy" << endl; }
    MyClass(MyClass &&other) { cout << "move" << endl; }
    // Copy(&) and Move(&&) operators
    MyClass &operator=(const MyClass &other) {
        cout << "copy assignment" << endl;
        return *this;
    MyClass &operator=(MyClass &&other) {
        cout << "move assignment" << endl;
        return *this;

int main() {
    MyClass a;                 // default
    MyClass b = a;             // copy
    a = b;                     // copy assignment
    MyClass c = std ::move(a); // move
    c = std ::move(b);         // move assignment
    return 0;

Do I need to define all of them?

  • The constructors and operators will be generated automatically
  • Under some conditions…
  • Six special functions for class MyClass:
    MyClass(const MyClass& other)
    MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& other)
    MyClass(MyClass&& other)
    MyClass& operator=(MyClass&& other)
  • None of them defined: all auto-generated
  • Any of them defined: none auto-generated

Rule of all or nothing

  • Try to define none of the special functions
  • If you must define one of them define all
  • Use =default to use default implementation
    • because usually the compiler will give you a better implementation
    • for example, you have to define a destructor
      class MyClass {
          MyClass () = default;
          MyClass(MyClass && var) = default;
          MyClass(const MyClass& var) = default;
          MyClass& operator=( MyClass && var) = default;
          MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& var) = default;

Deleted functions

  • Any function can be set as deleted
    void SomeFunc (...) = delete;
  • Calling such a function will result in compilation error
    • Example: remove copy constructors when only one instance of the class must be guaranteed (Singleton Pattern)
  • Compiler marks some functions deleted automatically
    • Example: if a class has a constant data member, the copy/move constructors and assignment operators are implicitly deleted

Static variables and methods

  • Static member variables of a class
    • Exist exactly once per class, not per object
    • The value is equal across all instances
    • Must be defined in *.cpp files(before C++17)
  • Static member functions of a class
    • Do not need to access through an object of the class
    • Can access private members but need an object
    • Syntax for calling:
      • ClassName::MethodName(<params>)

using for type aliasing

  • Use word using to declare new types from existing and to create type aliases
  • Basic syntax: using NewType = OldType;
  • using is a versatile word
    • When used outside of functions declares a new type alias
    • When used in function creates an alias of a type available in the current scope
#include <array>
#include <memory>

template <class T, int SIZE> struct Image {
    // Can be used in classes.
    using Ptr = std ::unique_ptr<Image<T, SIZE>>;
    std ::array<T, SIZE> data;
// Can be combined with "template".
template <int SIZE> using Imagef = Image<float, SIZE>;

int main() {
    // Can be used in a function for type aliasing.
    using Image3f = Imagef<3>;
    auto image_ptr = Image3f ::Ptr(new Image3f);
    return 0;

Enumeration classes

  • Store an enumeration of options
  • Usually derived from int type
  • Options are assigned consequent numbers
  • Mostly used to pick path in switch
    enum class EnumType { OPTION_1 , OPTION_2 , OPTION_3 };
  • Use values as:
    EnumType::OPTION_1, EnumType::OPTION_2, …
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using std::cout, std::cerr, std::endl, std::string;

enum class Channel { STDOUT, STDERR };

void Print(Channel print_style, const string &msg) {
    switch (print_style) {
    case Channel::STDOUT:
        cout << msg << endl;
    case Channel::STDERR:
        cerr << msg << endl;
        cerr << "Skipping\n";
int main() {
    Print(Channel ::STDOUT, "hello");
    Print(Channel ::STDERR, "world");
    return 0;

Explicit values

  • By default enum values start from 0
  • We can specify custom values if needed
  • Usually used with default values
enum class EnumType {
    OPTION_1 = 10,   // Decimal.
    OPTION_2 = 0x2, // Hexacedimal.
    OPTION_3 = 13

Modern C++: Object Oriented Design (Lecture 7, I. Vizzo, 2020)

C vs C++ Inheritance Example

  • C code
    // "Base" class , Vehicle
    typedef struct vehicle {
        int seats_;     // number of seats on the vehicle
        int capacity_ ; // amount of fuel of the gas tank
        char* brand_;   // make of the vehicle
    } vehicle_t ;
  • C++ code
    class Vehicle {
            int seats_ = 0;    // number of seats on the vehicle
            int capacity_ = 0; // amount of fuel of the gas tank
            string brand_;     // make of the vehicle


