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Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget is a simple web app that you can use to get a lot of info on the web server where it's running (the inspector) and perform additional tasks (the gadgets) from there.


The full-featured .NET Core based web app can run on Linux or Windows. You can compile the source code and publish the app to your host of choice directly, or build and run it as a container. Or even more easily, you can also find the latest published version of the Docker container publicly on Docker Hub at jelledruyts/inspectorgadget or on the GitHub packages container registry at The following images are available:

OS Image Name and Tag Deploy
Linux jelledruyts/inspectorgadget:latest or simply jelledruyts/inspectorgadget Deploy to Azure
Windows jelledruyts/inspectorgadget:latest-windows Deploy to Azure

Alternatively, there's also a single default.aspx page that you can simply drop in any Windows and ASP.NET Framework based host (like IIS or Azure App Service). You can just copy this file into e.g. the wwwroot directory of your site (optionally rename it) and navigate to it directly without any compilation required. This version does not have all the bells and whistles of the full web app (so not all features and configuration settings mentioned below will apply, e.g. it does not have all gadgets and no support for API and Call Chaining), but it can still be a useful drop-in page for basic tasks.


The following gadgets are available:

  • DNS Lookup allows you to perform a DNS lookup from the web server.
  • HTTP Request allows you to perform an HTTP request lookup from the web server.
  • SQL Connection allows you to perform a (scalar) query on a SQL Connection from the web server to a database (optionally using an Azure Managed Identity where supported).
  • Azure Managed Identity allows you to request an access token for the managed identity representing your application (when running on a supported Azure service).
  • Socket Connection allows you to perform a raw TCP socket connection from the web server (optionally with a request body and reading back the response).
  • Process Run allows you to run a process on the host and capture the output.
  • SPIFFE allows you to call the local SPIFFE Workload API. Huge thanks to xstof for contributing this feature!
  • Health Check allows you to configure the health check endpoint, e.g. for testing load balancers or container orchestrators.
  • Introspector allows you to perform an inspector request from the web server, returning all information the inspector knows about or only a subset (group) or even single item (key).

API Access

Each gadget can also be accessed through a REST API:

Method Path Parameters
POST /api/dnslookup host
POST /api/httprequest requestUrl, requestHostName, ignoreServerCertificateErrors
POST /api/sqlconnection databaseType (can be sqlserver, postgresql, mysql, cosmosdb), sqlConnectionString, sqlConnectionStringSuffix, sqlQuery, azureManagedIdentityClientId
POST /api/azuremanagedidentity scopes, azureManagedIdentityClientId
POST /api/socketconnection requestHostName, requestPort, requestBody, readResponse
POST /api/processrun fileName, arguments, timeoutSeconds
POST /api/spiffe workloadApiAddress, unixDomainSocketEndpoint, audience
POST /api/healthcheck healthCheckMode (can be AlwaysSucceed, AlwaysFail, FailNextNumberOfTimes), failNextNumberOfTimes
GET /api/introspector
GET /api/introspector/<group>
GET /api/introspector/<group>/<key>
POST /api/introspector group, key

Call Chaining

The main purpose for these API's is so that you can perform call chains of requests from one deployed instance of the application to one or more other instances. This makes it easy to set up a multi-tier test environment (e.g. on Kubernetes or other microservice platforms) and perform queries across multiple hops.

Imagine for example that you deploy a Kubernetes cluster with 4 pods, each of these running the exact same Inspector Gadget container. You can then add an info message or environment variable like tier to each pod indicating which tier they logically represent, e.g. front-end, api-gateway, api-1 and api-2. With that configuration in place, you can then perform a call chain to hop from the front-end to the api-gateway and from there to api-1.

For example, to validate that the tiers are able to reach each other (e.g. if you've deployed network policies or when you're using a service mesh), you can browse to the Inspector Gadget web page on the front-end, and from there perform an Introspector request by setting the "Call Chain" to http://api-gateway http://api-1 (if those would be the URL's of the other pods of course). If you set the requested Introspector "Group" to Environment and the "Key" to tier (or whatever environment variable you picked), then you can see the simple value returned by each hop to show which tier it represents.

