- Lecture 25: Protection and Security in Distributed Systems
- Protection vs Security
- Preventing Misuse
- Authentication: Identifying Users
- Passwords: Secrecy
- Passwords: How easy to guess?
- Passwords: Making harder to crack
- Passwords: Making harder to crack (con’t)
- Authentication in Distributed Systems
- Private Key Cryptography
- Key Distribution
- Public Key Encryption Details
- Protection: one or more mechanisms for controlling the access of programs, processes, or users to resources
- Page Table Mechanism
- File Access Mechanism
- Security: use of protection mechanisms to prevent misuse of resources
- Misuse defined with respect to policy
- E.g.: prevent exposure of certain sensitive information
- E.g.: prevent unauthorized modification/deletion of data
- Requires consideration of the external environment within which the system operates
- Most well-constructed system cannot protect information if user accidentally reveals password
- Misuse defined with respect to policy
- What we hope to gain today and next time
- Conceptual understanding of how to make systems secure
- Some examples, to illustrate why providing security is really hard in practice
- Types of Misuse:
- Accidental:
- If I delete shell, can’t log in to fix it!
- Could make it more difficult by asking: “do you really want to delete the shell?”
- Intentional:
- Some high school brat who can’t get a date, so instead he transfers $3 billion from B to A.
- Doesn’t help to ask if they want to do it (of course!)
- Accidental:
- Three Pieces to Security
- Authentication: who the user actually is
- Authorization: who is allowed to do what
- Enforcement: make sure people do only what they are supposed to do
- Loopholes in any carefully constructed system:
- Log in as superuser and you’ve circumvented authentication
- Log in as self and can do anything with your resources; for instance: run program that erases all of your files
- Can you trust software to correctly enforce Authentication and Authorization?????
- How to identify users to the system?
- Passwords
- Shared secret between two parties
- Since only user knows password, someone types correct password => must be user typing it
- Very common technique
- Smart Cards
- Electronics embedded in card capable of providing long passwords or satisfying challenge -> response queries
- May have display to allow reading of password
- Or can be plugged in directly; several credit cards now in this category
- Biometrics
- Use of one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits to identify someone
- Examples: fingerprint reader, palm reader, retinal scan
- Becoming quite a bit more common
- Passwords
- System must keep copy of secret to check against passwords
- What if malicious user gains access to list of passwords?
- Need to obscure information somehow
- Mechanism: utilize a transformation that is difficult to reverse without the right key (e.g. encryption)
- What if malicious user gains access to list of passwords?
- Example: UNIX /etc/passwd file
- passwd -> one way transform(hash) -> encrypted passwd
- System stores only encrypted version, so OK even if someone reads the file!
- When you type in your password, system compares encrypted version
- Problem: Can you trust encryption algorithm?
- Example: one algorithm thought safe had back door
- Governments want back door so they can snoop
- Also, security through obscurity doesn’t work
- GSM encryption algorithm was secret; accidentally released; Berkeley grad students cracked in a few hours
- Example: one algorithm thought safe had back door
- Ways of Compromising Passwords
- Password Guessing:
- Often people use obvious information like birthday, favorite color, girlfriend’s name, etc…
- Dictionary Attack:
- Work way through dictionary and compare encrypted version of dictionary words with entries in /etc/passwd
- Dumpster Diving:
- Find pieces of paper with passwords written on them
- (Also used to get social-security numbers, etc)
- Password Guessing:
- Paradox:
- Short passwords are easy to crack
- Long ones, people write down
- Technology means we have to use longer passwords
- UNIX initially required lowercase, 5-letter passwords: total of 26⁵=10 million passwords
- In 1975, 10ms to check a password -> 1 day to crack
- In 2005, .01μs to check a password -> 0.1 seconds to crack
- Even faster today (use multiple processors)
- Takes less time to check for all words in the dictionary!
- UNIX initially required lowercase, 5-letter passwords: total of 26⁵=10 million passwords
- How can we make passwords harder to crack?
