Notes taken from
There is a scenegraph which is a tree like structure, consisting of various objects like a Scene object, multiple Mesh objects, Light objects, Group, Object3D, and Camera objects. \n
Scene object defines the root of the scenegraph and contains properties like the background color and fog. \n
Mesh is drawing a Greometry with a Material. \n Both Material objects and Geometry objects can be used by multiple Mesh objects.
Gemoetry vertex data of a geometry. \n The library has built in geometries and you can create custom ones. \n
Material surface properties used to draw geometry. \n A material can reference multiple textures. \n
Texutre in genral, images. \n
Lights lights... \n
const geometry = new BoxGeometry();
const material = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x0000ff } );
const cube = new Mesh( geometry, material );