  • Class and struct can inherit data and functions from other classes
  • There are 3 types of inheritance in C++:
    • public [used in this course] GOOGLE-STYLE
    • protected
    • private
  • public inheritance keeps all access specifiers of the base class

Public inheritance

  • Allows Derived to use all public and protected members of Base
  • Derived still gets its own special functions: constructors, destructor, assignment operators
    class Derived : public Base {
        // Contents of the derived class.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout, std::endl;

class Rectangle {
    Rectangle(int w, int h) : width_{w}, height_{h} {}
    int width() const { return width_; }
    int height() const { return height_; }

    int width_ = 0;
    int height_ = 0;

class Square : public Rectangle {
    // initialize base class with initializer list, same as Rectangle(w, h)
    explicit Square(int size) : Rectangle{size, size} {}

int main() {
    Square sq(10); // Short name to save space.
    cout << sq.width() << " " << sq.height() << endl;
    return 0;

Function overriding

  • A function can be declared virtual:
    • virtual Func(<PARAMS>);
  • If function is virtual in Base class it can be overridden in Derived class:
    • Func(<PARAMS>) override;
  • Base can force all Derived classes to override a function by making it pure virtual
    • virtual Func(<PARAMS>) = 0;
    • sometimes, you may not see the keywords virtual, but it is still a pure virtual function, because
      • A member function that overrides a virtual funcction in the base class is automatically virtual even if the virtual keywors is not used

Overloading vs overriding

  • Overloading
    • Pick from all functions with the same name, but different parameters
    • Pick a function at compile time
    • Functions don’t have to be in a class
  • overriding
    • Pick from functions with the same arguments and names in different classes of one class hierarchy
    • Pick at runtime

Abstract classes and interfaces

  • Abstract class: class that has at least one pure virtual function
  • Interface: class that has only pure virtual functions and no data members

How virtual works

  • A class with virtual functions has a virtual table
  • When calling a function the class checks which of the virtual functions that match the signature should be called
  • Called runtime polymorphism
  • Costs some time but is very convenient

Using interfaces

  • Use interfaces when you must enforce other classes to implement some functionality
  • Allow thinking about classes in terms of abstract functionality
  • Hide implementation from the caller
  • Allow to easily extend functionality by simply adding a new class
#include <iostream>

using std ::cout, std ::endl;

struct Printable { // Saving space. Should be a class.
    virtual void Print() const = 0;
struct A : public Printable {
    void Print() const override { cout << "A" << endl; }
struct B : public Printable {
    void Print() const override { cout << "B" << endl; }

void Print(const Printable &var) { var.Print(); }

int main() {
    return 0;


  • Allows morphing derived classes into their base class type:

    • const Base& base = Derived(…)
  • Allows encapsulating the implementation inside a class only asking it to conform to a common interface

  • Often used for:

    • Working with all children of some Base class in unified manner
    • Enforcing an interface in multiple classes to force them to implement some functionality
    • In strategy pattern, where some complex functionality is outsourced into separate classes and is passed to the object in a modular fashion
  • GOOGLE-STYLE: Prefer composition

    • i.e. including an object of another class as a member of your class

Type Casting

Casting type of variables

  • Every variable has a type

  • Types can be converted from one to another

  • Type conversion is called type casting

  • There are 5 ways of type casting:

    • static_cast
    • reinterpret_cast
    • const_cast
    • dynamic_cast
    • C-style cast(unsafe)
      • compile will try combination of those 4 casting, and you have no idea what's going on


  • static_cast<NewType>(variable)
  • Convert type of a variable at compile time
  • Rarely needed to be used explicitly
  • Can happen implicitly for some types, e.g. float can be cast to int
  • Pointer to an object of a Derived class can be upcast to a pointer of a Base class
  • Enum value can be caster to int or float
  • Full specification is complex!


