- Caves with large number of entrances (such as CCC) cause the entrance block to run off the page.
- Ability to tail the build log from the web interface
- Fix latex escaping
- Add ability to add KML files to the GIS lineplot section.
- Support markdown on text area input fields. Current latex code embedded in Tucker County descriptions: \textbf{}, \textit{}, \subsection*{}
- DVD ZIP file (from finalize-tucker-county-cd):
- wget -O "$NEWCD/Surface Photos/Drainage Tunnel Near Spruce Lick Run - Masney.jpg" http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2631/4137642653_e95627df1c_b.jpg
- wget -O "$NEWCD/Surface Photos/Cross Bedded Limestone Outcrop Along Otter Creek - Masney.jpg" http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2336/3537779054_697ce259bb_b.jpg
- mv "$NEWCD/Surface Photos/Cave Hollow-Arbogast System Surface Photo - 1 of 2 - Masney.jpg" "$NEWCD/Surface Photos/Dragfold Outside Cave Hollow Entrance - Masney.jpg"
- mv "$NEWCD/Surface Photos/Cave Hollow-Arbogast System Surface Photo - 2 of 2.jpg" "$NEWCD/Surface Photos/Rufus Maxwell - AT Bonnifield - Abraham Bonnifield.jpg"
- Combine hillshade and topo maps. Make hillshade maps a bit more colorful. See http://blog.mastermaps.com/2012/07 for examples.
- Add units field to length and depth on web interface
- Automatically generate the survey ID field
- Add 11 reasons a cave can be significant to WVASS
- Remove bulletin id off of attachment filenames
- Allow specifying the specific entrance when uploading entrance photos.
- Allow referencing an attachment on another feature