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3348 lines (3182 loc) · 966 KB
-- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 11.6 (Ubuntu 11.6-1.pgdg18.04+1)
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.5
SET statement_timeout = 0;
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SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
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SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- Name: comments; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.comments (
c_id text NOT NULL,
text text,
likes integer,
author text,
video_id text,
published_at timestamp without time zone,
updated_at timestamp without time zone,
sentiment character varying(10),
prob_pos numeric,
prob_neg numeric,
prob_neutral numeric,
clean_text text
ALTER TABLE public.comments OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.migrations (
id integer NOT NULL,
migration character varying(255) NOT NULL,
batch integer NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.migrations OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE SEQUENCE public.migrations_id_seq
AS integer
ALTER TABLE public.migrations_id_seq OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: migrations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER SEQUENCE public.migrations_id_seq OWNED BY public.migrations.id;
-- Name: myvideos; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.myvideos (
id integer NOT NULL,
u_id integer NOT NULL,
v_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
rating integer,
is_saved boolean,
created_at timestamp(0) without time zone,
deleted_at timestamp(0) without time zone
ALTER TABLE public.myvideos OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: myvideos_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE SEQUENCE public.myvideos_id_seq
AS integer
ALTER TABLE public.myvideos_id_seq OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: myvideos_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER SEQUENCE public.myvideos_id_seq OWNED BY public.myvideos.id;
-- Name: password_resets; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.password_resets (
email character varying(255) NOT NULL,
token character varying(255) NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp(0) without time zone
ALTER TABLE public.password_resets OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: recommendations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.recommendations (
id integer NOT NULL,
u_id integer NOT NULL,
v_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp(0) without time zone
ALTER TABLE public.recommendations OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: recommendations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE SEQUENCE public.recommendations_id_seq
AS integer
ALTER TABLE public.recommendations_id_seq OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: recommendations_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER SEQUENCE public.recommendations_id_seq OWNED BY public.recommendations.id;
-- Name: searchlist_s_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE SEQUENCE public.searchlist_s_id_seq
MAXVALUE 2147483647
ALTER TABLE public.searchlist_s_id_seq OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: searchlist; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.searchlist (
search_q text NOT NULL,
s_id integer DEFAULT nextval('public.searchlist_s_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.searchlist OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.users (
id integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
email character varying(255) NOT NULL,
password character varying(255) NOT NULL,
remember_token character varying(100),
created_at timestamp(0) without time zone,
updated_at timestamp(0) without time zone,
similar_users text,
consent_course_work boolean,
consent_grades boolean
ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE SEQUENCE public.users_id_seq
AS integer
ALTER TABLE public.users_id_seq OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER SEQUENCE public.users_id_seq OWNED BY public.users.id;
-- Name: video; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
CREATE TABLE public.video (
title text,
descr text,
views integer,
likes integer,
dislikes integer,
fav_count integer,
com_count integer,
v_id text NOT NULL,
channel_id text,
channel_name text,
"searchQ" text,
duration text,
url character varying(150),
clean_descr text,
language text,
is_reliable boolean,
confidence numeric,
deleted_at timestamp(0) without time zone,
class_views integer DEFAULT 0
ALTER TABLE public.video OWNER TO homestead;
-- Name: COLUMN video.clean_descr; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.video.clean_descr IS 'video description after cleaning';
-- Name: migrations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.migrations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.migrations_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: myvideos id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.myvideos ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.myvideos_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: recommendations id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.recommendations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.recommendations_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: users id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.users ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.users_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Data for Name: comments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: homestead
COPY public.comments (c_id, text, likes, author, video_id, published_at, updated_at, sentiment, prob_pos, prob_neg, prob_neutral, clean_text) FROM stdin;
UghzEwmhAloOS3gCoAEC Thx a lot. 0 Maha Lakshmi 7PYLNbt4x0I 2015-10-05 11:12:40 2015-10-05 11:12:40 pos 0.5872337820159957 0.41276621798400426 0.4949377253214851 thx lot
UgxaGeXaPqaW-fY2ktN4AaABAg Request sir....audio sound is not proper. Rest is fantastic :) 0 Praveen Abhiman Andhale W5gnVp1NUNU 2020-02-02 17:49:47 2020-02-02 17:49:47 neutral 0.6460851309177473 0.35391486908225267 0.6686608993011468 request sir audio sound proper rest fantast
UgwErIyWp-pNn0sDVkl4AaABAg Well done ! Keep on ! 0 Vladan Ulardzic W5gnVp1NUNU 2019-06-27 14:39:26 2019-06-27 14:39:26 pos 0.678254843106392 0.32174515689360805 0.4171169940121608 well done keep
UgyGWCFsRh-xboT0-h94AaABAg I didn't understand when to go for comparable and when to go for comparator. 0 Lokesh Dohare W5gnVp1NUNU 2019-04-22 18:20:01 2019-04-22 18:20:01 neutral 0.4137682596277912 0.5862317403722088 0.6646388355881929 didnt understand go compar go compar
UgzySWZmc2RnVwe2vH54AaABAg Thanks sir ..i have understand...all the things 1 Ankit Kumar W5gnVp1NUNU 2019-01-22 07:16:24 2019-01-22 07:16:24 neutral 0.5508061444112168 0.4491938555887832 0.6044908475499353 thank sir understand thing
UgyZmoo5mLfKvm1CxN54AaABAg 14.7 and 14.8 are not good, seems like different person explained the concepts which is not good. 0 triceps samy W5gnVp1NUNU 2018-07-25 20:14:14 2018-07-25 20:14:14 pos 0.589849943599313 0.410150056400687 0.19159555849471457 14 7 14 8 good seem like differ person explain concept good
UgynGyjH2ujs-_SiXH14AaABAg The content is good but the voice quality is not that good on 14.7 and 14.8 tutorials. Please redo them with better voice quality. 1 Michael Gathogo W5gnVp1NUNU 2018-04-21 22:40:03 2018-04-21 22:40:03 pos 0.6256706852458425 0.37432931475415754 0.27073372776599125 content good voic qualiti good 14 7 14 8 tutori pleas redo better voic qualiti
UgxtQqKnP_eVtYZhK8J4AaABAg Sir can u plz keep event handling videos 0 Anand Varma Uppalapati W5gnVp1NUNU 2018-03-08 04:54:47 2018-03-08 04:55:09 neutral 0.5679957352112188 0.4320042647887812 0.8793109445464067 sir u plz keep event handl video
Ugxs4puD7mjssW6R-MZ4AaABAg Good job explaining it my man 0 SorA vvOGucaFwuo 2018-11-18 09:39:02 2018-11-18 09:39:02 neutral 0.7418578996957228 0.2581421003042772 0.6009948757263278 good job explain man
UgwlEeLWsoPsyEz4LpN4AaABAg الله يرحم روح والديك واموات محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم 0 Eng.Mohamad Alhamid 72BiJvsMlhM 2019-09-18 18:57:56 2019-09-18 18:57:56 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 الله يرحم روح والديك واموات محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
Ugy2vmeB-RP6-sQQgYF4AaABAg شكراً جزيلاً <3 0 Moaz El-sawaf 72BiJvsMlhM 2019-06-29 23:39:20 2019-06-29 23:39:20 neutral 0.5043202766079721 0.4956797233920279 0.6601974846833562 شكراً جزيلاً 3
Ugi2HHKPSF3CiXgCoAEC good 0 Abdelhamid El Hilali 72BiJvsMlhM 2016-10-21 23:02:46 2016-10-21 23:02:46 pos 0.6430542795156622 0.3569457204843378 0.27524987150901575 good
UgjMmx9oSCBIjngCoAEC الله يجزاك بالجنة على الشرح الراااائع 0 _NA_ DA_ 72BiJvsMlhM 2016-05-05 15:00:52 2016-05-05 15:00:52 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 الله يجزاك بالجنة على الشرح الراااائع
UggdSopUOAP--XgCoAEC استاذ عبدالله الله يعطيك الف عافية بس بدي اسألك سؤال انا شفت الجافا ١٠١و١٠٢ و١٠٣ وكنت مفكر اكمل بكورس الاندرويد ف شفت انو عبتنزل ال ١٠٤ ف هل استطيع انو ادخل بالاندرويد ولا انتظر الى ان تنتهي ال١٠٤ واحضرها وال١٠٤ متى ستنتهي بإذن الله ؟؟؟ 0 mohammed mokresh 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-07-25 18:51:36 2014-07-25 18:51:36 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 استاذ عبدالله الله يعطيك الف عافية بس بدي اسألك سؤال انا شفت الجافا ١٠١و١٠٢ و١٠٣ وكنت مفكر اكمل بكورس الاندرويد ف شفت انو عبتنزل ال ١٠٤ ف هل استطيع انو ادخل بالاندرويد ولا انتظر الى ان تنتهي ال١٠٤ واحضرها وال١٠٤ متى ستنتهي بإذن الله ؟؟؟
UgiPv9aeQ3Oug3gCoAEC لو سمحت يا استاذ عبد الله هل بهذه الثلاث دروس تكون انتهت دوره جافا 104 ام مازال فيديوهات سوف تتم اضافتها جزاك الله خير رجاءاا الرد ؟ 2 diaa alsayed 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-05-04 13:13:19 2014-05-04 13:13:19 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 لو سمحت يا استاذ عبد الله هل بهذه الثلاث دروس تكون انتهت دوره جافا 104 ام مازال فيديوهات سوف تتم اضافتها جزاك الله خير رجاءاا الرد ؟
UghE7Wa9AGhGuXgCoAEC السلام عليكم\nعندي سؤال انا ابي انشئ برنامج واحوله لتطبيق انا ماني عارفه كيف اسوي البرنامج حاولت ماعرفت وانا ماعرف انجليزي ارجو الرد\n\n 0 Um Saad K 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-03-30 22:04:05 2014-03-30 22:04:05 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 السلام عليكم عندي سؤال انا ابي انشئ برنامج واحوله لتطبيق انا ماني عارفه كيف اسوي البرنامج حاولت ماعرفت وانا ماعرف انجليزي ارجو الرد
UghRWmg6u4sO3XgCoAEC ننتظر الباقي في أسرع وقت ، موفق 0 Abdulrahman Alknani 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-03-12 15:10:01 2014-03-12 15:10:01 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 ننتظر الباقي في أسرع وقت ، موفق
UgiOB9gEuFbMqngCoAEC كفو يايالحربي 0 ABO NUS 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-24 15:54:35 2014-02-24 15:54:35 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 كفو يايالحربي
Ugi4XSMASxJjM3gCoAEC ليه صوتك مبحوح ؟ 1 Faris Abdullah 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-17 11:04:23 2014-02-17 11:04:23 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 ليه صوتك مبحوح ؟
UghdwXyIixUgFXgCoAEC بارك الله فيك يا استاذ عبدالله وتمنياتي لك بالتوفيق والسداد الدائم لكن عندي تساؤل مهم جدا انت مانزلت الا my sql 101 ووعدتنا بتنزيل my sql 102 و 103 لكنهم غير موجودين ما السبب واذا كنت غير قادر على تنزيلهم ارجو ان تنصحني بقناة معينه اتابعها لذلك ولك جزيل الشكر والتقدير 0 abdullah allham 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-07 21:52:38 2014-02-07 21:52:38 neutral 0.44237645866554576 0.5576235413344542 0.5583076591801671 بارك الله فيك يا استاذ عبدالله وتمنياتي لك بالتوفيق والسداد الدائم لكن عندي تساؤل مهم جدا انت مانزلت الا sql 101 ووعدتنا بتنزيل sql 102 و 103 لكنهم غير موجودين ما السبب واذا كنت غير قادر على تنزيلهم ارجو ان تنصحني بقناة معينه اتابعها لذلك ولك جزيل الشكر والتقدير
UgxVdb_323ruAnOZoUN4AaABAg you are simply great sir, what an explaination!!!!!!!!!!! 0 jyoti pawar fptlqsesjxY 2019-08-28 07:46:45 2019-08-28 07:46:45 neutral 0.7425506287970206 0.2574493712029794 0.5036666061639674 simpli great sir explain
UgyIKx0OLHvULqWRLdZ4AaABAg too fast 0 Milestone Raiders fptlqsesjxY 2019-08-19 05:14:55 2019-08-19 05:14:55 pos 0.5316526543527975 0.4683473456472025 0.39508906140405475 fast
Ugxp1eqA0qxeaHgG2Xx4AaABAg This so useless fvck this telusko pakyouuuu 0 Joshua Ausin fptlqsesjxY 2019-07-22 07:03:09 2019-07-22 07:03:09 neg 0.4046349289446839 0.5953650710553161 0.45805553440232477 useless fvck telusko pakyouuuu
Ugh3PpXublrIh3gCoAEC جميل الله يحفظك\nاحس صوتك متغير من فترة ،، عسى ماشر ؟ 2 مبدع ديزاين | Mobdea Design 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-06 20:38:28 2014-02-06 20:38:28 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 جميل الله يحفظك احس صوتك متغير من فترة ،، عسى ماشر ؟
UgwzjoqVV2P_MH49Lp94AaABAg Thank You, your lesson helped me a lot! 0 2wardruid2 XMvznsY02Mk 2020-01-13 18:18:00 2020-01-13 18:18:00 neutral 0.6074560179860781 0.39254398201392193 0.5778734975002036 thank lesson help lot
Ugxcndin2jjvDUnwGdN4AaABAg 100% explained ! Knowledge necessary for heavy solutions. Thank you. Keep on. 0 Vladan Ulardzic XMvznsY02Mk 2020-01-10 08:30:10 2020-01-10 08:30:10 neutral 0.5283204183127457 0.4716795816872543 0.6913003626440659 100 explain knowledg necessari heavi solut thank keep
UgyGQoIPcugarHzUo5x4AaABAg @ Generics\n@ List implementation\n\n@ Implement manually\n@ example\n@ "extends"\n@ example\n@ "super" 0 tmzpanda XMvznsY02Mk 2020-01-02 06:38:08 2020-01-02 06:40:59 pos 0.5294657319522202 0.47053426804777976 0.25145230847374345 gener list implement implement manual exampl extend exampl super
Ugzm2jDXaDNCZSBhSFB4AaABAg its good that such people do exist.#ilovetelusko 0 Tuwei Isaac XMvznsY02Mk 2019-12-15 05:57:40 2019-12-15 05:57:40 pos 0.6303207897037981 0.3696792102962019 0.22339274753422647 good peopl exist ilovetelusko
Ugzm7FVUtnPXEer732J4AaABAg u have some enormous talent sir...plz continue this job..all the best 0 Manikandan XMvznsY02Mk 2019-12-10 17:56:29 2019-12-10 17:56:29 neutral 0.7742628014018499 0.2257371985981501 0.677978417234398 u enorm talent sir plz continu job best
UgztGtJ_2BA0czTuEeJ4AaABAg Good one. 0 Baskaran Pillai XMvznsY02Mk 2019-11-19 12:26:07 2019-11-19 12:26:07 pos 0.6786420510968991 0.3213579489031009 0.2029486661047213 good one
Ugzy8bizy9nVGTShgsh4AaABAg Your teachings are almost carbon copy of Imtiaz Ahmad's. Not sure if you both learnt from the same source but it's almost identical. 0 F3RDI XMvznsY02Mk 2019-11-13 07:21:19 2019-11-13 07:21:19 pos 0.5473029164240124 0.4526970835759876 0.18686591867112826 teach almost carbon copi imtiaz ahmad sure learnt sourc almost ident
Ugy5oR0Kvm_1W_CHarB4AaABAg Your tutorials are always great, Navin! 0 Abigail Jones XMvznsY02Mk 2019-11-03 11:58:51 2019-11-03 11:58:51 pos 0.6986498023830945 0.3013501976169055 0.27119050546800266 tutori alway great navin
UgyVoJ-Ya98uaFUC4Nl4AaABAg sir how to do that you have done at 10:49 to see which class/interface extends which class\nwhen i do that in eclipse by holding control something different shows up "source not found\n" 1 shuaib khan XMvznsY02Mk 2019-10-28 17:36:55 2019-10-28 17:36:55 neutral 0.6317228603712897 0.36827713962871034 0.6957007332986551 sir done 1049 see classinterfac extend class eclips hold control someth differ show sourc found
UgzQzhkhTGdrxMy3MNB4AaABAg Nice vid man! 0 José Ortega XMvznsY02Mk 2019-10-21 21:34:08 2019-10-21 21:34:08 pos 0.6485649776517224 0.3514350223482776 0.33566020949761755 nice vid man
Ugy9CKQj81cT0cCp9Wd4AaABAg The beauty of java is that before solving clients problem you have to solve java problems. 0 Ozone XMvznsY02Mk 2019-09-10 00:45:25 2019-09-10 00:45:25 neutral 0.44262878539800793 0.557371214601992 0.7715189996325695 beauti java solv client problem solv java problem
Ugw0qXo72sjmgwvxyPp4AaABAg Thanks 0 ARNAB DUTTA XMvznsY02Mk 2019-07-17 20:00:01 2019-07-17 20:00:01 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
Ugy3jhu5KX_WiREEy554AaABAg Thanks boss!! 0 Ammad Naseer XMvznsY02Mk 2019-07-05 13:06:33 2019-07-05 13:06:33 neutral 0.5447367957866697 0.45526320421333033 0.5318181496726184 thank bo
Ugz_bkBF4k-UyD_1ZvF4AaABAg thankyou! 0 Estelle Lee XMvznsY02Mk 2019-06-28 06:27:55 2019-06-28 06:27:55 neutral 0.5628642556192927 0.43713574438070735 0.5950890614040548 thankyou
UgxZYqAkgZ5WwUyvwHN4AaABAg Best Java channel. Straightforward explanation, with code live demonstrated. You are sure to learn just by watching this. I learned from you in Spring Boot, REST services, and Java core APIs. Thank you so much! 9 UberHero Rian XMvznsY02Mk 2019-06-14 15:40:23 2019-06-14 15:40:23 pos 0.7764309533440916 0.22356904665590838 0.29435544087626764 best java channel straightforward explan code live demonstr sure learn watch learn spring boot rest servic java core api thank much
Ugx9_tpbztk7od1C_B94AaABAg Thank you so much, it's very easy to understand! 2 Fan Wu XMvznsY02Mk 2019-06-14 07:56:38 2019-06-14 07:56:38 pos 0.5227595492253259 0.47724045077467414 0.3681170219705849 thank much easi understand
UgytXRc-age7HqK3Xnt4AaABAg برمجة جَنيسة 0 Mohammed Abahussain _dy9JnEXekU 2020-02-02 17:48:29 2020-02-02 17:48:29 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 برمجة جَنيسة
UgzZtTSphqqjdkKpzYF4AaABAg Every object is an object. 0 Bolle Buxbaum _dy9JnEXekU 2019-11-14 09:38:00 2019-11-14 09:38:00 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 everi object object
UgwIYerILCthCOwVZhJ4AaABAg Thank you professor. It was a very informative video. I learned a lot and appreciate it. 0 Samira _dy9JnEXekU 2019-09-16 19:12:22 2019-09-16 19:12:22 neutral 0.4850402742626676 0.5149597257373324 0.7387569565619964 thank professor inform video learn lot appreci
UgxsSCMwTUpjXhs9bCB4AaABAg Java doesn’t print the memory location of the object it prints out the type of object and it’s hash-code! 3 The Dankest _dy9JnEXekU 2019-05-17 02:46:57 2019-05-17 02:46:57 neutral 0.4529065754902828 0.5470934245097172 0.5809266493876982 java ’ print memori locat object print type object ’ hashcod
UgyyCcodlHjiDidOO5V4AaABAg Rate this guy! Explains so well being calm 1 Dev G _dy9JnEXekU 2019-05-14 00:20:04 2019-05-14 00:20:04 pos 0.512283369623228 0.48771663037677204 0.4066364209946339 rate guy explain well calm
UgySMGzgQnUztOt8gn54AaABAg Integer of arrays. Lol\n\nGreat video though 0 Eric Juma _dy9JnEXekU 2019-03-28 21:29:27 2019-03-28 21:29:27 pos 0.604136006835177 0.395863993164823 0.18251064123476746 integ array lol great video though
UgyuCNLqP7J5E3G4Mtt4AaABAg Learning so much, keep up the fantastic work! 2 Brian Nielsen _dy9JnEXekU 2018-05-14 11:57:08 2018-05-14 11:57:08 neutral 0.5380122477863678 0.4619877522136322 0.5188317404691349 learn much keep fantast work
UgwsFaTh6FG5GZDoP_Z4AaABAg Thanks man, everyone else was speaking jargons. 0 Decyferme J6B_qauxfuc 2020-01-18 06:00:04 2020-01-18 06:00:04 neutral 0.5128764667475452 0.48712353325245483 0.721246706966495 thank man everyon els speak jargon
Ugwh9yGbvR-egA0ckTl4AaABAg So.. this is like C++ templates? 0 Vali Zeth J6B_qauxfuc 2019-07-26 00:30:23 2019-07-26 00:30:23 neg 0.45959506114680204 0.540404938853198 0.45831376351784164 like c templat
UgwkUlpx7UmmtEW0IiJ4AaABAg His voice is so anoying 0 Charlie MiMiller J6B_qauxfuc 2019-07-06 04:58:33 2019-07-06 04:58:33 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 voic anoy
UgxXuBn6g1RkSz1MolB4AaABAg Bucy ?? I hope there isn't any under 18's in here. 0 Abdirizak Jamal Ismail J6B_qauxfuc 2018-11-22 14:59:37 2018-11-22 14:59:37 neutral 0.4752134014854268 0.5247865985145732 0.8105348125003481 buci hope isnt 18
UgyDfWXwyuxQYAKT5Hl4AaABAg on java 6 you cant do this? 0 Kamil Nowak J6B_qauxfuc 2018-10-16 09:25:18 2018-10-16 09:25:18 neutral 0.47200433281112125 0.5279956671888788 0.5950890614040548 java 6 cant
UgxFXXvQeSjZia2tv7d4AaABAg This does not allow overloaded methods to be removed, do not listen to that part of the video, you will always need method overloading so you can keep the rules of encapsulation sound. 0 David Howard J6B_qauxfuc 2018-05-16 23:22:27 2018-05-16 23:22:27 pos 0.6123823154478858 0.3876176845521142 0.30266452244412384 allow overload method remov listen part video alway need method overload keep rule encapsul sound
Ugw-oSnKVAn1iRp81q94AaABAg Hi sir...,\n I'm not getting the line of code u write that is in recursion \nIf (low<pi-1) \nAnd \nIf(pi<high) \n My qsn is where the\n pi-1 and pi will points...? 0 surendra singh l-YVzkQMLKg 2019-11-24 18:22:43 2019-11-24 18:22:43 neutral 0.41651024667128245 0.5834897533287176 0.89021832949338 hi sir im get line code u write recurs lowpi1 ifpihigh qsn pi1 pi point
Ugyv1PsvThyFfcIp4L94AaABAg I think you're an Angel, brother. I can't thank you enough. 0 lionpersia J6B_qauxfuc 2017-08-21 05:00:43 2017-08-21 05:00:43 pos 0.5407152031295978 0.45928479687040225 0.4390464941074208 think your angel brother cant thank enough
Ugj-MvYCj0LOs3gCoAEC Bucky i usualy dont leave a coment...\n\nbut these 5 min videos have been a hell of a help.\nthankyou for everything.. 10 kamil khawaja J6B_qauxfuc 2017-07-11 11:31:29 2017-07-11 11:31:29 neutral 0.36677552086126236 0.6332244791387376 0.7779915030027761 bucki usuali dont leav coment 5 min video hell help thankyou everyth
Ugjrj_3K4fY_rXgCoAEC 3:37 0 P092O9901O09 J6B_qauxfuc 2017-06-30 10:59:37 2017-06-30 10:59:37 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 337
Uggp4P-12FatfXgCoAEC go ahead and piss... 1 Bob The Zealot J6B_qauxfuc 2017-04-29 02:47:05 2017-04-29 02:47:05 neutral 0.4711019566407119 0.528898043359288 0.58548221750771 go ahead piss
UgxbhjYlRJDl2oyJh9R4AaABAg not to be. generic methods are not this. 0 ORÇUN J6B_qauxfuc 2017-03-29 06:15:25 2017-03-29 06:15:25 pos 0.5672344907029309 0.43276550929706914 0.47914576497148015 gener method
UgjoD9Hl4LBKB3gCoAEC you can actually just type 'syso' and then press ctrl+space to auctamticly generate a printline ^^ quicktip :D 10 jellah22 J6B_qauxfuc 2016-10-31 15:36:42 2016-10-31 15:36:42 neutral 0.46873975255642464 0.5312602474435754 0.6619965662668338 actual type syso press ctrlspace auctamticli gener printlin quicktip
UgiHnWo39E73nngCoAEC that shit cray 1 Krzysztof Fitas J6B_qauxfuc 2016-09-13 21:45:18 2016-09-13 21:45:18 neg 0.3953096288973639 0.6046903711026361 0.3284223947373881 shit cray
Uggk7_Xhlcegj3gCoAEC I just looked up your other playlist. Algebra, biology, chemistry and even an Assasin's Creed walkthrough?! Thats by far not all of them, the programming ones are the bomb. Here's a HUGE thanks for all of them, your playlists are getting me through college lol 42 Lowinator J6B_qauxfuc 2015-12-21 14:26:09 2015-12-21 14:26:09 neg 0.4691387161370697 0.5308612838629303 0.051313092251721946 look playlist algebra biolog chemistri even assasin creed walkthrough that far program one bomb here huge thank playlist get colleg lol
Ugi1DW8iT0dII3gCoAEC All your tutorials are awesome man, thanks for making them. 3 Ali Mizan J6B_qauxfuc 2015-11-10 21:08:04 2015-11-10 21:08:04 neutral 0.5454298607448417 0.4545701392551583 0.6456288033144033 tutori awesom man thank make
UgyW-L9qxol4hLav_u94AaABAg very concise and well explained 1 Raman 9Tb-DyCirbA 2019-11-30 08:46:18 2019-11-30 08:46:18 neutral 0.5149533065045061 0.4850466934954939 0.687986370552463 concis well explain
Ugxut41ECmVAb2mkGoJ4AaABAg Excellent explanation and awesome presentation 1 Sreedhar Kamera 9Tb-DyCirbA 2019-08-17 12:35:34 2019-08-17 12:35:34 neutral 0.5278464746720622 0.47215352532793775 0.7207945165484189 excel explan awesom present
UgwvM3P6btkgPfKI93Z4AaABAg nice class 1 Jyotirmai Babu 9Tb-DyCirbA 2019-07-04 09:22:34 2019-07-04 09:22:34 pos 0.6503703448205302 0.34962965517946976 0.194226456465732 nice class
UgwqCwP1skN2KKkBSWB4AaABAg nice class 1 Jyotirmai Babu 9Tb-DyCirbA 2019-07-04 09:22:22 2019-07-04 09:22:22 pos 0.6503703448205302 0.34962965517946976 0.194226456465732 nice class
UgyvoVU2RPxjSL3K71d4AaABAg strange..java tutorial not done by indian 0 slier81 1tKmzQh8g5E 2019-12-29 10:52:22 2019-12-29 10:52:22 neutral 0.5557615152917256 0.44423848470827443 0.5739622803463227 strang java tutori done indian
UgwF3qb9NJOIoJCNuLh4AaABAg Awesome! 0 Dustin Gunnells 1tKmzQh8g5E 2019-10-29 09:24:28 2019-10-29 09:24:28 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 awesom
UgwvoZnpaDjn9F5otPJ4AaABAg Thanks, I don't really understand how to create my own generic types myself but I'm still learning. This video helped me a lot. 0 Jorge Escobar 1tKmzQh8g5E 2019-04-05 15:49:07 2019-04-05 15:49:07 neutral 0.42438334541589806 0.5756166545841019 0.5960580062159636 thank dont realli understand creat gener type im still learn video help lot
UgxWGqXXHzsqI2s4lwp4AaABAg superb teacher! 0 Andy Liu 1tKmzQh8g5E 2018-12-18 06:49:56 2018-12-18 06:49:56 pos 0.7523502376043162 0.24764976239568381 0.15719537494216176 superb teacher
UgyHHgZssmu7aggI6_h4AaABAg ArrayList<Sprite> SpriteList = new ArrayList();\n SpriteList.add("Hello World");\n\nMy java knows there's an error at compile time 1 Frank Ye 1tKmzQh8g5E 2018-03-15 06:25:59 2018-03-15 06:25:59 neg 0.4612015377581888 0.5387984622418112 0.4703907565424976 arraylistsprit spritelist new arraylist spritelist addhello world java know there error compil time
UgxSr4uingtFw0t9uIJ4AaABAg Why did you stop posting? I really like your explanations :) sadly I came across your channel just a few days ago. I've seen almost every video and your content is great (Y) 4 Theresy Di Paolo 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-10-20 19:43:42 2017-10-20 19:43:42 pos 0.5947013632513705 0.40529863674862954 0.48361036338117297 stop post realli like explan sadli came across channel day ago ive seen almost everi video content great
Ugy4ZuamW1nH9xyT2b14AaABAg I saw this in another video: "list = new arraylist(); " can you explain why the left side is list while the right side is arraylist? 0 Stichting NoFap 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-09-18 19:29:20 2017-09-18 19:29:20 neutral 0.45296477745517716 0.5470352225448228 0.6877107946338151 saw anoth video list new arraylist explain left side list right side arraylist
UgyJEeGy8mU9gstyDz14AaABAg Is it correct type InvItem[] ? 0 Piter Admski 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-08-20 14:51:59 2017-08-20 14:51:59 neutral 0.48785979053624934 0.5121402094637506 0.5809266493876982 correct type invitem
Ugznxj6A7o1gP67Sbad4AaABAg please make more videos on Java \nfuture topics 1 pratik gupta 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-08-13 17:07:30 2017-08-13 17:07:30 neg 0.380942741001207 0.619057258998793 0.46271036834561413 pleas make video java futur topic
UghMgsgECW7hKHgCoAEC very nice video but as we have currently java 8(soon 9) it would be nice to have something about latest features like functional programming, etc. 1 Wojciech Rogala 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-07-29 11:08:34 2017-07-29 11:08:34 neg 0.3816788233789107 0.6183211766210893 0.08600629784568901 nice video current java 8soon 9 would nice someth latest featur like function program etc
Ugj2Nrp1L4xOv3gCoAEC is to ok if i am learning java when im 10? 0 BrokeLord 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-07-25 18:31:23 2017-07-25 18:31:23 neutral 0.6080135421601762 0.3919864578398238 0.51663196116409 ok learn java im 10
UgjhDqEzXiCkzngCoAEC really awesome, and thank you very much and eagerly waiting for your next video 0 premraj m 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-06-30 00:17:34 2017-06-30 00:17:34 neg 0.44927470684679127 0.5507252931532087 0.3434062197940277 realli awesom thank much eagerli wait next video
UggD0HShwl1aN3gCoAEC java generics are a lie! :)\n and sometimes used completely wrong. 1 Flyshewoorst 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-06-16 18:23:17 2017-06-16 18:23:17 neg 0.37416594762372374 0.6258340523762762 0.3715774165638006 java gener lie sometim use complet wrong
Ugh1PehGDMnZFngCoAEC You're back! Your videos helped me a lot with Java. You make everything so much easier to understand! 2 Chase Olson 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-06-08 23:00:48 2017-06-08 23:00:48 neg 0.33462063101824113 0.6653793689817589 0.4147843361047278 your back video help lot java make everyth much easier understand