  • dynamic_cast<Base*>(derived_ptr)
  • Used to convert a pointer to a variable of Derived type to a pointer of a Base type
  • Conversion happens at runtime
  • If derived_ptr cannot be converted to Base* returns a nullptr
  • GOOGLE-STYLE Avoid using dynamic casting


  • reinterpret_cast<NewType>(variable)
  • Reinterpret the bytes of a variable as another type
  • We must know what we are doing!
  • Mostly used when writing binary data


  • const_cast<NewType>(variable)
  • Used to “constify” objects
  • Used to “de-constify” objects
  • Not widely used

Google Style

  • GOOGLE-STYLE Do not use C-style casts.
  • GOOGLE-STYLE Use brace initialization to convert arithmetic types (e.g. int64{x}).
    • This is the safest approach because code will not compile if conversion can result in information loss. The syntax is also concise.
  • GOOGLE-STYLE Use static_cast as the equivalent of a C-style cast that does value conversion,
    • when you need to explicitly up-cast a pointer from a class to its superclass,
    • or when you need to explicitly cast a pointer from a superclass to a subclass.
      • In this last case, you must be sure your object is actually an instance of the subclass.
  • GOOGLE-STYLE Use const_cast to remove the const qualifier (see const).
  • google-style use reinterpret_cast to do unsafe conversions of pointer types to and from integer and other pointer types.
    • Use this only if you know what you are doing and you understand the aliasing issues.

Using strategy pattern

  • If a class relies on complex external functionality use strategy pattern
  • Allows to add/switch functionality of the class without changing its implementation
  • All strategies must conform to one strategy interface
#include <iostream>

using std::cout, std::endl;

class Strategy {
    virtual void Print() const = 0;
class StrategyA : public Strategy {
    void Print() const override { cout << "A" << endl; }

class StrategyB : public Strategy {
    void Print() const override { cout << "B" << endl; }

// so far, nothing is new, just interface

class MyClass {
    // 2. The strategy will be “picked” when
    //    we create an object of the class MyClass.
    explicit MyClass(const Strategy &s) : strategy_(s) {}
    void Print() const { strategy_.Print(); }

    // 1. holds a const reference to Strategy object
    const Strategy &strategy_;

Do not overuse it

  • Only use these patterns when you need to
  • If your class should have a single method for some functionality and will never need another implementation don’t make it virtual
  • Used mostly to avoid copying code and to make classes smaller by moving some functionality out.

Singleton Pattern

  • We want only one instance of a given class.
  • Without C++ this would be a if/else mess.
  • C++ has a powerfull compiler, we can use it.
  • We can make sure that nobody creates more than 1 instance of a given class, at compile time.
  • Don’t over use it, it’s easy to learn, but usually hides a design error in your code.
  • Sometimes is still necessary, and makes your code better.

Singleton Pattern: How?

  • We can delete any class member functions.

  • This also holds true for the special functions:

    • MyClass()
    • MyClass(const MyClass& other)
    • MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& other)
    • MyClass(MyClass&& other)
    • MyClass& operator=(MyClass&& other)
    • ~MyClass()
  • Any private function can only be accessed by member of the class.

  • Let’s hide the default Constructor and also the destructor.

    class Singleton {
            Singleton () = delete ;
            ~ Singleton () = delete ;
    • This completely disable the possibility to create a Singleton object or destroy it.
  • And now let’s delete any copy capability:

    • Copy Constructor.
    • Copy Assigment Operator.
    class Singleton {
            Singleton (const Singleton &) = delete;
            void operator=(const Singleton &) = delete;
    • This completely disable the possibility to copy any existing Singleton object.

Singleton Pattern: What now?

  • Now we need to create at least one instance of the Singleton class.
  • How? Compiler to the rescue:
    • We can create one unique instance of the class.
    • At compile time …
    • Using static !.
    class Singleton {
            static Singleton& GetInstance () {
                static Singleton instance ;
                return instance;

Singleton Pattern: Completed

class Singleton {
    Singleton() = default;
    ~Singleton() = default;

    Singleton(const Singleton &) = delete;
    void operator=(const Singleton &) = delete;
    static Singleton &GetInstance() {
        static Singleton instance;
        return instance;

Singleton Pattern: Usage

int main() {
    auto &singleton = Singleton ::GetInstance();
    // ...
    // do stuff with singleton , the only instance.
    // ...

