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Database-backed settings for mozilla-django-oidc, with modified unique identifiers for users


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Keywords:OIDC, django, database, authentication

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Database-backed settings for mozilla-django-oidc, with modified unique identifiers

  • Thin layer on top of mozilla-django-oidc
  • Allows configuration of OpenID Connect variables via django-solo
  • Overrides mozilla-django-oidc default behaviour, using the sub claim instead of the email claim as unique identifier for users

mozilla-django-oidc-db provides a database singleton for several configuration variables required for mozilla-django-oidc, moving them from deploy-time to run-time. This enables modification of the configuration, without having to restart the application.

Additionally, mozilla-django-oidc-db by default uses the sub (subject) claim instead of the email claim as the unique identifier for users in the RP (Relying Party) application. Using email as the unique identifier is not recommended, as mentioned in the OpenID Connect specification.

  • Python 3.7 or above
  • setuptools 30.4.0 or above
  • Django 2.2 or newer
  • PostgreSQL
pip install mozilla-django-oidc-db

This will also install the following packages:

  • mozilla-django-oidc
  • django-solo
  • psycopg2
  • django-better-admin-arrayfield

Make sure the following libraries are added to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Add mozilla_django_oidc_db.backends.OIDCAuthenticationBackend to the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS, this backend replaces mozilla_django_oidc.auth.OIDCAuthenticationBackend:


Ensure that LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL and LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL are configured. For example:

LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = reverse_lazy("admin:index")
LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = reverse_lazy("admin:index")

To enable validation of ID tokens by renewing them, add mozilla_django_oidc_db.middleware.SessionRefresh to the middleware, this middleware replaces mozilla_django_oidc.middleware.SessionRefresh:

    # middleware involving session and authentication must come first

Furthermore, ensure the following settings are configured:

OIDC_AUTHENTICATE_CLASS = "mozilla_django_oidc_db.views.OIDCAuthenticationRequestView"
OIDC_CALLBACK_CLASS = "mozilla_django_oidc_db.views.OIDCCallbackView"

In order to properly catch admin login errors, add the following to urlpatterns:

MOZILLA_DJANGO_OIDC_DB_CACHE is used to cache the configuration that is stored in the database, to prevent a lot of database lookups. Ensure this cache is configured in CACHES (using the backend of choice):

    "default": {"BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache"},
    "oidc": {"BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache"},

Add the urlpatterns:

urlpatterns = [
    path("oidc/", include("mozilla_django_oidc.urls")),

Add the login link to your templates:

{% get_solo 'mozilla_django_oidc_db.OpenIDConnectConfig' as oidc_config %}
{% if oidc_config.enabled %}
<div class="submit-row">
    <a href="{% url 'oidc_authentication_init' %}">{% trans "Login with OIDC" %}</a>
{% endif %}

Now OpenID Connect can be enabled/disabled via the admin (disabled by default) and the following settings for OpenID Connect can be configured in the admin:

  • oidc_rp_client_id
  • oidc_rp_client_secret
  • oidc_rp_sign_algo
  • oidc_rp_scopes_list
  • oidc_op_discovery_endpoint
  • oidc_op_jwks_endpoint
  • oidc_op_authorization_endpoint
  • oidc_op_token_endpoint
  • oidc_op_user_endpoint
  • oidc_rp_idp_sign_key

If the oidc_op_discovery_endpoint is supplied, the other endpoints will be derived from this discovery endpoint.

In case no value is provided for one of these variables, the default from mozilla-django-oidc will be used (if there is one). A detailed description of all settings can be found in the mozilla-django-oidc settings documentation

For more detailed documentation, refer to the mozilla-django-oidc documentation. In this documentation the origin of the admin configurable settings is also explained.

In order to set certain attributes on the User object, a claim_mapping can be specified via the admin. This maps the names of claims returned by the OIDC provider to fields on the User model, and whenever a User is created/updated, these fields will be set to the values of these claims.

When users are created/updated, they can be automatically assigned to Groups by checking the Synchronize groups option in the admin and setting the appropriate value for Groups claim, which is the name of the claim that contains the groups the user is assigned to by the OIDC provider.

Additionally, a groups glob pattern can be supplied to only sync groups with specific names (default *, to match all groups).

NOTE: The names of the groups in the environment of the OIDC provider must match exactly with the names of the Groups in Django for this to work.

The name of the claim that is used for the User.username property can be configured via the admin. By default, the username is derived from the sub claim that is returned by the OIDC provider.

If the desired claim is nested in one or more objects, its path can be specified with dots, e.g.:

    "some": {
        "nested": {
            "claim": "foo"

Can be retrieved by setting the username claim to some.nested.claim

NOTE: the username claim does not support claims that have dots in their name, it cannot be configured to retrieve the following claim for instance:

    "some.dotted.claim": "foo"


Database-backed settings for mozilla-django-oidc, with modified unique identifiers for users








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