UgzZPYsSCLjoJuo_uht4AaABAg Sir volatile keyword please samjha do 🙏🏻🙏🏻 0 Amandeep Singh _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-09-29 13:46:05 2018-09-29 13:46:05 neutral 0.5865222407357298 0.4134777592642702 0.7170381701543883 sir volatil keyword pleas samjha 🙏🏻🙏🏻
UgzrA3Z1adKI8Ndqr_54AaABAg Suppose in the 13 palce taken 8.how to swap the no.4 0 Eswar B l-YVzkQMLKg 2019-01-21 18:53:12 2019-01-21 18:53:12 neutral 0.3476369784951738 0.6523630215048262 0.5950890614040548 suppos 13 palc taken 8 swap 4
Ugyz54qR8h76bNlV2YJ4AaABAg Perfect you are awsome awsome awesome awesome ..Its crystal clear and simple I though Java is so hard you made it simple for me. 0 ABHILASH L 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-02-18 21:02:21 2020-02-18 21:02:21 pos 0.6049131760596431 0.3950868239403569 0.19855234440856584 perfect awsom awsom awesom awesom crystal clear simpl though java hard made simpl
Ugzi4ZT21VDoQLnBYFN4AaABAg Great Work Bro !!! no words to describe your knowledge Thank you so much!!! 0 gopala krishnan 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-02-16 07:05:51 2020-02-16 07:05:51 pos 0.6905716244888475 0.30942837551115254 0.23092274743356178 great work bro word describ knowledg thank much
UgzqgMjGfRX3brQrH-14AaABAg You are a real Hero. 0 Abul Ehsan 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-02-14 00:44:10 2020-02-14 00:44:10 neutral 0.5414568025898074 0.45854319741019256 0.5051475230478656 real hero
Ugz2WOIjNfkA2c3gW-d4AaABAg Sir,this was amazing explanation of collection API. 0 Hrithik Rudra 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-02-13 06:38:30 2020-02-13 06:38:30 neutral 0.5680190346005292 0.43198096539947084 0.750255120928217 sir amaz explan collect api
Ugys7jEblvbQtIQwgXd4AaABAg Awesome!!! sir!!! 0 rajib hossain 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-02-02 06:34:57 2020-02-02 06:34:57 neutral 0.5680190346005292 0.43198096539947084 0.7170381701543883 awesom sir
UgwpdY7H96WALr7M1VZ4AaABAg I’m in collections and people won’t quit calling me and this video didn’t really help 0 James Brooks 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-01-31 23:11:59 2020-01-31 23:11:59 neutral 0.4461331067427684 0.5538668932572316 0.7865630745627007 ’ collect peopl ’ quit call video ’ realli help
Ugx44A8E3-k7IpFkELF4AaABAg Very clear, excellent, easy explanation thank you so much! 0 foton 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-01-23 00:12:35 2020-01-23 00:12:35 pos 0.5559808253317672 0.4440191746682328 0.33756146641502927 clear excel easi explan thank much
UgzHWr4KCj7sifGY7qB4AaABAg Make Jasper Reports videos with queries 0 pavan chennur 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-01-21 03:30:55 2020-01-21 03:30:55 neutral 0.33385154778683546 0.6661484522131645 0.6316836929248176 make jasper report video queri
UgwzQy5BEtjRSbkDYVB4AaABAg U earned a subscriber 😄 0 Ashish Waradkar 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-01-10 13:07:30 2020-01-10 13:07:30 neutral 0.46802590765852314 0.5319740923414769 0.7768615561273972 u earn subscrib 😄
Ugx81ix_EyggP_gBqJJ4AaABAg Sir you have helped me a lot in learning advanced java. All the best to you. 0 Prithwiraj Motion Pictures 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2019-12-24 12:18:15 2019-12-24 12:18:15 neutral 0.846930365065379 0.153069634934621 0.6533709250854274 sir help lot learn advanc java best
Ugwb1YSYBxtAdG_cAKR4AaABAg God ur accent sucks ass 0 Abrilla 2 M 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2019-12-16 01:18:21 2019-12-16 01:18:21 neg 0.39778243055257945 0.6022175694474206 0.4403164048811023 god ur accent suck as
UgwNSPIzncNIjjGo4uh4AaABAg while(1)\n{\n System.out.println("This guy is a genius and has saved so many lives"); // less marks = more suicidal thoughts\n} 2 Dhruv Agarwal 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2019-12-05 01:27:49 2019-12-05 01:27:49 neutral 0.41740435105814766 0.5825956489418523 0.8831546233562552 while1 system printlnthi guy geniu save mani life le mark suicid thought
UgyMQvUPLwV0RS3k_tN4AaABAg No doubt such a great explaination .👌👌 0 Karthi Keyan 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2019-12-03 15:37:58 2019-12-03 15:37:58 pos 0.6758205100142448 0.3241794899857552 0.42815989991114706 doubt great explain 👌👌
UgwgVBKif-BTTzuoH4p4AaABAg Awesome session sir 0 Abhisek Majhi 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2019-11-29 15:16:22 2019-11-29 15:16:22 neutral 0.5796504689232003 0.42034953107679973 0.6925452922708962 awesom session sir
Ugxx_CyIXJQjauU0Bup4AaABAg CHUP KAR JA TAKLE 1 Sanjay Swami 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2019-11-27 04:29:32 2019-11-27 04:29:32 neutral 0.4512312960382706 0.5487687039617294 0.7768770229989714 chup kar ja takl
Ugxs-3tibAUGPEl17Dd4AaABAg she explained very well. Thanks for video. 0 Ugrasena chougule 22AUtQnTZkY 2020-02-20 00:11:34 2020-02-20 00:11:34 neutral 0.49417435198335286 0.5058256480166472 0.5944268495283646 explain well thank video
UgwDTQpenxCn4c4N97l4AaABAg She saved my life 1 Yusuf Alsh 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-12-13 18:01:16 2019-12-13 18:01:16 neutral 0.4251422705064908 0.5748577294935092 0.8635947215677713 save life
UgzYC4znx1BgF-g-d4F4AaABAg Could you please explain about ambiguity 0 donipathi sunil 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-12-12 19:47:27 2019-12-12 19:47:27 neutral 0.47325729646532816 0.5267427035346719 0.6804655314232607 could pleas explain ambigu
UgwH_XDEaNs0XO_8Q814AaABAg Good teaching 0 Ajith Kumar 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-11-08 15:49:30 2019-11-08 15:49:30 pos 0.6430542795156622 0.3569457204843378 0.4528418089011959 good teach
UgxySbHET0IBhp-Xeqt4AaABAg if the method had 2 arguments, what would be the return type? Still <E>, the first parameter? 0 Serdar Ulutas 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-10-17 13:37:32 2019-10-17 13:37:32 pos 0.6804840977051796 0.3195159022948204 0.3362456708884361 method 2 argument would return type still e first paramet
UgzfHPTfgkQOSrGbaDB4AaABAg Akka explaination is very super thanks for the video. 0 hari hari 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-09-30 01:59:18 2019-09-30 01:59:18 neg 0.4912477739685729 0.5087522260314271 0.4927903620439335 akka explain super thank video
UgwCg4_VexgBkwSI4MF4AaABAg Kinda nice explanation but why doesn't she smile.. not even once. 0 Praveen Sunkari 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-09-24 06:15:58 2019-09-24 06:15:58 pos 0.5164876026442156 0.48351239735578444 0.19431710407834576 kinda nice explan doesnt smile even
UgxSE99yT6hflwdLVT54AaABAg please delete this wix.com add 0 sriharsha sajjarao 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-09-21 14:44:52 2019-09-21 14:44:52 neg 0.4826226179034111 0.5173773820965889 0.47350887911225065 pleas delet wix com add
UgxvA1zqM3-EvPn8H-N4AaABAg Thanks for such detailed explaination Mam..! 0 ANKIT PAL 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-07-17 04:51:23 2019-07-17 04:51:23 neutral 0.6072101814983721 0.39278981850162786 0.514352893190336 thank detail explain mam
UgyzxPF_WqGwQM-f-IN4AaABAg Well Explained. Thanks 0 Santosh Kumar 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-02-21 14:47:34 2019-02-21 14:47:34 neutral 0.5575237415740458 0.44247625842595417 0.6297057355446664 well explain thank
UgzJa0R4rbiZPsSzOvV4AaABAg 🙌 0 satyaveer singh 22AUtQnTZkY 2018-12-07 21:55:29 2018-12-07 21:55:29 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 🙌
UgysLw16pqQBlgNZEp94AaABAg Nice Explanation Thank you 0 Mariyada Ramesh 22AUtQnTZkY 2018-07-21 14:06:54 2018-07-21 14:06:54 pos 0.6741007613098164 0.32589923869018356 0.1477513225875108 nice explan thank
UgxHQXUoTlnz0GzO_aN4AaABAg i really love your way of teaching 0 satyendra singh 22AUtQnTZkY 2018-06-14 05:28:08 2018-06-14 05:28:08 neutral 0.6555830854054543 0.3444169145945457 0.6358678883922685 realli love way teach
UgwXEELbXM1R3MP2v-d4AaABAg Как всегда качество звука хреновое у него 0 MyChannel3 MniNZsyjH9E 2019-09-07 11:36:46 2019-09-07 11:36:46 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 как всегда качество звука хреновое у него
UgyTMCBF86kLFIUlvtZ4AaABAg You can just write new Glass<>(). Maybe you didn't know that. 4 Aloha Ackbar D5HEshszlPE 2018-11-20 07:42:53 2018-11-20 07:42:53 neutral 0.49667145661270357 0.5033285433872965 0.5745134976124339 write new glass mayb didnt know
UgwABCHW2jmuYUlx-254AaABAg Great vid! 0 Thamodh Egodawatte D5HEshszlPE 2018-10-19 20:03:10 2018-10-19 20:03:10 pos 0.6986498023830945 0.3013501976169055 0.27119050546800266 great vid
UgwR4jUFkNq4W6FrNxd4AaABAg Thank you! Helped so much! 0 franeklubi D5HEshszlPE 2018-09-27 09:45:11 2018-09-27 09:45:11 pos 0.5686690993424393 0.43133090065756075 0.48044242023487427 thank help much
UgxFgUUN88_7Ew7TzPN4AaABAg Gr8 tutorial. What toold/ide/interpreter are you using? 0 Premal Shah 34oiEq9nD0M 2013-02-13 19:12:35 2013-02-13 19:12:35 neutral 0.5718925545676887 0.4281074454323113 0.5950890614040548 gr8 tutori tooldideinterpret use
Ugybt9wLEgxAI8gP3-F4AaABAg Bhai array ko pronounce to krle dhang se😂😂😂 0 AKSHAT TRIPATHI COk73cpQbFQ 2020-02-04 14:41:01 2020-02-04 14:41:01 neutral 0.5743472111501993 0.42565278884980073 0.5756236293352667 bhai array ko pronounc krle dhang se😂😂😂
Ugx2fh4GhX-CPyc8Z8N4AaABAg Молодец! Спасибо! 0 M0rtis MniNZsyjH9E 2018-11-25 11:16:23 2018-11-25 11:16:23 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 молодец спасибо
UgzKf2xtd0fuCt_R3h94AaABAg если у нас есть класс Human из которого наследуються класс Student и Teacher, и из Student наследуется класс Graduate.\nHuman<-----Student<---------Graduate\nHuman<--------Teacher\nкак сделать функция которую могли вызвать все( Human, Student, Graduate) кроме Тeacher. и что бы дал compile error если Teacher будет вызыват 0 Mohamed Khalil MniNZsyjH9E 2018-10-06 20:59:44 2018-10-06 20:59:44 neutral 0.536632152101576 0.463367847898424 0.7549353606038777 если у нас есть класс human из которого наследуються класс student и teacher и из student наследуется класс graduat humanstudentgradu humanteach как сделать функция которую могли вызвать все human student graduat кроме тeacher и что бы дал compil error если teacher будет вызыват
Ugjo3KijK_LSongCoAEC Спасибо за нормальный монтаж! Бережете время смотрящего, и результат без воды и лишних задержек 4 Sergey Demidov MniNZsyjH9E 2017-02-14 14:05:53 2017-02-14 14:05:53 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо за нормальный монтаж бережете время смотрящего и результат без воды и лишних задержек
Ugg1_w0QfPyT43gCoAEC Не совсем понял на каком основании компилятор вызывает первый метод test во втором случае, если в рантайме все равно нет никакой информации о дженериках? 0 Dmytro Babichev MniNZsyjH9E 2016-11-04 08:40:31 2016-11-04 08:40:49 neutral 0.4468222747961173 0.5531777252038828 0.7633223128082447 не совсем понял на каком основании компилятор вызывает первый метод test во втором случае если в рантайме все равно нет никакой информации о дженериках
Ugg2Moqy6qjkl3gCoAEC Вы говорите, что в рантайме можно узнать реальный тип, но ведь это неправда. С помощью рефлексии можно узнать только "ваши" названия типов (T, E, K etc), а подставляемый тип вам не узнать. Т.к. в Jave есть механизм стирания до первого ограничения. Почитайте Эккеля. 3 Максим Крутой MniNZsyjH9E 2015-09-07 20:51:20 2015-09-07 20:51:20 neutral 0.472518386628307 0.5274816133716931 0.7042323099353901 вы говорите что в рантайме можно узнать реальный тип но ведь это неправда с помощью рефлексии можно узнать только ваши названия типов e k etc а подставляемый тип вам не узнать т к в jave есть механизм стирания до первого ограничения почитайте эккеля
UgjnAB4qS2IiRngCoAEC Странно, но я перепечатал код с 8:08 и у меня нету никаких Warning. Почему так?\nА в 12:00 так вообще я не могу написать такой код, IDE не дает скомпилировать, дает ошибку на `SomeType.test(list);`, предлагает сменить входной во второй test тип с Integer на String. ЧЯДНТ? 4 linuxedhorse MniNZsyjH9E 2014-03-15 18:34:57 2014-03-15 18:34:57 neutral 0.48052220071512264 0.5194777992848774 0.8401203617462785 странно но я перепечатал код с 808 и у меня нету никаких warn почему так а в 1200 так вообще я не могу написать такой код ide не дает скомпилировать дает ошибку на sometyp testlist предлагает сменить входной во второй test тип с integ на string чяднт
UgzGijH9a8FeiTCWMid4AaABAg Классный пример на 12ой минуте! Мой мозг сломан! 0 Andrew Koidan MniNZsyjH9E 2013-11-05 16:10:34 2013-11-05 16:10:34 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 классный пример на 12ой минуте мой мозг сломан
UgyooupAQRMLMa7OxEx4AaABAg Есть. Но они будут доступны чуть позже 0 Онлайн уроки по Java MniNZsyjH9E 2013-10-16 08:12:33 2013-10-16 08:12:33 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 есть но они будут доступны чуть позже
UgydpTWoG08mctZMMjd4AaABAg Проверь внимательно написание своего кода. Скорее всего ты объявил класс SomeType без обобщения T:\nclass SomeType {...}\nУ меня же в примере класс объявлен следующим образом:\nclass SomeType /T/ {...} 0 Онлайн уроки по Java MniNZsyjH9E 2013-10-09 10:12:39 2013-10-09 10:12:39 neutral 0.49204893000495176 0.5079510699950482 0.5950890614040548 проверь внимательно написание своего кода скорее всего ты объявил класс sometyp без обобщения class sometyp у меня же в примере класс объявлен следующим образом class sometyp
UgyARN3ItiTculr7G6h4AaABAg Спасибо большое! Короткие ролики - самое то!!! 0 alex Terev MniNZsyjH9E 2013-10-01 21:00:17 2013-10-01 21:00:17 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо большое короткие ролики самое то
UgziJj6dS8vv6Cfnf4R4AaABAg Юрий, огромное спасибо за лекции!!! 0 Евгений Гордиенко MniNZsyjH9E 2013-08-21 18:03:30 2013-08-21 18:03:30 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 юрий огромное спасибо за лекции
Ugx7dIdHQstInFC9tt14AaABAg Никогда не скучно смотреть Ваши видео, а с небольшими quizes вообще на ура заходит! 0 Andrew Malyhin MniNZsyjH9E 2013-08-21 17:08:58 2013-08-21 17:08:58 neutral 0.5103165225144739 0.4896834774855261 0.5950890614040548 никогда не скучно смотреть ваши видео а с небольшими quiz вообще на ура заходит
Ugxx8boWfBkb4R2058J4AaABAg Битте :) 0 Онлайн уроки по Java MniNZsyjH9E 2013-08-19 07:46:42 2013-08-19 07:46:42 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 битте
UgzHS6HYtP1_RAO_M2V4AaABAg Данке 0 bumb0x MniNZsyjH9E 2013-08-19 07:20:50 2013-08-19 07:20:50 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 данке
UgwY0YocJDFfvYOdmGt4AaABAg Wonderful and clear explanation, perfect way to begin to understand generics !! 0 nagaraju m D5HEshszlPE 2019-08-09 04:17:43 2019-08-09 04:17:43 pos 0.6754652239326228 0.32453477606737724 0.4653258607806743 wonder clear explan perfect way begin understand gener
UgyNf8xyTMRcI_nfYw94AaABAg please sir make videos on servlet and jsp..;-) 0 abhiraj singh l-YVzkQMLKg 2019-11-01 15:17:48 2019-11-01 15:17:48 neutral 0.4970730447187406 0.5029269552812594 0.6681354293194713 pleas sir make video servlet jsp
UgxkYMNS4-VI3WY7jo94AaABAg Could have been explained in some other way. Not very clear to understand 5 Shallabh Dixitt D5HEshszlPE 2018-07-31 10:57:10 2018-07-31 10:57:10 neutral 0.4891699086999625 0.5108300913000374 0.5508291565142335 could explain way clear understand
Ugx5Isy2_JqxH0eB5TZ4AaABAg How did you change your font style? 0 Crystalblade D5HEshszlPE 2018-07-10 17:57:18 2018-07-10 17:57:18 pos 0.5804579281465313 0.4195420718534687 0.4583311554758391 chang font style
UgzDK9m7JVCByfE-T0t4AaABAg Nice sir 0 Wasim D5HEshszlPE 2018-07-01 13:23:09 2018-07-01 13:23:09 pos 0.7085966477387291 0.2914033522612709 0.33028874810229747 nice sir
Ugyp_qbXLZRbZTL98et4AaABAg Great! Thank you!! 0 Daniel Lopes D5HEshszlPE 2018-04-27 13:31:16 2018-04-27 13:31:16 pos 0.7249291574795848 0.27507084252041525 0.22088799235065593 great thank
UgwjD5xlq7MAF3DWFD14AaABAg Nice video 0 Vinod Kamble D5HEshszlPE 2018-03-08 05:04:51 2018-03-08 05:04:51 pos 0.5707845931651137 0.42921540683488635 0.1642468949216275 nice video
UgwMS3uI7qq566ugEEB4AaABAg You confused me. 7 Rohit Sundaram D5HEshszlPE 2018-02-18 12:58:44 2018-02-18 12:58:44 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 confus
Ugy39lRl-RcR6Wl8wsp4AaABAg thanks! makes perfect sense and purpose 0 Juan McClore D5HEshszlPE 2018-01-24 01:19:43 2018-01-24 01:19:43 pos 0.7634510683126482 0.2365489316873518 0.17469517571392035 thank make perfect sens purpos
UgzGt2bW3Bx0wwZQEBd4AaABAg Your are ok for an indian. 6 Sengil D5HEshszlPE 2018-01-16 09:03:49 2018-01-16 09:03:49 pos 0.6565163406216457 0.34348365937835434 0.3883755818460916 ok indian
Ugwr6sGOAHE8g3GCO5F4AaABAg Thank you! 0 Jae Nwawe D5HEshszlPE 2017-12-22 06:26:24 2017-12-22 06:26:24 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
UgyZa66iHLy_EwZY2J54AaABAg I really love your explanation, finally I´ve understood how to use generics and the purpose of using it. I´m definitely subscribing. 1 Crytra D5HEshszlPE 2017-10-04 07:16:52 2017-10-04 07:16:52 pos 0.5720931848007715 0.42790681519922846 0.213808496370726 realli love explan final i´v understood use gener purpos use i´m definit subscrib
UgwgrB6syFkg38Rgcp14AaABAg wow, that example was clean and helpful. Thanks! 0 Emerson Salmeron D5HEshszlPE 2017-08-30 04:30:33 2017-08-30 04:30:33 pos 0.5633569457593091 0.43664305424069094 0.2660536724009875 wow exampl clean help thank
UgycR3zXXOyyzX8c4AZ4AaABAg hocam genericde Type Erasure ve Raw Type, Upper Bound ve Lower Bound ile ilgili bilgiye nerden ulasa bilirim???? 0 Nihat Ismayilzade IxALvDJ7Oh4 2019-10-16 13:14:16 2019-10-16 13:14:16 neg 0.4623139137005296 0.5376860862994703 0.4168338787763657 hocam genericd type erasur raw type upper bound lower bound ile ilgili bilgiy nerden ulasa bilirim
UgyxXMaRKSKoIR2PtcJ4AaABAg hocam bir şey danışmak için size ulaşmak istiyorum. Nasıl ulaşabilirim.? 0 E. rfina IxALvDJ7Oh4 2018-12-17 16:41:05 2018-12-17 16:41:05 pos 0.5030419497987075 0.49695805020129247 0.44388457319616387 hocam bir şey danışmak için size ulaşmak istiyorum nasıl ulaşabilirim
UgwGgFxXxLNdQB2L2hV4AaABAg Hocam bu konu hakkında kafam karışmıştı çok teşekkürler 0 Uğur Salkımtaş IxALvDJ7Oh4 2018-09-30 08:05:50 2018-09-30 08:05:50 neutral 0.4512312960382706 0.5487687039617294 0.5950890614040548 hocam bu konu hakkında kafam karışmıştı çok teşekkürl
UgzNQW5rMVbev6GUOER4AaABAg Her yerde bu herifi görmekten bıktım be . 👎🏻 başka adam yok mu 1 Coder felix IxALvDJ7Oh4 2018-08-21 13:54:19 2018-08-21 13:54:19 neutral 0.33396191564973116 0.6660380843502689 0.7192291263301361 yerd bu herifi görmekten bıktım 👎🏻 başka adam yok mu
Ugxuux_bJhMUdDGPL5Z4AaABAg Hocam javayla ilgili veri yapılarını bekliyoruz şu anki türkçe kaynaklar berbat ingilizcemizde yok haftayada sınav var bu sene kalacağımı düşünürsek seneye bekliyoruz hocam. 0 Yasin Ege IxALvDJ7Oh4 2017-12-20 17:28:34 2017-12-20 17:28:34 neutral 0.4512312960382706 0.5487687039617294 0.5225935369314391 hocam javayla ilgili veri yapılarını bekliyoruz şu anki türkçe kaynaklar berbat ingilizcemizd yok haftayada sınav var bu sene kalacağımı düşünürsek seney bekliyoruz hocam
UgyxPq7Is6m_xfwwCfd4AaABAg Hocam süpersiniz :) 0 adnan kaya IxALvDJ7Oh4 2017-10-11 05:18:15 2017-10-11 05:18:15 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 hocam süpersiniz
UggjQ4YCApU8GXgCoAEC Merhabalar nesne yönelimli programlamla derslerine başka ders ekleyecek misiniz,eklemeyecekseniz NYP'den veri yapılarına geçelim mi?\nAyrıca veri yapıları derslerinizde C dili kullandığınızı gördüm Java dili ile veri yapıları eğitim seriniz olacak mı? İyi günler 1 Faruk Nart IxALvDJ7Oh4 2017-01-26 15:38:50 2017-01-26 15:38:50 neg 0.4308361304174298 0.5691638695825703 0.4668771160305774 merhabalar nesn yönelimli programlamla derslerin başka der ekleyecek misiniz eklemeyecekseniz nypden veri yapılarına geçelim mi ayrıca veri yapıları derslerinizd c dili kullandığınızı gördüm java dili ile veri yapıları eğitim seriniz olacak mı i̇yi günler
UghNFQuIXlqht3gCoAEC Hocam videoların(NYP) devamı gelecek mi? 1 Mecnun Ç IxALvDJ7Oh4 2017-01-06 11:58:30 2017-01-06 11:58:30 neutral 0.47723739483469824 0.5227626051653018 0.7346886947415188 hocam videolarınnyp devamı gelecek mi
UggtJat3ooUTHXgCoAEC Hocam Java da HashTable veya Hash Functionlari anlattiginiz bir video var mi? 0 Semih Örnek IxALvDJ7Oh4 2016-12-21 21:05:23 2016-12-21 21:05:23 neutral 0.3707203191183412 0.6292796808816588 0.6023360315515084 hocam java da hashtabl veya hash functionlari anlattiginiz bir video var mi
Ugi4gL_a2aCP8ngCoAEC Hocam yine siz,yine mükemmel bir anlatım 0 ShooterLens Aim IxALvDJ7Oh4 2016-11-25 14:49:48 2016-11-25 14:49:48 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 hocam yine siz yine mükemmel bir anlatım
UgzTqMFvDi8118G0RV54AaABAg Регистрируйтесь на курс "Продвинутая Java".\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRe1vT0SDD8 2 alishev iQIR2Zgb93k 2018-01-24 19:21:29 2018-01-24 19:21:29 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 регистрируйтесь на курс продвинутая java httpswww youtub comwatch vrre1vt0sdd8
UgxkIeQoA_ODn5OfXAR4AaABAg Круто, как всегда 0 Нияз Аминов iQIR2Zgb93k 2020-02-03 16:18:05 2020-02-03 16:18:05 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 круто как всегда
Ugz57b7vEgPeG8wq7uh4AaABAg А что такое Generic? 0 Andrej Michniov iQIR2Zgb93k 2020-01-25 17:46:06 2020-01-25 17:46:06 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 а что такое gener
UgwSV09IjwNnNm6-LYB4AaABAg Наконец-то "коротко и ясно") 0 trollin rollin iQIR2Zgb93k 2019-11-13 02:13:41 2019-11-13 02:13:41 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 наконецто коротко и ясно
UgyyBsuJsEYpO-jYz6N4AaABAg Проще, чем в универе. Наконец-то я понял эту тему. Спасибо!!! 0 Алексей Николаев iQIR2Zgb93k 2019-10-09 21:18:58 2019-10-09 21:18:58 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 проще чем в универе наконецто я понял эту тему спасибо
UghmUnl5Fbv0F3gCoAEC i need whole java videos from startig to end pls forward me link 0 Lakshmi Sreekanth Reddy BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-10-02 07:23:45 2016-10-02 07:23:45 neg 0.39966685825207227 0.6003331417479277 0.3938111262591358 need whole java video startig end pl forward link
UgyKzDCiLPgVAdIBuPt4AaABAg Все супер) Спасибо тебе) 0 Игорь Чумиков iQIR2Zgb93k 2019-03-17 19:10:27 2019-03-17 19:10:27 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 все супер спасибо тебе
UgyobhmWqXXxOZSJfUV4AaABAg Хотелось бы увидеть описание под роликом, примеры применения. 3 Alisher Ibraimov iQIR2Zgb93k 2018-12-04 09:45:25 2018-12-04 09:45:40 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 хотелось бы увидеть описание под роликом примеры применения
UgxRHZi8pzOfL5qlyq54AaABAg Спасибо за работу! 0 Korum Star iQIR2Zgb93k 2018-11-13 23:54:55 2018-11-13 23:54:55 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо за работу
UgyVbakwo1-O-NQjgGd4AaABAg Хотелось бы понять использование Type Erasure 0 Andrei Rabinovych iQIR2Zgb93k 2018-03-21 09:46:49 2018-03-21 09:46:49 neutral 0.4750725261970376 0.5249274738029623 0.5809266493876982 хотелось бы понять использование type erasur
UgyLDpEH9VkpNXhB4e94AaABAg Спасибо Вам огромное за качественные уроки!\nОчень бы хотелось увидеть уроки по коллекциям в Вашем исполнении! 0 Maksim Novik iQIR2Zgb93k 2017-12-04 11:17:51 2017-12-04 11:17:51 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо вам огромное за качественные уроки очень бы хотелось увидеть уроки по коллекциям в вашем исполнении
UgxC_k6CrVRmRbTL6bl4AaABAg Спасибо, добрый человек ))) 0 Irada Gahramanova iQIR2Zgb93k 2017-10-18 21:05:05 2017-10-18 21:05:05 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо добрый человек
UgjByqSX208J0HgCoAEC Спасибо за доступно излагаемые интересные уроки!!! :) 8 Albert Titov iQIR2Zgb93k 2017-05-31 21:52:40 2017-05-31 21:52:40 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо за доступно излагаемые интересные уроки
Ugjc7RYfQ4FHgHgCoAEC https://file-up.net/big/0b/0b2d87b633f9f5c3a520170502115947.jpg\nНе могу понять в чём проблема. Помогите 0 Владислав Жикол iQIR2Zgb93k 2017-05-02 10:00:49 2017-05-02 10:00:49 neutral 0.5510297201521022 0.44897027984789784 0.5950890614040548 httpsfileup netbig0b0b2d87b633f9f5c3a520170502115947 jpg не могу понять в чём проблема помогите
UgyIWqueuu_Da7I9-n54AaABAg Super Erklärung! 0 600-cell uLSiFW18OhE 2018-12-13 09:05:21 2018-12-13 09:05:21 pos 0.5166663106843263 0.48333368931567366 0.42814891880337025 super erklärung
Ugwv-_NiBg0kT-bN8B14AaABAg Coole Stimme! ^^ 2 FriedSoft uLSiFW18OhE 2018-05-25 10:56:31 2018-05-25 10:56:31 pos 0.6503911614164224 0.3496088385835776 0.35129824790004677 cool stimm
Ugyfg7t7b4owrFLNCN54AaABAg Hilfreich, knapp, schön. 1 dnever uLSiFW18OhE 2018-03-17 01:45:10 2018-03-17 01:45:10 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 hilfreich knapp schön
UgwoE2tC6JUDnIolHJh4AaABAg sehr schöne Erklärung, vielleicht ne kurze Frage dazu!! was ist wenn ich 2 Typparameter habe und beide erben von 2 unterschiedliche Klassen von mir aus: public class Gen<T extends Tier , E extends Mensch> ist diese Schreibweise dann richtig? danke im voraus 1 Ali Ghris uLSiFW18OhE 2018-01-12 11:04:29 2018-01-12 11:04:29 neutral 0.4320184199910578 0.5679815800089423 0.6500217353700871 sehr schöne erklärung vielleicht ne kurz frage dazu ist wenn ich 2 typparamet habe und beid erben von 2 unterschiedlich klassen von mir au public class gent extend tier e extend mensch ist dies schreibweis dann richtig dank im vorau
Ugwk1mRDroQpXpDOYu14AaABAg Danke. 0 XxTreem Tv uLSiFW18OhE 2017-12-04 02:37:23 2017-12-04 02:37:23 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 dank
UggnkxGJBFfW-XgCoAEC Schönes Video...aber eine grauenhafte Sprache. Leider nicht immer vermeidbar. :-) 1 Carsten Ziegler uLSiFW18OhE 2017-06-10 15:51:22 2017-06-10 15:51:22 neutral 0.42012898433096335 0.5798710156690366 0.5589585450222517 schöne video aber ein grauenhaft sprach leider nicht immer vermeidbar
Ugjp9RUgrFGjrngCoAEC Ich hab absolut keine Idee, wann und wo ich sowas nutzen würde... Und wenn ich ne Liste will, kann ich ja ArrayList nehmen. Hat wer ein Praxisbeispiel? 3 x x uLSiFW18OhE 2017-01-05 15:27:22 2017-01-05 15:27:22 neutral 0.5127627496519993 0.4872372503480007 0.5046650889107751 ich hab absolut kein ide wann und wo ich sowa nutzen würde und wenn ich ne list kann ich ja arraylist nehmen hat wer ein praxisbeispiel
UggKMpzTQLvy2XgCoAEC kann t nur referenztypen annehmen oder auch primitive typen wie int long usw? 0 hsv uLSiFW18OhE 2016-12-14 22:51:21 2016-12-14 22:51:21 neg 0.46568739611402554 0.5343126038859745 0.4423986752452132 kann nur referenztypen annehmen oder auch primit typen wie int long usw
Ugh-uplwcKVyd3gCoAEC vielleicht video zu Generics interface 0 Falah Aboud uLSiFW18OhE 2016-03-29 20:54:55 2016-03-29 20:54:55 neutral 0.42012898433096335 0.5798710156690366 0.5589585450222517 vielleicht video zu gener interfac
UghSKc3k7aDmGHgCoAEC merci viel mal\nwirklich coole viedeo 6 Falah Aboud uLSiFW18OhE 2016-03-29 20:50:34 2016-03-29 20:50:34 pos 0.6768986605047913 0.3231013394952087 0.30036098469513783 merci viel mal wirklich cool viedeo
Ugh898HbieTVBngCoAEC Genau was ich gesucht habe. Besten Dank für deine Erklärungen! 15 Ja genau uLSiFW18OhE 2015-11-13 12:51:29 2015-11-13 12:51:29 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 genau ich gesucht habe besten dank für dein erklärungen
UgyM1ULBesHL2-lDKdN4AaABAg Accent is good 3 murari raman BuH-uOwDGjY 2018-06-28 11:14:25 2018-06-28 11:14:25 pos 0.5707890140123009 0.42921098598769913 0.18889571515761486 accent good
UgxEh6V2rcJvrv5Rs6V4AaABAg thank very well explained .. 1 dhruv jain BuH-uOwDGjY 2018-05-20 07:31:11 2018-05-20 07:31:11 neutral 0.5575237415740458 0.44247625842595417 0.6297057355446664 thank well explain
UgxYR2e3Sle6AU81uxF4AaABAg Bakbas 0 Ramchandra Kumar BuH-uOwDGjY 2018-05-17 20:10:03 2018-05-17 20:10:03 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 bakba
UgwivEg_pF3yyiw-fZt4AaABAg Durga Sir and nagur babu video is best in DurgaSoft but some people lecture is not good also........... Thanks......... 1 Sarbesh kumar singh BuH-uOwDGjY 2018-03-25 07:07:05 2018-03-25 07:07:05 pos 0.73904656968702 0.26095343031298 0.3591366805733378 durga sir nagur babu video best durgasoft peopl lectur good also thank
