Note: in practice, this material is taught in Lecture 1 and about half of Lecture 2.
A video pitch by the World Wide Web Consortium (also known as W3C
): what are Web standards and what makes Web standards so important?
- Describe how Web servers asnd clients interact with each other
- Write HTTP messages that request Web resources from Web servers and understand the responses
- Describe the different components of URLs and their purpose
- Understand and employ basic HTTP authentication
- Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS
The vision of the World Wide Web was already developed in the 1940s by Vannevar Bush, an American engineer who described his idea of a memex (a combination of memory and index) in the article As We May Think. The Web can simply be described as a system of interconnected hypertext documents, available via the Internet.
In the 1960s, the first steps from vision to reality were made by DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US department of defense. The so-called ARPANET was built for mail and file transfer and designed in a way to withstand the loss of a portion of the network; as long as some connections remain, the remaining connected parties should still be able to communicate.
It took about 30 years, before the Internet was opened to the public (in the late 1980s) and among the first non-military participants were universities and organisations such as CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research. In fact, at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web: he was the man who first successfully implemented client-server communication on the Internet via the hypertext transfer protocol (or HTTP). Tim Berners-Lee remains an important figure on the Web development today, in fact, he is the current director of the Word Wide Web Consortium.
In the early days of the Web, the "browser" looked nothing like they do today; one of the earliest one was Lynx, a text-based browser. Here is an example of such a text-based browser, Lynx, which you can still use today:
Browsers with graphical user interfaces started to appear in 1994, the frontrunner being Netscape, quickly followed by Microsoft. The first version of Mozilla Firefox was released in 2002, Google Chrome started out in 2008. The late 90s and early 2000s were hampered by the so-called browser wars - the browser companies actively working against each other to gain competitive advantages. Instead of adhering to a shared standard (as today published by the Word Wide Web Consortium), different browsers implemented very different features and the label Best viewed with Netscape or Best viewed with Internet Explorer were a common occurrence.
The Web is built on top of the Internet. The Internet describes the hardware layer: it is spanned from interconnected computer networks around the globe that all communicate through one common standard, the so-called TCP/IP protocol. The different sub-networks function autonomously, they do not depend on each other. There is not a single master - no machine or sub-network is in control of the whole network. It is very easy for machines or even entire sub-networks to join and leave the network without interrupting the flow of data among the remaining network. All devices interact with each other through agreed-upon open standards which are very easy to use as these standards are implemented in a wide range of open-source server and client software.
To show how far we have come, here is the state of the Internet in 1973.
The Web and the Internet are not static, they are continuously in development. This development is led by two organisations: the IETF - the Internet Engineering Task Force - leads the development of the Internet. The W3C - the World Wide Web Consortium - leads the development of the Web. The IETF to many is a less well-known (but equally important) organization than the W3C, and while you may not often come across the IETF acronym, you will time and again encounter the so-called RFCs. RFCs are Request for Comments, released by the IETF. They describe the Internet standards in detail. As an example, RFC 2822 is the document describing the Internet Message Format, aka email format, in about 50 pages.
- HTTP/1.1 is governed by RFC 2068; it was standardised in 1997.
- HTTP/2 is governed by RFC 7540; it was standardized in 2015.
HTTP/2 is the first new version of http since HTTP/1.1. It originated at Google where it was developed as SPDY protocol ("speedy protocol"); more details here. According to current estimates, about 30% of websites support HTTP/2. As HTTP/1.1 is still the dominant protocol type, we focus on it in our lecture.
On the Web, clients and servers communicate with each other through HTTP requests and responses. If you open a Web browser and type in the URL of your email provider, e.g.
your Web browser is acting as the client. The server is your email provider.
How does the communication between the two devices work? Servers wait for data requests continuously and are able to serve thousands of client requests at the same time. Servers host Web resources that is any kind of content with an identity on the Web. This can be static files, but also software programs or Web cam gateways. As long as they are accessible through an identifier, they can be considered as Web resources.
The client initiates the communication, sending an HTTP request to the server, e.g. to access a particular file. The server sends an HTTP response - if indeed it has this file it will send it to the client, otherwise it will send an error message. The client, i.e. most often the Web browser, will then initiate an action, depending on the type of content received - HTML files are rendered, music files are played and executables are executed.
