These manual steps need to be automated:
- Per instructions here, create an IoT Core policy to allow full access to all topics. Policy name is
The resource ARN in the link above did not work (resulted in error when subscribing). Changing the ARN to "*" worked, as per below policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iot:*",
"Resource": "*"
Find your Cognito Identity ID and issue command below:
aws iot attach-principal-policy --policy-name 'ReactIoTPolicy' --principal '<YOUR_COGNITO_IDENTITY_ID>'
In our case:
aws iot attach-principal-policy --policy-name 'ReactIoTPolicy' --principal 'us-east-1:511946f4-801d-4211-9e90-6b264d3aa290' aws iot attach-principal-policy --policy-name 'ReactIoTPolicy' --principal 'us-east-1:1226dd09-0634-4b6c-a0ce-2308ceaa4443'
Navigate to IAM console and find the IAM role for your Authorized users. It's name will vary based on your settings but should be something along the lines of "arn:aws:iam::999999999999:role/awsamplifyreacttempl-20190225042100-authRole"...
Grant this role "IoT Full Access" managed policy. Note!!! this is overly-permissive and only meant for quick demo/test purposes. A production policy should be more restrictive.