September 9, 2024
- Fixed incorrect dependancy format causing pip>=24 to fail.
September 24, 2021
- Translated reset password link
September 2, 2021
- Removed back button everywhere (cancel does the job).
- Optimized login flow.
- Removed up/down arrows from token input field.
- Added Django admin native template integration.
- Set up automatic patching/unpatching based on setting change. This makes it possible to use @override_settings in tests to control 2FA behaviour.
July 30 3, 2021
- Fixed styling updates from 2.0.1.
July 30 3, 2021 (yanked)
- Updated default styling.
July 26, 2021
- Forked from
- Change "Back to Profile" to "Back to Account Security" (part of fork master)
- Redirect to setup if 2FA is not enabled yet
- Added Django 3.x support
- Made it possible to get it working on the admin without any configuration
- Removed sniplates dependancy
Please consult the original in the fork, up to version 1.13.