Where does HTTP fit into the network stack? A very common representation of the network stack is the **OSI model, the Open Systems Interconnection model. It is a simplification of the true network stack, and today mostly a textbook model, but it shows the main idea of network communication very well. Network protocols are matched into different layers, starting at the bottom layer, the physical layer, where we talk about bits, i.e. zeroes and ones that pass through the physical network, and ending at the application layer, were we end up with semantic units such as video segments and emails.
Many network protocols exist, to us only three are of importance:
- the Internet Protocol (or IP),
- the Transmission Control Protocol (or TCP)
- and HTTP itself.
HTTP is at the top of the stack, and TCP builds on top of IP. Important to know is the following: HTTP is reliable; the data appears in order and undamaged! This guarantee allows video streaming and other applications: HTTP guarantees that the video segments arrive at the client in the correct order; without this guarantee, all segments of a video would have to be downloaded and then assembled in the right order, before you could watch it!
Open your favourite browser and use its built-in Web development tools (all modern browsers have those) to see what is going on in terms of HTTP messages when loading a website.
You can see several panels, for the different types of data that are downloaded or created when a Web site loads. To load a seemingly simple site like, many different Web resources are actually needed. The resource initially requested (/
, i.e. the page residing at the URL you chose) links to a myriad of additional Web resources, which are then automatically requested by the Web browser as well, leading to a cascade of resource requests.
Each resource is requested separately by your browser. How exactly is it requested? Through an HTTP request! And how exactly that looks you can view in the Headers tab (and not just the request header, but also the response header):
You will also notice that the HTTP requests differ slightly between different types of Web resources (e.g. image vs. html page).
Below is a typical HTTP request message:
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
DNT: 1
Cookie: __utma=1.20923577936111.16111.19805.2;utmcmd=(none);
HTTP is a plain text protocol and line-oriented.
The first line indicates what this message is about. In this case the keyword GET
indicates that we are requesting something. The version number (1.1
) indicates the highest version of HTTP that an application supports. What are we requesting? Line 2 answers this question, we are requesting the Web resource at
. The client sending this request also provides additional information, such as which type of content it accepts, whether or not it is able to read encoded content, etc. In the last line, you can see that in this request, a cookie is sent from the client to the server as well.
The server that received the HTTP request above now assembles the following response (note that [..xx..]
indicates other messsage content we are not interested in at the moment):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:35:55 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 5994
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: fe_typo_user=d5e20a55a4a92e0;
[..other header fields..]
Server: TU Delft Web Server
The first line indicates the status of the response - in this case, the requested resource exists and the server sends back the status 200 OK
: everything is okay, the resource was found and is send to you.
The response is then structured into header fields, in the format of name:value
, and the response body which contains the actual content. The body is optional - if the requested resource is not found, an error status code without a body would be returned to the client.
The header fields contain important information for the client to understand the data being sent, including the type of content, the length and so on. As you can see here, the server can also send cookies to the client in the header fields.
Many header fields exist, the most important ones (though to some extent this remains an arbitrary choice) are listed below:
Header field | Description |
Content-Type | Entity type |
Content-Length | Length/size of the message |
Content-Language | Language of the entity sent |
Content-Encoding | Data transformations applied to the entity |
Content-Location | Alternative location of the entity |
Content-Range | For partial entities, range defines the pieces sent |
Content-MD5 | Checksum of the content |
Last-Modified | Date on which this entity was created/modified |
Expires | Date at which the entity will become stale |
Allow | Lists the legal request methods for the entity |
Connection & Upgrade | Protocol upgrade |
The bold header fields will be covered below. Let's briefly walk over the other fields:
- The
indicates the language the entity is in, which can be English, Dutch or any other language. - The
can be useful if loading times are long or the content seems wrong; it can point to an alternative location where the same Web resource resides. Content-Range
is important for entities that consist of multiple parts and are sent partially across different http responses; without this information, the client would be unable to piece together the whole entity.- Finally,
indicates to the client what type of requests can be made for the entity in question;GET
is only one of a number of methods, it may also be possible to alter or delete a Web resource.
Lets look at a few of these fields a bit more in detail.
MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions and was designed to solve problems when moving messages between electronic mail systems; it worked well and was adopted by HTTP to label its content.
*MIME types determine how the client reacts - html is rendered, videos are played and so on.
The pattern is always the same: each MIME type has a primary object type and a subtype.
