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CS61A sp17

Lecture #22: The Scheme Language

  • LISP
    • Every­thing is an expression
      • 不再有语句和表达式的区别
    • Every expression is either a single value or a list
      • Single values are things like numbers and strings and hash tables。
      • The list part, however, is a big deal.
        • In a language like Python, the list is one data type within the language
        • But in Lisps, the list is more like an organizing principle for everything that happens.
          • yes, you can use the list as a data type.
          • But a function call is also a list.
    • Functional programming.
      • functions avoid two habits common in other languages: data mutation and relying on state.

Data Types

  • atoms
    • The classical atoms:
      • Numbers: integer, floating-point, complex, rational.
      • Symbols.
      • Booleans: #t, #f.
      • The empty list: ()
      • Procedures (functions).
    • Some newer-fangled, mutable atoms:
      • Vectors: Python lists.
      • Strings
      • Characters: Like Python 1-element strings
  • pairs
    • Pairs are like two-element Python lists , where the elements are (recursively) Scheme values.

Symbol notion

  • Lisp最早是被设计来处理符号数据(如公式)。这些符号通常递归的被定义( an exp = op + subexps ).
  • the notion of a symbol:
    • Essentially a constant string
    • Two symbols with the same “spelling” (string) are by default the same object (but usually, case is ignored).
  • The main operation on symbols is equality.
    • e.g. a bumblebee numb3rs * + / wide-ranging !?@*!!

Pairs and Lists

  • The Scheme notation for the pair
    • (V1 . V2)
  • Lists are so prevalent that there is a standard abbreviation:
Abbreviation Means
(V ) (V . ())
(V1 V2 · · · Vn) (V1 . (V2 . (· · · (Vn . ()))))
(V1 V2 · · · Vn−1 . Vn) (V1 . (V2 . (· · · (Vn−1 . Vn))))
  • one can build practically any data structure out of pair
    • In Scheme, the main one is the (linked) list


  • Scheme expressions and programs are instances of Lisp data structures (“Scheme programs are Scheme data”).
  • At the bottom, numerals, booleans, characters, and strings are expressions that stand for themselves.
  • Most lists (aka forms) stand for function calls:
    • (OP E1 · · · En)


  • Since programs are data, we have a problem:
    • How do we say, eg., “Set the variable x to the three-element list (+ 1 2)”
    • without it meaning “Set the variable x to the value 3?”
  • In English, we call this a use vs. mention distinction
  • For this, we need a special form -- a construct that does not simply evaluate its operands.
  • (quote E) yields E itself as the value, without evaluating it as a Scheme expression:
    • (quote (+ 1 2)) => (+ 1 2)
  • 简化版本 '(xxx)'

Special Forms

  • (quote E) is a sample of special form : an exception to the general rule for evaluting functional forms
  • A few other special forms also have meanings that generally do not involve simply evaluating their operands:
    • (if (> x y) x y) ; like python A if X else B
    • (and (integer?) (> x y) (< x z)) ; like python and
    • (or (not (integer? x)) (< x L) (> x U)) ; Like Python ’or’
    • (lambda (x y) (/ (* x x) y)) ; Like Python lambda , yields function
    • (define pi 3.14159265359) ; Definition
    • (define (f x) (* x x)) ; Function Definition
    • (set! x 3) ; Assignment ("set bang")

Traditional Conditionals

  • the fancy traditional Lisp conditional form: cond
    • cond: chains a series of tests to select a result
      • suport else , but a cond-clause that starts with else must be the last cond-clause.
scm> (define x 5)
scm> (cond ((< x 1) ’small)
        ((< x 3) ’medium)
        ((< x 5) ’large)
        (#t ’big))
  • which is the Lisp version of Python’s
"small" if x < 1 else "medium" if x < 3 else "large" if x < 5 else "big"


  • When evaluated as a program, a symbol acts like a variable name.
  • Variables are bound in environments, just as in Python, although the syntax differs.
  • To define a new symbol, either use it as a parameter name (later), or use the “define” special form:
    • This (re)defines the symbols in the current environment.
(define pi 3.1415926)
(define pi**2 (* pi pi))
  • To assign a new value to an existing binding, use the set! special form:
    • (set! pi 3)
    • pi must be defined (not like Python).

