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Turing Machine definition (#23)
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* Define a turing machine internally


Co-authored-by: Max New <[email protected]>
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stschaef and maxsnew authored Oct 8, 2024
1 parent 7e76a4a commit a46eb9b
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Showing 2 changed files with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions code/cubical/Turing/OneSided/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet

module Turing.OneSided.Base
(Alphabet : hSet ℓ-zero)
(isFinSetAlphabet : isFinSet ⟨ Alphabet ⟩)

open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.DecidablePropositions

open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Constructors
open import Cubical.Data.SumFin
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.List hiding (init)
open import Cubical.Data.List.FinData
import Cubical.Data.Equality as Eq

variable ℓT : Level

-- For simplicity, assume that the input alphabet is {0,1}
-- and the tape alphabet adds a blank character
TapeAlphabet : hSet ℓ-zero
TapeAlphabet =
⟨ Alphabet ⟩ ⊎ Unit , isSet⊎ (str Alphabet) isSetUnit

blank : ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩
blank = inr _

isFinSetTapeAlphabet : isFinSet ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩
isFinSetTapeAlphabet =
isFinSet⊎ (_ , isFinSetAlphabet) (Unit , isFinSetUnit)

open import Grammar Alphabet
import Grammar.Maybe Alphabet as MaybeG
open import Grammar.Inductive.Indexed Alphabet
open import Grammar.Equivalence Alphabet
open import Grammar.Lift Alphabet
open import Term Alphabet

data Shift : Type where
L R : Shift

record TuringMachine : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero) where
Q : FinSet ℓ-zero
init acc rej : ⟨ Q ⟩
¬acc≡rej : acc ≡ rej Empty.⊥
δ : ⟨ Q ⟩ ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩ ⟨ Q ⟩ × ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩ × Shift

Tape : Type ℓ-zero
Tape = (n : ℕ) ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩

Tape≡ : (t t' : Tape) Type ℓ-zero
Tape≡ t t' = n t n ≡ t' n

consTape : ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩ Tape Tape
consTape c tape zero = c
consTape c tape (suc n) = tape n

Head : Type ℓ-zero
Head =

writeTape : Tape Head ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩ Tape
writeTape tape head c m =
(λ _ c)
(λ _ tape m)
(discreteℕ head m)

mkTransition : ⟨ Q ⟩ Tape Head ⟨ Q ⟩ ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩ Shift ⟨ Q ⟩ × Tape × Head
mkTransition q tape zero nextState toWrite L = nextState , writeTape tape zero toWrite , zero
mkTransition q tape (suc head) nextState toWrite L = nextState , writeTape tape (suc head) toWrite , head
mkTransition q tape zero nextState toWrite R = nextState , writeTape tape zero toWrite , suc zero
mkTransition q tape (suc head) nextState toWrite R = nextState , writeTape tape (suc head) toWrite , suc (suc head)

transition : ⟨ Q ⟩ Tape Head ⟨ Q ⟩ × Tape × Head
transition q tape head =
let nextState , toWrite , dir = δ q (tape head) in
mkTransition q tape head nextState toWrite dir

module _ (TM : TuringMachine) where
open TuringMachine TM

-- Non-linearly transition within the Turing Machine
data TuringTrace (b : Bool) : ⟨ Q ⟩ × Tape × Head Type ℓ-zero where
accept : t h b ≡ true TuringTrace b (acc , t , h)
reject : t h b ≡ false TuringTrace b (rej , t , h)
move : q t h
TuringTrace b (transition q t h)
TuringTrace b (q , t , h)

blankTape : Tape
blankTape n = blank

initHead : Head
initHead = 0

Accepting : ⟨ Q ⟩ × Tape × Head Type ℓ-zero
Accepting (q , t , h) = TuringTrace true (q , t , h)

data Tag : Type ℓ-zero where
nil snoc : Tag

TuringTy : Tape Functor Tape
TuringTy tape =
⊕e Tag λ {
nil k ε
; snoc ⊕e ⟨ Alphabet ⟩
λ c ⊕e (Σ[ tape' ∈ Tape ] Tape≡ (consTape (inl c) tape') tape) (λ (tape' , _) ⊗e (Var tape') (k (literal c))) }