Here are a few typical examples: text/plain
, text/html
, image/jpeg
, video/quicktime
, application/
. As you can see in the text/*
cases, the primary object type can have several subtypes.
MIME types can be very diverse. Here is a list of the most and least popular MIME types found on a sample of a large-scale Web crawl in 2014:
Most popular | Least popular |
text/html | application/pgp-keys |
image/jpg | application/x-httpd-php4 |
text/xml | chemical/x-pdb |
application/rss+xml | model/mesh |
text/plain | application/x-perl |
application/xml | audio/x_mpegurl |
text/calendar | application/bib |
application/pdf | application/postscript |
application/atom+xml | application/x-msdos-program |
You should be able to recognise most of the popular types; application/rss+xml
and application/atom+xml
are two popular types of Web feed standards. Note, that if a server does not include a specific MIME type the default setting becomes unknown/unknown
Among the least popular MIME types are application specific types such as chemical/x-pdb
for protein databank data and others.
The content-length contains the size of the entity body in the message.
It has two purposes:
to indicate to the client whether or not the entire message was received. If the message received is less than what was promised the client will make the same request again.
The header is also of importance for so-called persistent connections. Building up a TCP connection costs time. Instead of doing this for every single HTTP request/response cycle, we can reuse the same TCP connection for multiple HTTP request/response messages. For this to work though, it needs to be known when a particular HTTP message ends and when a new one starts.
Content is often encoded, and in particular compressed. The four common encodings are gzip
, compress
, deflate
or identity
, the latter indicates that no encoding should be used.
How do client and server negotiate acceptable encodings? If the server would send content in an encoding for which the client requires specific software to decode but does not have, the client receives a blob of data but is unable to interpret it. To avoid this situation, the client sends in the HTTP request a list of encodings it can deal with. This happens in the Accept-Encoding
request header, e.g. Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Why bother with encodings at all? If an image or video is compressed by the server before it is sent to the client, network bandwidth is saved. There is a tradeoff however: compressed content needs to be decompressed by the client, which increases the processing costs.
Data corruption occurs regularly, the Internet spans the entire globe, billions of devices are connected to it. To route a message it has to pass through several devices, all of which run on software. And software is buggy. MD5 acts as a sanity check.
MD5 stands for message digest and is an important data verification component: the message content is hashed into a 128 bit value. Once the client receives the http response it computes the checksum of the content as well and compares it with the checksum in the header field. If there is a mismatch, the client assumes that the content is corrupted and requests the content again.
Web caches make up an important part of the Internet. They cache popular copies of Web resources. This reduces the load on those servers that host these popular resources, reduces a network bottleneck and increases the responsiveness (the delay is decreased).
But how does a Web cache know for how long a Web resource is valid? Imagine a Web cache caching
from the origin server (i.e. the server hosting
) - this copy will quickly become stale and outdated. On the other hand, an RFC page that rarely changes may be valid in the cache for a long time.
This is where the Expires
header field comes in. It indicates to a Web cache when a fetched resource is no longer valid and needs to be retrieved from the origin server.
There is another header that is similar to Expires
: Cache-Control
. They differ in the manner they indicate staleness to the Web cache: Expires
uses an absolute expiration date, e.g. December 1, 2021, while Cache-Control
uses a relative time, e.g. 3600 seconds since being sent.
Enabling the origin server to fix in advance how quickly a cached version of a resource goes stale was an important design decision. The alternative would have been to solely rely on Web caches to query the original server to determine whether or not the cached resources are out of date - this would be inefficient though as these kind of queries would have to happen very frequently.
A final header field we consider is Last-Modified
. It contains the date when the Web resource was last altered. There is no header field though that indicates how much the resource has changed. Even if only a whitespace was added to a plain text document, the Last-Modified
header would change.
It is often used in combination with If-Modified-Since
. When Web caches actively try to revalidate Web resources they cache, they only want the Web resource sent by the origin server if it has changed since the Last-Modified
date. If nothing has changed, the origin server simply returns a 304 Not Modified
response; otherwise the updated Web resource is sent to the Web cache.
dates should be taken with a grain of salt. They are not always reliable, and can be manipulated by the origin server to ensure high cache validation rates for instance.
An alternative title of this section could have been Polling and WebSockets.