Ugzbo5zh5IO-9zvPp1p4AaABAg Can't understand what he's saying. 0 Thomas Marshall BuH-uOwDGjY 2017-11-30 14:47:02 2017-11-30 14:47:02 neutral 0.4195022474688919 0.5804977525311081 0.6420232597696938 cant understand he say
UgwZT_g3naIAUUeiWcJ4AaABAg Sir you are doing great... But sound clarity can be better 0 Bhawana Rawat BuH-uOwDGjY 2017-09-10 16:36:30 2017-09-10 16:36:30 pos 0.7066822037657876 0.2933177962342124 0.30004477512495115 sir great sound clariti better
Ugi6I_wjXUjv-ngCoAEC I am using Eclipse IDE and it throws the error without compilation as soon as i write an integer on the right hand side. 0 Nikhil BuH-uOwDGjY 2017-05-12 09:01:15 2017-05-12 09:01:15 neutral 0.46363169082228156 0.5363683091777185 0.684301627786914 use eclips ide throw error without compil soon write integ right hand side
UghFrCY54lMBG3gCoAEC I love the accent lol , but i love the lectures even more. Thanks ! 6 Mike P BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-10-26 23:47:23 2016-10-26 23:47:23 pos 0.5613827009281103 0.43861729907188973 0.20878658649812645 love accent lol love lectur even thank
Ugwa1CA4pfxt1NLX0_h4AaABAg Very good. Thanks. 0 Lili Poveda 1Omf1Vba44Y 2019-08-06 16:54:19 2019-08-06 16:54:19 pos 0.6717130319995654 0.32828696800043455 0.23401760594218812 good thank
UgxoUWB7-sZi7FzqkPF4AaABAg Hello sir redix sort ki video bhi Bana dijiye 0 Mayank Maheshwari l-YVzkQMLKg 2019-09-13 08:31:46 2019-09-13 08:31:46 neutral 0.5370837145666719 0.4629162854333281 0.5358662900040323 hello sir redix sort ki video bhi bana dijiy
UghBKR8--6IYBXgCoAEC Man id you were my professor I would pee my pants everytime you are hilarious 0 damir huselja BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-06-20 13:20:15 2016-06-20 13:20:15 neutral 0.47780014103661034 0.5221998589633896 0.7748925600807951 man id professor would pee pant everytim hilari
UghSGpJ90PLXx3gCoAEC I can't make out half of the words this guy is saying. 1 Вася BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-05-15 11:59:02 2016-05-15 11:59:02 neg 0.33323387141780675 0.6667661285821933 0.3727782944471181 cant make half word guy say
Ughoq_B89FtYCHgCoAEC wow that helped me indeed 0 SIYABONGA MDLETSHE BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-05-04 19:04:45 2016-05-04 19:04:45 pos 0.5458214283353173 0.4541785716646827 0.2295107388580814 wow help inde
UggoljZMrg0rMXgCoAEC Good teacher deserves a good mic 1 Ted BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-04-14 07:12:22 2016-04-14 07:12:22 pos 0.6098487038239879 0.3901512961760121 0.4279065034734851 good teacher deserv good mic
UgjjE9qhlrZKQ3gCoAEC How can I obtain the entire Generics playlist? \n\n@Durga Software Solutions 0 sandesh s BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-02-12 22:26:41 2016-02-12 22:26:41 neutral 0.5541545830774841 0.4458454169225159 0.6575910835047992 obtain entir gener playlist durga softwar solut
UgiqPOOmWM1FkHgCoAEC Love the presentation 0 David Axelrod BuH-uOwDGjY 2015-06-10 18:55:31 2015-06-10 18:55:31 neutral 0.6297441179290714 0.37025588207092863 0.7149111081222476 love present
UgiqslaIklRa-3gCoAEC thanks a lot sir.. 0 Handsome rocky BuH-uOwDGjY 2015-05-18 08:09:54 2015-05-18 08:09:54 neutral 0.5858062296761629 0.4141937703238371 0.5619611375434489 thank lot sir
UgxQaTcwlqo7PSH_9SV4AaABAg звук - не звук, а подача информации решает! Бесподобно, спасибо за такие лекции и труд! 0 Николай Карпов ns8T7-nI_Ec 2020-02-16 19:23:50 2020-02-16 19:23:50 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 звук не звук а подача информации решает бесподобно спасибо за такие лекции и труд
UggoY7VfEVJsOHgCoAEC Подскажите пожалуйста, почему следующий код не компилируется?\nList<? extends Number> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();\nlist.add(1);//compilation err. 0 Maxym Nikitin ns8T7-nI_Ec 2017-06-26 16:50:43 2017-06-26 16:50:43 pos 0.5621956615249872 0.43780433847501277 0.4109749538745657 подскажите пожалуйста почему следующий код не компилируется list extend number list new arraylistinteg list add1 compil err
Ugj0Dp30w6OOnHgCoAEC Вообще я как-то не понял, мы сначала работали с методом subCompare, потом про него вообще забыли и в конце с compareTo 1 Slava Kalinichenko ns8T7-nI_Ec 2017-06-16 17:52:41 2017-06-16 17:52:41 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 вообще я както не понял мы сначала работали с методом subcompar потом про него вообще забыли и в конце с compareto
UggKAOVImkZkBHgCoAEC Не скажу что дошло на 100% но все таки пришло понимание дженериков 0 Sergey Demidov ns8T7-nI_Ec 2017-02-14 15:10:41 2017-02-14 15:10:41 neutral 0.4752487004456092 0.5247512995543908 0.5688896384509868 не скажу что дошло на 100 но все таки пришло понимание дженериков
Ugihs6tc-rDMEHgCoAEC Лекции супер, понял наконец смысл дженериков. 5 maks burkov ns8T7-nI_Ec 2016-10-19 02:08:43 2016-10-19 02:08:43 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 лекции супер понял наконец смысл дженериков
UggQgKgP4leWOngCoAEC Понял полностью смысл дженериков только по вашим лекциям. Спасибо! 0 Павел Голов ns8T7-nI_Ec 2016-07-29 18:51:25 2016-07-29 18:51:25 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 понял полностью смысл дженериков только по вашим лекциям спасибо
UgjQa9pk992xxXgCoAEC Спасибо за отличные примеры, помогающие глубже понять тонкости Generics. Мне как начинающему программисту очень понравилось. 0 Yurii Solopov ns8T7-nI_Ec 2015-06-17 20:48:12 2015-06-17 20:48:12 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо за отличные примеры помогающие глубже понять тонкости gener мне как начинающему программисту очень понравилось
UgjB-v7ZvmCCKHgCoAEC Глухой звук как из подвала. Глушит + быстрое объяснение = нихрена не понятно 0 Spacemaster ns8T7-nI_Ec 2015-05-29 21:30:09 2015-05-29 21:30:09 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 глухой звук как из подвала глушит быстрое объяснение нихрена не понятно
Ugzi6GNtGLYPTHgHLBJ4AaABAg Спасибо за лекции, очень интересно). 0 FaLLeNs4e ns8T7-nI_Ec 2013-10-26 14:17:10 2013-10-26 14:17:10 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо за лекции очень интересно
UgxE_Zo8FCrzbNYbPWJ4AaABAg Хорошие лекции. Вот бы пораньше встретить такие лекции 1 Kirill Muhov ns8T7-nI_Ec 2013-10-02 06:14:16 2013-10-02 06:14:16 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 хорошие лекции вот бы пораньше встретить такие лекции
UgznctIgpAAQZmNuVkx4AaABAg wonderful video, very informative. thanks a lot! 0 Юрий Андрейцев 4ZO7uVon-kI 2020-02-25 14:52:24 2020-02-25 14:52:24 neg 0.46522740983582406 0.534772590164176 0.3947967731734901 wonder video inform thank lot
Ugy9NSQt3A8PknSPwkZ4AaABAg Amazing! My lecturer at uni spent 3h explaining generics and i was like "saaayy whaaat now..?". Watched this and it all made sense! Feels like magic, dude! 0 _helloWrold_ 4ZO7uVon-kI 2020-02-10 09:48:32 2020-02-10 09:48:32 neg 0.4062027283112797 0.5937972716887203 0.01910296269106122 amaz lectur uni spent 3h explain gener like saaayi whaaat watch made sens feel like magic dude
UgwxC1LMqkWO424qPTR4AaABAg Excellent video Thank you. 0 anpowersoft19 powersoft19 4ZO7uVon-kI 2020-01-11 07:53:54 2020-01-11 07:53:54 neutral 0.47446732059304475 0.5255326794069552 0.5009243245593524 excel video thank
UgzQQAhkoNwNe1B6ubV4AaABAg WOW, Me very big brain now 0 Chaøtic Disast3r 4ZO7uVon-kI 2020-01-03 18:55:53 2020-01-03 18:55:53 pos 0.5122518593035631 0.4877481406964369 0.22434549438528828 wow big brain
UgzbJBnxkjxO-s43rql4AaABAg One of the best video explaining the Genric concept in short and smart pattern... 1 kishor gaur 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-12-25 18:30:24 2019-12-25 18:30:24 pos 0.6661935396352308 0.33380646036476924 0.44616213095498186 one best video explain genric concept short smart pattern
UgzWtti6fGnytRhZw5p4AaABAg 20:52 is that Generic Method ? 0 regexp27 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-11-04 02:31:29 2019-11-04 02:31:29 pos 0.5672344907029309 0.43276550929706914 0.47914576497148015 2052 gener method
UgxvyjrB8dJSnBL6SRZ4AaABAg Hi Thank you so much , am stunned from your great explanation. 0 Sengottaiyan Periyasamy 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-09-17 17:35:19 2019-09-17 17:35:19 pos 0.677896135809799 0.322103864190201 0.24427568441680222 hi thank much stun great explan
UgykwiGkceHK0m9yd2l4AaABAg Best explanation I have found on generics. 0 Mundry 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-08-31 02:48:48 2019-08-31 02:48:48 pos 0.7202878928287404 0.2797121071712596 0.48106999964179176 best explan found gener
UgwMot3NseADoEHrL5l4AaABAg Thank you very much. It is difficult to remember but everything is clear now. Also your english is much better than hindus ones 1 egs_test egs_test 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-07-17 07:52:50 2019-07-17 07:52:50 pos 0.6217255503835375 0.3782744496164625 0.262257892167677 thank much difficult rememb everyth clear also english much better hindu one
UgyMj1ifo7gUBhIXG4N4AaABAg Essence: from 10:22 0 Quarker1 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-07-02 17:36:01 2019-07-02 17:36:01 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 essenc 1022
UgwCREBwovZDGdus0cx4AaABAg you have understandable English ! oh my god, I search and search, this is the only understandable video that made by Indians 1 Ella _lovelife 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-06-07 18:31:40 2019-06-07 18:31:40 neutral 0.3875431192458988 0.6124568807541012 0.8057851890390642 understand english oh god search search understand video made indian
Ugy9s4l_6SfP87VkN0d4AaABAg Have you made videos on spring mvc ? 0 Junaid Ahmed 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-05-11 13:44:42 2019-05-11 13:44:42 neutral 0.44701694447454854 0.5529830555254515 0.554998375263163 made video spring mvc
UgwsFEKHkkGQ0WKPMYV4AaABAg Awesome like your SQL lectures 0 Junaid Ahmed 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-05-11 13:41:36 2019-05-11 13:41:36 neg 0.4751553995889944 0.5248446004110057 0.45831376351784164 awesom like sql lectur
UgxFnwXE3qJajB046QN4AaABAg You explained it really well. Thanks 0 Ashraf Talahmeh 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-01-18 18:47:55 2019-01-18 18:47:55 neutral 0.5663756629574995 0.4336243370425005 0.6297057355446664 explain realli well thank
UgwgjXPZFg2kmHvZ8ht4AaABAg Complete Java Course in 250 Steps - https://www.udemy.com/java-programming-tutorial-for-beginners/?couponCode=LEARN-2019 3 in28minutes v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-03-04 04:24:14 2019-03-04 04:24:14 neutral 0.4512312960382706 0.5487687039617294 0.7170381701543883 complet java cours 250 step httpswww udemi comjavaprogrammingtutorialforbeginn couponcodelearn2019
UgyOAvvn1PpEiXWg7tR4AaABAg Waste 0 Nagelli Sravan Sravan Kumar v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-12-02 04:30:17 2019-12-02 04:30:17 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 wast
Ugx_BWWaerc2bkfBlJJ4AaABAg Prepping for a test today, this lesson helped me to finally understand Generics. Thank you! 0 Tami Sue Farber v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-11-20 15:18:04 2019-11-20 15:18:04 neutral 0.5369513505622061 0.4630486494377939 0.5472624133651912 prep test today lesson help final understand gener thank
Ugw4iaVZxFUlEGV2cLx4AaABAg Great tutorial as always, Im not native speaker but must admire that Your english is really good and clear :) Thanks! 0 Wojciech K. v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-08-09 09:07:13 2019-08-09 09:07:13 pos 0.7253904593098761 0.2746095406901239 0.4597569247255128 great tutori alway im nativ speaker must admir english realli good clear thank
Ugwt_oNzRF1qlXAIsO54AaABAg very well explained, thanks much 0 Vivek Yadav v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-04-23 16:58:47 2019-04-23 16:58:47 pos 0.5501109432293637 0.4498890567706363 0.42889499283096083 well explain thank much
Ugy9qWCIe1B9GuPRCPJ4AaABAg Could you pls add some are vedeos on generics 1 hari india v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-03-03 06:50:57 2019-03-03 06:50:57 neg 0.44368606484625306 0.5563139351537469 0.4237175082034692 could pl add vedeo gener
UgzlnHMIrLDAKH5ywcN4AaABAg Good job man. You are the only one in YouTube who explained Java Generics in easy and professional way. Do you have a video about polymorphism?\r\n\r\nThank you, 4 Sam W v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-02-15 16:25:36 2019-02-15 16:25:36 neutral 0.7300063153928538 0.26999368460714623 0.622065093109165 good job man one youtub explain java gener easi profession way video polymorph thank
UgzRFCQlaf8hR05eT1R4AaABAg Very clear explanation , thanks 1 Devi reddy fav Reddy v4o0wyFPwEs 2018-11-29 15:25:41 2018-11-29 15:25:41 pos 0.5738683400901243 0.42613165990987567 0.40404037189484066 clear explan thank
Ugx90H2jPCFVqGluQIp4AaABAg got a clear picture of generics 1 PASUMARTHI AKHIL v4o0wyFPwEs 2018-11-14 08:52:20 2018-11-14 08:52:20 neutral 0.49839294305435716 0.5016070569456428 0.5895297928319204 got clear pictur gener
UgywQ1ls7-lqVhMN01R4AaABAg Awesome knowledge really thanks sir to clear my all doubt in generics 1 Rajiv Kumar Gupta v4o0wyFPwEs 2018-08-07 18:28:32 2018-08-07 18:28:32 neutral 0.602213255232756 0.39778674476724396 0.5212756278346801 awesom knowledg realli thank sir clear doubt gener
UgymwJE_mzImfNaza3J4AaABAg Thank you so much 0 RAJ MUSHAM v4o0wyFPwEs 2018-05-25 18:05:57 2018-05-25 18:05:57 pos 0.534310728396385 0.46568927160361495 0.3681170219705849 thank much
Ugx9KsqPTpCxrXssrJl4AaABAg Wonderful 0 Shivam Malhotra LEAoMMEIUXk 2019-01-05 06:58:08 2019-01-05 06:58:08 pos 0.5179027315198532 0.4820972684801468 0.49585270486285576 wonder
Ugzgx61vUKO7Ec-1MNN4AaABAg 7:42 intersection type 0 Rui Xue LEAoMMEIUXk 2018-04-18 17:04:30 2018-04-18 17:04:30 neutral 0.4750725261970376 0.5249274738029623 0.5809266493876982 742 intersect type
Ugg1sxxYgX0H0HgCoAEC Great lecture!! 1 Cat Garfield LEAoMMEIUXk 2016-09-16 10:27:33 2016-09-16 10:27:33 pos 0.6986498023830945 0.3013501976169055 0.27119050546800266 great lectur
UgwexBttXCDxjt-Fa0p4AaABAg Nice explanation 0 abhishek koted _CRxUYxlFTo 2020-02-02 03:24:20 2020-02-02 03:24:20 pos 0.6472145653268888 0.3527854346731112 0.194226456465732 nice explan
UgwxFIG9avWcbmUcMHx4AaABAg Thanx Sir. 0 Bareet Singh _CRxUYxlFTo 2020-01-25 18:01:44 2020-01-25 18:01:44 neutral 0.5961049794403186 0.4038950205596814 0.7170381701543883 thanx sir
UgyZDY8LpwoE9HrYJQd4AaABAg Aur jsp kya hai usaka bhi video ba 0 msjt patel _CRxUYxlFTo 2020-01-24 15:44:52 2020-01-24 15:44:52 neutral 0.4538858952929939 0.5461141047070062 0.6727294696794851 aur jsp kya hai usaka bhi video ba
Ugz7REuKzFrOgjb0wr14AaABAg Aare sir java me sab kuchh katam ho gaya jitna aap padaye hai 0 msjt patel _CRxUYxlFTo 2020-01-24 15:43:40 2020-01-24 15:43:40 neutral 0.5139253002859498 0.48607469971405015 0.7723187453714715 aar sir java sab kuchh katam ho gaya jitna aap paday hai
UgxiZ5LGjjFN4lZl77x4AaABAg Best way 0 shalini Tiwari _CRxUYxlFTo 2019-10-07 23:34:33 2019-10-07 23:34:33 pos 0.7678275963045368 0.23217240369546321 0.3252333141247574 best way
UgyS1MleoApWoGW2ZUZ4AaABAg In the beginning of 15 minutes video, you are repeating same problem continuously 0 Chetan Anand _CRxUYxlFTo 2019-04-03 13:43:15 2019-04-03 13:43:15 neutral 0.3399047261459188 0.6600952738540812 0.8190347110305133 begin 15 minut video repeat problem continu
Ugyw38Ine3XiUVaap-l4AaABAg Thank You for better understanding 0 Gaju Sankpal _CRxUYxlFTo 2019-04-01 16:59:02 2019-04-01 16:59:02 pos 0.5810431842560297 0.41895681574397026 0.28766908121685675 thank better understand
Ugy-YVKxQ0QXJiBODL54AaABAg keep up the good work..your videos are gold 0 Mani Singh _CRxUYxlFTo 2019-02-27 15:38:54 2019-02-27 15:38:54 pos 0.5928354857392868 0.4071645142607132 0.3950774570086552 keep good work video gold
UgxrUxoLUOhvXhRl0I94AaABAg ar generic sa phla jo example di ha us ma error a raha ha 0 Rehmat Mughal _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-12-25 06:42:01 2018-12-25 06:42:01 neutral 0.5035823711541902 0.49641762884580976 0.5827446637588759 ar gener sa phla jo exampl di ha u error raha ha
UgztCcwAdW34FYs4Hhx4AaABAg kuch points bhot confusion wala hota hn un ko thora clear kar lia kara 0 Rehmat Mughal _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-12-25 06:33:10 2018-12-25 06:33:10 neg 0.41410257032528114 0.5858974296747188 0.4701089754400061 kuch point bhot confus wala hota hn un ko thora clear kar lia kara
UgyNJ7eNF6pzjRVzBnx4AaABAg ❤️❤️❤️ 0 Hafiz Touseef _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-11-25 13:27:52 2018-11-25 13:27:52 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 ❤️❤️❤️
Ugy86f5kX3L_fPXXAo54AaABAg Bohot achhi video h..sir 0 Sadaf Fatima _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-11-06 15:28:06 2018-11-06 15:28:06 neutral 0.49785225178489984 0.5021477482151002 0.6899659001732751 bohot achhi video h sir
UgymF7edvZdkJ3vE2ht4AaABAg Awesome explanation!!! 0 Minish Varu l-YVzkQMLKg 2019-08-26 19:01:13 2019-08-26 19:01:13 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 awesom explan
Ugz3J9kUtFkkT0XyOHB4AaABAg Premitive type se replace kyu nahi ho skta?🤔 0 Mayur dhamecha _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-08-22 15:31:53 2018-08-22 15:31:53 neutral 0.4725191325138372 0.5274808674861629 0.5320267108274125 premit type se replac kyu nahi ho skta 🤔
UgyuwcqdZ2T5Do16d3t4AaABAg Bhagwan apko har Khushi de sir😊Best teachers on YouTube.... I salute... Best technique of teaching 5 Poorvi Agrawal _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-07-20 16:37:15 2018-07-20 16:37:15 neutral 0.7860480487516094 0.21395195124839061 0.6418669403248332 bhagwan apko har khushi de sir😊best teacher youtub salut best techniqu teach
UgwBXWzpoEIgih6Etjx4AaABAg Sir generic method me jo code hoga wo har baar same hoga ? ya fir hum use change kar sakte hai? 0 Parvez Aalam _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-07-13 08:12:38 2018-07-13 08:12:38 neutral 0.7043392559975964 0.2956607440024036 0.8068573474900331 sir gener method jo code hoga wo har baar hoga ya fir hum use chang kar sakt hai
UgyaF84htGrNW3dlHAd4AaABAg Very well introduced. 1 Balasaheb Nimse watjoMfP-3M 2019-12-16 15:59:21 2019-12-16 15:59:21 neutral 0.5289088810528041 0.4710911189471959 0.515520594522066 well introduc
UgzRNTaNz5kjIresVuB4AaABAg Simply superb, Durga !!!. Excellent teaching, that make us to better understanding of the concept. 2 CK Thimmappa watjoMfP-3M 2019-06-13 08:17:32 2019-06-13 08:17:32 pos 0.7047194386975545 0.2952805613024455 0.21168268374233615 simpli superb durga excel teach make u better understand concept
UgysVywooGWvJ2npoJB4AaABAg Sir you have become one of my GODS! you are a GOD for me. I will worship you. 7 Terry Rocker watjoMfP-3M 2019-02-08 21:59:18 2019-02-08 21:59:18 neutral 0.5317112730340888 0.4682887269659112 0.7255470399297873 sir becom one god god worship
UgzE-8jDMeLn76PfZ9F4AaABAg Excellent tutorials 1 Vijay Roy watjoMfP-3M 2019-01-31 03:56:22 2019-01-31 03:56:22 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 excel tutori
UgzEnaD8Ol7slPoBkc54AaABAg I think this lecture should not take more than 15 min 2 raj karan watjoMfP-3M 2018-07-28 04:34:51 2018-07-28 04:34:51 neutral 0.4369099436933567 0.5630900563066433 0.6977481204964868 think lectur take 15 min
Ugz6lXK2wMkLI0ILtPt4AaABAg Best Java teacher. Thank you for helping me in improving. 2 Hassan Syed watjoMfP-3M 2018-06-18 12:15:26 2018-06-18 12:15:26 neutral 0.827829131679064 0.17217086832093598 0.6590327562409201 best java teacher thank help improv
Ugyck6VMXl0wNnW0qYt4AaABAg Excellent sir... Thank you very much Durga sir 1 Prathyusha Reddy watjoMfP-3M 2018-05-18 05:29:48 2018-05-18 05:29:48 pos 0.5825747223883679 0.41742527761163206 0.46681413616356476 excel sir thank much durga sir
UgwKDOF5TAAgOc2Qs_l4AaABAg Sir please show the programmatically 0 BALAJI BALU watjoMfP-3M 2018-05-04 09:39:52 2018-05-04 09:39:52 neutral 0.5772633847867465 0.42273661521325345 0.680881939620122 sir pleas show programmat
UgyvHyA4I_8Hz5MuB9l4AaABAg Thank you so much, Durga sir 2 BALAJI BALU watjoMfP-3M 2018-05-04 09:38:18 2018-05-04 09:38:18 pos 0.5825747223883679 0.41742527761163206 0.46681413616356515 thank much durga sir
UgxGUGwBMLvyAA7-jIt4AaABAg Thank you Sir. You are awesome. 0 Fox Back watjoMfP-3M 2018-02-11 07:45:41 2018-02-11 07:45:41 neutral 0.5852696359823107 0.41473036401768926 0.6682781565013811 thank sir awesom
UgwIFNfS5jwFou1YPkB4AaABAg Thanks so much, Durga Sir. 0 rizwan shahid watjoMfP-3M 2018-01-15 01:02:49 2018-01-15 01:02:49 pos 0.5825747223883679 0.41742527761163206 0.46681413616356515 thank much durga sir
Ugx26mvp0o3XxnajhW14AaABAg plz try to upload Spring lecture. 0 Ankit Kumar watjoMfP-3M 2018-01-13 17:54:12 2018-01-13 17:54:12 neutral 0.4734898415303961 0.5265101584696039 0.5866632042851981 plz tri upload spring lectur
Ugw17ZYBTbxoszyzDrZ4AaABAg Excellent sir..u are too good in each concept.. 0 Ankit Kumar watjoMfP-3M 2018-01-13 17:52:34 2018-01-13 17:52:34 pos 0.6951538285925414 0.3048461714074586 0.45313175102939657 excel sir u good concept
Ugzod0P4qy6TiUISagx4AaABAg nice explanation but why repeating the same thing 3 -4 times in a loop? 0 annie c watjoMfP-3M 2017-10-04 14:14:27 2017-10-04 14:14:27 pos 0.5999358823354735 0.40006411766452654 0.2565661547402605 nice explan repeat thing 3 4 time loop
Ugw073RJ-OLhFCmLSGh4AaABAg БЫЛО интересно слушать, многое понял 0 Американский Пузырь FRmgcBxJvb4 2019-12-16 01:38:32 2019-12-16 01:38:32 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 было интересно слушать многое понял
UgzlDQWHks4m152ra6p4AaABAg Тема wildcard вообще не раскрыта. Не понятно тогда почему нельзя использовать вместо ? просто дженерик например T. Почему вмето ? extends Number в методе не написать T extends Number. ОТвета на эти вопросов нету. Беда( 2 Anatol Shalabas FRmgcBxJvb4 2019-08-23 20:05:14 2019-08-23 20:05:14 neutral 0.4762809559194214 0.5237190440805786 0.5225935369314391 тема wildcard вообще не раскрыта не понятно тогда почему нельзя использовать вместо просто дженерик например почему вмето extend number в методе не написать extend number ответа на эти вопросов нету беда
UgyydJZzURGJ19vOYQB4AaABAg Очень много слов-паразитов, надо поработать над речью 2 Vitaly Kolesnikov FRmgcBxJvb4 2019-07-08 07:58:43 2019-07-08 07:58:43 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 очень много словпаразитов надо поработать над речью
UgzWy0E599rGtvSLoOF4AaABAg Могу сказать, что ключевым знанием в данной теме является Type Erasure. Если понял, как это работает, значит очевидно как работает все остальное в дженериках.\nХотя, наверное я мыслю слишком абстрактно. 5 kilg k FRmgcBxJvb4 2018-09-27 19:37:00 2018-09-27 19:37:00 neutral 0.4750725261970376 0.5249274738029623 0.5809266493876982 могу сказать что ключевым знанием в данной теме является type erasur если понял как это работает значит очевидно как работает все остальное в дженериках хотя наверное я мыслю слишком абстрактно
Ugx0vePlqCojngmx1d94AaABAg С примерами не запарились. Взяли из мануала Java. 1 kilg k FRmgcBxJvb4 2018-09-27 19:20:50 2018-09-27 19:20:50 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 с примерами не запарились взяли из мануала java
Ugzox7SDLVq5SQl1ijl4AaABAg Why do you even need an unbounded wildcard? What is the difference between:\n "Tray.add(Glass<?> glass){}" and\n"Tray.add(Glass glass){}. 0 Mutex50 1Omf1Vba44Y 2019-07-03 07:49:55 2019-07-03 07:49:55 neg 0.4803582568900925 0.5196417431099075 0.4307135268453917 even need unbound wildcard differ tray addglass glass tray addglass glass
UgzHUSSL2QVHMQ3WUOB4AaABAg Thank you so much bro ...very nice. 0 sha p 1Omf1Vba44Y 2019-06-21 21:02:22 2019-06-21 21:02:22 pos 0.6431342535225606 0.3568657464774394 0.2140361119139925 thank much bro nice
Ugy8IS32RQmRaVQzzaV4AaABAg Thank You. 0 Mahadi Hasan 1Omf1Vba44Y 2019-04-21 04:50:21 2019-04-21 04:50:21 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
UgxjJGqAmjuQNlbYS654AaABAg Thank you very much, your turorial is helpful to me 0 yewei li 1Omf1Vba44Y 2018-11-26 16:24:57 2018-11-26 16:24:57 pos 0.5686690993424393 0.43133090065756075 0.48044242023487427 thank much turori help
UgxjXrcDu6t-z6q5gIF4AaABAg Умный парень 0 Желтая голова FRmgcBxJvb4 2018-09-25 07:21:12 2018-09-25 07:21:12 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 умный парень
UgxEsKI7vYJvW2RS4Ex4AaABAg есть в доступе слайды и задания? 0 Lenur Serveriev FRmgcBxJvb4 2018-09-24 16:33:13 2018-09-24 16:33:13 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 есть в доступе слайды и задания
UgyZyOuWGJ4pPZHWuQZ4AaABAg Спасибо за уроки 0 Алекс Новиков FRmgcBxJvb4 2018-09-24 16:20:26 2018-09-24 16:20:26 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо за уроки
UgxSjeJ8Ok5bqvmhI2p4AaABAg narrowing cast that's the term explained as subtype to super cast 0 Ahmid Ahmid j82KHOL2FT8 2019-06-05 04:00:39 2019-06-05 04:00:39 neutral 0.47046601838659396 0.529533981613406 0.5240592768964971 narrow cast that term explain subtyp super cast
Ugzz5543ryWI222mQ6l4AaABAg Nice! 0 Xingmin Zhang j82KHOL2FT8 2019-03-08 01:37:32 2019-03-08 01:37:32 pos 0.6472145653268888 0.3527854346731112 0.194226456465732 nice
Ugg4Ti8Vj0hNVngCoAEC Loved the comic at the end hahahah 0 ThrashAbaddon j82KHOL2FT8 2017-05-05 15:05:18 2017-05-05 15:05:18 pos 0.5603858767878713 0.43961412321212867 0.45890953431388076 love comic end hahahah
Ugxq68dsYDFpRRy4A3J4AaABAg Из https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/types.html\nThe most commonly used type parameter names are:\r\n\r\nE - Element (used extensively by the Java Collections Framework)\r\nK - Key\r\nN - Number\r\nT - Type\r\nV - Value\r\nS,U,V etc. - 2nd, 3rd, 4th types 1 Bimba 87pm79sPSvc 2019-07-14 06:13:03 2019-07-14 06:14:14 neutral 0.5890619832182328 0.4109380167817672 0.8113112625993134 из httpsdoc oracl comjavasetutorialjavagenericstyp html commonli use type paramet name e element use extens java collect framework k key n number type v valu u v etc 2nd 3rd 4th type
UgxTwUGmX4DR2z0B7dd4AaABAg нихуя не понятно что написано\nпочерк сука как у врача 0 th1nker 87pm79sPSvc 2019-07-10 16:07:31 2019-07-10 16:07:31 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 нихуя не понятно что написано почерк сука как у врача
UgxlhaM1Jk7s34zA1N54AaABAg Парень. ты не из Харькова случайно? Ну прям наш говор))) 0 Irina 87pm79sPSvc 2019-05-21 17:05:49 2019-05-21 17:05:49 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 парень ты не из харькова случайно ну прям наш говор
UgzFON8z__Tr-Oy8AS94AaABAg Класс!!! Спасибо!!! Самое крутое видео по этой теме!!! 0 Irina 87pm79sPSvc 2019-05-21 16:18:12 2019-05-21 16:18:12 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 класс спасибо самое крутое видео по этой теме
UgwI3f70FC9AJ3OjL154AaABAg 12:20 0 Valeria D 87pm79sPSvc 2019-03-04 16:16:17 2019-03-04 16:16:17 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 1220
UgzSZpiZb70Z0f3a-754AaABAg Качество звука у него всегда хреновое 0 Kerim Grozny 87pm79sPSvc 2019-01-25 19:11:44 2019-01-25 19:11:44 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 качество звука у него всегда хреновое
UgySmpMeDpl-4dHh2Dp4AaABAg Наконец-то вменяемый преподаватель с хорошим логическим мышлением, лайк! 2 Занимательный итальянский 87pm79sPSvc 2018-11-01 22:54:07 2018-11-01 22:54:07 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 наконецто вменяемый преподаватель с хорошим логическим мышлением лайк
Ugx96iAD4yD7Ldyvt_N4AaABAg At 27:40 you are saying the wrong thing. It's the other way around, <? super Type> is any type, which happens to be the Super Class of Type. 0 Giorgi Tsiklauri 87pm79sPSvc 2018-08-22 05:48:25 2018-08-22 05:48:25 neg 0.39623304264809545 0.6037669573519046 0.44832120334211867 2740 say wrong thing way around super type type happen super class type
Ugw5BAwaLajhPsEFIdN4AaABAg Красавчик! Наконец-то я понял дженерики))) Спасибо! 2 George Matua 87pm79sPSvc 2018-05-03 16:42:57 2018-05-03 16:42:57 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 красавчик наконецто я понял дженерики спасибо