    Singleton s1;             // Compiler Error!
    Singleton s2(singleton);  // Compiler Error!
    Singleton s3 = singleton; // Compiler Error!

    return 0;

Modern C++: Memory Management (Lecture 8, I. Vizzo, 2020)

  • cdtdebug

Using pointers for classes

  • You actually don't do this. If you do, then there's something else wrong...
    MyClass* obj_ptr = &obj;
    obj_ptr ->MyFunc ();
  • obj->Func()(*obj).Func()

Pointers are polymorphic

  • Pointers are just like references, but have additional useful properties:
    • Can be reassigned
    • Can point to “nothing” (nullptr)
    • Can be stored in a vector or an array
  • Use pointers for polymorphism
    Derived derived;
    Base* ptr = &derived;

this pointer

  • Every object of a class or a struct holds a pointer to itself
  • This pointer is called this
  • Allows the objects to:
    • Return a reference to themselves: *return this;
    • Create copies of themselves within a function
    • Explicitly show that a member belongs to the current object: this->x();
    • this is a C++ keyword

Using const with pointers

  • Pointers can point to a const variable:
    // Cannot change value , can reassign pointer.
    const MyType* const_var_ptr = &var;
    const_var_ptr = & var_other ;
  • Pointers can be const:
    // Cannot reassign pointer , can change value.
    MyType* const var_const_ptr = &var;
    var_const_ptr ->a = 10;
  • Pointers can do both at the same time:
    // Cannot change in any way, read -only.
    const MyType* const const_var_const_ptr = &var;
  • Read from right to left to see which const refers to what

Stack memory

  • Static memory (compile time)
  • Available for short term storage (scope)
  • Small / limited (8 MB Linux typically)
    $ ulimit -a
    -t: cpu time (seconds)              unlimited
    -f: file size (blocks)              unlimited
    -d: data seg size (kbytes)          unlimited
    -s: stack size (kbytes)             8192
  • Memory allocation is fast
  • LIFO (Last in First out) structure
  • Items added to top of the stack with push
  • Items removed from the top with pop

Heap memory

  • Dynamic memory (runtime)
  • Available for long time (program runtime)
  • Raw modifications possible with new and delete (usually encapsulated within a class)
  • Allocation is slower than stack allocations

Operators new and new[]

  • User controls memory allocation (unsafe)
  • Use new to allocate data:
    // pointer variable stored on stack
    int* int_ptr = nullptr;
    // 'new' returns a pointer to memory in heap
    int_ptr = new int;
    // also works for arrays
    float* float_ptr = nullptr;
    // 'new' returns a pointer to an array on heap
    float_ptr = new float[number ];
  • new returns an address of the variable on the heap
  • Prefer using smart pointers!

Operators delete and delete[]

  • Memory is not freed automatically!
  • User must remember to free the memory
  • Use delete or delete[] to free memory:
    int* int_ptr = nullptr;
    int_ptr = new int;
    // delete frees memory to which the pointer points
    delete int_ptr;
    // also works for arrays
    float* float_ptr = nullptr;
    float_ptr = new float[number ];
    // make sure to use 'delete[]' for arrays
    delete[] float_ptr ;
  • Prefer using smart pointers!

Memory leak

  • Can happen when working with Heap memory if we are not careful
  • Memory leak: memory allocated on Heap access to which has been lost
    ptr_1 ----> ▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢
           /     LEAKED!
    ptr_2 /     ▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨
  • It will also raise a problem of double free.

Dangling pointer

  • Dangling Pointer: pointer to a freed memory
  • Think of it as the opposite of a memory leak
  • Dereferencing a dangling pointer causes undefined behavior
int* ptr_1 = some_heap_address ;
int* ptr_2 = some_heap_address ;
delete ptr_1;
ptr_1 = nullptr;
// Cannot use ptr_2 anymore! Behavior undefined!


  • Resource Allocation Is Initialization.

  • New object → allocate memory

  • Remove object → free memory

  • Objects own their data!

  • You say, ah, I know how to RAII now!

    class MyClass {
        MyClass() { data_ = new SomeOtherClass; }
        ~MyClass() {
            delete data_;
            data_ = nullptr;
        SomeOtherClass *data_;
  • Does it work ?

    • No!
    • Still cannot copy an object of MyClass!!!
    int main() {
        MyClass a;
        MyClass b(a); // !! double free or corruption : 0 x0000000000877c20 ***
        return 0;

Shallow vs deep copy

  • Shallow copy: just copy pointers, not data
  • Deep copy: copy data, create new pointers
  • Default copy constructor and assignment operator implement shallow copying
  • RAII + shallow copy → dangling pointer
  • RAII + Rule of All Or Nothingcorrect
  • Use smart pointers instead!