In HTTP/1.1 the client always initiates the conversation with the server via an HTTP request. For a number of use cases though this is a severe limitation. Take a look at these two examples from the New York Times website and Twitter respectively:
In both examples, the encircled numbers are updated "on the fly", without the user having to manually refresh the page. This can be achieved through polling: here, the client regularly sends an HTTP request to the server, the server in turn sends its HTTP response and if the numbers have changed, the client renders the updated numbers. This of course is a wasteful approach - the client might send hundreds or thousands of HTTP request (depending on the chosen update frequency) that always lead to the same HTTP response. An alternative to polling is long polling: here, the client sends an HTTP request as before, but this time the server holds the request open until new data is available before sending its HTTP response (once the response is sent, the client immediately sends another HTTP request that is kept open). While this avoids wasteful HTTP request/response pairs, it requires the backend to become significantly more complex: the backend is now responsible for ensuring the right data is sent to the right client and scaling becomes an issue.
Both options are workarounds to the requirement of client-initiated HTTP request/response pairs. The IETF recognized early on that such solutions are not sufficient and in 2011 standardized the WebSocket protocol (RFC 6455). The RFC abstract read as follows:
"The WebSocket Protocol enables two-way communication between a client
running untrusted code in a controlled environment to a remote host
that has opted-in to communications from that code. The security
model used for this is the origin-based security model commonly used
by web browsers. The protocol consists of an opening handshake
followed by basic message framing, layered over TCP. The goal of
this technology is to provide a mechanism for browser-based
applications that need two-way communication with servers that does
not rely on opening multiple HTTP connections (e.g., using
XMLHttpRequest or <iframe>s and long polling)."
WebSockets finally enable bidirectional communication between client and server! The server no longer has to wait for an HTTP request to send data to a client, but can do so at any time - as long as both client and server agree to use the WebSocket protocol.
Client and server agree to this new protocol as follows: the client initiates the upgrade by sending a HTTP request with at least two headers: Connection: Upgrade
(the client requests an upgrade) and Upgrade: [protocols]
(one or more protocol names in order of the client's preference). Depending on the protocol the client requests, additional headers may be sent. The server then either responds with 101 Switching Protocols
if the server agrees to this upgrade or with 200 OK
if the upgrade request is ignored.
As a concrete example, you can consider the demo game of this course. It relies on WebSockets to enable bidirectional communication between client and server. The client sends the following HTTP headers to request the upgrade to the WebSocket protocol:
Host: localhost:3000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Origin: http://localhost:3000
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate
Sec-WebSocket-Key: ve3NDibwD/111x/ZKV0Phw==
Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Upgrade: websocket
As you can see, besides Connection
and Upgrade
a number of other information is sent, those though are beyond the scope of this course.
The server accepts the protocol with the following headers:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: b3yldD7Y6THeWnQGTJYzO1l4F3g=
Lastly it is worth to mention that besides switching to the WebSocket protocol, another common switch is from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2.
To finish off this part about HTTP header fields, we take a look at the response status codes. You have just read about the 304
status code, sent by the origin server in the response after a request from the Web cache asking about an updated copy of a Web resource.
If you look at the first HTTP response example, you will see that the status code is a very prominent part of the HTTP response - it appears in the very first line of the response. In this case the status code is 200
Quite a few different status codes exist that provide the client with some level of information on what is going on. Response status codes can be classified into five categories:
Status codes | |
1XX | Informational (101 Switching Protocols) |
2XX | Success (200 OK) |
3XX | Redirected |
4XX | Client error (404 Not Found) |
5XX | Server error |
Status codes starting with 100 provide information to the client, e.g. 100 Continue
tells the client that the request is still ongoing and has not been rejected by the server. As just seen status code 101
indicates the server switching to a protocol as requested by the client.
Status code 200
is the most common one - it indicates that the HTTP request was successful and the response contains the requested Web resource (or a part of it).
Status codes starting with 3 most often point to a redirect: a resource that was originally under URL A
can now be found under URL B
. These redirects are automatically resolved by the browser - you only notice a slightly longer loading time, otherwise redirects do not affect browser users.
Status codes starting with 4 indicate an error on the client side - most well known here is 404: Not Found
, i.e. the Web resource or entity the client requests, does not exist on the server.
Errors on the server side start with 5; one relatively common status code is 502: Bad gateway
Recall the first line of the HTTP request message above:
GET / HTTP/1.1
So far, we have only seen GET
requests, i.e. requests to get access to some Web resource. GET
however is only one of multiple so-called HTTP methods.