UgztZZijg4Vrd2tH9Nl4AaABAg Куэуэ )) \nДо чертиков забавно 5 Любомир 87pm79sPSvc 2018-03-30 06:03:01 2018-03-30 06:03:01 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 куэуэ до чертиков забавно
Ugxt1LzTEreI7tYVGUZ4AaABAg Огромнейшее спасибо создателям этих курсов. Смотрится на одном дыхании 0 shestakow1993 87pm79sPSvc 2017-11-02 10:35:56 2017-11-02 10:35:56 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 огромнейшее спасибо создателям этих курсов смотрится на одном дыхании
Ugi_MV0I5OrFDXgCoAEC квэвэ..... 0 Sergey Saenko 87pm79sPSvc 2017-05-11 19:53:27 2017-05-11 19:53:27 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 квэвэ
UgghRZNhNlKyyHgCoAEC Куауэ... Чивауа? 0 Илья Святкин 87pm79sPSvc 2017-04-06 15:34:29 2017-04-06 15:34:29 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 куауэ чивауа
UgwKwvsdExVcGb-1N0d4AaABAg Метод гхэт(). 0 TheFuckel 87pm79sPSvc 2017-03-28 13:57:08 2017-03-28 13:57:08 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 метод гхэт
UgiH1ZY1z6jTungCoAEC Мне понравилось, классно обьясняется, все сразу понятно 1 Rustam Jonny33 87pm79sPSvc 2017-02-05 19:45:08 2017-02-05 19:45:08 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 мне понравилось классно обьясняется все сразу понятно
UgyvfowSlgJaDyqOqvp4AaABAg Excellent, thanks prof! 0 Erik Huizinga 34oiEq9nD0M 2019-07-05 08:08:47 2019-07-05 08:08:47 neutral 0.5526158052542244 0.4473841947457756 0.5318181496726184 excel thank prof
UgzY73LtaxmQyMsxRat4AaABAg oldie goldie 0 thehunter 34oiEq9nD0M 2018-01-26 22:08:58 2018-01-26 22:08:58 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 oldi goldi
Ugwe5jFqRBnx_jOsDbZ4AaABAg Generic Programming seems like a pain in the ass when using Java... 0 Oscar Escobar 34oiEq9nD0M 2017-11-16 04:58:25 2017-11-16 04:58:25 neg 0.43118554511245366 0.5688144548875463 0.3845933694140084 gener program seem like pain as use java
Ugiu7WG-EQhQSXgCoAEC Great Tutorial. But not for beginners. 2 Srikanth Reddy 34oiEq9nD0M 2016-05-14 19:15:38 2016-05-14 19:15:38 pos 0.6986498023830945 0.3013501976169055 0.27119050546800266 great tutori beginn
UgjIT7gl0F8nh3gCoAEC Gr8 tutorial. What toold/ide/interpreter are you using? 0 Liqun Sun 34oiEq9nD0M 2015-09-27 17:07:19 2015-09-27 17:07:19 neutral 0.5718925545676887 0.4281074454323113 0.5950890614040548 gr8 tutori tooldideinterpret use
UgigKK8KBb2873gCoAEC Generics seems to cause a lot more problems than it cures. 8 Carl Hopkinson 34oiEq9nD0M 2015-09-23 20:06:08 2015-09-23 20:06:08 neutral 0.4520880650042076 0.5479119349957924 0.6627054397203924 gener seem caus lot problem cure
Ugz6BzMe-vTcv-s1omF4AaABAg I went through full generic series and i am very thankful to you for getting the concept crisp and clear. 1 Pritpal Singh 1Omf1Vba44Y 2018-07-16 09:06:17 2018-07-16 09:06:17 pos 0.5643540123183964 0.43564598768160356 0.3020171960835331 went full gener seri thank get concept crisp clear
UgxHpq55fy7oTkxWghN4AaABAg Thank you sir. 0 Sai Manohar Boidapu 1Omf1Vba44Y 2018-05-24 06:35:27 2018-05-24 06:35:27 neutral 0.5852696359823107 0.41473036401768926 0.6682781565013811 thank sir
UgxVaGKbARKbq-gdZLV4AaABAg This series is really helpful to understand how generics works and you will have a better understanding of the upper bound and lower bound of generic data type.\nRecommended for anyone who wants to learn this concept clearly. 0 Ming Yan 1Omf1Vba44Y 2018-04-17 05:38:15 2018-04-17 05:38:15 neg 0.4874356756473596 0.5125643243526403 0.42239085162430534 seri realli help understand gener work better understand upper bound lower bound gener data type recommend anyon want learn concept clearli
Ughr5zO_BSd_THgCoAEC hi man ur video are understandable and well prepared 1 Niyongabo Eric 1Omf1Vba44Y 2017-07-15 15:08:29 2017-07-15 15:08:29 neutral 0.5384414985149442 0.46155850148505584 0.6175577572654235 hi man ur video understand well prepar
UgiUG-hsoKUcGHgCoAEC nice 0 sreekanth vaddi 1Omf1Vba44Y 2017-07-13 09:15:32 2017-07-13 09:15:32 pos 0.6472145653268888 0.3527854346731112 0.194226456465732 nice
Ugj_HUd1zxqQM3gCoAEC Very Imformative video. Well done. One of my faviourite YouTubers for Tutorials is Dereak Banas and hes really good, but you are on his level of explanation, your very under rated. 3 Milan Conhye 1Omf1Vba44Y 2017-05-13 15:14:20 2017-05-13 15:14:20 pos 0.6415904759865505 0.3584095240134495 0.19038825664831963 imform video well done one faviourit youtub tutori dereak bana he realli good level explan rate
Ugh1JnvZQXBbaXgCoAEC what is the differenes of list< T > with list< ? > ? 2 believe theUnbelievable 1Omf1Vba44Y 2017-05-06 19:50:55 2017-05-06 19:50:55 neutral 0.5257456829053709 0.47425431709462906 0.5501932574263538 differen list list
UgidnN0N9aYn9HgCoAEC nice tutorial 0 Sayan Pal 1Omf1Vba44Y 2017-02-27 00:04:10 2017-02-27 00:04:10 pos 0.6472145653268888 0.3527854346731112 0.194226456465732 nice tutori
UgjLt4TS_2WIdHgCoAEC Thank you Srinivas really I like it. I have been trying to understand generics, so searing on web finally found your videos on youtube helps me to understand clearly about generics 1 Tirupathi Ch 1Omf1Vba44Y 2016-08-19 11:22:29 2016-08-19 11:22:29 pos 0.5340300346653208 0.46596996533467916 0.3573462697751679 thank sriniva realli like tri understand gener sear web final found video youtub help understand clearli gener
UgxBQsfafuz9twOK5jp4AaABAg Amazing video, one of the best if not best. 0 dlugosko 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-12-14 20:24:48 2019-12-14 20:24:48 pos 0.6444123976398974 0.35558760236010256 0.3863554070515247 amaz video one best best
UgwyiLFcqmLmXgwW6Vl4AaABAg You are completely AWESOME for this! 0 Dustin Gunnells 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-11-13 03:26:43 2019-11-13 03:26:43 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 complet awesom
UgwHAaHygNVdm4iNOA54AaABAg WOW, Thats Awesome man, thankx alot 0 Feras Alawadi 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-10-31 11:02:09 2019-10-31 11:02:09 pos 0.6253489278771696 0.37465107212283044 0.16537816289234472 wow that awesom man thankx alot
UgyOzz-7-iWxlNihswl4AaABAg What was the keyboard shortcut to add a raw type as seen in 2:30? 0 Elyse Lam 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-08-20 19:10:37 2019-08-20 19:10:37 neg 0.44153007778893927 0.5584699222110607 0.2903216793398509 keyboard shortcut add raw type seen 230
UgzOYiQdHU_Y52pEpy94AaABAg Thank you so much!!!! 0 Miyuki Umeki 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-07-31 12:46:21 2019-07-31 12:46:21 pos 0.534310728396385 0.46568927160361495 0.3681170219705849 thank much
Ugy-tmWPU-N0jrZTfYB4AaABAg Can u give us an example of :\n if the user want to choose the type ?\nHow can we figure witch type he had choose and how to figure witch Scanner we use ? ( nextInt , nextLine , ....) \nThank u 0 AKamel 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-06-18 14:22:54 2019-06-18 14:22:54 neutral 0.5360487038234604 0.46395129617653963 0.5341247381308464 u give u exampl user want choos type figur witch type choos figur witch scanner use nextint nextlin thank u
Ugynn8WJF5Vg3nXqNB54AaABAg by the time I'm typing this you are probably aware of the PECS schema (Producer Extends Consumer Super) https://i.stack.imgur.com/KjDLw.png (this picture is not mine i took it from a stackoverflow thread .... pardon me ) 0 DeathBender 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-04-15 23:19:02 2019-04-15 23:21:47 neutral 0.4392378195225852 0.5607621804774148 0.5475985714170237 time im type probabl awar pec schema produc extend consum super httpsi stack imgur comkjdlw png pictur mine took stackoverflow thread pardon
Ugy0H2gbh13xKk7kvOh4AaABAg Exellent tutorial. Just one comment about why ? is more generic than T. Simply because you can code a statement like this \nList<? extends T>. So if you code List<T extends Number> you hardcoded, that T must be a Number <? extends T> can extend anything with a type T, so it is more generic. 0 Gabor Rajnai 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-03-13 10:45:40 2019-03-13 10:45:40 neg 0.4471380796698193 0.5528619203301808 0.490279308786568 exel tutori one comment gener simpli code statement like list extend code listt extend number hardcod must number extend extend anyth type gener
Ugz0Ai_uqyMF-WZ4aW94AaABAg this video is best. other videos incorrectly start out by saying java cant determine type at runtime. and another video about generics I discounted just because the guy talked about ArrayList instead of List. noobs man. 0 artifactingreality 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-01-15 21:00:51 2019-01-15 21:00:51 pos 0.5611735159298621 0.4388264840701379 0.48620756404247506 video best video incorrectli start say java cant determin type runtim anoth video gener discount guy talk arraylist instead list noob man
Ugzt8n3P0QnRhL8emGR4AaABAg Very helpful examples! 0 Chung Kang 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-10-09 15:09:00 2018-10-09 15:09:00 neutral 0.5192349907945645 0.4807650092054355 0.7379805994240102 help exampl
UggPU0vzZgDF63gCoAEC thank you it's very useful to me.... 0 Ranjith kumar 7PYLNbt4x0I 2016-05-28 08:23:58 2016-05-28 08:23:58 neutral 0.5884913191479728 0.4115086808520272 0.5318181496726184 thank use
UgjeraLhixX00XgCoAEC if you have github repo of the examples you arre giveing, it will be helpful\nnicely explained 0 Vijay R 7PYLNbt4x0I 2015-08-02 13:18:49 2015-08-02 13:18:49 pos 0.6748995920853262 0.32510040791467376 0.4485800525231379 github repo exampl arr give help nice explain
UgyMsNRmohbIPEtUkep4AaABAg how does it work whenever i call the sort method ?? 0 khair ahmad W5gnVp1NUNU 2019-02-06 23:35:55 2019-02-06 23:35:55 pos 0.5616123463563967 0.4383876536436033 0.3950731731874273 work whenev call sort method
Ugw-pCslug5VWEbGxN54AaABAg Voice quality is bad. please repost. 4 nazeeya shikalgar W5gnVp1NUNU 2018-05-08 15:58:46 2018-05-08 15:58:46 neg 0.2708653046396444 0.7291346953603556 0.23509657395374953 voic qualiti bad pleas repost
UgxYrKiaYTl0z-ZRzqN4AaABAg At 5:25 I think, diamond notation is only supported after Java 8 and above. 0 Atul Kumar Verma 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-07-11 17:39:54 2018-07-11 17:39:54 neutral 0.40751094942053395 0.592489050579466 0.7423290480207815 525 think diamond notat support java 8
UgzFurclvgJxKcdy9ch4AaABAg Thanks man. This is a great video, but it would be greater if you did your homework lol 0 Richard Wang 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-06-24 03:42:10 2018-06-24 03:42:10 pos 0.5947251258612752 0.40527487413872476 0.2337257205178819 thank man great video would greater homework lol
Ugz-f7ds_sYdUX_dxYB4AaABAg diamond are forever 0 Htng Uvon 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-05-26 19:43:27 2018-05-26 19:43:27 neutral 0.47805364339748146 0.5219463566025185 0.7497589902713435 diamond forev
Ugxr7m8Xl7INaNRxYml4AaABAg wonderful explanation. Thanks sir. 0 XINGYUN XUE 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-05-19 13:06:20 2018-05-19 13:06:20 neutral 0.589896018678999 0.410103981321001 0.5681522798088754 wonder explan thank sir
UgxkXlKbjYfVPeOGTD14AaABAg This is So Awesome ! Appreciate it !!!! 0 mayur shetye 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-04-09 11:01:51 2018-04-09 11:01:51 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 awesom appreci
UgilHlovoIBxZXgCoAEC WHERE IS THE CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 Alex Matos RKfjx2l2jv4 2016-10-17 18:20:46 2016-10-17 18:20:46 neutral 0.43976727466995047 0.5602327253300495 0.7635449651447122 code
UgiR-iR43rACX3gCoAEC Is this a venkat movie or generics presentation?? 0 hariharan kumar RKfjx2l2jv4 2016-09-10 13:16:00 2016-09-10 13:16:00 neutral 0.5278464746720622 0.47215352532793775 0.7207945165484189 venkat movi gener present
UghiGqkTzd7LRngCoAEC Can I get the codes to understand it in a better way. 0 Sumit Kumar RKfjx2l2jv4 2015-04-09 19:14:42 2015-04-09 19:14:42 neutral 0.516855349893782 0.483144650106218 0.5843287516020387 get code understand better way
UggBkuTkmQgRaXgCoAEC The video capture is painful. We don't want to see him. We want to hear him and see his presentation. 3 Sujoy Datta Choudhury RKfjx2l2jv4 2015-03-25 00:15:57 2015-03-25 00:15:57 neutral 0.3255269986052229 0.6744730013947771 0.6385039392310267 video captur pain dont want see want hear see present
Ugxe7tj839Aq4nXC4q94AaABAg What if instead of changing just one property in the rule we need to change doZens of properties? Should we implement a rule engine in each rule of the main rule engine? 0 Moustafa Mosta eKU_hp7w3QI 2019-12-23 18:54:27 2019-12-23 18:54:27 neutral 0.4446194710848078 0.5553805289151922 0.5874591773587922 instead chang one properti rule need chang dozen properti implement rule engin rule main rule engin
Ugw307oSYMAgm5T6ndB4AaABAg Llooking for Rules engine with configurable way which is supports a spring boot way. 0 Arun A eKU_hp7w3QI 2019-10-15 17:12:55 2019-10-15 17:12:55 neutral 0.4742318140566051 0.5257681859433949 0.7941284390327071 llook rule engin configur way support spring boot way
UgxRAY5Ybn3bA7uV4AZ4AaABAg Good video !! 1 Ashish Patel eKU_hp7w3QI 2019-04-22 20:05:30 2019-04-22 20:05:30 pos 0.5683742630552737 0.4316257369447263 0.25037459472139617 good video
UgzymiLB4MGUbSiEL7R4AaABAg Is it same as factory or statergy design pattern but just skiping if else part? 0 Koushik Rout eKU_hp7w3QI 2019-04-19 04:01:52 2019-04-19 04:01:52 neutral 0.622726218992502 0.377273781007498 0.6575910835047992 factori statergi design pattern skipe els part
Ugzz4kWIEOeENW3MiEB4AaABAg Just a thought.. iPhoneRule and AndroidPhoneRule naming would have been less confusing as they're implementing RuleI 2 Tj K eKU_hp7w3QI 2019-03-03 09:07:44 2019-03-03 09:08:13 neutral 0.46986505881918267 0.5301349411808174 0.541160590773745 thought iphonerul androidphonerul name would le confus theyr implement rulei
UgzCoDzJWGVkF8votBp4AaABAg Awesome content, a intro to Drool and Spring Statemachine would be cool 2 Sam eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-08 16:35:28 2018-07-08 16:35:28 pos 0.5785433514111695 0.4214566485888305 0.29451689361038697 awesom content intro drool spring statemachin would cool
UgybApZDcjMq3uM9gD54AaABAg please make video on odoo 1 Sahil Dwivedi eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-04 13:19:55 2018-07-04 13:19:55 neutral 0.44327595896480065 0.5567240410351993 0.5333677844479544 pleas make video odoo
Ugzvtp3bMCrwk3cQQjp4AaABAg Awesome video on Rule Engine..\n\nOne question, is Drool similar to this concept? 4 sexysurd007 eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-04 02:50:53 2018-07-04 02:50:53 neutral 0.4430658617885357 0.5569341382114643 0.5867677149412246 awesom video rule engin one question drool similar concept
Ugx1KA6sAcCSx1j1b8B4AaABAg very good explanation.. 1 Arpit Gupta eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-03 17:02:10 2018-07-03 17:02:10 pos 0.6430542795156622 0.3569457204843378 0.27524987150901575 good explan
UgymiPz89DyGRQRpeAp4AaABAg If possible can you please make a video on how frameworks will scan all the annotations that exist in the application at runtime(dynamically) in a cleaner way.\nI want to whether they will cache this annotation metadata or they will scan entire application on demand 1 Leela Prasad Jagu eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-03 05:31:10 2018-07-03 05:32:56 neg 0.46602682490524366 0.5339731750947563 0.4035297955510762 possibl pleas make video framework scan annot exist applic runtimedynam cleaner way want whether cach annot metadata scan entir applic demand
Ugzmgek6kynMI46EOvl4AaABAg Hi, have you stopped designing architecture for any app..\nYou have deleted paytm design app also 1 Avdhesh Rajput eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-03 04:05:58 2018-07-03 04:05:58 neutral 0.5970091944433528 0.40299080555664724 0.8209617751604276 hi stop design architectur app delet paytm design app also
UgypCC_18jwA6bOq1J94AaABAg Nice, thanks! 1 David Scully eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-02 20:34:19 2018-07-02 20:34:19 pos 0.6741007613098164 0.32589923869018356 0.1477513225875108 nice thank
UgxDKOKbZ-lJauisKmN4AaABAg IPhone and AndroidPhone should be implementing Phone interface/extend Phone class. I am not sure why they implement a Rule interface! Strategy pattern would have been a good choice here if you need to maintain set of rules for different types of phone 0 Vinoth Selvaraj eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-02 20:21:52 2018-07-02 20:22:10 pos 0.6983497951753176 0.3016502048246824 0.4586809006710082 iphon androidphon implement phone interfaceextend phone class sure implement rule interfac strategi pattern would good choic need maintain set rule differ type phone
Ugw9faqpGOPRTzNhSp54AaABAg bro can you tell which ide you use 1 B LAXMINARAYAN PATRA eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-02 19:13:40 2018-07-02 19:13:40 neutral 0.611975391408163 0.38802460859183696 0.5267144194944562 bro tell ide use
UgysnWd6m0Qq91XgA3V4AaABAg Good job, can you create a rate engine example? 1 A J eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-02 19:10:33 2018-07-02 19:10:33 pos 0.6834612038663549 0.3165387961336451 0.27481082999445255 good job creat rate engin exampl
UgynwbvYkm7_LA0z-il4AaABAg Clear explanation about the input. I was so confused before. Thanks! 0 Wanqi Wang 6OrZ4wAy4uE 2020-01-20 01:44:06 2020-01-20 01:44:06 pos 0.5738683400901243 0.42613165990987567 0.40404037189484066 clear explan input confus thank
UgggbsykQr0wEngCoAEC What is this.marks and s.marks.. What values are they representing?? 0 Jatin Lalwani W5gnVp1NUNU 2016-04-19 16:45:31 2016-04-19 16:45:31 neutral 0.5198062355505904 0.48019376444940964 0.6381847284272973 mark mark valu repres
Ugy3zCRLx-7csldbwB54AaABAg Array objects are by default type-safe and it doesn't require type-casting also then what is the advantage of generic Array List? 0 Mohammad Altamash WWFjZ0Fo0Gg 2017-08-02 20:45:07 2017-08-02 20:45:07 neutral 0.4917855904844957 0.5082144095155043 0.6311524531359926 array object default typesaf doesnt requir typecast also advantag gener array list
UgxIdb1ebSjEgYSyN8R4AaABAg لكل الناس اللسه متعرفش الاستاذ عبد الله الصفحه ضاعت منه وهو عمل صفحه تانيه اسمها الاستاذ عبد الله للبرمجيات....... 0 emad omarah 72BiJvsMlhM 2017-08-21 13:12:27 2017-08-21 13:12:27 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 لكل الناس اللسه متعرفش الاستاذ عبد الله الصفحه ضاعت منه وهو عمل صفحه تانيه اسمها الاستاذ عبد الله للبرمجيات
UghG64C9H08ocHgCoAEC متميز حضرتك في الشرح بنتظر فيديوهات حضرتك شرح بسيط بالعربي ومواضيع هامة\nربنا يبلغك مرادك من الخير 1 Hussein Said 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-08-17 21:56:39 2014-08-17 21:56:39 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 متميز حضرتك في الشرح بنتظر فيديوهات حضرتك شرح بسيط بالعربي ومواضيع هامة ربنا يبلغك مرادك من الخير
UghzncbPT7Xiq3gCoAEC السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته:\nأخي الأستاذ / عبدالله\nأنا متابعك من الصفر وأستفدت جدا الله يجزاك خير\nوملاحظ أنك غبت وقت طويل\nعسى المانع خير أن شاء الله\nطمنا عنك وبعد كذا خذ راحتك ، فالحياة لا تنتهي من الأرتباطات. 1 MQYF2013 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-08-15 08:22:53 2014-08-15 08:22:53 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أخي الأستاذ عبدالله أنا متابعك من الصفر وأستفدت جدا الله يجزاك خير وملاحظ أنك غبت وقت طويل عسى المانع خير أن شاء الله طمنا عنك وبعد كذا خذ راحتك ، فالحياة لا تنتهي من الأرتباطات
UgikKu9TVv3DcHgCoAEC السلام عليكم اخي الغالي ممكن كورس تعلم الفيجول بيسك دوت نت الاصدار 8 واكون ممنون منك\n وربطه مع الاكسس وبارك الله بيك انا معجب جديد بقناتك 0 بشار المهندس 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-04-05 12:50:45 2014-04-05 12:50:45 neutral 0.44146800575136647 0.5585319942486335 0.5950890614040548 السلام عليكم اخي الغالي ممكن كورس تعلم الفيجول بيسك دوت نت الاصدار 8 واكون ممنون منك وربطه مع الاكسس وبارك الله بيك انا معجب جديد بقناتك
Ugilue2e5l4sA3gCoAEC شكرا أخوي على الشرح ..\nبس ممكن سؤال ماهي أفضل طريقة لفتح تطبيقات الأندرويد من نوع apk و معرفة الأكواد الي بداخلها\nأنا عندي برنامج الـ eClipse ADT هل يمكن أستخدامة؟\nأرجو من أي شخص يعرف يرد علي وشكرا ...\n.\n. 0 Muhammed. S 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-14 18:04:27 2014-02-14 18:04:27 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 شكرا أخوي على الشرح بس ممكن سؤال ماهي أفضل طريقة لفتح تطبيقات الأندرويد من نوع apk و معرفة الأكواد الي بداخلها أنا عندي برنامج الـ eclips adt هل يمكن أستخدامة؟ أرجو من أي شخص يعرف يرد علي وشكرا
UggdKw5K76aHiHgCoAEC السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته \nالاستاذ الكريم عبدالله عيد ارجو توضيح كيفية عمل مصفوفة من نوع Generic ولك كل الاحترام والتقدير\nلقد حاولت عمل الكود التالي ولم يتقبله جافا \n<public void Gen<T\n[t[] myarr=new t[5\n الرجاء كل الرجاء الرد 0 mohanad moqbel 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-12 08:55:20 2014-02-12 08:55:20 neutral 0.31098449610384993 0.6890155038961501 0.718153784689831 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الاستاذ الكريم عبدالله عيد ارجو توضيح كيفية عمل مصفوفة من نوع gener ولك كل الاحترام والتقدير لقد حاولت عمل الكود التالي ولم يتقبله جافا public void gent myarrnew t5 الرجاء كل الرجاء الرد
UghW8bL7tp7_RHgCoAEC الله يسلمك اخوي عبدالله ...\nبس عندي سؤال:\npublic T content\nانا فهمت كل شيء ماعدا content مافهمتها .. وش تقصد بالـ content ؟\nو مشكور على جهدك .. ان شاءالله في ميزان حسناتك. 0 Charisma 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-07 03:23:23 2014-02-07 03:23:23 neutral 0.46745239450422343 0.5325476054957765 0.5942439776236755 الله يسلمك اخوي عبدالله بس عندي سؤال public content انا فهمت كل شيء ماعدا content مافهمتها وش تقصد بالـ content ؟ و مشكور على جهدك ان شاءالله في ميزان حسناتك
UgjE0MGGTjURj3gCoAEC فقط للمعلومية:\n\nحرف الـ T في <MyClass<T يسمى type parameter، كما ذكر الأخ عبدالله عيد.\nأما المستخدم عند الإنشاء يسمى type argument، مثل <new MyClass<Integer. 1 Fouad Almalki 72BiJvsMlhM 2014-02-07 00:23:13 2014-02-07 00:23:13 neutral 0.5590482798257808 0.44095172017421924 0.5216662543700642 فقط للمعلومية حرف الـ في myclasst يسمى type parameter، كما ذكر الأخ عبدالله عيد أما المستخدم عند الإنشاء يسمى type argument، مثل new myclassinteg
UgzP2zWWbpcg3G4Y57h4AaABAg Really nice explaination. Thanks for all the details! 0 Romeo Acevedo XMvznsY02Mk 2019-12-04 20:28:49 2019-12-04 20:28:49 pos 0.7328265452778613 0.2671734547221387 0.13285528495366247 realli nice explain thank detail
UgyPZ3GBSAuC72-7SgZ4AaABAg Thank you so much Bro for your explanation. Your video resolved many of my confusion that even my lecturer was not able to solve coz she did not understand my confusion. Generics is much more clear now for me. 0 Zhongwei Mao XMvznsY02Mk 2019-11-02 21:55:42 2019-11-02 21:55:42 pos 0.5137707962992759 0.4862292037007241 0.2800256567438263 thank much bro explan video resolv mani confus even lectur abl solv coz understand confus gener much clear
UgxHWkSFSS4bIgFM7nl4AaABAg So she did not want to go back to where she came from right? 0 abi osas XMvznsY02Mk 2019-08-17 10:37:02 2019-08-17 10:37:02 neutral 0.388452185771007 0.611547814228993 0.7958538968374794 want go back came right
UgyB7eDZoKrP4id-KP94AaABAg Very over confident teacher, doesn’t even design the script that what all he will teach. Doesn’t even realise in which format he should teach. 0 Dheeraj Sachan XMvznsY02Mk 2019-07-11 06:43:37 2019-07-11 06:43:37 pos 0.6386025395702154 0.3613974604297846 0.43880540259930917 confid teacher ’ even design script teach ’ even realis format teach
Ugw5gt6wIz_AN866OgF4AaABAg It would be interesting to know how he is able to write mirrored. He is writing from the back side of a sheet of glass. 0 Walt Williams _dy9JnEXekU 2020-02-17 22:22:05 2020-02-17 22:22:05 neg 0.48654210587960844 0.5134578941203916 0.4986267226005591 would interest know abl write mirror write back side sheet glass
Ugwk9R7NG8hsfsb9jI54AaABAg Easily one of the best lecturers on YouTube. Everything is balanced, video, audio, effects and explaining. Great video! 5 DRX _dy9JnEXekU 2019-06-13 09:10:28 2019-06-13 09:10:28 pos 0.6769092741995137 0.32309072580048626 0.29843778545850946 easili one best lectur youtub everyth balanc video audio effect explain great video
Ugxd5Az3TPeoOGhz8Xd4AaABAg unrelated to java. have you learnt mirror writing to write through a clear pane of glass? 18 iamthe1234567890 _dy9JnEXekU 2017-12-06 20:09:03 2017-12-06 20:09:03 neg 0.4822769186908223 0.5177230813091778 0.44067113363133975 unrel java learnt mirror write write clear pane glass
UgxqATFf2mfJCInd7n14AaABAg Bucky is the messiah! you saved my life! 0 rameen alikhani J6B_qauxfuc 2019-06-06 18:14:20 2019-06-06 18:14:20 neutral 0.4251422705064908 0.5748577294935092 0.8635947215677713 bucki messiah save life
UgzTXi0312VeIBpnzIx4AaABAg why the hell sometimes we are writing :\nprivate static void methodname and \nhere public static void methodname \n\nis there any special rule to this ..???? 1 Madhumita Dey J6B_qauxfuc 2018-12-27 11:09:03 2018-12-27 11:09:03 neutral 0.352845735101315 0.647154264898685 0.5918953772840297 hell sometim write privat static void methodnam public static void methodnam special rule
UgxKcqx5DnqJHT-VRZx4AaABAg But you were able to describe Character[] and Integer[] in the on method. \nWhy have you divided it? \nI mean one printMe method for character and the other one prontMe for integer. \nWhy shouldn' t you write public static void printMe(Integer[] i, Character[] b) and then describe both in the one method block? 0 Sergei Visotsky J6B_qauxfuc 2017-12-08 10:34:55 2017-12-08 10:35:08 neg 0.3245924419573973 0.6754075580426027 0.344072225807077 abl describ charact integ method divid mean one printm method charact one prontm integ write public static void printmeinteg charact b describ one method block
Ugj1i-tzwjsZKXgCoAEC just letting you guys know, I do not know why bucky is not doing this but instead of putting Integer or Character, you can put int and char. This is much shorter then typing the actual word and works the exact same way. I am still confused why bucky chose to do it this way but hopefully this helped you. The reason I put this comment is because people are saying they are getting errors because they are not typing Integer or Character correctly. 0 Zachary Patterson J6B_qauxfuc 2017-02-25 01:45:46 2017-02-25 01:45:46 neg 0.33728010562641425 0.6627198943735857 0.41667315330049376 let guy know know bucki instead put integ charact put int char much shorter type actual word work exact way still confus bucki chose way hope help reason put comment peopl say get error type integ charact correctli
UgwtwvD6Fb-eTNuTY9h4AaABAg Got a question on the topic? Please share it in the comment section below and our experts will answer it for you. For Java Training Curriculum, Visit our Website: http://bit.ly/32Ymvde 2 edureka! 9Tb-DyCirbA 2019-07-04 06:05:50 2019-11-20 17:12:59 neutral 0.4743429848968651 0.5256570151031349 0.9669124522270011 got question topic pleas share comment section expert answer java train curriculum visit websit httpbit ly32ymvd
UgxZwpahrBu4Qq0EF4t4AaABAg I like this because I speak English and the presenter is a native English speaker. So many programming videos are by non-native English speakers who speak it quite poorly. 0 ksevksev 1tKmzQh8g5E 2019-10-09 03:04:30 2019-10-09 03:04:30 neutral 0.3989616299374181 0.6010383700625819 0.7531049227467076 like speak english present nativ english speaker mani program video nonn english speaker speak quit poorli
UgyHv8b1_mEBtouE1ol4AaABAg You have a couple of MyClass[] array= new MyClassList(), like InvItem[] array=new InvLinkedList(). This is not valid, please correct. 0 Cornel Nicola 1tKmzQh8g5E 2018-09-03 00:04:50 2018-09-03 00:04:50 pos 0.6098966846684302 0.39010331533156983 0.31558906057126807 coupl myclass array new myclasslist like invitem arraynew invlinkedlist valid pleas correct
UgztakmuJ_BrjwLL6H14AaABAg Nice one! I would really appreciate a follow-up video that goes a little more in-depth, especially with the special features such as bounded types, instanciation and usage of wild cards\n\nKeep up the good work! 0 bhthllj 1tKmzQh8g5E 2018-02-02 12:49:53 2018-02-02 12:49:53 pos 0.5603073231110305 0.4396926768889695 0.19316984182146232 nice one would realli appreci followup video go littl indepth especi special featur bound type instanci usag wild card keep good work
