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CoronaWatchNL is an R package that allows you to access a wide range of Covid-19 related datasets in the Netherlands. This package is heavily based on the CoronaWatchNL repository on GitHub, which collects and releases this information on a daily basis. However, the R package also provides more datasets that are not included in the original repository, such as the weekly mortality rate data published by CBS.


You can install the development version of CoronaWatchNL from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


At the moment, the following category of datasets are available via this R package:

Geographical datasets

Dataset Source Variables Function
Reported case counts by date in NL RIVM Date, Type (Total, hospitalized and deceased COVID-19 cases), (Cumulative) Count get_daily_national_cases()
Reported case counts by date in NL per province RIVM Date, Province, Type (Total, hospitalized and deceased COVID-19 cases), (Cumulative) Count get_daily_provincial_cases()
Reported case counts by date in NL per municipality RIVM Date, Municipality, Province, Type (Total, hospitalized and deceased COVID-19 cases), (Cumulative) Count get_daily_cases_per_municipality(),get_cumilative_cases_per_municipality()###

Descriptive datasets

Dataset Source Variables Function
Case counts in NL per age RIVM Date, Age group, Type (Total, hospitalized and deceased COVID-19 cases), (Cumulative) Count get_cases_by_age()
Case counts in NL per sex RIVM Date, Sex, Type (Total, hospitalized and deceased COVID-19 cases), (Cumulative) Count get_cases_by_sex()
Deceased case counts in NL per sex and age group RIVM Date, Age group, Sex, (Cumulative) Count of deceased cases get_deceased_cases_by_sex_age()

Intensive care datasets

Dataset Source Variables Function
COVID-19 intensive care patient counts in NL (Wide or long Format) Stichting NICE Date, New, Total and Cumulative ICU admissions per day, Number of ICUs with at least one COVID-19 case, New and Cumulative fatal, survived and discharged ICU admissions get_icu_data_wide()/ get_icu_data_long()
COVID-19 intensive care patient counts with country of hospitalization LCPS Date, Country of Hospitalization, Total COVID-19 ICU admissions get_lcps_data()

Mobility data

Dataset Source Variables Function
Apple’s daily mobility report GitHub get_apple_mobility_data()
Google’s mobility report GitHub get_google_mobility_data()
Waze’s mobility report GitHub get_waze_mobility_city_level_data(),get_waze_mobility_country_level_data()

Mortality Rate

Dataset Source Variables Function
Weekly mortality rate Sex, Age group of the deceased person on 31 December , Periods, Number of registered death get_mortality_rate()

Miscellaneous datasets

Dataset Source Variables Function
Population per region (municipality) Periods, Regions, Population get_population_per_region()
Suspected patients in NL National Dashboard Date, Type of measure, Count get_suspected_patients()
COVID-19 particles in sewage RIVM get_sewage_data()
Reproduction index COVID-19 virus RIVM get_reproduction_rate()
Government financial aid to companies UWV Company, Location, Advance get_economy_data()
COVID-19 measures by the government European Commission Joint Research Centre Various variables on governmental measures (in English) get_measures_data()
Underlying conditions and/or pregnancy in deceased COVID-19 cased under the age of 70 RIVM Date, Type of condition, Cumulative count get_underlying_conditions()
Underlying conditions and/or pregnancy in deceased COVID-19 cased under the age of 70 RIVM Date, Type of condition, Cumulative count get_underlying_statistics()
COVID-19 tests in NL per week RIVM Year, Calendar week, Start date (Monday), End date (Sunday), Included labs, Type (Total and positive tests), Count get_testing_data()