There are 7 common HTTP methods:
you have already seen.HEAD
returns the header of a HTTP response only (not the content)POST
sends data from the client to the server for processingPUT
saves the body of the request on the server; if you have ever used ftp you are already familiar with putTRACE
can be used to trace where a message passes through before arriving at the serverOPTIONS
is helpful to determine what kind of methods a server supports and finallyDELETE
can be used to remove documents from a Web server
This is by no means an exhaustive list of methods and not all servers enable or implement all the methods shown here. This list shows just the most common methods in use today.
Lets see how this protocol works in practice. One of the learning goals of this lecture is to be able to make HTTP requests yourself.
One basic tool to practice HTTP request writing is telnet
. Telnet is a protocol defined in RFC 15 (this low number should tell you that it is a very old standard - it is from 969). Software that implements the client-side part of the protocol is also called telnet. Telnet opens a TCP connection to a Web server (this requires a port number, for now just take it as is, you will learn more about port numbers in a bit) and anything you type into the telnet terminal is sent to the server. The server treats telnet as a Web client and all returned data is displayed in the terminal.
Try out the following examples yourself (everything indented is returned by the server and does not have to be typed out; [carriage return]
indicates when/how often to press Enter
to just get information about the page
$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’
[carriage return]
[carriage return]
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
to see what is at the moved location
$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’
[carriage return]
[carriage return]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
to retrieve the content
$ telnet 80
GET / HTTP/1.1
[line feed]
[line feed]
(check out Microsoft's message that is returned here; investigate what a User-Agent string is)
to retrieve content from another path
$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’
GET /en/us/default.aspx?redir=true HTTP/1.1
[line feed]
[line feed]
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
By now it should be clear that multiple requests may be required to end up with the wanted resource. The Web browser handles these redirects transparently. Lastly, you also saw that Web servers can recognise to some extent the source of a request and act accordingly; we did not include a user agent string to identify ourselves as requester and were given a response that assumed a machine-generated request.
Have you noticed something in the activity you just completed (hopefully)? We connected to the domain
on port 80
and immediately got the response: Trying
. This is called an IP address (an Internet Protocol address).
The Internet maintains two principal namespaces: the domain name hierarchy and the IP address system. While domain names are handy for humans, the IP address system is used for the communication among devices.
The entity responsible for translating the domain into an IP address is called the Domain Name System server or DNS server. Several exist, a popular one is operated by Google, called Public DNS. Version 4 IP addresses (IPv4) consist of 32 bits; they are divided into 4 blocks of 8 bits each. 8 bit can encode all numbers between 0 and 255. This means, that in this format, a total of 2^32 unique IP addresses or just shy of 4.3 billion unique IP addresses can be generated.
This might sound like a lot, but just think about how many devices you own that connect to the Internet ... This problem was foreseen already in the early 1990s and over time a new standard was developed by the IETF (published in 1998). This is the IPv6 standard. An IPv6 address consists of 128 bit, organised into 8 groups of four hexadecimal digits. This means, that up to 2^128 unique addresses can be generated, that is such a large number that meaningful comparisons are hard to come by. In decimal form, 2^128 is a number with 39 digits! A large enough address space to last us forever.
Why are we still using IPv4? Because transitioning to the new standard takes time - a lot of devices require software upgrades and things still work, so there is no immediate sense of urgency.
Google keeps track of the percentage of users using its services through IPv6. As of late 2018 about 25% of users rely on IPv6, a slow and steady increase - it is just a matter of time until IPv4 is replaced by IPv6.
Let's now take a closer look at the format of Uniform Resource Locators or in short URLs. You are probably typing those into your browser at least a few times a day, let's see how well you know them! To get you started, here is a short quiz.
How many of the following URLs are valid?
mailto:[email protected]
ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/gnu;date=today;typ=c/apple;class=a;date=today/index.html;fr=delft
URLs are the common way to access any resource on the Internet; the format of URLs is standardized. You should already be relatively familiar with the format of URLs accessing resources through http or https. Resource access in other protocols (e.g. ftp
) is similar, with only small variations.