UgiX8DeboxHzZ3gCoAEC Well done man! Like your focused java tuts. Plz dont stop ;) 0 omonsees 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-07-05 19:59:49 2017-07-05 19:59:49 pos 0.5022186531356944 0.49778134686430564 0.41168807604089347 well done man like focus java tut plz dont stop
UggxrpV6gD0ZCHgCoAEC nice video ! i was thinking the same about array lists ._. cant wait for next video to create my own array list :P 2 Nikan 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-06-09 00:13:46 2017-06-09 00:13:46 pos 0.5316654108741032 0.46833458912589676 0.3806474820902565 nice video think array list cant wait next video creat array list p
UgiP0arfdcEMGHgCoAEC Love the content, it's been too long since your last video. Just wanted to say thanks!!! I don't know if you are familiar with http://mooc.fi/courses/2013/programming-part-1/ and http://mooc.fi/courses/2013/programming-part-2/, but your content has helped me complete these courses in which I have learned so much, again Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! 2 KE 1tKmzQh8g5E 2017-06-08 22:56:56 2017-06-08 22:56:56 neg 0.4709777689386135 0.5290222310613866 0.2819425561935351 love content long sinc last video want say thank dont know familiar httpmooc ficourses2013programmingpart1 httpmooc ficourses2013programmingpart2 content help complet cours learn much thank thank thank
UgzShba4OKpNOM1jiO94AaABAg Hi Navin, My name is Subhash. I need all(Full course and all other chapters) Videos of Core Java, Advanced Java, Servlets and JSP, Spring(All modules including Core, Web, AOP, MVC, DAO --etc modules), Spring Security, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, Web Services(Both Restfull and SOAP web services ), SQL, PLSQL , Java Design Patterns --- etc, but I am not able to download these videos on YouTube so how can I get these Videos ?, please let me know asap 0 Subhashchandra Gowda 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-02-23 12:32:05 2020-02-23 12:32:05 neutral 0.4881269669543655 0.5118730330456345 0.6306538810546314 hi navin name subhash need allful cours chapter video core java advanc java servlet jsp springal modul includ core web aop mvc dao etc modul spring secur spring boot microservic hibern web servicesboth restful soap web servic sql plsql java design pattern etc abl download video youtub get video pleas let know asap
Ugy05RLyqe6dQCesPGl4AaABAg Hello Sir, If i add some keys and values in map like obj.add(a,"aaa"); obj.add(b,"bbb"); obj.add(c,"ccc"); \nand want to print System.out.println(d);\nthen what it will print?\nThank You!!! 0 Shoeb Ahmad Khan 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-02-09 23:14:29 2020-02-09 23:14:29 pos 0.5607122541320563 0.4392877458679437 0.14551984104075358 hello sir add key valu map like obj adda aaa obj addb bbb obj addc ccc want print system printlnd print thank
UgxAMXmpU84PYXJMlaF4AaABAg Fantastic video Bhai! Saved me.\nEasy to understand, I haven't slept in two days! 0 Malthe Hansen 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-01-12 13:43:12 2020-01-12 13:43:12 neutral 0.3596814354707064 0.6403185645292936 0.9118080074648863 fantast video bhai save easi understand havent slept two day
Ugyq0zLKeI337D6dHmB4AaABAg 1:53 Array(C)\n3:07 ArrayList(C)\n9:12 Collection(I) vs List(I)\n9:49 Set(I)\n11:30 HashSet(C) vs TreeSet(C)\n12:12 Map(I)\n13:39 HashMap(C) vs HashTable(C) HashMap is thread-safe implementation 3 tmzpanda 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2020-01-03 01:05:58 2020-01-03 01:18:04 neutral 0.5733162089595615 0.4266837910404385 0.5225935369314391 153 arrayc 307 arraylistc 912 collectioni v listi 949 seti 1130 hashsetc v treesetc 1212 mapi 1339 hashmapc v hashtablec hashmap threadsaf implement
UgyG_jXgdtS4zPWwTfd4AaABAg You speak bit faster and louder(kind of shouting) which does not help in listening.\nSecond issue is you need to spend some time at the start of video to detail what are all the topics you are going to cover in the video kind of an index. This time spent is usually really helpful usually and provides better experience for viewers 0 Sai Kiran Parupally 5NOLuoG6fcQ 2019-12-16 14:54:12 2019-12-16 14:54:12 neg 0.4651755391320975 0.5348244608679025 0.21124084802542184 speak bit faster louderkind shout help listen second issu need spend time start video detail topic go cover video kind index time spent usual realli help usual provid better experi viewer
Ugwef7-yh7yg8vQSjjB4AaABAg Fantastic Lecture. Thanks 0 ROHIT ARORA 22AUtQnTZkY 2019-08-18 13:20:40 2019-08-18 13:20:40 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 fantast lectur thank
UgwuO7YqhwWp9ZHwFMp4AaABAg Best java tutor. 0 N Kunene 22AUtQnTZkY 2018-11-09 01:24:07 2018-11-09 01:24:07 neutral 0.7663773409816429 0.2336226590183571 0.5507447592367326 best java tutor
UgyY9bI6bpzHO24A4dh4AaABAg Thank you Tutorials Point..! I like the way of teaching...! 0 Abhi Poojary 22AUtQnTZkY 2018-05-13 19:18:17 2018-05-13 19:18:17 pos 0.5169279828696571 0.48307201713034287 0.4481082273633516 thank tutori point like way teach
UgzwXYViLni7oc4f3LB4AaABAg CS student here, can confirm that you tutorial is really helpful. \nMost of the people saying that its not clear are either not interested in learning or have some other problem. 2 Ali Khan D5HEshszlPE 2019-07-09 19:39:39 2019-07-09 19:39:39 neutral 0.48808712660104564 0.5119128733989544 0.600096757737217 c student confirm tutori realli help peopl say clear either interest learn problem
Ugx1IejFH-FdHgmXDZ54AaABAg Very good presentation of the generic programming topic. \nThe names are of no problem at all. \nWeldone! to the video series creator 1 Shuky Persky D5HEshszlPE 2018-08-31 08:20:27 2018-08-31 08:20:27 neutral 0.4268724445792603 0.5731275554207397 0.5309646579521787 good present gener program topic name problem weldon video seri creator
UgxBjLgrlsX7Kspy6lp4AaABAg с 8:30 до 8:30 речь меня просто ввела в кому.. транскрипт:\n"тот факт, что мы как бы его переназначили... ссылки... компилятору пофиг, потому что.... почему? в рантайме информация вся стерлась. В рантайме вся дженерик информация она стирается, то есть, кмопилятор, он проверил, все хорошо, все совпадает, rawList может принимать восьмерку, он ее назначил и ОК, а в райнтайме никаких проверок в принципе не происходит, потому что лист есть лист, он может принимать объекты и ему все хорошо"\n\n\nпопробую переозвучить, так, как это было бы идеально для меня лично:\n"несмотря на то, что теперь rawList ссылается на объект ArrayList<> с дженериком, не мешает компилятору "одобрить" добавление Integer'а в лист, потому что во время операции добавления .add() компилятор проверяет наличие дженерика ТОЛЬКО у ссылки, но не у объекта, на который она ссылается, соотв-но т.к. у rawList дженерика нет, СЧИТАЕТСЯ что она ссылается на список объектов. Во время рантайма треугльные скобки у ArrayList<> как бы стираются и на самом деле в куче лежит всегда объект ArrayList одинаковый для всех типов ссылок будь-то List<String>, List<Integer> и т.д. То есть то, ЧТО ПРЕДПОЛАГАЕТСЯ хранить в этом листе описывает только ссылка" 0 tolikpod MniNZsyjH9E 2019-05-31 14:16:50 2019-05-31 14:16:50 neg 0.47773863018977447 0.5222613698102255 0.47350887911225065 с 830 до 830 речь меня просто ввела в кому транскрипт тот факт что мы как бы его переназначили ссылки компилятору пофиг потому что почему в рантайме информация вся стерлась в рантайме вся дженерик информация она стирается то есть кмопилятор он проверил все хорошо все совпадает rawlist может принимать восьмерку он ее назначил и ок а в райнтайме никаких проверок в принципе не происходит потому что лист есть лист он может принимать объекты и ему все хорошо попробую переозвучить так как это было бы идеально для меня лично несмотря на то что теперь rawlist ссылается на объект arraylist с дженериком не мешает компилятору одобрить добавление integerа в лист потому что во время операции добавления add компилятор проверяет наличие дженерика только у ссылки но не у объекта на который она ссылается соотвно т к у rawlist дженерика нет считается что она ссылается на список объектов во время рантайма треугльные скобки у arraylist как бы стираются и на самом деле в куче лежит всегда объект arraylist одинаковый для всех типов ссылок будьто liststr listinteg и т д то есть то что предполагается хранить в этом листе описывает только ссылка
UgzW569NYXRIqt2sS414AaABAg Прикол в том, что если в первом и во втором test поменять местами Collection и List, то все без проблем сработает.\n\nТо есть компилятор читает все-таки сигнатуру полностью (а параметры туда входят, в сигнатуру метода то есть) и если видит где-то более полное совпадение, то тот test и берет.\n\nПолучается, что если у нас будет\n\npublic void <E> test (List<E> list) и public void test (Collection<Integer collection>) то без проблем компилятор закинет list именно в первый test 0 Виктор Попов MniNZsyjH9E 2018-06-08 10:32:47 2018-06-08 10:32:47 neutral 0.36427417269350104 0.635725827306499 0.8088616538780385 прикол в том что если в первом и во втором test поменять местами collect и list то все без проблем сработает то есть компилятор читает всетаки сигнатуру полностью а параметры туда входят в сигнатуру метода то есть и если видит гдето более полное совпадение то тот test и берет получается что если у нас будет public void e test list list и public void test collectioninteg collect то без проблем компилятор закинет list именно в первый test
UgiHmYm-hHIuyngCoAEC Очень хорошие лекции. В плане улучшения видео я посоветовал бы вам использовать микрофон. На плохих колонках, наушниках и на мобильных устройствах эхо и другие звуки аудитории довольно сильно портят восприятие. 5 Сергей Безфамильный MniNZsyjH9E 2014-10-19 05:16:03 2014-10-19 05:16:03 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 очень хорошие лекции в плане улучшения видео я посоветовал бы вам использовать микрофон на плохих колонках наушниках и на мобильных устройствах эхо и другие звуки аудитории довольно сильно портят восприятие
UghAbqEb0wzJ0ngCoAEC Петро Костур\n5 месяцев назад\n \nСпасибо! но у меня есть одно замечание: если выполнить пример с кадра на минуте 12:23, то у меня нету никакого ClassCastException. Без проблем вызывается первый метод test.\n\nи у меня нет никакого эксепшена. 1 Николай Ткачев MniNZsyjH9E 2014-03-10 17:10:57 2014-03-10 17:10:57 neutral 0.4259205110191824 0.5740794889808176 0.8089838459334325 петро костур 5 месяцев назад спасибо но у меня есть одно замечание если выполнить пример с кадра на минуте 1223 то у меня нету никакого classcastexcept без проблем вызывается первый метод test и у меня нет никакого эксепшена
Ugx1UE7oDrI8KWihpDp4AaABAg Спасибо!\n\nно у меня есть одно замечание: если выполнить пример с кадра на минуте 12:23, то у меня нету никакого ClassCastException. Без проблем вызывается первый метод test. 0 Petro Kostur MniNZsyjH9E 2013-10-03 17:11:04 2013-10-03 17:11:04 neutral 0.4468222747961173 0.5531777252038828 0.7633223128082447 спасибо но у меня есть одно замечание если выполнить пример с кадра на минуте 1223 то у меня нету никакого classcastexcept без проблем вызывается первый метод test
Ugz0oDZSdUn-sGT4YQh4AaABAg If you're beginner to java fundamental, you better go back and learn fundamental to understand his point. He made it very clear for those of you who knows how generics is hard to grasp. 2 Public Advisor D5HEshszlPE 2018-08-27 14:21:19 2018-08-27 14:21:19 neg 0.4291556128245334 0.5708443871754666 0.32622076273109635 your beginn java fundament better go back learn fundament understand point made clear know gener hard grasp
UgzKbU1obGaqVhty5np4AaABAg Guys if you think that this video is confusing because of the names that the creator of this video has used such as (Glass, Water, liquid). Don't give up too soon. Because a week back when I watched this video I was confused as well. But today I watched this video again and kept pausing every now and then to process the data in my head. And now I understand this same video which I assumed was confusing earlier. The pace of his narration is just perfect for my head to grasp. Thank you for the awesome video on Generics bro. 5 Subind Suresh D5HEshszlPE 2018-08-04 06:41:06 2018-08-04 06:41:45 neutral 0.572947040688961 0.42705295931103904 0.647502354227905 guy think video confus name creator video use glass water liquid dont give soon week back watch video confus well today watch video kept paus everi process data head understand video assum confus earlier pace narrat perfect head grasp thank awesom video gener bro
UgzK6_zhJ-cZQLbMbOt4AaABAg let me clear one thing ,without the generic you can have type safety without explicit type casting if you specify type . but you will have restriction of type that you specified in implementation. if you using a generics , actually you will move type specification from implementation to the definition which allow you save a lot more time to create a similar implementation. 3 Adventure victoria D5HEshszlPE 2018-03-09 06:08:24 2018-03-09 06:08:24 neg 0.48904996023294445 0.5109500397670556 0.26425410441235714 let clear one thing without gener type safeti without explicit type cast specifi type restrict type specifi implement use gener actual move type specif implement definit allow save lot time creat similar implement
Ugyn6pSmrle6HG-BVQp4AaABAg Merhabalar Hocam,verilen örnekte ahmet.maas.degisken="deneme" ataması yapmadan önce, ahmet.maas= new veriTipi<>(); satırı yazılmalıdır. aksi halde NullPointerException alınır.Hamit arkadaşımız da yazmış.Burda neden bu atamayı yazmazsak nullpointer hatasını alıyoruz ? 0 CooL MoRTaL IxALvDJ7Oh4 2018-04-23 05:08:39 2018-04-23 05:08:39 pos 0.505694121228681 0.49430587877131904 0.48378762520417057 merhabalar hocam verilen örnekt ahmet maa degiskendenem ataması yapmadan önce ahmet maa new veritipi satırı yazılmalıdır aksi hald nullpointerexcept alınır hamit arkadaşımız da yazmış burda neden bu atamayı yazmazsak nullpoint hatasını alıyoruz
UgygYglFZaU_vfRAao94AaABAg Merhaba Şadi Hocam;\nBiliyorum çok meşgulsunuz ancak bu seriyi bitirmeniz ve algortima ve veri yapılarını java üzerinden anlatmanız mümkün mü?İngilizce bilmediğim için çok zorlanıyorum.Türkçe kaynak yok denecek kadar az.İngilizcemi geliştirmek için uğraşıyorum.İnşaAllah yapabilirim. 0 Mehmet Ağa IxALvDJ7Oh4 2017-11-07 20:19:49 2017-11-07 20:20:11 neg 0.4167372772345408 0.5832627227654592 0.37816113425135217 merhaba şadi hocam biliyorum çok meşgulsunuz ancak bu seriyi bitirmeniz algortima veri yapılarını java üzerinden anlatmanız mümkün mü i̇ngilizc bilmediğim için çok zorlanıyorum türkçe kaynak yok denecek kadar az i̇ngilizcemi geliştirmek için uğraşıyorum i̇nşaallah yapabilirim
UgjMWJUNYiEmJngCoAEC Hocam Çok faydalı video'lar çeiyosunuz zevkle takıp edıyorum.Umarım Java EE vıdeolarıda cekersınız 0 Davut KESKİN IxALvDJ7Oh4 2016-12-15 18:56:38 2016-12-15 18:56:38 neutral 0.5217395533167374 0.4782604466832626 0.5950890614040548 hocam çok faydalı videolar çeiyosunuz zevkl takıp edıyorum umarım java ee vıdeolarıda cekersınız
UggDT5KCeg0dt3gCoAEC hocam merhaba,\njavaya giriş ve nesneye girişi kaç video olarak düşünüyorsunuz ? \nSorma nedenim, başlarken Java Programlamaya Giriş dersini işledikten sonra Nesne Yönelimliye hemen başlayalım mı yoksa daha ekleyeceksiniz bekleyelim mi ?\nÇok teşekkürler. 0 Barış Adana IxALvDJ7Oh4 2016-11-17 19:26:32 2016-11-17 19:26:32 neutral 0.4118726013717685 0.5881273986282315 0.7104078611414676 hocam merhaba javaya giriş nesney girişi kaç video olarak düşünüyorsunuz sorma nedenim başlarken java programlamaya giriş dersini işledikten sonra nesn yönelimliy hemen başlayalım mı yoksa daha ekleyeceksiniz bekleyelim mi çok teşekkürl
UgyV0Aj_z4VRXN6rhoN4AaABAg Вместо нисходящего преобразования: \nString animal = (String) animals.get(1); \nк строковому типу можно привести и так: \nString animal = animals.get(1).toString();\nкак делать правильнее? 3 Денис Демидов iQIR2Zgb93k 2019-08-01 19:11:35 2019-08-01 19:11:35 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 вместо нисходящего преобразования string anim string anim get1 к строковому типу можно привести и так string anim anim get1 tostr как делать правильнее
Ugxgwh2Fq8th6IOwt9Z4AaABAg а, можно в один раз сасунуть много обьектов в лист, а не добовлая по одниому? 1 wx xw iQIR2Zgb93k 2019-06-09 08:40:31 2019-06-09 08:40:31 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 а можно в один раз сасунуть много обьектов в лист а не добовлая по одниому
Ugz1vkiu7PQq4FGMOBt4AaABAg Спасибо большое! Всё очень понятно. Пока что не встречал людей, которые объясняют материал также ))) 2 Vladimir Potapov iQIR2Zgb93k 2019-03-30 21:13:35 2019-03-30 21:13:35 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 спасибо большое всё очень понятно пока что не встречал людей которые объясняют материал также
UgyA_Ac5G5RilYlkS8p4AaABAg generic создан не из за неудобства, а потому что при получении значения были ошибки , потому что не известно какой тип будет на выходе, это важно !!!\nхотя бы сюда гляньте http://www.quizful.net/post/java-generics-tutorial 5 Lisa Fox iQIR2Zgb93k 2018-04-12 15:40:30 2018-04-12 15:40:30 neutral 0.5103165225144739 0.4896834774855261 0.5950890614040548 gener создан не из за неудобства а потому что при получении значения были ошибки потому что не известно какой тип будет на выходе это важно хотя бы сюда гляньте httpwww quiz netpostjavagenericstutori
UgysmhCP5QfyNU5rjcd4AaABAg Объясните пожалуйста один момент. Зачем создавать объект вот так - List<String> value = new ArrayList<>(), а не ArrayList<String> value = new ArrayList<>()? Для чего на практике может понадобится ссылка на объект ArrayList типа List? 1 Aslan Aliev iQIR2Zgb93k 2018-03-25 08:44:38 2018-03-25 08:44:38 pos 0.581513374800203 0.41848662519979696 0.489975028682118 объясните пожалуйста один момент зачем создавать объект вот так liststr valu new arraylist а не arrayliststr valu new arraylist для чего на практике может понадобится ссылка на объект arraylist типа list
Ugw4lie__Hs8mGjJukN4AaABAg you are master of explaining. Great, step by step explained , clear voice. Perfect quality. Just. hey WOW ! Gratz ! 1 Waaade1 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-10-11 12:09:58 2019-10-11 12:10:16 pos 0.7626671038746836 0.23733289612531638 0.18976292366924194 master explain great step step explain clear voic perfect qualiti hey wow gratz
UgxveU93S9FbqZbcrhd4AaABAg Извините, не понял кто такие дженерики. Это когда мы просто явно указываем тип данных ArrayList'y ? В видео сказано 9:55 "с появлнеием дженериков", т.е. во множественном числе, а это обозначает что это свойство применимо не только к ArrayList'am. Когда меня спросить кто такие дженерики - я не смогу дать ответ. Это кода не надо даункастить аррайлист. 1 dontknowwhattotypelo iQIR2Zgb93k 2017-12-24 16:28:02 2017-12-24 16:28:02 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 извините не понял кто такие дженерики это когда мы просто явно указываем тип данных arraylisti в видео сказано 955 с появлнеием дженериков т е во множественном числе а это обозначает что это свойство применимо не только к arraylistam когда меня спросить кто такие дженерики я не смогу дать ответ это кода не надо даункастить аррайлист
UgzYWbDjnBbnXmLBTlR4AaABAg Очень понравились уроки, информация воспринимается на лету)! Все так просто и доступно рассказывается, что думаю будет понятно даже совсем совсем начинающему программисту, ну как я например:) У автора определенно талант к преподаванию, спасибо ему большое за труд и успехов во всем! 1 Slavik Lem iQIR2Zgb93k 2017-08-11 10:41:19 2017-08-11 10:41:19 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 очень понравились уроки информация воспринимается на лету все так просто и доступно рассказывается что думаю будет понятно даже совсем совсем начинающему программисту ну как я например у автора определенно талант к преподаванию спасибо ему большое за труд и успехов во всем
UgxYz1s416p6jM-u-JN4AaABAg sir thank u very much sir i learn lot of things ur videos 0 naveen kumar BuH-uOwDGjY 2017-09-06 18:12:41 2017-09-06 18:12:41 neutral 0.5360030425200099 0.46399695747999015 0.597259347293775 sir thank u much sir learn lot thing ur video
Ugj7VsZ7-kdo_XgCoAEC The bits that I understood I truly enjoyed. The material is well explained, but goddamit get him a good mic. It is somewhat difficult to make out words due to his accent and the distortion from the mic does not make it any better. 3 Sergio Martinez BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-07-12 00:07:50 2016-07-12 00:07:50 pos 0.5735769002541293 0.42642309974587067 0.14198316084991358 bit understood truli enjoy materi well explain goddamit get good mic somewhat difficult make word due accent distort mic make better
UgggCn81GRt5Q3gCoAEC Very well explained complicated topic of Collections and Generics in a very simple language. 0 Nitin Sawant BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-06-20 04:58:34 2016-06-20 04:58:34 neutral 0.4449617488020712 0.5550382511979288 0.6856322228247477 well explain complic topic collect gener simpl languag
Ugi36BiO2CldBXgCoAEC Arrays are not type safe. This will compile and run, but cause an ArrayStoreException at runtime:\nfinal Object[] a = new String[100];\na[0] = new Integer(123);\n\nSo the types are checked, but not at compile time.\nArrays are always covariant, so in my example the String[] can be assigned to Object[]. \nGenerics are different. You can't assign a List<String> to a variable of type List<Object>. 8 Claude Martin BuH-uOwDGjY 2016-01-01 00:25:46 2016-01-01 00:25:46 pos 0.5860234214144795 0.4139765785855205 0.43840011887432045 array type safe compil run caus arraystoreexcept runtim final object new string100 a0 new integer123 type check compil time array alway covari exampl string assign object gener differ cant assign liststr variabl type listobject
UgzsC7reMEKWexe2zxN4AaABAg А есть где-то исходники с этим примером? Просто реально непонятно, что за abstract subCompare и как его должен вызывать compareTo. Все слишком абстрактно, а тема с этим self bounding'ом и так не очень простая. Просто я как бы понял, в чем фишка. Я даже понял, в чем отличие class Product <T extends Product<T>> и просто class Product <T extends Product>, правда по постам из гугла. Хотелось бы, чтобы пример правильно работал. 1 global_silence 3 ns8T7-nI_Ec 2019-01-08 17:05:16 2019-01-08 17:05:16 neg 0.4383309779921286 0.5616690220078714 0.40396294497372315 а есть гдето исходники с этим примером просто реально непонятно что за abstract subcompar и как его должен вызывать compareto все слишком абстрактно а тема с этим self boundingом и так не очень простая просто я как бы понял в чем фишка я даже понял в чем отличие class product extend productt и просто class product extend product правда по постам из гугла хотелось бы чтобы пример правильно работал
UgiKgHq5RCy1hXgCoAEC Продолжайте в том же духе. Отличные лекции. 1 Ivan Shapovalov ns8T7-nI_Ec 2016-07-25 10:37:26 2016-07-25 10:37:26 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 продолжайте в том же духе отличные лекции
UgiH7T5rVIHIX3gCoAEC Чудесные лекции, шикарная подача материала: кратко, наглядно, а главное - понятным языком. Лучший видео-курс, который я встречала. Спасибо огромное! 0 Елена Кот ns8T7-nI_Ec 2016-06-13 18:49:18 2016-06-13 18:49:18 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 чудесные лекции шикарная подача материала кратко наглядно а главное понятным языком лучший видеокурс который я встречала спасибо огромное
Ugirfc7erw2M5ngCoAEC Классная лекция, только я все-равно не понял, зачeм class Product <T extends Product</**Вот это**/ T> implements Comparable <T> . У меня без него работает, и камеры я могу только CompareTo (камера) и компилятор не выдает Warnings. 5 Andrew Koidan ns8T7-nI_Ec 2014-01-15 10:28:10 2014-01-15 10:28:10 neutral 0.3631095628803836 0.6368904371196165 0.5981256790306589 классная лекция только я всеравно не понял зачeм class product extend productвот это implement compar у меня без него работает и камеры я могу только compareto камера и компилятор не выдает warn
Ugyd4EzcKrgyDj2o7kh4AaABAg well explained ,thanks 0 keyvan tahanpour 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-10-30 11:25:00 2019-10-30 11:25:00 neutral 0.5575237415740458 0.44247625842595417 0.6297057355446664 well explain thank
UgxpihuJLOp0QjK-ayN4AaABAg Thank you so much. i REALLY enjoyed watching this video. very very very helpful! There was just one mistake explained in the comment below. 0 Samira 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-09-16 16:08:58 2019-09-16 16:35:57 pos 0.5089156471544749 0.4910843528455251 0.2721283519471456 thank much realli enjoy watch video help one mistak explain comment
UgztrHY_oWE0Xek5_Op4AaABAg Hey thanks for the nice video. Any change you could also do a video on recursive generics ? \n\n3 0 Neko 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-07-25 07:47:20 2019-07-25 07:47:20 pos 0.648329117398192 0.351670882601808 0.0735277153751674 hey thank nice video chang could also video recurs gener 3
UgyG-4qd9Lhj5xd5adZ4AaABAg Wow, I finally know what Java Generics are. Thanks for such a great lesson! 5 Shahood ul Hassan 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-07-10 00:45:54 2019-07-10 00:45:54 pos 0.6500291240696764 0.3499708759303236 0.1332186353544383 wow final know java gener thank great lesson
UgzcPAw3ClZvDQeHM4R4AaABAg Hi you are so good at explaining\nalthough there is one thing that I feel like you should think about\nand that is if you created specific playlists for specific subjects\nyou really is the only one who brought up this generics topic which is very important on youtube properly so thank you 0 Wh at 4ZO7uVon-kI 2019-01-23 19:24:38 2019-01-23 19:24:38 pos 0.5816840422320015 0.41831595776799846 0.18147573012104898 hi good explain although one thing feel like think creat specif playlist specif subject realli one brought gener topic import youtub properli thank
UgxnkNm0nPw7nPdr-Ed4AaABAg Wow! just WOW! Such an spectacular video! The generics have been always confusing to me! But you have just made my life! Thank you so much! I would like to take your course in Udemy! 0 Samira v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-09-16 05:38:54 2019-09-16 05:38:54 pos 0.5923311336657102 0.4076688663342898 0.10362583368347016 wow wow spectacular video gener alway confus made life thank much would like take cours udemi
UgwHLMXlYKhZXmycOBB4AaABAg How to add numbers in generics (In short i need to create methods using generic for example add string will concate and for number it will add) any suggestions 0 Ranjith Kumar v4o0wyFPwEs 2019-04-01 13:33:39 2019-04-01 13:33:39 pos 0.6043702124928444 0.3956297875071556 0.29157795484966514 add number gener short need creat method use gener exampl add string concat number add suggest
Ugwifah9p3prJRDVsRF4AaABAg Fantastic! 0 Snake19S LEAoMMEIUXk 2019-10-09 13:01:48 2019-10-09 13:01:48 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 fantast
UgzqFZuTGztwaa65xBN4AaABAg awesome lecture guys ...!! 0 Ashish Arora LEAoMMEIUXk 2018-02-15 08:04:52 2018-02-15 08:04:52 neutral 0.43310103453832216 0.5668989654616778 0.647906976321313 awesom lectur guy
Ugja6v07trezTngCoAEC Can anyone answer this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39550215/extending-intersect-interfaces-for-randomaccessfile-and-datainputstream-throws/39551441#39551441 0 Tijana Pavičić LEAoMMEIUXk 2016-09-17 20:44:35 2016-09-17 20:44:35 neutral 0.36055444699562406 0.6394455530043759 0.7395924486213173 anyon answer httpstackoverflow comquestions39550215extendingintersectinterfacesforrandomaccessfileanddatainputstreamthrows39551441 39551441
UgxWqE66O7uymDqCDXd4AaABAg You nail it.... double likes.... Amazing.... concept you have delivered for generic methods 0 MountRakaposhi _CRxUYxlFTo 2019-11-10 10:46:20 2019-11-10 10:46:20 pos 0.6101175596270509 0.38988244037294906 0.36582011971563383 nail doubl like amaz concept deliv gener method