Smart pointers

  • Smart pointers wrap a raw pointer into a class and manage its lifetime (RAII)
  • Smart pointers are all about ownership
  • Always use smart pointers when the pointer should own heap memory
  • Only use them with heap memory!.
  • Still use raw pointers for non-owning pointers and simple address storing
  • #include <memory> to use smart pointers

C++11 smart pointers types

  • std::unique_ptr
  • std::shared_ptr
  • std::auto_ptr
  • std::weak_ptr
  • We will focus on 2 types of smart pointers:
    • std::unique_ptr , std::shared_ptr

Smart pointers manage memory!

  • Smart pointers apart from memory allocation behave exactly as raw pointers(it is still poiner):
    • Can be set to nullptr
    • Use *ptr to dereference ptr
    • Use ptr-> to access methods
    • Smart pointers are polymorphic
  • Additional functions of smart pointers:
    • ptr.get() returns a raw pointer that the smart pointer manages
    • ptr.reset(raw_ptr) stops using currently managed pointer, freeing its memory if needed, sets ptr to raw_ptr


  • A Simple Example
    • Create an unique_ptr to a type Vehicle
      std :: unique_ptr <Vehicle> vehicle_1 = 
          std :: make_unique <Bus>(20 , 10, "Volkswagen", "LPM_");
      std :: unique_ptr <Vehicle> vehicle_2 = 
          std :: make_unique <Car>(4, 60, "Ford", "Sony");
    • Now you can have fun as we had with raw pointers
      // vehicle_x is a pointer , so we can us it as it is
      vehicle_1 ->Print ();
      vehicle_2 ->Print ();

  • unique_ptr are unique (ownship is unique): This means that we can move stuff but not copy:

    • vehicle_2 = std :: move( vehicle_1 );
  • Address of the pointers before the move:

    cout << "vehicle_1 = " << vehicle_1 .get () << endl;
    cout << "vehicle_2 = " << vehicle_2 .get () << endl;
    // vehicle_1 = 0x56330247ce70  (xxx70)
    // vehicle_2 = 0x56330247cec0  (xxxc0)
  • Address of the pointers after the move:

    // vehicle_2 = 0 x56330247ce70
    // vehicle_1 = 0
  • Wait, Didn't you use NEW and DELETE ?

    • No, we are smart now... right ?

Unique pointer (std::unique_ptr)

  • Constructor of a unique pointer takes ownership of a provided raw pointer
  • No runtime overhead over a raw pointer
  • Syntax for a unique pointer to type Type: (Ugly!!)
    #include <memory>
    // Using default constructor Type();
    auto p = std :: unique_ptr <Type>(new Type);
    // Using constructor Type(<params>);
    auto p = std :: unique_ptr <Type>(new Type(<params>));
  • From C++14 on:
    // Forwards <params> to constructor of unique_ptr
    auto p = std :: make_unique <Type>(<params>);

What makes it “unique”

  • Unique pointer has no copy constructor
  • Cannot be copied, can be moved
  • Guarantees that memory is always owned by a single std::unique_ptr
  • A non-null std::unique_ptr always owns what it points to.
  • Moving a std::unique_ptr transfers ownership from the source pointer to the destination pointer.
    • (The source pointer is set to nullptr.)

Shared pointer (std::shared_ptr)

  • What if we want to use the same pointer for different resources?

  • An object accessed via std::shared_ptrs has its lifetime managed by those pointers through shared ownership.

  • No specific std::shared_ptr owns the object.