Function Evaluation

  • Function evaluation is just like Python
  • To create a new function, we use the lambda special form:
scm> ( (lambda (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y))) 3 4)
scm> (define fib
        (lambda (n) (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1))))))
scm> (fib 5)
  • 把一个lambda 赋给一个 symbol 太常见了,这么写略繁琐
scm> (define (fib n)
    (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))


scm> (/ 5 2)
scm> (quotient 5 2) 
scm> (< 2 4 8)  ; chain compare like python
(integer? 5)

Lists and Pair

  • Pairs (and therefore lists) have a basic constructor and accessors
    • cons : constructor
    • car : Contents of the Address part of Register number
    • cdr : Contents of the Decrement part of Register number,
    • cpr : Contents of the Prefix part of Register number
    • ctr : Contents of the Tag part of Register number
    • cadr :
    • cadar : ...
  • between the first letter ('c') and the last ('r'),
    • a 'a' means "the car of" and a 'd' means "the cdr of".
    • so
      • cadr is "the car of the cdr",
      • cddr is the cdr of the cdr,
      • cadar is the "car of the cdr of the car" (thus the parameter has to be a list of list),
scm> (cons 1 2)
(1 . 2)
scm> (cons 'a (cons 'b '()))
(a b)
scm> (define L (a b c)) ; define won'e evaluate oprands
scm> (car L)
scm> (cdr L)
(b c)
(cadr L) ; (car (cdr L))
scm> (cdddr L) ; (cdr (cdr (cdr L)))
  • And one that is especially for lists:
scm> (list (+ 1 2) 'a 4)
(3 a 4)
  • we can use the quote form to construct a malformed list
scm> '(1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
scm> '(1 . (2 . (3)))
(1 2 3)
scm> '(1 . (2 . 3))
(1 2 . 3)  ; malformed !

Built-In Procedures for Lists

scm> (null? nil)

scm> (append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)

scm> (cons '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
((1 2 3) 4 5 6)

scm> (list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
((1 2 3) (4 5 6))

scm> (length '(1 2 3 4 5))

Binding Constructs: Let

  • Sometimes, you’d like to introduce local variables or named constants
  • The let special form does this:
scm> (define x 17)
scm> (let ((x 5)
        (y (+ x 2)))
        (+ x y))
  • This is a derived form, equivalent to:
    • 想象 let 是在给你定义参数
scm> ((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 5 (+ x 2))
  • TODO, 为什么 最后加法x 的值是17 ?

Loops and Tail Recursion

  • In Scheme, tail-recursive functions must work like iterations
(define (sum init L)
       (if (null? L) init
           (sum (+ init (car L)) (cdr L))))

Lecture #27: More Scheme Programming

Recursion and Iteration

  • tail recursions . From the reference manual:
    • Implementations of Scheme must be properly tail-recursive.
    • Procedure calls that occur in certain syntactic contexts called tail contexts are tail calls.
    • Scheme implementation is properly tail-recursive if it supports an unbounded number of [simultaneously] active tail calls
  • First, let’s define what that means

Tail Contexts

  • Basically, an expression is in a tail context , if
    • it is evaluated last in a function body (函数中最后一个求值
    • and provides the value of a call to that function. (并为该函数提供了一个返回值))
  • A function is tail-recursive if
    • all function calls , in its body , that can result in a recursive call on that same function , are in tail contexts.
  • In effect, Scheme turns recursive calls of such functions into iterations instead of simply returning
    • by replacing those calls with one of the function’s tail-context expressions
  • This decreases the memory , devoted to keeping track of which functions are running and who called them , to a constant.

Tail Contexts in Scheme

  • The “bases” are
    • (lambda (ARGUMENTS) EXPR1 EXPR2 ... EXPRn)
    • (define (NAME ARGMENTS) EXPR1 EXPR2 ... EXPRn)
  • If an expression is in a tail context, then certain parts of it become tail contexts all by themselves

Prime Numbers

(define (prime? x)
    "True iff X is prime."
(define (prime? x)
    "True iff X is prime."
    (cond ((< x 2) #f)
        ((= x 2) #t)
        (#t ?))  ; ? is undefined
(define (prime? x)
    "True iff X is prime."

    (define (no-factor? k lim)
        "LIM has no divisors >= K and < LIM."

    (cond ((< x 2) #f)
        ((= x 2) #t)
        (#t (no-factor? 2
            (floor (+ (sqrt x) 2)))))
(define (prime? x)
    "True iff X is prime."

    (define (no-factor? k lim)
        "LIM has no divisors >= K and < LIM."
        (cond ((>= k lim) #t)
            ((= (remainder x k) 0) #f)
            (#t ?)))

    (cond ((< x 2) #f)
        ((= x 2) #t)
        (#t (no-factor? 2
            (floor (+ (sqrt x) 2)))))
(define (prime? x)
    "True iff X is prime."

