A simple terminal command that displays randomly selected philosophical thoughts from a cow
( squeezing an ounce of meaning out of )
( this world )
o ^__^
o (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
If you already have homebrew installed, just run
brew install maxcai314/cowponder/cowponder
See the homebrew repo here: homebrew-cowponder
Install the .deb package by running the installer script
curl -fsSL https://max.xz.ax/cowponder/cowponder_debian_installer.sh | sudo bash
Alternatively, download the deb package file and install it manually using dpkg -i <cowponder_file>.deb
To install for powershell, run
Install-Module cowponder
If, upon running cowponder
, you get an error saying running scripts is disabled on this system
, run one of these:
# if you are running (or can run) powershell as administrator
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# if you don't have administrator privileges
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
This allows scripts like cowponder to run if they are signed. learn more here
More installation options are availible in the Windows powershell gallery.
# displays a thought
# displays a thought from a cow
MacOS systems:
- cowsay
- python3
- homebrew
Debian systems:
- cowsay (auto installs if missing)
- python3 (auto installs if missing)
- dpkg
- apt
Windows systems:
- powershell (which has been updated in the past two decades)