An application to make your life easier when you want to try out but not to bye
TODO: Fill out this long description.
- easy-rent-application
- Table of Contents
- Stack
- Install
- Database
- Usage
- Maintainers
- Contributing
- License
install npm packages
npm install
You should use PostgreSQL for this project. When you install this DBMS you will have to create database and user with will be owner for DB.
Database connection string have to contain:
- host and port (taken from DBMS configs).
- username, password, database name (taken from previous step). Example:
Server=localhost;User Id=RentApp;Password=easy;Database=RentBase;
If you need add/update migration of the project you have to type in package manager console:
Add-Migration Initial
If you want generate/update database by migration files you have to type:
build in development mode
You can run this solution by two ways:
- Write run script for Server and IdentityServer in terminal.
- Run two powershell scripts: RunIdentityServer and RunServer.
make a poduction ready build
npm run build
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
MIT © 2019 maximsan