    (define (no-factor? k lim)
        "LIM has no divisors >= K and < LIM."
        (cond ((>= k lim) #t)
            ((= (remainder x k) 0) #f)
            (#t (no-factor? (+ k 1) lim))))

    (cond ((< x 2) #f)
        ((= x 2) #t)
        (#t (no-factor? 2
            (floor (+ (sqrt x) 2)))))

Tail-Recursive Length?

  • On several occasions, we’ve computed the length of a linked list like this:
;; The length of list L
(define (length L)
    (if (eqv? L '()) ; Alternative: (null? L)
        (+ 1 (length (cdr L)))))
  • but this is not tail recursive. How do we make it so?

  • Try a helper method:

;; The length of list L
(define (length L)
     (define (length+ n R)
          "The length of R plus N."
          (if (null? R) n
               (length+ (+ n 1) (cdr R))))
     (length+ 0 L))

Standard List Searches: assoc, etc.

  • The functions assq, assv, and assoc classically serve the purpose of Python dictionaries
  • An association list is a list of key/value pairs. The pyhton dictionary {1:5, 3:6, 0:2} might be represented
    • ( (1 . 5) (3 . 6) (0 . 2) )
  • The assx functions access this list, returning the pair whose car matches a key argument.
  • The difference between the methods is that
    • assq compares using eq? (Python is).
    • assv uses eqv? (which is like Python == on numbers and like is otherwise).
    • assoc uses equal? (does “deep” comparison of lists).

Assv Solution

;; The first item in L whose car is eqv? to key, or #f if none.
(define (assv key L)
    (cond ((null? L) #f)
          ((eqv? key (caar L)) (car L))
          (else (assv key (cdr L))))

A classic: reduce

;; Assumes f is a two-argument function and L is a list.
;; If L is (x1 x2...xn), the result of applying f n-1 times
;; to give (f (f (... (f x1 x2) x3) x4) ...).
;; If L is empty, returns f with no arguments.
;; [Simply Scheme version.]
;; >>> (reduce + ’(1 2 3 4)) ===> 10
;; >>> (reduce + ’()) ===> 0
(define (reduce f L)

Reduce Solution (1)

(define (reduce f L)
    (cond ((null? L) (f)) ; Odd case with no items
          ((null? (cdr L)) (car L)) ; One item
          (else (reduce f (cons (f (car L) (cadr L)) (cddr L))))

Reduce Solution (2)

(define (reduce f L)
     (define (reduce-tail accum R)
          (cond ((null? R) accum)
                (else (reduce-tail (f accum (car R)) (cdr R)))
     (if (null? L) (f) ;; Special case
          (reduce-tail (car L) (cdr L)))

A Harder Case: Map

naive solution

(define (map2 f L)
    (if (null? L) '()
        (cons (f (car L)) (map2 f (cdr L)))))
  • NOT tail-recursive

Making map tail recursive

  • Need to pass along the partial results and add to them
  • Problem: cons adds to the front of a list, so we end up with a reverse of what we want
(define (map2 f L)
    ;; The result of prepending the reverse of (map rest) to
    ;; the list partial-result
    (define (map+ partial-result rest)
        (if (null? rest) partial-result
            (map+ (cons (f (car rest)) partial-result) (cdr rest))
    (reverse2 (map+ '() L)))
  • What about reverse

And Finally, Reverse

  • Actually, we can use the very problem that cons creates to solve it!
  • That is, consing items from a list from left to right results in a reversed list:
(define (reverse2 L)
    (define (reverse+ partial-result rest)
        (if (null? rest) partial-result
            (reverse+ (cons (car rest) partial-result) (cdr rest)) 
            ) )
    (reverse+ '() L)

Another Example

  • Consider the problem of shuffling together two lists, L1 and L2.
    • The result consists of the first item of L1, then the first of L2, then the second of L1, etc.
    • until one or the other list has no more values.
(define (shuffle L1 L2)
    (define (shuffle+ reversed-result L1 L2)
        (if ?))
    (shuffle+ '() L1 L2))
(define (shuffle L1 L2)
    (define (shuffle+ reversed-result L1 L2)
        (if (null? L1) (reverse reversed-result)
    (shuffle+ '() L1 L2))
(define (shuffle L1 L2)
    (define (shuffle+ reversed-result L1 L2)
        (if (null? L1) (reverse reversed-result)
            (shuffle+ (cons (car L1) reversed-result) L2 (cdr L1))
    (shuffle+ '() L1 L2))