EasyFEA Credits
This project uses the following third-party libraries, each governed by its respective license. Please refer to each library's documentation for details of their license conditions.
Third-Party Libraries:
- NumPy - BSD license
- Gmsh - GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
- Matplotlib - Python Software Foundation License (PSF)
- Scipy - BSD-3-Clause license
- PyVista - MIT License
- Numba - BSD-2-Clause license
- pandas - BSD-3-Clause license
- imageio - BSD-2-Clause license
- pypardiso - BSD-3-Clause license
- PETSc - BSD-2-Clause license
- petsc4py - BSD-2-Clause license
- MUMPS - CeCILL-C license
- PyMUMPS - BSD-3-Clause license
- opencv-python - MIT License
- scikit-sparse - BSD-2-Clause license
- scikit-umfpack - BSD-3-Clause license