-- The grammar of strings thats form the tape that have the input string in the leftmost
-- entries of the tape
TuringG : Tape Grammar ℓ-zero
TuringG tape = μ TuringTy tape

open StrongEquivalence
-- Linearly build the initial tape
parseInitTape : string ⊢ ⊕[ tape ∈ Tape ] TuringG tape
parseInitTape =
foldKL*l char (record {
the-ℓ = ℓ-zero
; G = ⊕[ tape ∈ Tape ] TuringG tape
; nil-case = ⊕ᴰ-in blankTape ∘g roll ∘g ⊕ᴰ-in nil ∘g liftG
; snoc-case = ⊕ᴰ-elim (λ tape ⊕ᴰ-elim (λ c ⊕ᴰ-in (consTape (inl c) tape) ∘g roll ∘g ⊕ᴰ-in snoc ∘g ⊕ᴰ-in c ∘g ⊕ᴰ-in (tape , λ n refl) ∘g liftG ,⊗ liftG) ∘g ⊕ᴰ-distR .fun) ∘g ⊕ᴰ-distL .fun

-- From an input configuration, find an accepting trace, find a rejecting trace, or timeout
decide-bounded :
(fuel : ℕ) q t h Maybe (Σ[ b ∈ Bool ] TuringTrace b (q , t , h))
decide-bounded 0 q t h = nothing
decide-bounded (suc n) q t h =
(λ acc≡q just(true , subst (λ z TuringTrace true (z , t , h)) acc≡q (accept t h refl)))
(λ ¬acc≡q
(λ rej≡q just(false , subst (λ z TuringTrace false (z , t , h)) rej≡q (reject t h refl)))
(λ ¬rej≡q
let q' , t' , h' = transition q t h in
let maybeTrace = decide-bounded n q' t' h' in
map-Maybe (λ (b , trace) b , move q t h trace) maybeTrace)
(isFinSet→Discrete (str Q) rej q))
(isFinSet→Discrete (str Q) acc q)

run :
(⊕[ tape ∈ Tape ] TuringG tape)
&[ fuel ∈ ℕ ]
MaybeG.Maybe (⊕[ tape ∈ Tape ]
⊕[ b ∈ Bool ]
⊕[ trace ∈ TuringTrace b (init , tape , initHead) ] TuringG tape)
run = &ᴰ-intro λ fuel ⊕ᴰ-elim (λ tape
let maybeTrace = decide-bounded fuel init tape initHead in
(λ (b , trace) MaybeG.return ∘g ⊕ᴰ-in tape ∘g ⊕ᴰ-in b ∘g ⊕ᴰ-in trace)
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions code/cubical/Turing/OneSided/Example.agda
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
module Turing.OneSided.Example where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.DecidablePropositions

open import Cubical.Data.FinSet
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.SumFin
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import String.Unicode
import Agda.Builtin.Char as BuiltinChar
import Agda.Builtin.String as BuiltinString

Alphabet : hSet ℓ-zero
Alphabet = Fin 2 , isSetFin

isFinSetAlphabet : isFinSet ⟨ Alphabet ⟩
isFinSetAlphabet = isFinSetFin

open import Grammar Alphabet
open import Turing.OneSided.Base Alphabet isFinSetAlphabet
module _ (TM : TuringMachine) where
open TuringMachine TM
z : ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩
z = inl (inl tt)

s : ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩
s = inl (inr (inl tt))

unicode→TapeAlphabet : UnicodeChar Maybe ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩
unicode→TapeAlphabet c =
(λ _ just (inl (inl _)))
(λ _ decRec
(λ _ just (inl (inr (inl tt))))
(λ _ decRec
(λ _ just (inr _))
(λ _ nothing)
(DiscreteUnicodeChar ' ' c))
(DiscreteUnicodeChar '1' c))
(DiscreteUnicodeChar '0' c)

mkTapeString : UnicodeString List ⟨ TapeAlphabet ⟩
mkTapeString w = filterMap unicode→TapeAlphabet (BuiltinString.primStringToList w)

mkInputString : UnicodeString String
mkInputString w =
(λ { (inl fzero) just (inl _)
; (inl (fsuc fzero)) just (inr (inl tt))
; (fsuc tt) nothing })
(mkTapeString w)

mkString : (w : UnicodeString) string (mkInputString w)
mkString w = ⌈w⌉→string {w = mkInputString w} (mkInputString w) (internalize (mkInputString w))

w : UnicodeString
w = "10101"

t : Tape
t = parseInitTape TM (mkInputString w) (mkString w) .fst
unfolding KL*r-elim ⟜-intro ⊗-unit-l⁻ ⌈w⌉→string ⊗-intro ⊕ᴰ-distR ⊕ᴰ-distL
-- these values are what we expect
_ : (t 0 , t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , t 4 , t 5 , t 6 , t 12312312) ≡ (s , z , s , z , s , blank , blank , blank)
_ = refl

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