In general, a URL consists of up to 9 parts
From back to front:
: The name of a piece of a resource. Only used by the client - the fragment is not transmitted to the server.<query>
: Parameters passed to gateway resources, i.e. applications [identified by the path] such as search engines.<params>
: Additional input parameters applications may require to access a resource on the server correctly. Can be set per path segment.<path>
: the local path to the resource<port>
: the port on which the server is expecting requests for the resource<host>
: domain name (host name) or numeric IP address of the server<user>:<password>
: the username/password (may be necessary to access a resource)<scheme>
: determines the protocol to use when connecting to the server.
One of the most important URL types for us is the syntax for a query
. What does that mean? Let's consider
. This is an example of a URL pointing to the Duckduckgo website that - as part of the URL - contains the q=Delft
query. This query component is passed to the application accessed at the Web server - in this case Duckduckgo's search system and returned to you is a list of search results for the query Delft. This syntax is necessary to enable interactive application.
By convention we use name=value
to pass application variables. If an application expects several variables, e.g. not only the search string but also the number of expected search results, we combine them with an &
: name1=value1&name2=value2& ...
We have already touched upon the fact that http
and https
are the most common protocols, but certainly not the only ones. http
and https
differ in their encryption - http
does not offer encryption, while https
does. mailto
is the email protocol, ftp
is the file transfer protocol. The local file system can also be accessed through the URL syntax as file://<host>/<path>
, e.g. to view tmp.html
from the directory /Users/my_home
in the browser, you can use file:///Users/my_home/tmp.html
URLs can either be absolute or relative. Shown below are examples of both types:
Absolute (our base URL):
<li><a href="vis/trecvis.html">TREC</a></li>
<li><a href=" ../airsvis.html">AIRS</a></li>
Those relative URLs in combination with the base URL above lead to
The absolute URL at the top can be used to retrieve a Web resource without requiring any additional information. The two URLs below are relative as they by themselves do not provide sufficient information to resolve to a specific Web resource. They are embedded in HTML markup which, in this case, resides within the Web page pointed to by the absolute URL at the top.
Relative URLs require a base URL to enable their conversion into absolute URLs. By default, this base URL is derived from the absolute URL of the Web page the relative URLs are found in. The base URL of a resource is everything up to and including the last slash in its path name.
The base URL is used to convert the relative URLs into absolute URLs. The conversion in the first case (vis/trecvis.html
) is straightforward, the relative URL is appended to the base URL. In the second case (../airsvis.html
) you have to know that the meaning of ..
is to move a directory up, thus in the base URL the /new
directory is removed from the base and then the relative URL is added.
Note, that this conversion can be governed by more complex rules, they are described in RFC 3986.
When URLs were first developed they had two basic design goals:
- to be portable across protocols;
- to be human readable, i.e. they should not contain invisible or non-printing characters.
The development of the Internet had largely been driven by US companies and organization and thus it made sense - at the time - to limit URL characters to the ASCII alphabet: this alphabet includes the Latin alphabet and additional reserved characters (such as !, (, ), ...). The limitation is in the name: ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and thus heavily favours English speakers.
Added later was the character encoding, e.g. a whitespace becomes %20
. That means, that characters that are not part of ASCII can be encoded through a combination of ASCII characters.
Character encodings are not sufficient though, what about languages that are not even based on the Latin alphabet (what about URLs like http://правительство.рф
)? Ideally, URLs should allow non-Latin characters as well, which today boils down to the use of unicode characters.
IETF comes once again to the rescue! Punycode (RFC 3492) was developed to allow URLs with unicode characters that are then translated uniquely and reversibly into an ASCII string.
The cyrillic URL example above transforms into this ASCII URL: http//:xn—80aealotwbjpid2k.xn—p1ai
. A URL already in ASCII format remains the same after the Punycode encoding.
One word of caution though: mixed scripts (i.e. using different alphabets in a single URL) are a potential security issue: consider the following URL: http://рayр
; copy it and try it out in your browser. It looks like the well-known e-payment website. It is not! Notice that the Russian letter r looks very much like a latin p and a potential attacker can use this knowledge to create a fake paypal website (to gather credit card information) and lead users on with the wrong, but on first sight correctly looking paypal URL.
The last topic we cover in this first lecture is authentication. Authentication is any process by which a system verifies the identity of a User who wishes to access it.
So far, we have viewed HTTP is an anonymous and stateless request/response protocol. This means that the same HTTP request is treated in exactly the same manner by a server, independent of who or what entity sends this request. We have seen that each HTTP request is dealt with independently, the server does not maintain a state for a client, i.e. the server does not keep track how often a client has already requested a Web resource.