UgyzBhQfvqRNPB96YjJ4AaABAg sir I have a confusion.. E ka mtlb binding tym pe decide hota hai and when we pass string ,array then E ka mtlb vaho ho jata hai.. to sir yaha pe E primitive type se replace ho raha and in above program u said E cant be replaced with primitive type sir plz elaborate I'm confused 1 Swarnim Sharma _CRxUYxlFTo 2019-04-17 05:41:15 2019-04-17 05:41:15 neutral 0.4733086792248977 0.5266913207751023 0.7651045352404142 sir confus e ka mtlb bind tym pe decid hota hai pa string array e ka mtlb vaho ho jata hai sir yaha pe e primit type se replac ho raha program u said e cant replac primit type sir plz elabor im confus
UgyqSxMRF5twHbncyIl4AaABAg Nice explanation and voice with good intentions to help needy people...keep it up and upload more videos sir...thanks again :) 0 Sandeep Pandey _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-09-25 04:35:32 2018-09-25 04:35:32 pos 0.7181314936196732 0.2818685063803268 0.2502408897466036 nice explan voic good intent help needi peopl keep upload video sir thank
UgyM64mAQP4FrgxYEqV4AaABAg while running this program i got error array index out of bounds exception in both generic and non generic methods. strings are displayed but numbers are not displayed. 0 Vicky Bhoir _CRxUYxlFTo 2018-07-21 08:00:22 2018-07-21 08:00:22 neg 0.3774396480306593 0.6225603519693407 0.48253054855804933 run program got error array index bound except gener non gener method string display number display
Ugzwp8ZDVuCDGb1TWMh4AaABAg Nice video sir, your are evergreen champion 1 Gowrisankar reddy Penumallu watjoMfP-3M 2019-06-30 01:01:12 2019-06-30 01:01:12 pos 0.6369027259703255 0.3630972740296745 0.3740706295616529 nice video sir evergreen champion
Ugwf5BaW8hGIU8-lbIx4AaABAg understood the real time use of many concepts through your java series sir.Thanks a ton! 2 Puja Manohar watjoMfP-3M 2019-06-02 16:21:41 2019-06-02 16:21:41 pos 0.6187789978864278 0.38122100211357224 0.4856855456199896 understood real time use mani concept java seri sir thank ton
UgxRHiE6Wgt53LOvuW94AaABAg Java means Durga sir. Being a core branch student, it was always a struggle. But you solved all my issues and problems. Thanks allot sir 2 Devyanee Chandra watjoMfP-3M 2018-11-06 11:31:04 2018-11-06 11:31:04 neutral 0.49404438169986664 0.5059556183001334 0.5544321603754371 java mean durga sir core branch student alway struggl solv issu problem thank allot sir
UgzxO0ko8PYbphLqE4d4AaABAg sir ur teaching style shows how dedicated u r to make us understand in a simple way...really awesome videos... 3 bibhas kumar Rana watjoMfP-3M 2018-03-14 13:01:36 2018-03-14 13:01:36 neutral 0.5692420808826363 0.4307579191173637 0.8291780669689571 sir ur teach style show dedic u r make u understand simpl way realli awesom video
UgxOV8J7KYSN1G2cRKJ4AaABAg Thank you sir. By watching your video i got placed in HUAWEI. 1 pramath nath watjoMfP-3M 2017-12-23 14:53:20 2017-12-23 14:53:20 neutral 0.5201266197833904 0.47987338021660964 0.6621264764060065 thank sir watch video got place huawei
Ugwt2Co5YMSe3tgAOit4AaABAg sir please upload ur adv java classroom videos ..actually i m not able to come to hyderabad and attend ur classes ...sir plz upload 0 Raushan singh watjoMfP-3M 2017-12-11 17:49:00 2017-12-11 17:49:00 neutral 0.5000874987141113 0.4999125012858887 0.7261845221345634 sir pleas upload ur adv java classroom video actual abl come hyderabad attend ur class sir plz upload
UgyZFgG7ieKZGlq9PK54AaABAg why can't you make type parameters in the method itself seemed to work fine for me it's just more annoying to call the method as you have to specify which class every time you call the method in order to use it properly.\npublic static <T extends Object> void mix(ArrayList<T> a)\n\nbut, that method is hard coded unless it's an object method then do\npublic void mix(ArrayList<T> a) and it grabs it from the class itself\n\nYour Saying to do it like so which is better but still could be done either way\npublic static void mix(ArrayList<? extends Object> a) 0 joseph lake 1Omf1Vba44Y 2018-07-25 04:04:25 2018-07-25 04:06:34 neg 0.32612452409303394 0.6738754759069661 0.18889473839671855 cant make type paramet method seem work fine annoy call method specifi class everi time call method order use properli public static extend object void mixarraylistt method hard code unless object method public void mixarraylistt grab class say like better still could done either way public static void mixarraylist extend object
Ugj2q5k-nZ5eP3gCoAEC Very very good man, I have been having trouble with generics for a while, and now I understand! 0 ArmasReverence 1Omf1Vba44Y 2016-11-16 22:49:04 2016-11-16 22:49:04 pos 0.6744624976655577 0.32553750233444234 0.3264195947301336 good man troubl gener understand
UgyKTF9uEW0mzHz7bRp4AaABAg 14:41 почему же нельзя передать Box<Integer> в сигнатуру метода run(Box<Number> box) , да потому что это не безопасно.Почему , вот пример кода -\nInteger[] ints = new Integer[];\nObject[] objs = ints;\nobjs[0] = "String";\nКод скомпилируется или будет выброшено исключение?Ответ - Exception ArrayStoreException will be thrown.\nА теперь представим , такую ситуацию \nInteger[] ints = new Integer[];\nNumber[] nums = ints;\nnums[0] = 3.14f;\nОтвет - тоже исключение.Чтобы понять о чем я , почитайте об ковариантности , контравариантности и интравариантности для обьектов и массивов. 2 Сергей Скорый FRmgcBxJvb4 2019-10-12 17:53:33 2019-10-12 17:53:33 neutral 0.35072093220678363 0.6492790677932163 0.6450221367038037 1441 почему же нельзя передать boxinteg в сигнатуру метода runboxnumb box да потому что это не безопасно почему вот пример кода integ int new integ object obj int objs0 string код скомпилируется или будет выброшено исключение ответ except arraystoreexcept thrown а теперь представим такую ситуацию integ int new integ number num int nums0 3 14f ответ тоже исключение чтобы понять о чем я почитайте об ковариантности контравариантности и интравариантности для обьектов и массивов
UgxV2Tgrsd75eIVi2ft4AaABAg At 17:22 you written class OrangeJuice implements Jiuce{} which is wrong. Juice is a class so you should have OrangeJuice extends Jiuce{}. 0 Veaceslav Chirilov 1Omf1Vba44Y 2019-05-13 11:54:42 2019-05-13 11:54:42 neg 0.3122127859790397 0.6877872140209603 0.1896175897347576 1722 written class orangejuic implement jiuc wrong juic class orangejuic extend jiuc
UgyUxOlLY5Hl1PLBK754AaABAg На 32:04 - "На этом моменте... еще не понимаем... какой тип данных в итоге можем тут докинуть... ArrayList от Integer в нас может быть другой...". \nЛектор дает слегка запутанное объяснение почему нельзя сделать так: "new ArrayList<Integer>[10]"))).\nЯ думаю так будет понятнее:\n"Это ограничение реализации дженериков в Java. Дженерики — конструкция времени компиляции, информации о настоящем типе в runtime нет. Это стирание типов (type erasure): Java заменяет везде T на Object в скомпилированном коде (если нет дальнейших условий). При создании массива Java нуждается в информации о типе элементов, но этот тип недоступен, дженерик не имеет возможности узнать тип своего параметра T! Поэтому и создать массив неизвестного (для дженерика) типа T в Java невозможно.". 3 Developer Java FRmgcBxJvb4 2018-09-25 14:21:24 2018-09-25 14:21:24 neutral 0.5310679924877761 0.46893200751222386 0.5216662543700642 на 3204 на этом моменте еще не понимаем какой тип данных в итоге можем тут докинуть arraylist от integ в нас может быть другой лектор дает слегка запутанное объяснение почему нельзя сделать так new arraylistinteger10 я думаю так будет понятнее это ограничение реализации дженериков в java дженерики — конструкция времени компиляции информации о настоящем типе в runtim нет это стирание типов type erasur java заменяет везде на object в скомпилированном коде если нет дальнейших условий при создании массива java нуждается в информации о типе элементов но этот тип недоступен дженерик не имеет возможности узнать тип своего параметра поэтому и создать массив неизвестного для дженерика типа в java невозможно
UgxLLLTos5VRrUJMj1J4AaABAg Ну, конечно, и лажа с "наследуется от String." Даже для примера, это было слишком грубо( 0 Bimba 87pm79sPSvc 2018-11-26 23:12:46 2018-11-26 23:12:46 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 ну конечно и лажа с наследуется от string даже для примера это было слишком грубо
UgwZcdUcuapGTU6OFJR4AaABAg все хорошо, но метод "Адыды" и класс "куэуэ" не дают нормально сосредоточиться ))) 1 Gyro Gearloose 87pm79sPSvc 2018-10-01 13:12:23 2018-10-01 13:12:23 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 все хорошо но метод адыды и класс куэуэ не дают нормально сосредоточиться
UgyiTBMvWOm7RbCxzCN4AaABAg Слушайте какой молодец!!!! Все главное в одном видео понятно и доступно !!! Супер !!! Спасибо!!! 0 Sasha Kalgin 87pm79sPSvc 2018-02-25 01:08:39 2018-02-25 01:08:39 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 слушайте какой молодец все главное в одном видео понятно и доступно супер спасибо
UggLCMFt12o9IXgCoAEC Урок отличный, но поставлю дизлайк за звук. Слушал в наушниках и периодически проскпкивали помехи, что весьма неприятно для слуха. Исправьте пожалуйста. 0 javalearn 87pm79sPSvc 2017-04-02 16:39:12 2017-04-02 16:39:12 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 урок отличный но поставлю дизлайк за звук слушал в наушниках и периодически проскпкивали помехи что весьма неприятно для слуха исправьте пожалуйста
Ugjk92oqWnUd-HgCoAEC ...А этот работает со стрингами))) У меня друг в универе (одногруппник, я учился на программера тогда) посмеялся надо мной, когда я сказал про стринги (естественно, так же имел в виду строки).\nЗЫ А так, лекция классная. Довольно понятная и полезная. Спасибо за неё. 0 Max Lich 87pm79sPSvc 2017-02-13 07:52:06 2017-02-13 07:52:42 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 а этот работает со стрингами у меня друг в универе одногруппник я учился на программера тогда посмеялся надо мной когда я сказал про стринги естественно так же имел в виду строки зы а так лекция классная довольно понятная и полезная спасибо за неё
UgwSnNXHuAiKhx0V4dN4AaABAg Beautiful, Really Can't thank you enough! 0 Danish ALI 1Omf1Vba44Y 2018-10-18 09:23:26 2018-10-18 09:23:26 neg 0.49671291612171686 0.5032870838782831 0.22862708450811642 beauti realli cant thank enough
UgzZcvH7u_196-Zg4iZ4AaABAg Does this work for strings? 2 Laleh Moradi K1LPR_aUono 2017-08-31 22:33:04 2017-08-31 22:33:04 neutral 0.4645838096557275 0.5354161903442725 0.5632123070226548 work string
UgiLrJJcshdIMngCoAEC Very clear and to the point! Love it! 0 Bill Gates K1LPR_aUono 2017-03-22 14:03:41 2017-03-22 14:03:41 pos 0.5901199980071123 0.40988000199288765 0.3384657762426668 clear point love
Ugi5_upJ2HeJCHgCoAEC What about inputing into an ArrayList in a for loop? 3 Ryan Wright K1LPR_aUono 2016-11-01 02:12:07 2016-11-01 02:12:07 neutral 0.47727289259502503 0.522727107404975 0.5225935369314391 input arraylist loop
UgiWzl9Lb6HwyHgCoAEC Great video Srinivas on the Generics & you have explained so nicely . However, the example used (introduction part) to explain "why we need wildcards?", somehow i was not convinced . \n\nclass Tray {\n\n public void add(Glass<?> liquid) { .... }\n\n\n} \n\ncan be achieved using Method type parameters like\n\npublic class Tray {\n \n public <T> void add(Glass<T> liquid) {\n \n ............................\n \n }\n\n}\n\nIt would be really great if you can please explain me with example, where exactly we would require wildcards ? 0 Uday Kumar Potnuru 1Omf1Vba44Y 2016-10-20 12:00:50 2016-10-20 12:00:50 pos 0.57975375774 0.42024624225999996 0.22882592619362238 great video sriniva gener explain nice howev exampl use introduct part explain need wildcard somehow convinc class tray public void addglass liquid achiev use method type paramet like public class tray public void addglasst liquid would realli great pleas explain exampl exactli would requir wildcard
UgyX4n1328kHBsBu6JV4AaABAg @Trevor Page: Great video Here's a good thing to include in your description for longer videos a timestamped table of contents:\n\n@0:00 - @15:23 intro single generic type\n@15:23 Pair of Generic types (key-value pair)\n@23:24 Bounded Generics -- U is a secondary type according to https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/types.html\n@29:59 Wildcards 0 Ian Fischer 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-11-07 19:16:16 2019-11-07 20:22:27 pos 0.5568421473150518 0.44315785268494823 0.15785002160487657 trevor page great video here good thing includ descript longer video timestamp tabl content 000 1523 intro singl gener type 1523 pair gener type keyvalu pair 2324 bound gener u secondari type accord httpsdoc oracl comjavasetutorialjavagenericstyp html 2959 wildcard
UgzosDJJsl47vBRdYi94AaABAg On the reason why <?> is more generic than <T>. For example:\npublic <T> void foo1(List<T> i) { i.set(0, i.get(0)); }\r\npublic void foo2(List<?> i) { i.set(0, i.get(0)); }\nfoo1 compiles whilst foo2 doesn't. \nIn foo1 i.get(0) has type T, which is the same T of List<T>. In foo2 i.get(0) has unknown type ?#1, different from unknown type ?#2 of List<?#2>. foo2 is more generic on types, and indeed fails to compile. 0 Davide Basile 9tHLV0u87G4 2019-03-13 01:28:02 2019-03-13 01:31:55 neutral 0.2622419624674779 0.7377580375325221 0.6613699671800556 reason gener exampl public void foo1listt set0 get0 public void foo2list set0 get0 foo1 compil whilst foo2 doesnt foo1 get0 type listt foo2 get0 unknown type 1 differ unknown type 2 list 2 foo2 gener type inde fail compil
UgwcS0lmsSal5O-5-1Z4AaABAg Hey man this is a good tutorial. When you were trying to describe how using wildcard with generics is more flexible than without wildcard, the examples you gave will work without wildcard. Here is an example of when you need wildcard.\nLet's say I have two function printMoreRestrictive and printLessRestrictive below:\n\nList<Double> l1 = new ArrayList<>();\nList<Integer> l2 = new ArrayList<>();\nl1.add(5.1);\nl2.add(6);\n \nYou can do:\nprintLessRestrictive(l1, l2);\n\nYou cannot do:\nprintMoreRestrictive(l1, l2);\n\nYou cannot use two different types to refer to same T in this case integer and double but you can with wildcard in the same scope.\n \nprivate<T extends Number> void printMoreRestrictive(List<T> l1, List<T> l2){\n for(Number n:l1) {\n System.out.println(n.getClass().getName() + " : " + n);;\n }\n \n for(Number n:l2) {\n System.out.println(n.getClass().getName() + " : " + n);;\n }\n}\n\nprivate void printLessRestrictive(List<? extends Number> l1, List<? extends Number> l2){\n for(Number n:l1) {\n System.out.println(n.getClass().getName() + " : " + n);;\n }\n \n for(Number n:l2) {\n System.out.println(n.getClass().getName() + " : " + n);;\n }\n} 3 Abel Warres 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-10-18 21:05:00 2018-10-18 21:05:00 neg 0.4886467853275156 0.5113532146724844 0.48347294416979 hey man good tutori tri describ use wildcard gener flexibl without wildcard exampl gave work without wildcard exampl need wildcard let say two function printmorerestrict printlessrestrict listdoubl l1 new arraylist listinteg l2 new arraylist l1 add5 1 l2 add6 printlessrestrictivel1 l2 printmorerestrictivel1 l2 use two differ type refer case integ doubl wildcard scope privatet extend number void printmorerestrictivelistt l1 listt l2 fornumb nl1 system printlnn getclass getnam n fornumb nl2 system printlnn getclass getnam n privat void printlessrestrictivelist extend number l1 list extend number l2 fornumb nl1 system printlnn getclass getnam n fornumb nl2 system printlnn getclass getnam n
UgwhrbR_x6ll6oOWno94AaABAg You're better than my professor.. this helped me a lot, thanks! Keep it up man 0 Federico B 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-08-22 19:15:22 2018-08-22 19:15:22 neutral 0.6570524817909602 0.3429475182090398 0.5312252127974199 your better professor help lot thank keep man
UgxWJNw-579m--Ve_sl4AaABAg I don't really get that 'Box with String' Box<String> \nwhat if the Box class has other methods which didn't return Strings?\nIs Box<String> declaring a Box class that only deals in Strings? Can it have other methods? 0 Green Eggs and Ham 9tHLV0u87G4 2018-08-13 16:07:29 2018-08-13 16:07:29 neutral 0.4362972499432019 0.5637027500567982 0.7914833769089361 dont realli get box string boxstr box class method didnt return string boxstr declar box class deal string method
UgjOYRRmP-BwqXgCoAEC Where is the presentation slides ? All I see is him walking around on stage and having to guess what he might be doing on screen based on his talks. Plus that walking around is making me dizzy. 1 gaatutube RKfjx2l2jv4 2015-11-03 02:24:40 2015-11-03 02:24:40 neg 0.37829738604232954 0.6217026139576705 0.1950452433182265 present slide see walk around stage guess might screen base talk plu walk around make dizzi
UgzdyZRWkOObGYzqa1B4AaABAg After watching this video i have implement this in 2 big projects. Thanks you very much for this video. 1 Arpit Gupta eKU_hp7w3QI 2019-04-21 02:39:41 2019-04-21 02:39:41 neg 0.443016520971257 0.556983479028743 0.30217754507444045 watch video implement 2 big project thank much video
Ugz8gRfYvvLiUoxU6ZR4AaABAg What is the significance of process() API why is it used?\nCan we create a new Instance and pass? 0 John Viegas eKU_hp7w3QI 2019-03-18 10:36:48 2019-03-18 10:36:48 pos 0.6573129523632175 0.3426870476367825 0.3946548589894374 signific process api use creat new instanc pa
UgwB40AY0cbkOEX-AzB4AaABAg Can you make a video on how to create custom annotation 2 Amith D K eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-04 12:23:51 2018-07-04 12:23:51 neutral 0.47631202834779324 0.5236879716522067 0.5333677844479544 make video creat custom annot
Ugw86h9_kdXnSUhLolh4AaABAg Good explanation .. if I have 200 rules , 200 interface and implementation ? Can you share your thoughts to overcome from this please please please? 0 Anup Raj eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-03 18:11:02 2018-07-03 18:15:47 neutral 0.7117804968640047 0.2882195031359953 0.5623529987383383 good explan 200 rule 200 interfac implement share thought overcom pleas pleas pleas
UgzFTh9sl46titJuJ3p4AaABAg what is pos in the problem.. I understand it s position what is the relevant to this problem ? 0 Web Application Guide 6OrZ4wAy4uE 2019-11-01 15:13:03 2019-11-01 15:14:11 neutral 0.39689884073328946 0.6031011592667106 0.764971041167934 po problem understand posit relev problem
Uggl-nlvwdMGLHgCoAEC Thanks, very helpful 0 Rupenus K1LPR_aUono 2016-09-18 19:07:11 2016-09-18 19:07:11 neutral 0.5820973157603644 0.4179026842396356 0.6872237427045671 thank help
UgjkCW45m2FDYXgCoAEC i was looking for this\nthanks 0 Reshmi Lata K1LPR_aUono 2015-09-21 09:36:45 2015-09-21 09:36:45 pos 0.5743370733213584 0.4256629266786416 0.46698514905306054 look thank
UgiiGnE4f3dtrXgCoAEC الله يعطيك العافيه 0 tooofy321 UnzW1uF7AGs 2016-05-08 20:01:08 2016-05-08 20:01:08 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 الله يعطيك العافيه
UgwA4DDqkTUmh2F3eFN4AaABAg Hi can u please do a demo of this below url https://community-risingstack-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/community.risingstack.com/event-sourcing-vs-crud/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAE4AQ%3D%3D#referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.risingstack.com%2Fevent-sourcing-vs-crud%2Fwhich explains about crud vs event sourcing. Most of the developer always design their application that reflects their db design with crud layer. This new approach will help us to build resilient apps. Please try and let us know. If u need help on building this app in Java, I am willing to 1 Azeem Mohammed eKU_hp7w3QI 2018-07-03 09:47:16 2018-07-03 09:47:16 neutral 0.7116878306315262 0.2883121693684738 0.6896458471419126 hi u pleas demo url httpscommunityrisingstackcom cdn ampproject orgvscommun risingstack comeventsourcingvscrudamp ampjsva2 ampgsa1 usqpmq331aqecae4aq3d3d referrerhttpswww googl com amptffrom2025124 ampsharehttps3a2f2fcommun risingstack com2feventsourcingvscrud2fwhich explain crud v event sourc develop alway design applic reflect db design crud layer new approach help u build resili app pleas tri let u know u need help build app java will
UgxuQmfVrIJ9ue8wG_N4AaABAg What is wrong with this code?\nI want to change the list so that it will have the numbers (4, 3, 2, 1) in the end but for some reason it outputs 4, 3, 3, 4 and I can't figure out why it isn't working. Here's the code:\n\n\nimport java.util.*;\n\nclass Hello {\n public static void main (String[] args) {\n List<Integer> strList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4);\n int i;\n\n for(i = 0; i < strList.size(); i++) {\n strList.set(i, strList.get(strList.size() - (1 + i)));\n System.out.println(strList.get(i));\n }\n System.out.println(strList);\n }\n}\n\n/* Outputs:\n* 4\n* 3\n* 3\n* 4\n* [4, 3, 3, 4]\n*/ 0 BURNINGHERBIE vDLbhJhsqYk 2020-01-09 21:07:28 2020-01-09 21:07:28 neg 0.29058003840084434 0.7094199615991557 0.2068862109683669 wrong code want chang list number 4 3 2 1 end reason output 4 3 3 4 cant figur isnt work here code import java util class hello public static void main string arg listinteg strlist array aslist1 2 3 4 int fori 0 strlist size strlist seti strlist getstrlist size 1 system printlnstrlist geti system printlnstrlist output 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4
UgyeBT7lqTa88cwY80p4AaABAg "Today in our C# programming series we are talking about", in the desc 2 BURNINGHERBIE vDLbhJhsqYk 2020-01-08 21:20:38 2020-01-08 21:20:38 neutral 0.47430808518897516 0.5256919148110248 0.6366672539079907 today c program seri talk desc
Ugw9Wod5Yail0vcsW-t4AaABAg thank you sir Caleb... 0 jan arvee pineda vDLbhJhsqYk 2019-11-04 07:34:30 2019-11-04 07:34:30 neutral 0.5852696359823107 0.41473036401768926 0.6682781565013811 thank sir caleb
Ugy6X946ASXZx07IHfN4AaABAg I’ve been cranking through your videos. I just an intro to java class and this has been super helpful! 1 tony covert vDLbhJhsqYk 2019-10-13 22:32:31 2019-10-13 22:32:31 neg 0.4298627845558103 0.5701372154441897 0.468782657874759 ’ crank video intro java class super help
Ugwg50C80_bA3_X-Zxt4AaABAg hey Caleb, why can't i use the add option here to extend the list? 0 Binoy Peries vDLbhJhsqYk 2019-08-28 06:02:16 2019-08-28 06:02:16 neg 0.47830817074583926 0.5216918292541608 0.38704999365790355 hey caleb cant use add option extend list
UgwOBYMPL0MId-cctZ94AaABAg Thankyou truly 0 Shakeel Shah owpyhkBzAsI 2019-12-26 13:03:20 2019-12-26 13:03:20 neutral 0.5628642556192927 0.43713574438070735 0.5950890614040548 thankyou truli
UgwKdjYRwj6XgHfpx-14AaABAg https://automationreinvented.blogspot.com/2019/11/top-5-differences-between-arraylist-and.html 0 Sidharth Shukla owpyhkBzAsI 2019-11-27 16:40:51 2019-11-27 16:40:51 neutral 0.5610512472174778 0.4389487527825222 0.5950890614040548 httpsautomationreinv blogspot com201911top5differencesbetweenarraylistand html
UgwiNhuwivcsSsdq0pp4AaABAg more videos... short concise.. direct to the point.. 0 myh owpyhkBzAsI 2019-04-17 16:42:17 2019-04-17 16:42:17 neg 0.3617399377208169 0.6382600622791831 0.27891762110197726 video short concis direct point
UgwhC17JMWQyo2VEYJt4AaABAg Thank you for the video! Just what I was looking for !! :) 0 JerryHasGame owpyhkBzAsI 2019-04-06 15:44:10 2019-04-06 15:44:10 neg 0.49746780202784735 0.5025321979721526 0.4456526202964937 thank video look
UgzVRNan7v-j6VM_naV4AaABAg Great video, thanks so much!! 0 ferfykins owpyhkBzAsI 2019-02-11 23:31:34 2019-02-11 23:31:34 pos 0.5869190147711983 0.41308098522880166 0.2326660891005806 great video thank much
Ugy-T8BuYFJnJU6QEWd4AaABAg Great explanation! Thank you bro! 1 Eric Ramirez owpyhkBzAsI 2018-11-17 21:10:34 2018-11-17 21:10:34 pos 0.7353472667728808 0.26465273322711924 0.22088799235065593 great explan thank bro
UgwzDzL6aah5mXupWnx4AaABAg Hello Tushar, great video. Let me ask how do you get a single item in the array list. Using your example:\nI want get France alone? Thanks 0 mabblers __N4J6pc0f4 2018-08-17 17:43:44 2018-08-17 17:43:44 pos 0.6216973923138611 0.3783026076861389 0.1983111341861137 hello tushar great video let ask get singl item array list use exampl want get franc alon thank
Ugy2mdcHAxY-1bleskh4AaABAg It's not a stupid question for a beginner we need some easy questions 0 Ray Cch urzP1YbgUnU 2020-02-06 21:48:44 2020-02-06 21:48:44 neg 0.21069368456446752 0.7893063154355324 0.08513747440223995 stupid question beginn need easi question
UgwcjsqFH3GeqhgbBcR4AaABAg we can rewrite link-node address. \nfunc deleteNode(node *ListNode) {\n *node = *(node.Next)\n} 0 shuang zhang urzP1YbgUnU 2020-01-31 11:35:31 2020-01-31 11:35:31 neutral 0.47133969616760363 0.5286603038323964 0.5950890614040548 rewrit linknod address func deletenodenod listnod node node next
UgznuWAZ6wozvXpAQy54AaABAg This problem is freaking awful, can't believe they added this to leetcode explore. 3 Socajowa urzP1YbgUnU 2019-11-02 18:47:14 2019-11-02 18:47:14 neutral 0.33341485975522445 0.6665851402447756 0.6093192732218983 problem freak aw cant believ ad leetcod explor
UgzdnttEY2RX9lxKEHB4AaABAg Hey thanks for the video. But is there any way to quit reading inputs without pressing done or any letter???? Pls reply 0 Dreams and hopes K1LPR_aUono 2020-01-11 07:25:08 2020-01-11 07:25:08 neutral 0.5040963231737726 0.4959036768262274 0.5136967944285237 hey thank video way quit read input without press done letter pl repli
Ugy1vNXAQ_0hLKVIy114AaABAg I dont understand the (myInput.next()); can someone explain please? 0 Saltyshooter K1LPR_aUono 2019-03-16 02:48:09 2019-03-16 02:48:09 neutral 0.35367808690151575 0.6463219130984843 0.7510399395276686 dont understand myinput next someon explain pleas
UgwdgJ0EO54W0wR-DfJ4AaABAg STRINGS!\nHi,\nTook me a bit to figure out how to do it with strings:\nArrayList<String> towns = new ArrayList<>();\n Scanner myInput = new Scanner(System.in);\n towns.add(myInput.next()); 2 CoDe_{Kanga} K1LPR_aUono 2019-01-06 07:21:56 2019-01-06 07:21:56 neutral 0.615977885842642 0.384022114157358 0.7464466865870629 string hi took bit figur string arrayliststr town new arraylist scanner myinput new scannersystem town addmyinput next
Ugw-n82g6NJtSpNmziB4AaABAg how can I do this if I want to input a string in to an array list.??? tried everything. 0 Mohamed Jama K1LPR_aUono 2018-10-31 05:37:50 2018-10-31 05:37:50 neutral 0.5041362460032541 0.49586375399674587 0.5501932574263538 want input string array list tri everyth
Ugw8Xf-dBJ5AI7hNaB94AaABAg How could you implement this without having to enter a string? I would also like to do this with an array of strings. 2 Riley Barringer K1LPR_aUono 2018-10-26 18:00:06 2018-10-26 18:00:06 pos 0.5534677393252153 0.4465322606747847 0.42145299824095955 could implement without enter string would also like array string
UgwQPMOLtnXxByzc_5Z4AaABAg this is arrayList, what about array? 0 Kaushani Roy Choudhury K1LPR_aUono 2018-08-14 03:54:02 2018-08-14 03:54:02 neutral 0.5241479270122538 0.47585207298774623 0.5950890614040548 arraylist array
Ugyr98H_EcW-pgw1PNF4AaABAg Thanks for explaining it. I was confused trying to figure out when the cycle is happening but I get it now. 1 Alan Chávez 6OrZ4wAy4uE 2019-05-15 05:31:24 2019-05-15 05:31:24 neutral 0.49012761939628363 0.5098723806037164 0.8469552215543872 thank explain confus tri figur cycl happen get
UgyBqXccVT5Tt8V0Myd4AaABAg the reverse method is useful 1 Beth Johnathan 2Shd3zFCAD0 2020-02-17 12:48:19 2020-02-17 12:48:19 pos 0.6029315154131766 0.3970684845868234 0.47914576497148015 revers method use
UgwiI-HEqGFQbMTB8V54AaABAg First and the Last so far :) 0 Lubov Plakhotnichenko 2Shd3zFCAD0 2019-09-12 19:38:44 2019-09-12 19:38:44 pos 0.5090682323215956 0.4909317676784044 0.3250699679470735 first last far
UgzgXPrd7mgiGQZLT5x4AaABAg Thanks, this snippet just ended my hour of troubleshooting: inputs.add(in.next()); 1 yortex212 K1LPR_aUono 2018-04-15 11:37:09 2018-04-15 11:37:09 neg 0.4469250002472671 0.5530749997527329 0.456816176133175 thank snippet end hour troubleshoot input addin next
Ugz7EkapYem1ctmgviN4AaABAg Why is this not working for me .... array list just keep saying some bullsh*t and not stuff i put inside. 0 _ vintorez _ K1LPR_aUono 2018-02-04 11:32:29 2018-02-04 11:32:29 pos 0.5621299249572849 0.43787007504271513 0.38498870778236155 work array list keep say bullsht stuff put insid
UghECi4oP9inDHgCoAEC very helpful thank you! 0 hybridsaiyan K1LPR_aUono 2016-08-15 00:25:47 2016-08-15 00:25:47 neutral 0.5820973157603644 0.4179026842396356 0.6872237427045671 help thank
