The simplest markdown editor with built in cloudinary image upload.
Based on CodeMirror for the editor and Marked for the preview.
Lets say you have a textarea you want to markdownify.
<textarea class='markdown' id="markdown"></textarea>
You can then add buttons for convenience of your users. You need to encapsulate your links (or buttons) in a item with the 'markdownify-menu' class. The data-target attribute is the id of the textarea you want to control.
<div class='markdownify-menu' data-target='markdown'>
<a class='btn--insert' data-prefix='*' data-suffix='*' href='javascript:void(0)'>i</a>
<a class='btn--insert' data-prefix='**' data-suffix='**' href='javascript:void(0)'>b</a>
<a class='btn--insert' data-prefix='# ' href='javascript:void(0)'>h1</a>
<a class='btn--insert' data-prefix='## ' href='javascript:void(0)'>h2</a>
<a class='btn--insert' data-prefix='> ' href='javascript:void(0)'>quote</a>
<a class='btn--insert' data-prefix='* ' href='javascript:void(0)'>list</a>
<a class='btn--insert' data-prefix='1. ' href='javascript:void(0)'>1.</a>
<a class='btn--insert' data-type='link' href='javascript:void(0)'>link</a>
To upload an image directly to cloudinary, you can add add a param to markdownify :
cloudinary: {
// create an account on cloudinary and put here your cloud name
cloudName: 'YOUR_CLOUD_NAME',
// get your unsigned uploading key
If you want the preview toggle, add this after your markdown editor HTML:
<div class='markdown-preview'></div>
<a class='btn--preview' href='javascript:void(0)' data-target='markdown'>preview</a>
T If you want the edit/preview button text to be different, modify the following:
Change Edit button text: Add the following attribute to the preview button:
Change Preview button text: Modify the default text that's within the tag:
<a class='btn--preview' href='javascript:void(0)' data-target='markdown'>edit me here</a>
The code is extracted from and extensively used in