But of course, this is not how today's Web works: servers do identify devices and users, most Web applications indeed track their users very closely. We have several options to identify users and devices:
- http headers;
- client IP addresses;
- user login;
- fat URLs.
If you already know a bit more about Web development you will miss in this list cookies and sessions we cover these concepts in one of the later lectures. Let's now look how each of the four identification options listed above work.
The HTTP header fields we have seen so far were only a few of all possible ones. Several HTTP header fields can be used to provide information about the user or his context. Some are shown here:
Request header field | |
From |
User's email address |
User-Agent |
User's browser |
Referer |
Resource the user came from |
Client-IP (Extension) |
Client's IP address |
Authorization |
Username and password |
All of the shown header fields are request header fields, i.e. sent from the client to the server. Most are standard and one is an extension, meaning it is not recognised by all existing implementations.
Let's look at the first three fields for now, they can contain information about the user such as the his email address, the identifying string for the user's device (though here device is rather general and refers to a particular type of mobile phone, not the specific phone of this user), and the Web page the user came from.
In reality, users rarely publish their email addresses through the From
field, this field is today mostly used by Web crawlers; in case they break a Web server due to too much crawling, the owner of the Web server can quickly contact the humans behind the crawler via email. The User-Agent
allows device-specific customization, but not more. The Referer
is similarly crude: it can tell us something about a user's interests but does not enable us to uniquely identify a user.
To conclude, the HTTP headers From
, Referer
and User-Agent
are not suitable to track the modern Web user.
The second option we have to authenticate users is client IP address tracking, either extracted from the HTTP header or the underlying TCP connection. This would provide us with an ideal way to authenticate users IF every user would be assigned a distinct IP address that rarely or never changes.
However ... we know that IP addresses are assigned to machines, not users. Internet service provides do not assign a unique IP to each one of their users, they dynamically assign IP addresses to users from a common address pool; a user's IP address can change any day.
Today's Internet is also more complicated than just straightforward client and servers. We access the Web through firewalls which obscure the users' IP addresses, we use proxies and gateways that in turn set up their own TCP connections and come with their own IP addresses. To conclude, in this day and age, IP addresses cannot be used anymore to provide a reliable authentication mechanism.
That brings us to fat URLs. The options we have covered so far are not good choices for authentication today, fat URLs on the other hand are in use to this day.
The principle of fat URLs is simple: users are tracked through the generation of unique URLs for each user. If a user visits a Web site for the first time, the server recognises the URL as not containing a "fat element" and assumes the user has not visited the site before. It generates a unique ID for the user. The server then redirects the user to that fat URL. Crucially here in the last step, the server on the fly rewrites the HTML for every single user, adding the user's ID to each and every hyperlink. A rewritten HTML link may look like this (note the random numbers string at the end): <a href="/browse/002-1145265-8016838">Gifts</a>
In this manner, different HTTP requests can be tied into a single logical session: the server is aware which requests are coming from the same user through the ID inside the fat URLs.
Let's look at this concept one more time, based on the following toy example:
On the left you see a shop Web site, consisting of the entry page
and two other pages, one for books and one for gifts. The entry page links to both of those pages. These URLs do not contain a fat element. The first time a user requests the entry page, the server recognises the lack of an identifier in the URL and generates one. Specifically for that user, it also rewrites the HTML of the entry page: its hyperlinks now contain the unique ID. The server then redirects the user to
and serves the changed HTML content. In this manner, as long as the user browses through the shop, the user remains authenticated to the server.
Fat URLs have issues:
- First of all, they are ugly, instead of short and easy to remember URLs you are left with overly long ones.
- Fat URLs should not be shared - you never know what kind of private information you share with others if you hand out the URLs generated for you!
- Fat URLs are also not a good idea when it comes to Web caches - these caches rely on the one page per request paradigm; fat URLs though follow the one page per user paradigm.
- Dynamically generating HTML every time a user requests a Web resource adds to the server load.
- All of this effort still does not completely avoid loosing the user: as soon as the user navigates away from the Web site, the user's identification is lost.
To conclude, fat URLs are a valid option for authentication as long as you are aware of the potential issues they have.