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

## basic example code
province_case <- get_daily_provincial_cases()
province_case %>%
  filter(Provincienaam == 'Utrecht') %>% count(Type)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>   Type                 n
#>   <chr>            <int>
#> 1 Overleden          250
#> 2 Totaal             250
#> 3 Ziekenhuisopname   250
province_case %>%
  replace_na(list(Aantal = 0)) %>%
  drop_na(Provincienaam) %>%
  mutate(name = Provincienaam) %>%
  filter(Type == 'Totaal') %>%
    x = Datum,
    y = Aantal,
    group = Type,
    color = Type
  )) +
  geom_line(color = 'indianred',
            size = 1,
            alpha = 1) +
  #geom_point(color = 'indianred', size = 2) +
    use_direct_label = FALSE,
    unhighlighted_params = list(
      size = 1,
      width = 0.5,
      color = '#F6DAB4',
      alpha  = 0.5
  ) +
  facet_geo( ~ name, grid = 'nl_prov_grid1') +

municipalBoundaries <- st_read("")

daily_cases_per_municpality <- get_daily_cases_per_municipality()
populatuon_per_region <- get_population_per_region()

daily_cases_per_municpality <- daily_cases_per_municpality %>%
  inner_join(populatuon_per_region, by = c('Municipality_name' = 'Regions')) %>%
    Date_of_publication = lubridate::as_date(Date_of_publication),
    day = lubridate::round_date(Date_of_publication , unit = 'day'),
    day = lubridate::as_date(day),
    avg = 100000 * as.numeric(Total_reported) / as.numeric(`Bevolking op 1 januari (aantal)`),
    dis_avg = chop(avg, c(0, 0, 0.5, 1, 5, 12, 20, 35, 55, 80, 100, 200))
# merge boundary data
data <- municipalBoundaries%>% 
  right_join(daily_cases_per_municpality ,by=c(statnaam="Municipality_name"))

### Warning: it will take a lot of time to generate this animation!
data %>%

  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = dis_avg), color = 'gray95') +
    values  = c(
  ) +
  coord_sf(datum = NA) +
    title = 'Covid-19 Cases per 100000 Inhabitants in the Netherlands',
    subtitle = 'Date: {current_frame}',
    fill = 'Counts per 100000',
    caption = 'Source: RIVM'
  ) +
  theme_void() +
    text = element_text(family = 'Poppins Light'),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(
      family = 'Poppins Light',
      size = 13,
      margin = margin(b = 10)
    ) ,
    plot.title = element_text(
      family = 'Poppins Light',
      size = 15,
      margin = margin(t = 10, b = 10)
  ) +
  transition_manual(day_char_, cumulative = T) +
  ease_aes("sine") +
  enter_fade(alpha = 0.5) +
  exit_fade(alpha = 0.5)

apple_mobility <- get_apple_mobility_data()
#> Rows: 4,986
#> Columns: 8
#> $ country            <chr> "Netherlands", "Netherlands", "Netherlands", "Ne...
#> $ `sub-region`       <chr> "Drenthe", "Drenthe", "Drenthe", "Drenthe", "Dre...
#> $ subregion_and_city <chr> "Drenthe", "Drenthe", "Drenthe", "Drenthe", "Dre...
#> $ geo_type           <chr> "sub-region", "sub-region", "sub-region", "sub-r...
#> $ date               <date> 2020-01-13, 2020-01-14, 2020-01-15, 2020-01-16,...
#> $ driving            <dbl> 0.00, 2.80, 8.27, 5.10, 11.09, 11.98, 8.02, 3.11...
#> $ transit            <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ...
#> $ walking            <dbl> 0.00, 2.51, 9.32, 15.56, 22.19, 29.07, 10.35, 8....
# inspired by:
apple_mobility %>%
  filter(`sub-region`  != 'Total') %>%
  mutate(over_under = driving < 0) %>%
    x = date,
    y = driving,
    group = `sub-region` ,
    color = over_under
  )) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "gray40") +
  geom_col() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("steelblue" , "firebrick")) +
  guides(color = FALSE) +
  labs(x = "Date", y = "Relative Mobility", title = "Relative Trends in Apple Maps Usage for Driving in the Netherlands") +
  facet_wrap( ~ `sub-region`) +