Ugh7s1byG2RZQ3gCoAEC جميل جدا...بارك الله في جهودكم 0 halamoudi halamoudi UnzW1uF7AGs 2016-04-02 14:40:01 2016-04-02 14:40:01 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 جميل جدا بارك الله في جهودكم
Ugwp-PTvUy_Yi_XG1BZ4AaABAg hey Caleb, I just put the following 2 lines and get the same result , what's the difference?? If there is a difference , can you tell me what is it???\n\nInput Code :\nList<Integer>grades= Arrays.asList(5,3,2,6,3);\nSystem.out.println(grades);\n\nTerminal :\n[5, 3, 2, 6, 3] 0 Beth Johnathan vDLbhJhsqYk 2020-02-17 14:00:47 2020-02-17 14:00:47 neutral 0.5764515903428753 0.4235484096571247 0.8038566813173769 hey caleb put follow 2 line get result what differ differ tell input code listintegergrad array aslist5 3 2 6 3 system printlngrad termin 5 3 2 6 3
Ugzb6NLSyJmTq6-A6dR4AaABAg import java.text.DecimalFormat;\r\nimport java.util.Arrays;\r\nimport java.util.List;\r\n\r\npublic class MySweetProgram {\r\n\r\n public static void main(String[] args) {\r\n\r\n List<Double> grades = Arrays.asList(104.39,309.56,295.13,197.93,259.32,211.21);\r\n for (int i=0; i<grades.size(); i++) {\r\n System.out.print("20% of "+grades.get(i)+ " is ");\r\n grades.set(i, grades.get(i)*.20);\r\n DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.##"); \r\n double x = grades.get(i);\r\n System.out.println(df.format(x));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n} 0 Mike Wood vDLbhJhsqYk 2020-02-13 21:10:57 2020-02-13 21:10:57 neg 0.42748191653158196 0.572518083468418 0.38501379084315596 import java text decimalformat import java util array import java util list public class mysweetprogram public static void mainstr arg listdoubl grade array aslist104 39 309 56 295 13 197 93 259 32 211 21 int i0 igrad size system print20 grade geti grade seti grade geti 20 decimalformat df new decimalformat doubl x grade geti system printlndf formatx
UgwvyFnEndzSO0P3ZwV4AaABAg I don't see how this is better than the simplified way you showed us in the earlier vids. I also still don't see how any of this helps us create modern applications yet. hoping this gets explained in later vids while I crunch through these cause I'm still learning more than I probably would in college, and I'm certainly learning this stuff far faster than I would in college. 0 Crescendo vDLbhJhsqYk 2019-12-13 19:23:38 2019-12-13 19:23:38 neutral 0.5460632012366717 0.45393679876332826 0.6901424390252678 dont see better simplifi way show u earlier vid also still dont see help u creat modern applic yet hope get explain later vid crunch caus im still learn probabl would colleg im certainli learn stuff far faster would colleg
UgymeVjeEUf9TnBBySZ4AaABAg do you have any idea why this doesn't work:\n\nwhile(node.next) {\r\n node.val = next.val;\r\n node = node.next;\r\n}\r\n/* now at tail */\r\nnode = null /* this doesn't work */ 0 Thang Pham urzP1YbgUnU 2019-12-28 07:09:25 2019-12-28 07:09:25 neutral 0.32191701013621915 0.6780829898637808 0.5500647722067222 idea doesnt work whilenod next node val next val node node next tail node null doesnt work
Ugx8WYtQ_zRBIAnnKvZ4AaABAg I love how these programmers don't explain shit. like hes just talking to himself while coding. instead of telling the viewers what he's doing and why he's doing it, he just says "and then" or "so that will get user input" or "now let's do" while im just sitting here like what the fuck are you even talking about? 1 Macire Kouyate K1LPR_aUono 2019-09-21 18:35:04 2019-10-03 19:01:02 neg 0.23307715848733265 0.7669228415126673 0.37597328648220046 love programm dont explain shit like he talk code instead tell viewer he he say get user input let im sit like fuck even talk
UgynB8UWDM4KXgrBYft4AaABAg que merda hein 0 Vinícius Y0xce3pJVzw 2017-12-11 19:57:13 2017-12-11 19:57:13 pos 0.5388850829420241 0.4611149170579759 0.4551748340379098 que merda hein
UgzAkvih-hXEoohjgBB4AaABAg I do not get how having "-1" removes/pops the stack? Could you explain more on that please? 0 Faheem JvGZh_BdF-8 2020-02-04 07:44:36 2020-02-04 07:44:36 neutral 0.4280065281914928 0.5719934718085071 0.7495325158288447 get 1 removespop stack could explain pleas
Ugw9GpQj8FbsQfRgni14AaABAg I didnt see you creat the display method for queue!!! Or atleast explain it!! 0 Waleh _255 JvGZh_BdF-8 2020-01-01 08:30:21 2020-01-01 08:30:21 pos 0.5148161302507394 0.48518386974926064 0.40961359704291916 didnt see creat display method queue atleast explain
UgyODzdOZQEjp1lzbFd4AaABAg Thank you so much ! You're an inspiration for new tutors like me🙏 1 CSE concepts with Parinita JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-12-13 08:20:18 2019-12-13 08:20:18 pos 0.5890097929250432 0.4109902070749568 0.2348515401461151 thank much your inspir new tutor like me🙏
UgwIgQW0IekwF7ZYMvt4AaABAg How did you create the console output on the right with the values in the stack? He would be good at teaching. Can you help me in this? \nGreat job! 0 M. Končický JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-11-09 23:35:45 2019-11-09 23:35:45 neutral 0.8580803371508081 0.14191966284919189 0.5446291452015272 creat consol output right valu stack would good teach help great job
Ugyv-jB-aG6-Tnycr-94AaABAg Bro, where can I find your tutorial for merge sort? I was not able to search :( 0 Santosh Kumar Kar JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-11-08 07:23:22 2019-11-08 07:23:22 neutral 0.5699055832861014 0.4300944167138986 0.7618304562193385 bro find tutori merg sort abl search
UgxbLeapSwclWnB6hsR4AaABAg you're a legend 0 AJ JR. JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-10-25 15:21:18 2019-10-25 15:21:18 neutral 0.6134783370125134 0.3865216629874866 0.6483197679006772 your legend
Ugxa6bXQzfO3RVETCSx4AaABAg pop returns -1 how to make it returns top element 0 tharsi tharsan JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-08-17 06:22:42 2019-08-17 06:45:22 neutral 0.6352369786451629 0.36476302135483707 0.5277428809014522 pop return 1 make return top element
UgyW4AldVnWc7fKKnQ14AaABAg This implementation is through arrays, i needed the linked list implementation cuz thats the one everyone asks 0 InsaneAezel JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-06-19 07:15:40 2019-06-19 07:15:40 pos 0.5404523928824533 0.4595476071175467 0.4533887732461574 implement array need link list implement cuz that one everyon ask
UgyhMtS9Y6r187RxCFJ4AaABAg could you give a video on how to make priority queue by implementing heap? 0 Fuchun Yang JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-04-26 01:06:17 2019-04-26 01:06:17 neg 0.4405729255836113 0.5594270744163887 0.48228292579394383 could give video make prioriti queue implement heap
UgxfT-tRhGGeyH5YvdF4AaABAg Es una mierda 0 modelado diseño Y0xce3pJVzw 2017-11-15 21:31:37 2017-11-15 21:31:37 neutral 0.5238861863040615 0.4761138136959385 0.5516525534326713 e una mierda
UgwUVo9j6vMAwWtT7RJ4AaABAg :) 0 Celiber 8TMBjfS8wY0 2018-03-22 11:29:26 2018-03-22 11:29:26 \N \N \N \N \N
Ugznrwg-cRlfnYd9tTJ4AaABAg the only stack \nim into is money man 0 Vito Anderson JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-04-13 18:57:09 2019-04-13 18:57:09 neutral 0.3757775010890268 0.6242224989109733 0.8837984440343648 stack im money man
Ugzs8_PYll-aggBO1yJ4AaABAg where is your display(); method ? 0 HATTAP TAN JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-04-11 21:55:51 2019-04-11 21:55:51 pos 0.6009344166219363 0.39906558337806375 0.40757774909121974 display method
Ugzwc4t4yjLou8gowE14AaABAg can you transulate to arab language sory for the mistake 0 ghufran ali JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-04-01 06:58:57 2019-04-01 06:59:12 neutral 0.5241479270122538 0.47585207298774623 0.5950890614040548 transul arab languag sori mistak
Ugy1z1jnU7FTuc84KWh4AaABAg WELLHELLODEREK! Thank you for the video from 2019! 1 Vitalii Dmitriev JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-01-16 08:05:08 2019-01-16 08:05:08 neutral 0.47446732059304475 0.5255326794069552 0.5009243245593522 wellhelloderek thank video 2019
UgyZ-OWARXb_T9TTZbN4AaABAg Thank you so much you saved my finals 1 郑智林 JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-01-14 11:35:29 2019-01-14 11:35:29 neutral 0.41140847370599853 0.5885915262940015 0.5058016829594058 thank much save final
UgziLCzUWa-jaKHPwsp4AaABAg What IDE is that? 0 Dhruv Erry 8TMBjfS8wY0 2020-01-08 11:24:39 2020-01-08 11:24:39 neutral 0.5241479270122538 0.47585207298774623 0.5950890614040548 ide
UgxYX-0vYgRLjIfCpLx4AaABAg why the Stack is in String \nwhen I write int I get error 0 XP Mohamd 8TMBjfS8wY0 2019-10-19 09:44:37 2019-10-19 09:44:37 neutral 0.3093636653705617 0.6906363346294383 0.6079488200412447 stack string write int get error
UgxOZszYmRANkdcHuup4AaABAg Neat trick 0 This Is Heaven 8TMBjfS8wY0 2019-10-08 02:16:43 2019-10-08 02:16:43 neg 0.4449411546071047 0.5550588453928953 0.4407240336070779 neat trick
UgxxwsL2sBNVy0ewlFd4AaABAg Bucky, whenever I have troubles understanding some concepts of Java I learn in the university, I always type "Bu" in YouTube and your playlists come as the first recommendations. Thank you man <3. You saved me a lot of time. 1 Fisnik Miftari 8TMBjfS8wY0 2019-03-23 12:42:07 2019-03-23 12:42:07 neutral 0.5543704359695095 0.4456295640304905 0.5591179946059996 bucki whenev troubl understand concept java learn univers alway type bu youtub playlist come first recommend thank man 3 save lot time
UgyoJS_vpXugShclnBx4AaABAg go ahead 0 bassel 8TMBjfS8wY0 2019-01-22 00:42:35 2019-01-22 00:42:35 neutral 0.483681173431667 0.516318826568333 0.6646388355881929 go ahead
Ugx3Efu8SXcB8EKVxdB4AaABAg Ty sir 0 GTS- MEGHNI 8TMBjfS8wY0 2019-01-21 14:03:30 2019-01-21 14:03:30 neutral 0.5804066987098782 0.41959330129012185 0.7170381701543883 ty sir
Ugzuqcnt_Nlp48xi0KN4AaABAg 8 years late, but wouldn't it make more sense to name the first one "bottom" the second one "middle" and the third one "top"? 0 101 Percent Kyle 8TMBjfS8wY0 2019-01-13 07:47:16 2019-01-13 07:47:16 neutral 0.4760178381603051 0.5239821618396949 0.704254705588888 8 year late wouldnt make sens name first one bottom second one middl third one top
UgxCRFa_9TnL28mrtYh4AaABAg can you please help me to know how to use stack and queue in java fx 0 Umair Khan 8TMBjfS8wY0 2018-11-18 15:35:45 2018-11-18 15:35:45 neutral 0.5656838247630046 0.4343161752369954 0.6769547074888499 pleas help know use stack queue java fx
Ugzg3FyCvF-FGEEwwYN4AaABAg "go ahead" 0 Ian David 8TMBjfS8wY0 2018-05-30 08:01:08 2018-05-30 08:01:08 neutral 0.483681173431667 0.516318826568333 0.6646388355881929 go ahead
UgxZOeruwCJxX5nxyUp4AaABAg Could perform operations without using predefined methods but really nice explanation\nCan learn stack program in simple manner using this link:\nhttp://www.datatpoint.com/2018/01/stack-program.html 0 dataTpoint 8TMBjfS8wY0 2018-01-14 06:25:41 2018-01-14 06:25:41 pos 0.704195613434 0.29580438656600005 0.21144209143317738 could perform oper without use predefin method realli nice explan learn stack program simpl manner use link httpwww datatpoint com201801stackprogram html
Ugye8VxjI7te3p02a-F4AaABAg how would you do this stack but having it store primitive variable types like ints (1,2,3 etc..) instead of strings? 0 Alberto A Pizano 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-11-03 22:52:29 2017-11-03 22:52:29 neutral 0.29522604256039864 0.7047739574396014 0.5839724413170727 would stack store primit variabl type like int 1 2 3 etc instead string
Ugz4eMoSvHAzKtBX6rp4AaABAg You honestly have the best java videos!!! Idk how I’d be able to pass Data Structures without you haha 0 MajorasMatt 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-11-03 01:31:42 2017-11-03 01:31:42 pos 0.5782010577544596 0.4217989422455404 0.32604220240493315 honestli best java video idk ’ abl pa data structur without haha
Ugz-uv4FCMMzjCOrRJ14AaABAg Is this any different from making a node class with head and tail? 0 Deamotic 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-08-07 23:57:18 2017-08-07 23:57:18 pos 0.5331198935612881 0.4668801064387119 0.49986774423205205 differ make node class head tail
UgjC2QHcUy5IQngCoAEC i wish you were my professor :L 1 Ritu Melroy 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-06-12 01:02:02 2017-06-12 01:02:02 neutral 0.4087122464296941 0.5912877535703058 0.8885586307486646 wish professor l
Uggid62L4Tn7sHgCoAEC Warning: do not watch if you're not willing to "go ahead" each time you do something 1 Fred Green 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-05-19 19:07:39 2017-05-19 19:07:39 neutral 0.5508559096717697 0.4491440903282303 0.5278143901073477 warn watch your will go ahead time someth
Uggrh_UxUAeH_HgCoAEC doesnt work 1 Steve Oscar 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-04-29 11:16:33 2017-04-29 11:16:33 neutral 0.4081536436235875 0.5918463563764125 0.5632123070226548 doesnt work
UgyTDRk39SlgoEEiq9x4AaABAg very useful 0 Fuarian fptlqsesjxY 2020-02-11 23:58:51 2020-02-11 23:58:51 neutral 0.5382463074404735 0.4617536925595265 0.5950890614040548 use
Ugzw6xRvYDViDTp05wp4AaABAg Thank you!!!! data structures exam in 14 hours LOL 0 christian fecteau fptlqsesjxY 2020-02-05 06:53:07 2020-02-05 06:53:07 pos 0.551006819028139 0.44899318097186103 0.4650557462383315 thank data structur exam 14 hour lol
UgxqbG7wte_QVr5AN2p4AaABAg Thank you so much, you have explained this perfectly 0 rendal rendal fptlqsesjxY 2020-02-01 14:09:20 2020-02-01 14:09:20 neutral 0.5204587812078065 0.47954121879219347 0.504398988222403 thank much explain perfectli
UgymRFOeFUwFNGRzvvp4AaABAg Thanks alot. 0 Andi fptlqsesjxY 2019-12-18 15:49:33 2019-12-18 15:49:33 neutral 0.570636492870913 0.429363507129087 0.5318181496726184 thank alot
UgwffGtN6A1O_ZAh1wV4AaABAg System.out.println(" great explanation"); 4 learnsmart fptlqsesjxY 2019-12-15 04:23:04 2019-12-15 04:23:04 pos 0.704548455174682 0.295451544825318 0.44512588782959633 system println great explan
Ugwr0n8HfRt48XmO1O94AaABAg A crystal clear exaplanation! 0 Ishara Perera fptlqsesjxY 2019-12-12 10:57:57 2019-12-12 10:57:57 pos 0.5103422840154992 0.4896577159845008 0.467311283626277 crystal clear exaplan
UgwbeBjLBZ1vIKTSO2N4AaABAg wow amizing lecture thanks most video 0 Getnet Getachew fptlqsesjxY 2019-12-09 05:09:29 2019-12-09 05:09:29 neg 0.48505145991063714 0.5149485400893629 0.08997819623877003 wow amiz lectur thank video
UgyoQIbSmLWTfZurKOB4AaABAg Hello Aliens!😂\nThe most helpful video I have ever watched about Stack. Thanks 1 Zohaib Ahmad fptlqsesjxY 2019-12-06 06:02:07 2019-12-06 06:02:07 neutral 0.538779547541056 0.46122045245894405 0.5211866433196785 hello alien 😂 help video ever watch stack thank
UgzjKTiWsoDHTafkrvZ4AaABAg keep going, we are 40 Computer Science students most of us just watching your videos 1 Hama TV fptlqsesjxY 2019-11-23 17:25:15 2019-11-23 17:25:15 neutral 0.42373247881498827 0.5762675211850117 0.9011435327568078 keep go 40 comput scienc student u watch video
UgxRKyOoV-zDzXCAtzl4AaABAg this is most easier video i have ever seen sir tnx a lot 0 tem email fptlqsesjxY 2019-11-23 15:09:37 2019-11-23 15:09:37 neutral 0.5767657790211119 0.4232342209788881 0.5045861418643166 easier video ever seen sir tnx lot
UgxBdyxUU-35bDgPU5l4AaABAg Sound of the keys, OMG :D 0 Ahmet Uyar wjI1WNcIntg 2020-02-17 15:39:43 2020-02-17 15:39:43 pos 0.5488346377509697 0.45116536224903026 0.2816939816390565 sound key omg
UgzkNN0JRrJ_HEXKwPt4AaABAg The way she pronounces LIFO and FIFO is suspicious. 3 Sylvester Puddy-Tat wjI1WNcIntg 2020-01-04 18:22:40 2020-01-04 18:22:40 neutral 0.5167977838861701 0.48320221611382985 0.5936254560902524 way pronounc lifo fifo suspici
UgypBAZmMyq1KoPw9wl4AaABAg Greate video!\nOne suggestion - When implementing a Stack, it makes more sense to call the Node's pointer "prev" than "next", because logically it doesn't point to the one that comes after him :) 12 Hila Partuk wjI1WNcIntg 2019-12-21 20:59:16 2019-12-21 21:05:03 neg 0.47847244248659976 0.5215275575134002 0.25398100391061895 great video one suggest implement stack make sens call node pointer prev next logic doesnt point one come
UgyojoulvJrZNmYrsjV4AaABAg Amazing. Just amazing. Btw, I clicked because I thought Charlize Theron is the teacher. 0 Hamza Malik wjI1WNcIntg 2019-12-21 03:46:46 2019-12-21 03:46:46 neutral 0.5457920607001404 0.4542079392998596 0.6088492216410469 amaz amaz btw click thought charliz theron teacher
UgyPUVU2gjUACVtqb3t4AaABAg Thank you! 0 White bird wjI1WNcIntg 2019-11-26 00:27:37 2019-11-26 00:27:37 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
UgxCnuSyU3tzI35F2Ep4AaABAg waiting an hour or two for a movie?! 0 j l wjI1WNcIntg 2019-09-27 17:33:35 2019-09-27 17:33:35 neg 0.4492842939503637 0.5507157060496364 0.47425132902089717 wait hour two movi
Ugz_9fgdwZiqbA8ekgB4AaABAg I got confused with stack push pop operation 0 Syed Muqeet wjI1WNcIntg 2019-09-15 07:43:50 2019-09-15 07:43:50 neutral 0.4433846625856614 0.5566153374143386 0.6651061256813212 got confus stack push pop oper
UgzRfHDBS_mPEjLKlZJ4AaABAg For Queue, add. If head is null shouldn't head and tail both be assigned to Node? 0 anjani agrawal wjI1WNcIntg 2019-08-22 18:29:01 2019-08-22 18:29:01 neg 0.4323285745159521 0.5676714254840479 0.4325743921128981 queue add head null shouldnt head tail assign node
Ugxi6Y0vzN975b7AaSR4AaABAg It is funny when you get a pretty good foundation in your intro to comp sci courses how easily it is to understand these data structures. Then again, Gayle is an amazing teacher! Not a luxury we all get with college, lol. 4 Tanner Barcelos wjI1WNcIntg 2019-07-29 19:14:14 2019-07-29 19:14:14 neutral 0.5631241294895137 0.43687587051048626 0.514159424040966 funni get pretti good foundat intro comp sci cours easili understand data structur gayl amaz teacher luxuri get colleg lol
UgxH9wfSzHYEL_m_imd4AaABAg Super 1 Ashok Ashok wjI1WNcIntg 2019-07-21 07:08:04 2019-07-21 07:08:04 pos 0.5166663106843263 0.48333368931567366 0.42814891880337025 super
Ugx_lNhJZnOYMa4_odV4AaABAg Thank you, Gayle! 0 Sundar B wjI1WNcIntg 2019-07-08 11:02:33 2019-07-08 11:02:33 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank gayl
Ugxcfn9chPnmujF37E94AaABAg which ide you were using? 0 baljeet singh wjI1WNcIntg 2019-07-02 17:24:56 2019-07-02 17:24:56 neutral 0.5719462333594788 0.4280537666405212 0.5950890614040548 ide use
Ugz36imXEOHgbAiZUO94AaABAg the idea of stack and queue is simple, but everyone has a different way to code it. I could not follow you and read what you were coding. 0 moses XYZ wjI1WNcIntg 2019-07-02 05:53:20 2019-07-02 05:53:20 neutral 0.5555720047231513 0.44442799527684873 0.549595327827248 idea stack queue simpl everyon differ way code could follow read code
Ugyi3C_xetLBtD8HJEJ4AaABAg Question for Stack.Pop(). Why do we not destroy the old Top object and set it to null, after setting the new Top? 0 James Yoo wjI1WNcIntg 2019-03-13 21:39:08 2019-03-13 21:39:08 neutral 0.6605068312098561 0.3394931687901439 0.7603728118014547 question stack pop destroy old top object set null set new top
UgxWyzjJigbxANRplEl4AaABAg can we please get the source? 0 YoIts LemonBoy! wjI1WNcIntg 2019-02-22 17:00:41 2019-02-22 17:00:41 neutral 0.4920222124336928 0.5079777875663072 0.6883779953555426 pleas get sourc
UgwHI6J-tAM3poqYdI54AaABAg So stack is LIFO and queue is FIFO. Thats the only difference. 0 NiftyGuru ILJgewz5Dxw 2020-02-23 21:28:06 2020-02-23 21:28:06 neutral 0.5604248152743695 0.4395751847256305 0.5374944586942072 stack lifo queue fifo that differ
UgxvoivZd5UdqJ3BgxZ4AaABAg the video game example is really helpful! thanks a lot! 0 Summer Che ILJgewz5Dxw 2020-02-22 19:49:44 2020-02-22 19:49:44 neg 0.37382718222577677 0.6261728177742232 0.4975838428034762 video game exampl realli help thank lot
Ugw7jg1B_jtoWc29htV4AaABAg new subscriber your tutorials is good one of the best on YouTube keep up the good work 0 David The wise ILJgewz5Dxw 2020-02-11 15:48:00 2020-02-11 15:48:00 pos 0.750868358377252 0.24913164162274803 0.22118532311170055 new subscrib tutori good one best youtub keep good work
UgyjZHwecCmjl4p6QtJ4AaABAg Hi Alex..do u have source code for this 0 vijay vijay ILJgewz5Dxw 2020-01-20 19:21:36 2020-01-20 19:21:36 neutral 0.5766343108572376 0.4233656891427624 0.941335261333964 hi alex u sourc code
UgyVjiwzehZtQ33ZqWx4AaABAg congrats m8 for you new office space.. wish you best of luck for your future endeavors 1 mohit tyagi ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-12-15 02:39:13 2019-12-15 02:39:13 neutral 0.7012631827615319 0.2987368172384681 0.6124440153669931 congrat m8 new offic space wish best luck futur endeavor
UgxULfUEBiUg0UiuqeJ4AaABAg 👍🏽 0 Nathan Martinez ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-11-18 02:24:55 2019-11-18 02:24:55 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 👍🏽
UgyUvjDs4BvdunWUDIx4AaABAg The video game example for stacking was excellent. You are a fantastic tutor Alex! 2 Vishy ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-11-17 04:28:31 2019-11-17 04:28:31 neutral 0.3949460717857635 0.6050539282142364 0.7054313918385176 video game exampl stack excel fantast tutor alex
UgzF157sUrI5eMibBAR4AaABAg So whats the advatage of this instead of using a linked list? 4 CrazyCode ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-10-30 18:22:48 2019-10-30 18:22:48 neutral 0.5233626223732724 0.47663737762672764 0.6679552284543057 what advatag instead use link list
Ugw9CGinnuck52YFBLx4AaABAg Hi Alex, would you consider to make an arrays in Java tutorial? That would be really helpful, i like the way you explain it! keep doing it, great content 3 M4L BEC ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-10-08 11:22:54 2019-10-08 11:22:54 pos 0.782902358790827 0.21709764120917296 0.4824349538748039 hi alex would consid make array java tutori would realli help like way explain keep great content
UgwWvkoeOl2v5IX6VgN4AaABAg is there an alternative to stacks that will basically use the bottom most element instead of the top? so that i'd take off the bottom obejct when i call the pop() method or do i need to improvise? 0 LordMZTE ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-09-26 21:29:50 2019-09-26 21:29:50 pos 0.6201708596356842 0.3798291403643158 0.2828235906600576 altern stack basic use bottom element instead top id take bottom obejct call pop method need improvis
UgyQ5GJC8AGh7bB_MxJ4AaABAg Hey love your videos, btw can you tech us about linked list, thankss 0 Caesar Sihombing ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-09-22 16:06:48 2019-09-22 16:06:48 pos 0.526055901943778 0.47394409805622195 0.4540392161459397 hey love video btw tech u link list thank
UgxjLT3bnu_oJ1O6MeB4AaABAg Best java tutorial on youtube so far. can't wait to see the GUI tutorial ...\n\n\nhope your channel grows soon!\nI can only help with subscription, views, thumb, like, and comment ... 5 Mafaza SP ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-07-27 07:33:26 2019-07-27 07:33:50 pos 0.654801597774577 0.345198402225423 0.33881873958354475 best java tutori youtub far cant wait see gui tutori hope channel grow soon help subscript view thumb like comment
UgiBbXG2LuiGUHgCoAEC Thank you soooooooooooo MUCH! 0 Valenta Coder afaIN_hloB4 2014-02-17 21:30:03 2014-02-17 21:30:03 pos 0.534310728396385 0.46568927160361495 0.3681170219705849 thank soooooooooooo much
UgjDJsW3aSU-RXgCoAEC SE CORTA EL AUDIO 0 elosoter Y0xce3pJVzw 2017-04-02 16:06:36 2017-04-02 16:06:36 neutral 0.5787851404598452 0.4212148595401548 0.5756236293352667 se corta el audio
UgwXv2gO7ih36z6hBpB4AaABAg Can you do a Data Structure and Algorithms series, please? 11 Đạt Nguyễn Thành ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-07-26 02:42:15 2019-07-26 02:42:15 neutral 0.5087883118246902 0.4912116881753098 0.7170381701543883 data structur algorithm seri pleas
UgwHe5GbG4wxQhg1dIN4AaABAg Good job, man! 0 Ninetyn Percent -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-13 13:30:40 2019-10-13 13:30:40 pos 0.7511771625684018 0.24882283743159817 0.4746934843991752 good job man
UgwUlM-lmtw9Y91MpmN4AaABAg Legit! 0 Jason Siu Ching Yuen -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-11 09:57:04 2019-10-11 09:57:04 neutral 0.5479310362121445 0.45206896378785555 0.5950890614040548 legit
UgxGT2ssX_G_T8skBQF4AaABAg We are with you man 0 Aleksandr Alekseev -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-11 06:02:55 2019-10-11 06:02:55 neutral 0.4933512240546345 0.5066487759453655 0.7341264590774544 man
Ugzi4rb7KnELXIpZNRx4AaABAg thanks 0 w g -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-11 03:43:50 2019-10-11 03:43:50 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
UgwZtl19CT-1QKOxJNh4AaABAg If you enjoy my content I'd love to have you subscribe :) http://calcur.tech/subscribe\nPlaylist - https://calcur.tech/30-day-java 0 Caleb Curry -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-10 22:39:37 2019-10-10 22:40:13 pos 0.656213222454197 0.343786777545803 0.2523301693151094 enjoy content id love subscrib httpcalcur techsubscrib playlist httpscalcur tech30dayjava
UgzR9TGoIio0UZ7eLpN4AaABAg Thanks! 0 MAG DAG -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-10 14:17:55 2019-10-10 14:17:55 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
Ugw9xT6Tvd_NUe6Wabx4AaABAg Cool, start small project and then expand project by adding more modules 0 Ha Do Nguyen -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-10 12:46:11 2019-10-10 12:46:11 neg 0.49343793516658463 0.5065620648334154 0.39126547736407247 cool start small project expand project ad modul
Ugz8O4987u1I_9IkX414AaABAg Cool 0 bioalpa 7 -ABrkSNi8Pk 2019-10-10 12:08:55 2019-10-10 12:08:55 pos 0.6503911614164224 0.3496088385835776 0.35129824790004677 cool
Ugyqt49qe2SGaZthQG14AaABAg Its bad coding to have 2 return statements in any method. What you should have done for Emtpy is just simply {return top == 0),\nthat statement itself returns a Boolean (which is why it works as an 'if' condition) 0 SkonerTM fZNiAeGAdF0 2019-11-02 19:21:27 2019-11-02 19:21:27 neg 0.3556815173019501 0.6443184826980499 0.3371616931948549 bad code 2 return statement method done emtpi simpli return top 0 statement return boolean work condit
UgwB0iLr8UMLtIhIycd4AaABAg what text editor are you using? 0 Luis Medina fZNiAeGAdF0 2019-10-13 21:42:51 2019-10-13 21:42:51 neutral 0.5237139643313719 0.47628603566862815 0.5827609608858019 text editor use
UgylZXlC00ykvevo3Dd4AaABAg but stack cannot be resolved to a type \nthis error showing when i created the same program as you 0 Harshit Sharma fZNiAeGAdF0 2019-09-08 17:20:08 2019-09-08 17:20:08 neg 0.3802082162154264 0.6197917837845737 0.4430960198797398 stack resolv type error show creat program
UgzmWpCiF_J9eaSSAH14AaABAg Although educational, implementing your own stack is not essential for programmers. You should obviously use existing libraries instead. In java, use the Deque. 0 ThePrivateJoker fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-11-14 05:26:05 2018-11-14 05:26:05 neg 0.4474217319091117 0.5525782680908883 0.23359748924586696 although educ implement stack essenti programm obvious use exist librari instead java use dequ
UgysN8pj66-jNWL4oZ14AaABAg Shouldn't it be if(top<=maxSize) or initalize top with -1 in push method? 0 bandhulokesh fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-09-07 00:46:43 2018-09-07 00:46:43 pos 0.5446850337996703 0.45531496620032974 0.36112955896448523 shouldnt iftopmaxs init top 1 push method
UgyF_dJ3HrJaSYoRGKp4AaABAg thanx 0 Ravindra Prajapati fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-08-31 02:59:04 2018-08-31 02:59:04 neutral 0.5434379754957557 0.4565620245042443 0.5950890614040548 thanx
UgwWLlhoB_ZdKqOZS1t4AaABAg thanks man!!! 0 Michael Bateman fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-08-23 07:30:14 2018-08-23 07:30:14 neutral 0.551093943810155 0.448906056189845 0.6742349461824672 thank man
UgwDAi7COHivzWDRlRZ4AaABAg very understandable. thank you! ))) 0 Aliza Taktabaeva fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-06-10 21:24:34 2018-06-10 21:24:34 neutral 0.5319608027957802 0.4680391972042198 0.5318181496726184 understand thank
UgxpGxQ9sY7EUtTKd8h4AaABAg thank you 0 Dickson Oloo fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-05-22 07:11:13 2018-05-22 07:11:13 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