Let's move on to the final authentication option we discuss here: HTTP basic authentication. You are already familiar with this type of authentication: the server asks the user EXPLICITLY for authentication by asking for a user name and a password.
HTTP has a built-in mechanism to support this process through the WWW-Authenticate
and Authorization
headers. Since HTTP is stateless, once a user has logged in, the login information has to be resend to the server with every single http request the user's device is making.
Here is a concrete example of HTTP basic authentication:
We have the usual server and client setup. The client sends an HTTP request to access a particular Web resource, in this case the index.html
page residing at
The server sends back a 401
status code, indicating to the client that this Web resource requires a login. It also sends back information about the supported authentication scheme which here is Basic
. There are several authentication schemes, but we will only consider the basic one here. The realm describes the protection area: if several Web resources on the same server require authentication within the same realm, a single user/password combination should be sufficient to access all of them.
In response to the 401
status code, the client presents a login screen to the user, requesting the username and password. The client sends username and password encoded (but not encrypted) to the server via the http Authorization
header field.
If the username/password are correct, the server sends an HTTP response with the Web resource in question in the message body.
For future HTTP requests to the site, the browser automatically sends along the stored username/password. It does not wait for another request.
As just said, the username/password combination are encoded by the client, before being passed to the server. The encoding scheme is very simple: the username and password are joined together by a colon and converted into base-64 encoding. It is a simple binary-to-text encoding scheme that ensures that only HTTP compatible characters are entered into the message. In this manner, not only strings with non-ASCII characters can be converted, images for instance can be converted as well - you will see this sometimes in CSS files where an entire image can be dumped into a CSS file via base-64 encoding in so-called "data URIs".
For example, in base-64 encoding Normandië
becomes Tm9ybWFuZGnDqw==
and Delft
becomes RGVsZnQ=
It needs to be emphasised here once more that encoding has nothing to do with encryption. The username and password send via basic authentication can be decoded trivially, they are sent over the network in the clear. This by itself is not critical, as long as users are aware of this. However, users tend to be lazy, they tend to reuse the same or similar login/password combinations for a wide range of websites of highly varying criticality. Even though the login/password for site X may be worthless to an attacker, if the user only made a slight modification to her usual login/password combination to access site Y, lets say her email account, the user will be in trouble.
Overall, basic authentication is the best of the four options discussed here; it prevents accidental or casual access by curious users to content where privacy is desired but not essential. Basic authentication is useful for personalisation and access control within a friendly environment such as an intranet.
In the wild, i.e. the general Web, basic authentication should only be used in combination with secure HTTP (most popular variant being https with URL scheme https
) to avoid sending the username/password combination in the clear across the network. Here, request and response data are encrypted before being sent across the network.
Here are a few questions you should be able to answer after having followed the lecture:
- What are the main advantage and disadvantage of using compression?
- What is the main problem of HTTP’s plain text format compared to a binary format?
- What is commonly compressed: HTTP headers and/or HTTP responses?
- In what circumstance might
be useful? - In what order do the following operations occur when you enter in the browser's address bar?
- Convert domain to IP address
- Send HTTP request
- Receive HTTP response
- Establish a TCP connection
- What is the main advantage of relative URLs over absolute URLs?
- What is the main weakness of URLs as they are in use today?
- URLs are unnecessarily long.
- We are running out of URL space for ASCII-based URLs.
- URLs point to a location instead of a Web resource.
- URLs point to a Web resource instead of a location.
- Which of the following statements about the hypertext transfer protocol are TRUE?
can be used to determine whether a given URL refers to an existing Web resource.- The HTTP header field
is used in an HTTP request that informs the server of the client's latest version of a given Web resource. - The information retrieved via
can also be retrieved viaGET
. - The
header is used in an HTTP request to inform the server which parts of a Web resource a client wants to receive.
- Which of the following statements about Web caches are TRUE?
- Web caches increase the processing power of origin servers.
- Web caches are the Web's backup: they keep a copy of every resource on the Web.
- Web caches rely on the
header field to determine when a copy becomes invalid. - Web caches lead to reduced distance delay.
- Which of the following statements about IPv6 are FALSE?
- IPv6 has approximately ten times as much address space available as IPv4.
- Most Internet traffic today makes use of IPv6 (instead of IPv4).
- IPv6 addresses do not have an associated domain name in the Domain Name System registry.
- IPv6 addresses are 128 bit long.
- What issues do Fat URLs have?