Note that this would work even if only the front-end is exposed externally, with the other tiers only accessible from within the cluster, because each call in the chain is done from the previous hop.


The app can be configured with the configuration settings below (using environment variables).

Setting Gadget Purpose
PathBase The path under which the application is hosted externally (e.g. via a proxy which modifies the URL path); must start with '/'
BackgroundColor An HTML/CSS color value to set as the background color for all pages, e.g. to easily distinguish multiple instances of this app
InfoMessage An informational message to put at the top of all pages, e.g. to easily distinguish multiple instances of this app
DefaultCallChainUrls (All) The default value for the Call Chain URL's
DisableDnsLookup DNS Lookup Allows you to disable the DNS Lookup gadget
DefaultDnsLookupHost DNS Lookup The default value for the host
DisableHttpRequest HTTP Request Allows you to disable the HTTP Request gadget
DefaultHttpRequestUrl HTTP Request The default value for the URL
DefaultHttpRequestHostName HTTP Request The default value for the host name
DefaultHttpRequestIgnoreServerCertificateErrors HTTP Request The default value for the setting to ignore server certificate errors
DisableSqlConnection SQL Connection Allows you to disable the SQL Connection gadget
DefaultSqlConnectionDatabaseType SQL Connection The default value for the database type (can be sqlserver, postgresql, mysql, cosmosdb)
DefaultSqlConnectionSqlConnectionString SQL Connection The default value for the SQL connection string
DefaultSqlConnectionSqlConnectionStringSuffix SQL Connection The default value for the SQL connection string suffix
DefaultSqlConnectionSqlQuery SQL Connection The default value for the SQL query
DefaultSqlConnectionUseAzureManagedIdentity SQL Connection The default value for the setting to use the Azure Managed Identity of the app
DefaultSqlConnectionAzureManagedIdentityClientId SQL Connection The default value for the Client ID when using a User-Assigned Managed Identity
DisableAzureManagedIdentity Azure Managed Identity Allows you to disable the Azure Managed Identity gadget
DefaultAzureManagedIdentityScopes Azure Managed Identity The default value for the scopes
DefaultAzureManagedIdentityClientId Azure Managed Identity The default value for the Client ID when using a User-Assigned Managed Identity
DisableSocketConnection Socket Connection Allows you to disable the Socket Connection gadget
DefaultSocketConnectionRequestHostName Socket Connection The default value for the request host name
DefaultSocketConnectionRequestPort Socket Connection The default value for the request port
DefaultSocketConnectionRequestBody Socket Connection The default value for the request body
DefaultSocketConnectionReadResponse Socket Connection The default value for the setting to read the response
DisableProcessRun Process Run Allows you to disable the Process Run gadget
DefaultProcessRunFileName Process Run The default value for the file name
DefaultProcessRunArguments Process Run The default value for the arguments
DefaultProcessRunTimeoutSeconds Process Run The default value for the timeout (in seconds)
DisableSpiffe SPIFFE Allows you to disable the SPIFFE gadget
DefaultSpiffeWorkloadApiAddress SPIFFE The default value for the Workload API address
DefaultSpiffeUnixDomainSocketEndpoint SPIFFE The default value for the Unix domain socket endpoint
DefaultSpiffeAudience SPIFFE The default value for the audience
DisableHealthCheck Health Check Allows you to disable the Health Check gadget
DefaultHealthCheckMode Health Check The default value for the health check mode (can be AlwaysSucceed, AlwaysFail, FailNextNumberOfTimes)
DefaultHealthCheckFailNumberOfTimes Health Check The default value for the next number of times to fail the health check
DisableIntrospector Introspector Allows you to disable the Introspector gadget
DefaultIntrospectorGroup Introspector The default value for the group
DefaultIntrospectorKey Introspector The default value for the key


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.