- Can’t make it impossible, but can help
- Technique 1: Extend everyone’s password with a unique number (stored in password file)
- Called “salt”. UNIX uses 12-bit “salt”, making dictionary attacks 4096 times harder
- Without salt, would be possible to pre-compute all the words in the dictionary hashed with the UNIX algorithm: would make comparing with /etc/passwd easy
- Also, way that salt is combined with password designed to frustrate use of off-the-shelf DES hardware
- Technique 2: Require more complex passwords
- Make people use at least 8-character passwords with upper-case, lower-case, punctuation, and numbers
- 70⁸ = 6x10¹⁴ = 6 million seconds = 69 [email protected]μs/check
- Unfortunately, people still pick common patterns
- e.g. Capitalize first letter of common word, add one digit
- Make people use at least 8-character passwords with upper-case, lower-case, punctuation, and numbers
- Technique 3: Delay checking of passwords
- If attacker doesn’t have access to /etc/passwd, delay every remote login attempt by 1 second
- Makes it infeasible for rapid-fire dictionary attack
- Technique 4: Assign very long passwords
- Long passwords or pass-phrases can have more entropy (randomness -> harder to crack)
- Give everyone a smart card (or ATM card) to carry around to remember password
- Requires physical theft to steal password
- Can require PIN from user before authenticates self
- Better: have smartcard generate pseudorandom number
- Client and server share initial seed
- Each second/login attempt advances to next random number
- Technique 5: “Zero-Knowledge Proof”
- Require a series of challenge-response questions
- Distribute secret algorithm to user
- Server presents a number, say “5”; user computes something from the number and returns answer to server
- Server never asks same “question” twice
- Often performed by smartcard plugged into system
- Require a series of challenge-response questions
- What if identity must be established across network?
- Need way to prevent exposure of information while still proving identity to remote system
- Many of the original UNIX tools sent passwords over the wire “in clear text”
- E.g.: telnet, ftp, yp (yellow pages, for distributed login)
- Result: Snooping programs widespread
- What do we need? Cannot rely on physical security!
- Encryption: Privacy, restrict receivers
- Authentication: Remote Authenticity, restrict senders
- Private Key (Symmetric) Encryption:
- Single key used for both encryption and decryption
- Plaintext: Unencrypted Version of message
- Ciphertext: Encrypted Version of message
- Important properties
- Can’t derive plain text from ciphertext (decode) without access to key
- Can’t derive key from plain text and ciphertext
- As long as password stays secret, get both secrecy and authentication
- Symmetric Key Algorithms: DES, Triple-DES, AES
- How do you get shared secret to both places?
- For instance: how do you send authenticated, secret mail to someone who you have never met?
- Must negotiate key over private channel
- Exchange code book
- Key cards/memory stick/others
- Third Party: Authentication Server (like Kerberos)
- Notation:
- kₓᵧ is key for talking between x and y
- (...)ᵏ means encrypt message (…) with the key K
- Clients: A and B, Authentication server S
- A asks server for key:
- A -> S: [Hi! I’d like a key for talking between A and B]
- Not encrypted. Others can find out if A and B are talking
- Server returns session key encrypted using B’s key
- S -> A: Message [ Use Kab (This is A! Use Kab )ksb ] ksa
- This allows A to know, “S said use this key”
- Whenever A wants to talk with B
- A -> B: Ticket [This is A! Use Kab ]ksb
- Now, B knows that Kab is sanctioned by S
- Notation:
- Idea: Kpublic can be made public, keep kprivate private
- Gives message privacy (restricted receiver):
- Public keys (secure destination points) can be acquired by anyone/used by anyone
- Only person with private key can decrypt message
- What about authentication?
- Use combination of private and public key
- Alice -> Bob: [(I’m Alice)Aprivate Rest of message]Bpublic
- Provides restricted sender and receiver
- **But: how does Alice know that it was Bob who sent her Bpublic ? and vice versa ?