diff --git a/vizro-core/examples/scratch_dev/app.py b/vizro-core/examples/scratch_dev/app.py
index 923bb943f..21ed01765 100644
--- a/vizro-core/examples/scratch_dev/app.py
+++ b/vizro-core/examples/scratch_dev/app.py
@@ -1,26 +1,210 @@
-"""Dev app to try things out."""
+Create a dashboard with 3 pages.
+The first page has the title "This year's reading"
+The chart is a scatter chart. Plot the date a book was read on the x axis. Plot it at y=1.
+The second page has the title "Pages and Book totals over the years" and it shows 1 chart.
+The chart shows the cumulative total number of pages read by summing the Number of Pages of each book read in each year, using the Date Read data.
+Plot date on the x axis and the number of pages on the y axis using a scale on the left hand side of the chart.
+Add a filter so the user can change the x axis to adjust the range of dates by year on the x axis.
+Superimpose a bar chart showing the total books read for each year, taking data from the Date Read column.
+Show the total books read using the right hand side of the chart which can be a different scale to the y axis shown on the left hand side.
+The third page has the title "Ratings over the years" and it has 1 chart.
+The chart emphasizes the gap between My Rating and the Average Rating for each row of the dataset.
+Eliminate any book where My Rating is 0. Then, for each row of the dataset, plot the My Rating and Average Rating
+data points using circles that are connected by a line to show the gap between the two points.
+Stack the books vertically on the y axis, ordered alphabetically by Title, and use the x axis to show the rating between 0 and 5. Label each with the Title and Author.
+############ Imports ##############
from vizro import Vizro
-import vizro.plotly.express as px
import vizro.models as vm
-from vizro.tables import dash_data_table
-gapminder = px.data.gapminder()
-table = vm.Page(
- title="Table",
- components=[
- vm.Table(
- figure=dash_data_table(data_frame=gapminder, page_size=5),
- title="Gapminder Data Insights",
- header="""#### An Interactive Exploration of Global Health, Wealth, and Population""",
- footer="""SOURCE: **Plotly gapminder data set, 2024**""",
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+from vizro.models.types import capture
+####### Function definitions ######
+def scatter_chart(data_frame):
+ # Filter the DataFrame to ignore rows where My Rating is 0
+ filtered_df = data_frame[(data_frame["My Rating"] > 0) & (data_frame["Date Read"].dt.year == 2024)]
+ # Create the figure
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ # Iterate through the filtered DataFrame to add traces
+ for index, row in filtered_df.iterrows():
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[row["Date Read"], row["Date Read"]],
+ y=[1],
+ customdata=[[row["Title"], row["Author"], row["My Rating"]]],
+ showlegend=False,
+ marker=dict(color="#00b4ff", size=20, opacity=0.4),
+ hovertemplate="Title: %{customdata[0]}
+ + "Author: %{customdata[1]}
+ + "My Rating: %{customdata[2]}
+ + "Date: %{x}"
+ + "",
+ )
- ],
+ # Update the layout
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="Timeline of My Ratings",
+ xaxis_title="Date Read",
+ xaxis=dict(type="date"), # Ensure the x-axis is treated as dates
+ yaxis=dict(
+ ticks="", # Hide ticks
+ tickmode="linear",
+ showticklabels=False, # Hide y-axis labels
+ ),
+ )
+ return fig
+def custom_chart(data_frame, top_n=15):
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ filtered_data = data_frame.sort_values(by="Title", ascending=True).head(top_n)
+ for index, row in filtered_data.iterrows():
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[row["My Rating"], row["Average Rating"]],
+ y=[row["Title"], row["Title"]],
+ mode="markers+lines",
+ line=dict(color="gray", width=2),
+ marker=dict(color=["#00b4ff", "#ff9222"], size=10),
+ showlegend=False,
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="Dumbbell Chart: My Rating (blue) vs Average Rating (orange)",
+ xaxis_title="Rating",
+ xaxis=dict(range=[-0.5, 5.5]),
+ yaxis_autorange="reversed",
+ )
+ return fig
+def pages_books_totals_chart(data_frame):
+ # Convert 'Date Read' to datetime
+ data_frame["Date Read"] = pd.to_datetime(data_frame["Date Read"])
+ # Sort data by 'Date Read'
+ data_frame = data_frame.sort_values("Date Read")
+ # Calculate cumulative sum of 'Number of Pages'
+ data_frame["Cumulative Pages"] = data_frame["Number of Pages"].cumsum()
+ # Extract year from 'Date Read'
+ data_frame["Year"] = data_frame["Date Read"].dt.year
+ # Count total books read per year
+ books_per_year = data_frame.groupby("Year").size()
+ # Create figure
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ # Add line chart for cumulative pages
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=data_frame["Date Read"],
+ y=data_frame["Cumulative Pages"],
+ mode="lines",
+ name="Cumulative Pages",
+ zorder=1, # Ensure the line chart is rendered on top of the bar chart
+ )
+ )
+ # Add bar chart for total books read per year
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Bar(
+ x=books_per_year.index,
+ y=books_per_year.values,
+ name="Total Books Read",
+ yaxis="y2",
+ opacity=0.5,
+ )
+ )
+ # Update layout
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title="Cumulative Pages Read and Total Books Read Per Year",
+ xaxis_title="Date",
+ yaxis=dict(title="Cumulative Pages", rangemode="tozero"),
+ yaxis2=dict(
+ title="Total Books Read", overlaying="y", side="right", tickmode="sync", rangemode="tozero", tickformat="d"
+ ),
+ )
+ return fig
-dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[table])
+df = pd.read_csv("filtered_books.csv")
+df["Date Read"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date Read"], dayfirst=True)
+########### Model code ############
+model = vm.Dashboard(
+ pages=[
+ vm.Page(
+ components=[
+ vm.Graph(
+ id="scatter_chart",
+ figure=scatter_chart(df),
+ ),
+ ],
+ title="This year's reading",
+ ),
+ vm.Page(
+ components=[
+ vm.Graph(
+ id="pages_books_totals_chart",
+ figure=pages_books_totals_chart(df),
+ )
+ ],
+ title="Pages and Book totals over the years",
+ controls=[
+ vm.Filter(
+ column="Year Published",
+ targets=["pages_books_totals_chart"],
+ selector=vm.RangeSlider(type="range_slider", title="Year Range"),
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ vm.Page(
+ components=[
+ vm.Graph(
+ id="custom_chart",
+ figure=custom_chart(df),
+ ),
+ ],
+ controls=[
+ vm.Parameter(
+ targets=["custom_chart.top_n"],
+ selector=vm.Slider(min=5, max=30, value=20, step=5, title="Select number of books:"),
+ )
+ ],
+ title="Ratings over the years",
+ ),
+ ],
+ title="Book Reading Dashboard",
if __name__ == "__main__":
- Vizro().build(dashboard).run()
+ Vizro().build(model).run()