dcp_inspect is a tool for deep inspection and validation of digital cinema packages (DCP, SMPTE and Interop). This includes integrity checks, asset inspection, schema validation, signature and certificate verification and composition summarization. Basically anyone who needs to establish the validity of a digital cinema package can put dcp_inspect to good use.
See the Examples page for some of the things it can do. Also see How to use Digital Cinema Tools' section for dcp_inspect.
dcp_inspect --help
dcp_inspect <path to directory>
dcp_inspect <path to directory> --no-hash --no-audio-analysis
dcp_inspect <path to directory> --nh --na
dcp_inspect <path to directory> --as-asset-store --hash-limit <limit> --logfile <path>
See Digital Cinema Tools Distribution for an easy-to-use Setup script. This will install everything required.
Will find and check all DCPs in a filesystem tree
Handles both Interop and SMPTE DCPs (and says useful things about free poetry DCPs, too)
Checks asset integrity
Checks timeline integrity of compositions
Checks applicable assets against XSD (XML Schema Definitions)
Checks and verifies signatures
Deep-inspects compositions
This includes composition type consistency and completeness checks.
Deep-inspects DCSubtitle
Reports in detail all errors encountered
See Examples. See What's missing.
See Digital Cinema Tools Distribution for an easy-to-use Setup script. This will install everything required (batteries included). Run the setup occasionally to keep up-to-date.
If you prefer manual installation you will need the following:
dcp_inspect requires xsd/ next to it.
Clone the whole repository to put everything in place:
$ git clone git://github.com/wolfgangw/backports.git
$ git pull
in backports to keep up-to-date.
- Composition metadata (CMA)
- Cross-check of updated naming convention with CMA / claimed asset properties / actual asset properties
- Deep inspection of j2c markers/codestreams
- Deep inspection of SMPTE timed text trackfiles
- Better audio analysis wrt loudness
- Assetmap options chunks, offsets, volume indices
- Markers
- Check Signer.X509IssuerSerial issuer name
Thanks to Julik for his Timecode library (https://github.com/guerilla-di/timecode).
Thanks to all the awesome people who tested, provided test materials, discussed and contributed. dcp_inspect
wouldn't be a thing without you.
Runs on linux, macOS and windows (WSL) boxes.
Wolfgang Woehl 2011-2023