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wip on indexed inductives
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maxsnew committed Sep 25, 2024
1 parent 9c3844a commit d603981
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 0 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions code/cubical/Grammar/Inductive/Indexed.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
{- An indexed inductive type is basically just a mutually inductive type -}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

module Grammar.Inductive.Indexed (Alphabet : hSet ℓ-zero)where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Helper
open import Grammar Alphabet
open import Term Alphabet

variable ℓG ℓG' ℓ ℓ' : Level

module _ where
data Functor (A : Type ℓ) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
k : (g : Grammar ℓ) Functor A
Var : (a : A) Functor A -- reference one of the mutually inductive types being defined
&e ⊕e : (B : Type ℓ) (F : B Functor A) Functor A
⊗e : (F : Functor A) (F' : Functor A) Functor A

⟦_⟧ : {A : Type ℓ} Functor A (A Grammar ℓ) Grammar ℓ
⟦ k h ⟧ g = h
⟦ Var a ⟧ g = g a
⟦ &e B F ⟧ g = &[ b ∈ B ] ⟦ F b ⟧ g
⟦ ⊕e B F ⟧ g = ⊕[ b ∈ B ] ⟦ F b ⟧ g
⟦ ⊗e F F' ⟧ g = ⟦ F ⟧ g ⊗ ⟦ F' ⟧ g

module _ {A : Type ℓ} where
map : (F : Functor A) {g h : A Grammar ℓ}
( a g a ⊢ h a)
⟦ F ⟧ g ⊢ ⟦ F ⟧ h
map (k g) f = id
map (Var a) f = f a
map (&e B F) f = LinΠ-intro λ a map (F a) f ∘g LinΠ-app a
map (⊕e B F) f = LinΣ-elim λ a LinΣ-intro a ∘g map (F a) f
map (⊗e F F') f = map F f ,⊗ map F' f

-- TODO: map-id, map-∘
data μ (F : A Functor A) a : Grammar ℓ where
roll : ⟦ F a ⟧ (μ F) ⊢ μ F a

module _ {A : Type ℓ} (F : A Functor A) where
Algebra : (A Grammar ℓ) Type _
Algebra g = a ⟦ F a ⟧ g ⊢ g a

initialAlgebra : Algebra (μ F)
initialAlgebra = λ a roll

Homomorphism : {g h} Algebra g Algebra h Type _
Homomorphism {g = g}{h} α β =
Σ[ ϕ ∈ ( a g a ⊢ h a) ]
( a ϕ a ∘g α a ≡ β a ∘g map (F a) ϕ)

-- TODO: id, comp

recHomo : {g} : Algebra g) Homomorphism initialAlgebra α
recHomo α .fst a w (roll ._ x) =
α a w (map (F a) (recHomo α .fst) w x)
recHomo α .snd a = refl

rec : {g} : Algebra g) a (μ F a) ⊢ g a
rec α = recHomo α .fst

module _ {g} (α : Algebra g) (ϕ : Homomorphism initialAlgebra α) where
μ-η' : a w x ϕ .fst a w x ≡ rec α a w x
μ-η' a w (roll _ x) =
(λ i ϕ .snd a i w x)
λ i α a w (map (F a) (λ a w x μ-η' a w x i) w x)
μ-η : ϕ .fst ≡ rec α
μ-η = funExt (λ a funExt λ w funExt λ x μ-η' a w x)
-- todo: induction principles

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