Many people have contributed to this effort. Any ommissions are not intentional.
- Novimir Pablant (2009-2010)
- Diwaker Gupta (2008-2009)
- Macneil Shonle (2009)
- Himanshu Khatri (2009)
- evilkartman (2009)
- David Collins (2009)
- Jason Bandlow (2008)
- Ross Richardson (2008)
- Dana Dahlstorm
- Will Brockman
- John Eggers
- John Farina
- Skip Garibaldi
- Erza Hallck
- Mike Zabrocki
- Blaise B. Frederick (1994)
- Many other UCSD graduate students (especially from the Math department)
Original ucthesis.sty by:
- Ethan V. Munson (1994)
Based on report.sty (1992) by:
- Frank Mittlebach (1992)
- Rainer Schopf (1992)