    • because you just share the ownship
  • When the last std::shared_ptr pointing to an object stops pointing there, that std::shared_ptr destroys the object it points to

  • Constructed just like a unique_ptr

  • Can be copied

  • Stores a usage counter and a raw pointer

    • Increases usage counter when copied
    • Decreases usage counter when destructed
  • Frees memory when counter reaches 0

  • Can be initialized from a unique_ptr

  • Syntax:

    #include <memory>
    // Using default constructor Type();
    auto p = std :: shared_ptr <Type>(new Type);
    auto p = std :: make_shared <Type>();
    // Using constructor Type(<params>);
    auto p = std :: shared_ptr <Type>(new Type(<params>));
    auto p = std :: make_shared <Type>(<params>);

Shared pointer Example

#include <iostream>

using std::cout, std::endl;

class MyClass {
    MyClass() { cout << "I'm alive!\n"; }
    ~MyClass() { cout << "I'm dead... :(\n"; }

int main() {
    auto a_ptr = std ::make_shared<MyClass>();
    cout << a_ptr.use_count() << endl;
        auto b_ptr = a_ptr;
        cout << a_ptr.use_count() << endl;
    cout << "Back to main scope\n";
    cout << a_ptr.use_count() << endl;
    return 0;
// I'm alive!
// 1
// 2
// Back to main scope
// 1
// I'm dead... :(

When to use what?

  • Use smart pointers when the pointer must manage memory
  • By default use unique_ptr
  • If multiple objects must share ownership over something, use a shared_ptr to it
  • Think of any free standing new or delete as of a memory leak or a dangling pointer:
    • Don’t use delete
    • Allocate memory with make_unique, make_shared
    • Only use new in smart pointer constructor if cannot use the functions above

Typical beginner error

int main () {
    // Allocate a variable in the stack
    int a = 42;

    // Create a pointer to that part of the memory
    // first error: why you create a pointer to stack variable? just use reference!
    int* ptr_to_a = &a;

    // Know stuff about pointers eh?
    // 2nd error
    auto a_unique_ptr = std :: unique_ptr <int>( ptr_to_a);

    // Same happens with std::shared_ptr.
    // 3rd error
    auto a_shared_ptr = std :: shared_ptr <int>( ptr_to_a);

    std :: cout << "Program terminated correctly!!!\n";
    return 0;
  • Create a smart pointer from a pointer to a stack-managed variable
  • The variable ends up being owned both by the smart pointer and the stack and gets deleted twice → Error!

Modern C++ Course: Templates (Lecture 9, I. Vizzo, 2020)

Function Templates

template <typename T>
T abs(T x) {
    return (x>= 0) ? x : -x;
  • Function templates are not functions.
    • They are templates for making functions
  • You don’t pay for what you don’t use:
    • If nobody calls abs<int>, it won’t be instantiated by the compiler at all.
  • A function template defines a family of functions.

Using Function Templates

int main () {
    const double x = 5.5;
    const int y = -5;

    auto abs_x = abs <double>(x);
    int abs_y = abs <int>(y);

    double abs_x_2 = abs(x); // type -deduction
    auto abs_y_2 = abs(y); // type -deduction

Templates lives in a "static" world.

Template classes

template <class T> class MyClass {
    MyClass(T x) : x_(x) {}

    T x_;
  • Classes templates are not classes.
    • They are templates for making classes
  • You don’t pay for what you don’t use:
    • If nobody calls MyClass<int>, it won’t be instantiated by the compiler at all.

Template classes usage

int main() {
    MyClass<int> my_float_object(10);
    MyClass<double> my_double_object(10.0);
    return 0;

Template Parameters

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

template <typename T, size_t N = 10>
T AccumulateVector (const T& val) {
    std::vector <T> vec(val , N);
    return std::accumulate (vec.begin (), vec.end (), 0);
  • Every template is parameterized by one or more template parameters:
    • template < parameter-list > declaration
  • Think the template parameters the same way as any function arguemnents, but at compile-time.


using std::cout, std::endl;
int main() {
    cout << AccumulateVector(1) << endl;             // 10
    cout << AccumulateVector<float>(2) << endl;      // 20
    cout << AccumulateVector<float, 5>(2.0) << endl; // 10
    return 0;

Template Full/Partial Specialization


Static code generatrion with constexpr

  • constexpr specifies that the value of a variable or function can appear in constant expressions
#include <iostream>
constexpr int factorial(int n) {
    // Compute this at compile time
    return n <= 1 ? 1 : (n * factorial(n - 1));

int main() {
    // Guaranteed to be computed at compile time
    return factorial(10);
  • It only works if the variable of function can be defined at compile-time:
    #include <array>
    #include <vector>
    int main() {
        std ::vector<int> vec;
        constexpr size_t size_err = vec.size(); // error
        std ::array<int, 10> arr;
        constexpr size_t size = arr.size(); // works!