+ Insert a space-separated list of products to install. The plugin installs the specified products in addition to MATLAB.
+ For a list of supported products, open the input file for your preferred release from the mpm-input-files folder on GitHub.
+ Specify products using the format shown in the input file, excluding the #product. prefix. For example, to install Deep Learning Toolbox in addition to MATLAB, insert Deep_Learning_Toolbox in the Products box.
+ Example: Simulink
+ Example: Simulink Deep_Learning_Toolbox
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/com/mathworks/ci/tools/MatlabInstaller/help-release.html b/src/main/resources/com/mathworks/ci/tools/MatlabInstaller/help-release.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..804233bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/com/mathworks/ci/tools/MatlabInstaller/help-release.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ Insert the MATLAB version to install. To install the latest release of MATLAB, insert latest in the Release box.
+ - To install the latest update of a release, specify only the release name, for example, R2023b.
+ - To install a specific update release, specify the release name with an update number suffix, for example, R2023bU4.
+ - To install a release without updates, specify the release name with an update 0 or general release suffix, for example, R2023bU0 or R2023bGR.
+ Example: R2024a
+ Example: latest
+ Example: R2023bU4
+ Note: The plugin does not install dependencies on a Linux platform. If you are using a Linux platform,
+ verify that the required software is available before installing products using MATLAB Package Manager. For more information, see
+ Get MATLAB Package Manager.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/config.properties b/src/main/resources/config.properties
index e64fa092..9498c373 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/config.properties
+++ b/src/main/resources/config.properties
@@ -6,21 +6,17 @@ Builder.build.builder.display.name = Run MATLAB Build
Builder.script.builder.display.name = Run MATLAB Command
Buildwrapper.display.name = Use MATLAB version
Builder.matlab.runner.target.file.name = runMatlabTests.m
-Builder.matlab.cobertura.support.warning = To generate a Cobertura code coverage report, use MATLAB R2017b or a newer release.
Builder.invalid.matlab.root.warning = Unable to find MATLAB on this machine using the specified location. The specified root folder might contain MATLAB on a different build agent.
Builder.matlab.root.empty.error = Full path to the MATLAB root folder is required.
Builder.matlab.test.support.error = To run tests with the Jenkins plugin, use MATLAB R2013a or a newer release.
-builder.matlab.automatictestoption.display.name = Automatic
-builder.matlab.customcommandoption.display.name = Custom
Releaseinfo.matlab.version.not.found.error = Error finding MATLAB release for given MATLAB root. Verify MATLAB root path.
matlab.not.found.error = Unable to launch MATLAB from the specified location. Verify the path to MATLAB root folder.
matlab.not.found.error.for.node = Unable to launch MATLAB '%s' on the node '%s'. Verify global tool configuration for the specified node.
matlab.execution.exception.prefix = Received a nonzero exit code %d while trying to run MATLAB.
matlab.empty.command.error = Specify at least one script, function, or statement to execute.
-Builder.matlab.modelcoverage.support.warning = To generate a Cobertura model coverage report, use MATLAB R2018b or a newer release.
-Builder.matlab.exportstmresults.support.warning = To export Simulink Test Manager results, use MATLAB R2019a or a newer release.
-Builder.matlab.runner.script.target.file.linux.name = run_matlab_command.sh
-Builder.matlab.runner.script.target.file.windows.name = run_matlab_command.bat
matlab.build.build.step.name = runMATLABBuild
matlab.command.build.step.name = runMATLABCommand
matlab.tests.build.step.name = runMATLABTests
@@ -33,4 +29,14 @@ Axis.matlab.key = MATLAB
Axis.use.matlab.warning = This project specifies MATLAB versions using the added 'MATLAB' axis as well as the 'Use MATLAB version' option. The value specified by 'Use MATLAB version' takes precedence over the values specified by the 'MATLAB' axis.
Axis.no.installed.matlab.error = Because no MATLAB versions exist under Jenkins Global Tool Configuration, the plugin will run the default matrix configuration.
Use.matlab.version.axis.warning = This project specifies MATLAB versions using the 'Use MATLAB version' option as well as the added 'MATLAB' axis. The value specified by 'Use MATLAB version' takes precedence over the values specified by the 'MATLAB' axis.
+matlab.tools.auto.install.display.name = Install Using MATLAB Package Manager
+tools.matlab.mpm.installer.linux = https://www.mathworks.com/mpm/glnxa64/mpm
+tools.matlab.batch.executable.linux = https://ssd.mathworks.com/supportfiles/ci/matlab-batch/v1/glnxa64/matlab-batch
+tools.matlab.mpm.installer.maci64 = https://www.mathworks.com/mpm/maci64/mpm
+tools.matlab.batch.executable.maci64 = https://ssd.mathworks.com/supportfiles/ci/matlab-batch/v1/maci64/matlab-batch
+tools.matlab.mpm.installer.maca64 = https://www.mathworks.com/mpm/maca64/mpm
+tools.matlab.batch.executable.maca64 = https://ssd.mathworks.com/supportfiles/ci/matlab-batch/v1/maca64/matlab-batch
+tools.matlab.empty.release.error = MATLAB release is mandatory field.
+matlab.release.info.url = https://ssd.mathworks.com/supportfiles/ci/matlab-release/v0/
diff --git a/src/test/java/integ/com/mathworks/ci/BuildArtifactActionTest.java b/src/test/java/integ/com/mathworks/ci/BuildArtifactActionTest.java
index d9aba437..62bc5b9f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/integ/com/mathworks/ci/BuildArtifactActionTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/integ/com/mathworks/ci/BuildArtifactActionTest.java
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
* Copyright 2024 The MathWorks, Inc.
- *
import hudson.FilePath;
@@ -33,13 +32,12 @@ public class BuildArtifactActionTest {
private static String VERSION_INFO_XML_FILE = "VersionInfo.xml";
- public BuildArtifactActionTest(){
+ public BuildArtifactActionTest() {
public JenkinsRule jenkins = new JenkinsRule();
public void testSetup() throws IOException {
this.project = jenkins.createFreeStyleProject();
@@ -68,211 +66,222 @@ private URL getResource(String resource) {
- * Verify if total BuildArtifacts returned from artifact file.
- *5
+ * Verify if total BuildArtifacts returned from artifact file.
+ * 5
- public void verifyBuildArtifactsReturned() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException, IOException, ParseException {
+ public void verifyBuildArtifactsReturned()
+ throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException, IOException, ParseException {
FreeStyleBuild build = getFreestyleBuild();
final String actionID = "abc123";
- final String targetFile = "buildArtifact"+ actionID + ".json";
+ final String targetFile = "buildArtifact" + actionID + ".json";
BuildArtifactAction ac = new BuildArtifactAction(build, actionID);
FilePath artifactRoot = new FilePath(build.getRootDir());
- copyFileInWorkspace("buildArtifacts/t1/buildArtifact.json",targetFile,artifactRoot);
+ copyFileInWorkspace("buildArtifacts/t1/buildArtifact.json", targetFile, artifactRoot);