UgyLzefBq8x-gJBtIzh4AaABAg I think that initial value for top should be "-1" because "0" means that there's an element inside index of "0" 0 David Justice fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-03-28 19:11:34 2018-03-28 19:11:34 neg 0.4179795696243648 0.5820204303756352 0.4090314423205143 think initi valu top 1 0 mean there element insid index 0
UgyxdQIjT7VikeLrJyR4AaABAg SOOOOOO SIMPLIFIED I LOVE IT!! thank you bro! 0 Shada Maayouf fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-01-14 15:54:29 2018-01-14 15:54:29 pos 0.6718461942050157 0.3281538057949843 0.44605146311528987 soooooo simplifi love thank bro
UgzwVkIIzP9t3yZI7Id4AaABAg Thank you really amazing video\nUse this link for stack program:\nhttp://www.datatpoint.com/2018/01/stack-program.html 0 dataTpoint fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-01-12 08:05:36 2018-01-12 08:05:36 neutral 0.5096217468801322 0.4903782531198678 0.6118054447640765 thank realli amaz video use link stack program httpwww datatpoint com201801stackprogram html
UgxuZRiU139jO81qROR4AaABAg Can you post video for array implementation of Queue. 0 Ashish Spencer fZNiAeGAdF0 2017-11-16 19:28:26 2017-11-16 19:28:26 neg 0.4538199738137467 0.5461800261862533 0.4934926585288282 post video array implement queue
UgwjaJIH3B7VXfS3t0R4AaABAg Thank you so much for this video. I feel so much more confident on this topic before going to take my test. 0 AlchemicSound fZNiAeGAdF0 2017-10-26 06:38:34 2017-10-26 06:38:34 neg 0.35777775418178726 0.6422222458182127 0.3672171318433322 thank much video feel much confid topic go take test
Ugw48-bd_yiPvLcWlwp4AaABAg Love your video man keep it up 0 Hashim Abdi fZNiAeGAdF0 2017-09-24 18:07:57 2017-09-24 18:07:57 neutral 0.59078627132 0.40921372868000006 0.6108283810141075 love video man keep
UgirmKIcPhJwLXgCoAEC so simplified..thanks 0 Chetan Chaudhari fZNiAeGAdF0 2017-07-12 10:16:03 2017-07-12 10:16:03 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 simplifi thank
UgxywTJAazEa9hCunNx4AaABAg can you please post a link to any powerpoint slides 0 P Sparta afaIN_hloB4 2020-02-21 05:52:39 2020-02-21 05:52:39 neutral 0.5275017935639459 0.4724982064360541 0.6379721192825413 pleas post link powerpoint slide
UgzxYUXxrdQyJuMxp3F4AaABAg Thanks a lot!!\nit really helped me :D 1 Zahid Hasan afaIN_hloB4 2018-11-04 20:03:14 2018-11-04 20:03:14 neutral 0.586083873322715 0.41391612667728495 0.5778734975002031 thank lot realli help
Ugxv8tH3ckao5nb_aAB4AaABAg Astonishingly good explanation. Thank you very much! 0 Jan Fritsche afaIN_hloB4 2018-06-18 12:02:37 2018-06-18 12:02:37 pos 0.6196658322485761 0.3803341677514239 0.24880281357433018 astonishingli good explan thank much
UggiljBsPB6TIXgCoAEC I Love this tutorial. Please Upload more videos on Java and Android. 0 Borhan Uddin afaIN_hloB4 2017-04-14 17:06:42 2017-04-14 17:06:42 neutral 0.5693608566265237 0.4306391433734763 0.5843681686817512 love tutori pleas upload video java android
UgjOmES19SmO_XgCoAEC Thank you. :) 0 Azuul afaIN_hloB4 2016-06-11 01:15:17 2016-06-11 01:15:17 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
UggHM_G1vQdNTHgCoAEC neatly explained! THX 0 AW afaIN_hloB4 2016-05-05 02:12:06 2016-05-05 02:12:06 neutral 0.5717638327516542 0.4282361672483458 0.7510399395276686 neatli explain thx
Ughwupa4VMUJpHgCoAEC many thanks 0 Mohammad J. Al Masri afaIN_hloB4 2014-11-21 19:24:24 2014-11-21 19:24:24 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 mani thank
UggKuvpLvl3LhHgCoAEC Thank u...\nhelped me a lot....\n:-) 2 Mohamed Sulaiman Marikar Bawa afaIN_hloB4 2014-06-26 15:39:47 2014-06-26 15:39:47 neutral 0.6065607889369307 0.39343921106306934 0.762707841214311 thank u help lot
Ugxxp2FTLiQ6H-OF4ZZ4AaABAg i hope so..\n\nplease upload about a dynamic stack.. \n:))) 0 johannes bustillo afaIN_hloB4 2013-03-05 11:57:25 2013-03-05 11:57:25 neutral 0.5366784003430708 0.4633215996569292 0.6083558658788542 hope pleas upload dynam stack
UgyytGon5eYpEDKJOUF4AaABAg All three of your videos are perfect, why won't you upload more? 0 Johnny Cash afaIN_hloB4 2012-11-10 04:05:55 2012-11-10 04:05:55 pos 0.5564207689111573 0.4435792310888427 0.31794260298971616 three video perfect wont upload
UgxVVDYJByPjSyDSusV4AaABAg Aw, shucks. 0 CSHelene afaIN_hloB4 2012-09-08 21:48:47 2012-09-08 21:48:47 neutral 0.4157632659509525 0.5842367340490475 0.5225935369314391 aw shuck
UgzZuauTwjyqArgbXxp4AaABAg Hi lebzouz,\n\nIn this video, I only discussed being a client of the existing Java Stack class. You would only implement a toString method if you were writing your own implementation for a stack. In that case, you would traverse the data structure you were implementing your stack with (generally a linked list), call each element's toString method and concatenate its result to a String to be returned (or use a StringBuilder or equivalent). 0 CSHelene afaIN_hloB4 2012-09-08 21:47:40 2012-09-08 21:47:40 neutral 0.5745854885956954 0.42541451140430464 0.7524543396778691 hi lebzouz video discuss client exist java stack class would implement tostr method write implement stack case would travers data structur implement stack gener link list call element tostr method concaten result string return use stringbuild equival
UgyRRgcLKT75-B2JBcR4AaABAg I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOT \nOUR TEACHER MADE THINGS VERY COMPLICATED T^T BUT YOU FIXED MY BRAIN!\nI LIKE STACKS AND QUEUES NOW! XD \n*SUPER HAPPY*\n\nTHANK YOU >=D 0 NBSkY005 afaIN_hloB4 2012-04-25 06:12:04 2012-04-25 06:12:04 pos 0.5570742489339084 0.44292575106609156 0.23652408821438817 love much tot teacher made thing complic tt fix brain like stack queue xd super happi thank
UgxShjVqT3h33cTNbYJ4AaABAg Thank you. those are very very good. \nI enjoy and learn very fast.\nMany Thanks 0 Emil nils afaIN_hloB4 2012-03-11 01:39:01 2012-03-11 01:39:01 pos 0.7441744500096406 0.25582554999035945 0.22358542695725878 thank good enjoy learn fast mani thank
UgxyDfM9H3K5CBSQo9p4AaABAg please provide more detail am a newbee :(\r\n 0 lastdropofpoison afaIN_hloB4 2012-03-04 13:32:12 2012-03-04 13:32:12 pos 0.6094020971019879 0.3905979028980121 0.4411263016164087 pleas provid detail newbe
UgyRVupRM6pdIKWfjpB4AaABAg Thank you so much. My teacher is too dam lazy to teach me.\n 0 Eric zucchini afaIN_hloB4 2012-01-26 17:56:14 2012-01-26 17:56:14 neutral 0.5754522562243516 0.4245477437756484 0.6640925958832383 thank much teacher dam lazi teach
UgwGYg5m7jUIxocykvZ4AaABAg Super erklärt auch für Dummies ;) 0 Jonas Ring Uf4O8wZ-keY 2020-01-07 16:25:28 2020-01-07 16:25:28 pos 0.5166663106843263 0.48333368931567366 0.42814891880337025 super erklärt auch für dummi
UgjEbzkrrKl64XgCoAEC super erklärt (: 0 MyBellaPQ Uf4O8wZ-keY 2016-02-04 21:39:51 2016-02-04 21:39:51 pos 0.5166663106843263 0.48333368931567366 0.42814891880337025 super erklärt
Ugh9k-WPspzE63gCoAEC Finde ich auch :) Idiotensicher! 0 Marvin Schenker Uf4O8wZ-keY 2015-02-11 18:14:56 2015-02-11 18:14:56 neutral 0.4597667042163193 0.5402332957836806 0.7319659859551294 find ich auch idiotensich
UgyMCxPHT5PRn_xaEv54AaABAg Danke, ist echt hilfreich\n 1 Marija Marija Uf4O8wZ-keY 2013-08-21 21:58:30 2013-08-21 21:58:30 neutral 0.5474785364301098 0.4525214635698902 0.5950890614040548 dank ist echt hilfreich
UgyEHiSLmwXfcw2vjv14AaABAg Programming is 4:56 0 Frankie Iero OkkMub7pPBI 2020-02-20 19:05:41 2020-02-20 19:05:41 neutral 0.446590402679368 0.553409597320632 0.5950890614040548 program 456
UgwgEr8KlVcrWYoZLx14AaABAg It will be better for us if the videos maintain a sequence , please keep an eye on that point 0 Islam Raisul OkkMub7pPBI 2020-02-07 13:24:11 2020-02-07 13:24:11 pos 0.5814620100508662 0.4185379899491338 0.29924909977184144 better u video maintain sequenc pleas keep eye point
UgxAMHjyishRUbZb8H54AaABAg Why top is a pointer variable 0 bokka manideep OkkMub7pPBI 2020-01-22 16:57:03 2020-01-22 16:57:03 neutral 0.5801822040448229 0.4198177959551771 0.5080255897399911 top pointer variabl
Ugzd25V5sPxrG3j88t14AaABAg Best quality education 0 Bihari coder OkkMub7pPBI 2020-01-05 02:13:29 2020-01-05 02:13:29 pos 0.7202878928287404 0.2797121071712596 0.4172120557758254 best qualiti educ
UgwlgeKx_NyRr-Ktg2V4AaABAg This operations are very banificial for study time for preparation examination😘❤️ 2 Punit bakshi OkkMub7pPBI 2019-11-27 09:27:22 2019-11-27 09:27:22 neutral 0.5131773241122346 0.4868226758877654 0.5150472772499427 oper banifici studi time prepar examination😘❤️
UgzNFW9y9xeDMSnv38J4AaABAg sir stack to theek stock kha milega..?? 0 achintya sharma OkkMub7pPBI 2019-11-26 15:59:41 2019-11-26 15:59:41 neutral 0.5236276053433975 0.4763723946566025 0.7170381701543883 sir stack theek stock kha milega
Ugw2NaZ38Ju9QRr819l4AaABAg Good but ,you didn't use free(temp);\nHow can temp memory deleted 0 SPS INDIAN YOUTUBE OkkMub7pPBI 2019-10-08 13:57:22 2019-10-08 13:57:22 pos 0.6355172402884011 0.36448275971159894 0.27524987150901575 good didnt use freetemp temp memori delet
UgxloWYng7cN-BNtUtd4AaABAg It is same as add at begin function of single linked list 1 BE Technical OkkMub7pPBI 2019-09-30 06:14:03 2019-09-30 06:14:03 neutral 0.4042511280620714 0.5957488719379286 0.8149340850218184 add begin function singl link list
UgyuCR8hNSkYS-L0ixd4AaABAg sir please upload video in sequence wise 0 shivi patel OkkMub7pPBI 2019-09-17 11:38:23 2019-09-17 11:38:23 pos 0.5876064223785834 0.4123935776214166 0.26246505832429984 sir pleas upload video sequenc wise
UgyWjEQukBtGganN6oJ4AaABAg excellent sir... you r the best. thank you sir.. 0 Study Material OkkMub7pPBI 2019-08-06 15:13:28 2019-08-06 15:13:28 neutral 0.7762393068056043 0.22376069319439573 0.6027573605869782 excel sir r best thank sir
UgyMCTLuMKs9C2SL5qp4AaABAg nice explanation sir.. 0 Tanuja Kollipara OkkMub7pPBI 2019-07-29 14:01:51 2019-07-29 14:01:51 pos 0.7085966477387291 0.2914033522612709 0.33028874810229747 nice explan sir
UgyzzB9GwEZs-Wv4BrZ4AaABAg Super teaching sir😊😉 0 Chandru Cse OkkMub7pPBI 2019-07-25 15:44:01 2019-07-25 15:44:01 neutral 0.5948515514242368 0.40514844857576315 0.580951298609046 super teach sir😊😉
UgywZUFdNzhiFXlBkT54AaABAg Shrinivas sir you great thank you so much to being here I really enjoyed your videos🙏 0 Yashraj Rajmane OkkMub7pPBI 2019-07-24 18:59:02 2019-07-24 18:59:02 pos 0.6893935341752921 0.31060646582470786 0.21430359675075786 shriniva sir great thank much realli enjoy videos🙏
UgxT7zy7gRfsv2VgouN4AaABAg best explanation 1 mr Jigar patel OkkMub7pPBI 2019-07-15 12:09:51 2019-07-15 12:09:51 pos 0.7202878928287404 0.2797121071712596 0.4172120557758254 best explan
UgxM5n1EKgLexJCelkp4AaABAg thank you but sir increase the time 0 Shah Zaahid PfBnp5ll2so 2019-06-15 10:36:26 2019-06-15 10:36:26 neutral 0.5889642684769277 0.41103573152307227 0.6718505793221944 thank sir increas time
UgzwG7V5K5ACZTh1dhN4AaABAg thicc boii 0 Lola Lola PfBnp5ll2so 2019-04-23 10:02:17 2019-04-23 10:02:17 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 thicc boii
UgyIqNSYz_3wA8l-zZh4AaABAg nice video sir 1 Sandeep mishra PfBnp5ll2so 2019-04-21 09:54:17 2019-04-21 09:54:17 pos 0.6262205328630865 0.37377946713691346 0.2959109130730266 nice video sir
UgwVy90UjV68oqstHmB4AaABAg Thank u, sir............... 0 NITISH NIRALA PfBnp5ll2so 2019-03-14 03:37:38 2019-03-14 03:37:38 neutral 0.5885347184910181 0.4114652815089819 0.8080909131955845 thank u sir
UgyYaeov_sM42qALX1J4AaABAg nice video sir 2 Afroz Quraishi PfBnp5ll2so 2019-01-17 18:21:45 2019-01-17 18:21:45 pos 0.6262205328630865 0.37377946713691346 0.2959109130730266 nice video sir
UgzYHkIHJCY8JV98YtF4AaABAg Lovely explanation! 0 Hassan Tahan idrrIMXXeHM 2020-02-12 15:52:40 2020-02-12 15:52:40 neutral 0.6303749625706725 0.3696250374293275 0.5123059199962272 love explan
Ugy88H8Yg6WaWflaZeN4AaABAg Great explanation! 0 Zac Israel fptlqsesjxY 2019-09-22 22:35:07 2019-09-22 22:35:07 pos 0.6986498023830945 0.3013501976169055 0.27119050546800266 great explan
UgyHb510MGjTcjadhH94AaABAg Why aliens? 1 Sumit Badaya fptlqsesjxY 2019-08-11 14:06:41 2019-08-11 14:06:41 neutral 0.4694304059093544 0.5305695940906456 0.5077329795280755 alien
UgyHuRd41CzGU2pGuO14AaABAg just realized that my professor sucks LOL 0 Keyvan Shabani idrrIMXXeHM 2019-12-06 15:21:17 2019-12-06 15:21:17 pos 0.5331339282471502 0.4668660717528498 0.447333555785091 realiz professor suck lol
UgyPZckdGbCvPwmGL514AaABAg thank you very much 0 Blue Champions idrrIMXXeHM 2019-10-22 20:20:29 2019-10-22 20:20:29 pos 0.534310728396385 0.46568927160361495 0.3681170219705849 thank much
Ugx-Z-Aq3ra7gniUQSV4AaABAg it's amazing. your explaination is straightforward. cool! 0 Wadmilsom Vilhete idrrIMXXeHM 2019-07-01 16:54:05 2019-07-01 16:54:05 pos 0.7105598927009662 0.2894401072990338 0.41289042042303487 amaz explain straightforward cool
UgxZL7VrgdqvNFDPWrd4AaABAg It's great! 0 Pelin Çeliksöz idrrIMXXeHM 2019-05-26 15:17:38 2019-05-26 15:17:38 pos 0.6986498023830945 0.3013501976169055 0.27119050546800266 great
Ugy5ilGP2WoxYRT01Wd4AaABAg Good job mate! 0 Michael De Andrade idrrIMXXeHM 2019-05-20 08:39:46 2019-05-20 08:39:46 pos 0.7642706444851901 0.2357293555148099 0.4126792464524245 good job mate
Ugx7hqCdVNmp5tIo_014AaABAg Oof well explained friend, thank you 0 vatsk idrrIMXXeHM 2019-05-16 21:37:20 2019-05-16 21:37:20 neutral 0.5599681051072554 0.44003189489274463 0.8118356000737715 oof well explain friend thank
Ugy-VHJ6FIO3l8VZret4AaABAg Thanks a lot! 0 Pak J idrrIMXXeHM 2019-04-15 11:00:00 2019-04-15 11:00:00 pos 0.5440707190631918 0.4559292809368082 0.4549637115285671 thank lot
UgyIbQmDVH6i_GD8jzl4AaABAg Nice 0 LANstorm idrrIMXXeHM 2019-03-21 13:41:40 2019-03-21 13:41:40 pos 0.6472145653268888 0.3527854346731112 0.194226456465732 nice
UgzOpv5Bn4iC9mB1HgV4AaABAg This video is Awesome. 😇😇 Please post some more videos on Data Structures and algorithms. 0 Rishabh Jha idrrIMXXeHM 2018-11-22 17:27:18 2018-11-22 17:27:18 neutral 0.44064565248444937 0.5593543475155507 0.6899659001732751 video awesom 😇😇 pleas post video data structur algorithm
UgzL8K4aTp-R5KhnOuR4AaABAg Man.... You have elaborated pretty nicely! 1 oldnick idrrIMXXeHM 2018-11-21 15:19:09 2018-11-21 15:19:09 pos 0.6485649776517224 0.3514350223482776 0.33566020949761755 man elabor pretti nice
UgzM999K7d6YOnwwyy14AaABAg What is 0612? 0 Robel Ayelew idrrIMXXeHM 2018-10-28 21:12:59 2018-10-28 21:12:59 neutral 0.4904480010932484 0.5095519989067516 0.5950890614040548 0612
UgxfzbZngJkwPK-ydB54AaABAg Thanks, brother...it was a great explanation. 0 Henok Bezawork idrrIMXXeHM 2018-10-28 18:48:23 2018-10-28 18:48:23 neutral 0.7181024893927374 0.28189751060726265 0.5153000184790109 thank brother great explan
UgxfsKwr6je1TAy6k4x4AaABAg Really helpful,thanks dude 0 sayantan panda idrrIMXXeHM 2018-08-04 05:37:02 2018-08-04 05:37:02 neutral 0.5905579068398501 0.4094420931601499 0.6872237427045671 realli help thank dude
UgwRk4LSdjg6BRmG8tJ4AaABAg WOW I just learned a huge amount on this one video and even % and pointers make more sense now. 0 Jesse McElroy idrrIMXXeHM 2018-04-23 22:49:43 2018-04-23 22:49:43 pos 0.5214091246933199 0.4785908753066801 0.08238813098757448 wow learn huge amount one video even pointer make sens
Ugyt8aAnNE7NJTjMBhB4AaABAg I have never understood stacks like I just did through your stack tutorials. God bless you 0 Marie Grace Imanariyo jl8qkjhbywo 2020-02-14 05:34:52 2020-02-14 05:34:52 neg 0.4614773837513078 0.5385226162486922 0.4818526246077995 never understood stack like stack tutori god bless
UgyiTSD7txd-hPPH-qt4AaABAg Thanks sir for this amazing tutorial. It will be helpful if you add the full course covering all aspect of data structures and Algorithms 0 Alvine Mulo jl8qkjhbywo 2020-02-06 23:17:40 2020-02-06 23:17:40 neutral 0.6187781581017975 0.3812218418982025 0.5765712189472723 thank sir amaz tutori help add full cours cover aspect data structur algorithm
UgzPtqYhEr046T1RlGt4AaABAg thank you 0 Gazi Sharin Mostafiz jl8qkjhbywo 2019-12-03 07:08:16 2019-12-03 07:08:16 neutral 0.5417195618656777 0.4582804381343223 0.5318181496726184 thank
UgzvByQjY-eAdXRpnkZ4AaABAg At 11:35 \nIt should be \nlength >= (capacity/2)/2)\ninstead of length <= (capacity/2)/2) 0 Nitin jl8qkjhbywo 2019-11-03 07:57:19 2019-11-03 07:57:19 neutral 0.40200177014093397 0.597998229859066 0.5337550110047747 1135 length capacity22 instead length capacity22
UgxKPpHDOtNTmuzsPIx4AaABAg Cannot we simply use an ArrayList? 0 Ashish Singh jl8qkjhbywo 2019-09-22 11:47:27 2019-09-22 11:47:27 neutral 0.5382463074404735 0.4617536925595265 0.5950890614040548 simpli use arraylist
UgwA9gYtKKb4dLcJB3Z4AaABAg Hi. How arraylist expands itself? On every element we add, it does capacity++ ? 0 Hayk Mkrtchyan jl8qkjhbywo 2019-09-07 14:24:49 2019-09-07 14:24:49 pos 0.5341299337601529 0.46587006623984706 0.4287584637421817 hi arraylist expand everi element add capac
UgxrbrgbUeSl5zQ2z5d4AaABAg wouldnt it be just better if we use LInkedlist instead of DArrays? because with Linkedlist i dont have to deal with expanding by copying the array and making new object nor shirking any elements. pls correct me if im wrong! @Telusko 0 k j jl8qkjhbywo 2019-08-29 15:27:12 2019-08-29 15:27:12 neutral 0.37049255449901924 0.6295074455009808 0.5334255637244912 wouldnt better use linkedlist instead darray linkedlist dont deal expand copi array make new object shirk element pl correct im wrong telusko
UgzuGVsIJQ53W9wMHDt4AaABAg At 8:24 why again the capacity is in increasing by 2,Because it is already increased in the newStack array by 2 in line-22. 1 Dipak Raut jl8qkjhbywo 2019-08-17 09:06:42 2019-08-17 09:06:42 neutral 0.5006368894612522 0.4993631105387478 0.5392792066238967 824 capac increas 2 alreadi increas newstack array 2 line22
UgwZ1b8x0YAmcjhOy5J4AaABAg or you can use ArrayList(); ;) 0 Lokesh Parmar jl8qkjhbywo 2019-07-29 07:57:31 2019-07-29 07:57:31 neutral 0.5382463074404735 0.4617536925595265 0.5950890614040548 use arraylist
UgyPPWpPux8XS3CTPbd4AaABAg Best explanation, you can find anywhere in internet. 0 ciril cyriac jl8qkjhbywo 2019-07-24 02:35:24 2019-07-24 02:35:24 neutral 0.5902356804693649 0.4097643195306351 0.6817260850944115 best explan find anywher internet
Ugwij6KHa9JxFN-aE4h4AaABAg It's amazing :) learned new things. 1 Tanuj Dey jl8qkjhbywo 2019-06-26 23:18:50 2019-06-26 23:50:21 neutral 0.5644251654474097 0.4355748345525903 0.6181494373650415 amaz learn new thing
Ugw4Gd-vJuLnG0HotIJ4AaABAg Great! 0 vikash singh jl8qkjhbywo 2019-04-26 00:43:52 2019-04-26 00:43:52 pos 0.6986498023830945 0.3013501976169055 0.27119050546800266 great
Ugxvj79C46Bygh1H1sx4AaABAg Upload the other videos complete it ! 0 Programming Video jl8qkjhbywo 2019-04-06 11:55:34 2019-04-06 11:55:34 neg 0.4084564506260204 0.5915435493739796 0.4934926585288282 upload video complet
UgyWJ73P0VnbCS2oHKR4AaABAg Amazing tutorial! No one teaches like you. Thanks a lot. 3 Nayan Patel jl8qkjhbywo 2019-04-04 01:01:52 2019-04-04 01:01:52 pos 0.5312337244398057 0.46876627556019435 0.46935617029978477 amaz tutori one teach like thank lot
UgwVefiCQ7tfr_MAjHR4AaABAg What is representing \nstack=new stack;\nin expand method\n\nplease anyone explain it to me it is very confusing 0 SACHIN BHALLA jl8qkjhbywo 2019-03-13 16:34:52 2019-03-13 16:34:52 neutral 0.5876217285360418 0.4123782714639582 0.6425828465294839 repres stacknew stack expand method pleas anyon explain confus
UgycQUzcq9m_DpcM0EZ4AaABAg I dont think that every time having a new array makes sense because by this way we are wasting a lot of memory.Is any other way there to implement it without wasting memory 1 Parth Prajapati jl8qkjhbywo 2019-01-24 12:22:27 2019-01-24 12:22:27 neg 0.4745044122934346 0.5254955877065655 0.2530750705796075 dont think everi time new array make sens way wast lot memori way implement without wast memori
UgwELtua3Rf59aFj6WN4AaABAg At the beginning try assigning top=-1;\nAll the operations after that will be clear. 1 Jyoti fptlqsesjxY 2019-11-12 02:25:10 2019-11-12 02:25:10 neutral 0.46102401341096755 0.5389759865890325 0.6039157735731663 begin tri assign top1 oper clear
Ugw-c9RnJJcIDMme2dx4AaABAg ty ty!! 0 Nyeeff fptlqsesjxY 2019-10-20 07:13:54 2019-10-20 07:13:54 neutral 0.5186617825744079 0.48133821742559213 0.5950890614040548 ty ty
UgxAlNOaawscSng5K_R4AaABAg Sometimes you talk very fast ! 0 Daniel Drazhi fptlqsesjxY 2019-10-08 20:10:23 2019-10-08 20:10:23 pos 0.5540616775209853 0.44593832247901466 0.39122075274833973 sometim talk fast
UgyFfiIRziDgTX6Nn-V4AaABAg Quick, clear, concise; the perfect refresher. 0 Assimil8 fptlqsesjxY 2019-09-29 20:19:00 2019-09-29 20:19:00 pos 0.7009387474242175 0.29906125257578253 0.3858298021447955 quick clear concis perfect refresh
Ugy0Tar8KdUthLF56EB4AaABAg Error: Unable to initialize main class QueuePractice\nCaused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: string\n\n\n\n\nThis is what happens once I run the program. I have added queues to the main. 0 Jack Burgdoerfer JvGZh_BdF-8 2020-02-23 01:35:37 2020-02-23 01:35:37 neg 0.42436567564784133 0.5756343243521587 0.46005918412884467 error unabl initi main class queuepractic caus java lang noclassdeffounderror string happen run program ad queue main
UgyrsWuUAOYK1X3ypiV4AaABAg In Queues, when you remove the element, why are you decreasing the numberOfItem? as you will not be able to use the index, as you are always inserting at end. so if you insert 10 elements and then remove 1 and try inserting 1 more, wouldn't the program fail? 0 Madhu Ramrakhiani JvGZh_BdF-8 2020-01-30 07:03:48 2020-01-30 07:03:48 neg 0.31802518639035693 0.6819748136096431 0.41788229896702617 queue remov element decreas numberofitem abl use index alway insert end insert 10 element remov 1 tri insert 1 wouldnt program fail
Ugz1HtGchcmdYXX-V_N4AaABAg can anyone share the displayTheStack method link? \n\noh nvm, i got it :p\n\n\nThank you for the tutorial! 0 Bernardy Ho JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-10-23 05:39:19 2019-10-23 05:51:46 neutral 0.6355936097356758 0.3644063902643242 0.9141260135193434 anyon share displaythestack method link oh nvm got p thank tutori
Ugyy57U-BwRKUUdTw2F4AaABAg Stacks like a stack of drying dishes; You take the one on top off first. Queues are like a queue for a bus. First come first served. 1 Tylor Graham JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-06-04 18:05:11 2019-06-04 18:05:11 pos 0.538478782444529 0.46152121755547104 0.43626580235657525 stack like stack dri dish take one top first queue like queue bu first come first serv
Ugz9KCm87cxWwynZbIl4AaABAg Hi Derek, I just came back to freshen up my data structures. While implementing i realized something. For Queue:\nif you just add the first insert "10", Wouldn't be the value of front and rear be 0 (Pointing to "10") and 1 (Pointing to "-1") respectively?\nBut in reality shouldn't the rear index's value be equal to 0 (Pointing to "10")? and then rear's value keep on increasing as we add elements.\n\nForgive me If I'm wrong. I just got confused. Any input to this will really be appreciated. 0 Sagar JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-04-21 20:50:28 2019-04-21 20:50:28 neutral 0.5036238300903078 0.49637616990969224 0.7749130854210842 hi derek came back freshen data structur implement realiz someth queue add first insert 10 wouldnt valu front rear 0 point 10 1 point 1 respect realiti shouldnt rear index valu equal 0 point 10 rear valu keep increas add element forgiv im wrong got confus input realli appreci
UgwLHT5chp5igkF1aGh4AaABAg Hey man thanks for the video. It helped me a lot to get into stacks and queues. So it came, that I noticed a MAJOR mistake in your stack pop method. In line 45 you set the TopOfTheStack to -1 and also increment one down in line 47. In this case, it does not matter because you get your value printed out before but if you actually want to work with the method for advanced applications you always get the wrong output of always -1. 0 Tim JvGZh_BdF-8 2019-03-28 01:03:34 2019-03-28 01:03:34 neutral 0.35325530281521783 0.6467446971847821 0.5432309103899378 hey man thank video help lot get stack queue came notic major mistak stack pop method line 45 set topofthestack 1 also increment one line 47 case matter get valu print actual want work method advanc applic alway get wrong output alway 1
Ugx20kn17wIG_vxGD2Z4AaABAg thank you so much _______ i think you teach the important stuff here <<<<<<<<others taking too much and at the end of the video i got nothing ,you are a great guy thank you 1 علوم الحاسوب اون لاين 8TMBjfS8wY0 2018-11-18 12:21:28 2018-11-18 12:21:28 pos 0.5377724665708927 0.4622275334291073 0.28770598368091166 thank much think teach import stuff other take much end video got noth great guy thank
Ugx1H9uqzSh-Uz26OZ54AaABAg When you put bottom, second and third instead of bottom, middle and top or first, second and third. Anyone with a slight ocd got a bit upset. 2 Steven Barnes 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-11-26 19:47:08 2017-11-26 19:47:08 neg 0.374653319340582 0.625346680659418 0.44574294948699184 put bottom second third instead bottom middl top first second third anyon slight ocd got bit upset
UgjOGT4Jx6wblngCoAEC TO catch an exception if you try to pop when the stack is already empty. This is a novice code. Someone help me in optimizing it.\n\n\nimport java.util.*;\npublic class Bucky {\n public static void main(String[] args){\n Stack<String> mystack= new Stack<String>();\n mystack.push("Bottom");\n printstack(mystack);\n mystack.push("Middle");\n printstack(mystack);\n mystack.push("topmost");\n printstack(mystack);\n \n try{\n mystack.pop();\n printstack(mystack);\n mystack.pop();\n printstack(mystack);\n mystack.pop();\n printstack(mystack);\n mystack.pop();\n printstack(mystack);\n }\n catch (Exception e){\n System.out.println("Stack is already empty");\n }\n \n \n }\n \n private static void printstack(Stack<String> s){\n if(s.isEmpty())\n System.out.println("Stack is empty");\n else\n System.out.printf("%s TOP \\n",s);\n }\n\n} 0 Anurag 8TMBjfS8wY0 2017-07-19 17:36:04 2017-07-19 17:36:04 neutral 0.37452827093344454 0.6254717290665555 0.7328415997338006 catch except tri pop stack alreadi empti novic code someon help optim import java util public class bucki public static void mainstr arg stackstr mystack new stackstr mystack pushbottom printstackmystack mystack pushmiddl printstackmystack mystack pushtopmost printstackmystack tri mystack pop printstackmystack mystack pop printstackmystack mystack pop printstackmystack mystack pop printstackmystack catch except e system printlnstack alreadi empti privat static void printstackstackstr if isempti system printlnstack empti els system printf top n
UgyXRvjGMyRRMe9Am8V4AaABAg Your teaching is very nice 1 Akshay Bhanderi fptlqsesjxY 2019-07-18 17:31:07 2019-07-18 17:31:07 pos 0.6472145653268888 0.3527854346731112 0.3816470008821094 teach nice
UgxDKhaImimKnF7Fc0l4AaABAg At 3:17 you said "Remove from head of linked list" :) 0 Abdul Rashid wjI1WNcIntg 2020-02-02 13:43:19 2020-02-02 13:43:19 neutral 0.4813447429190618 0.5186552570809382 0.6425203251760082 317 said remov head link list
UgwMxo0TDNnJBc44fih4AaABAg does it make sense that node is a static class, since we're making instances of the node with different data ? 0 kataya wjI1WNcIntg 2020-01-04 05:22:32 2020-01-04 05:22:32 pos 0.6413704172393683 0.3586295827606317 0.1873509186438773 make sens node static class sinc make instanc node differ data
UgyLYqqDgLzRyPUVjVJ4AaABAg Thank you so much ma'am! You're an inspiration for new tutors like me🙏💙💙💙 3 CSE concepts with Parinita wjI1WNcIntg 2019-12-13 08:15:07 2019-12-13 08:15:07 pos 0.5848214867771503 0.4151785132228497 0.2348515401461151 thank much maam your inspir new tutor like me🙏💙💙💙
Ugy6Rq21ehQd07wDKOF4AaABAg Dude, you are GOD. seriously though so helpful. thank you! 0 Ishaan J COk73cpQbFQ 2020-02-19 00:14:15 2020-02-19 00:14:15 neg 0.49081084525853524 0.5091891547414648 0.4219206970192819 dude god serious though help thank
UgziNp5n1tdhvt9NxqR4AaABAg Thank you very much ma'am. Stacks and Queue's have been stressing me out for the longest, but now I have actually taken the time to sit down and understand them and they are actually fairly simple, at the mention of pointers, I used to tremble, but now I realise that I have got nothing to fear at all! 2 Tanaka Marape wjI1WNcIntg 2019-11-27 04:43:35 2019-11-27 04:43:35 neg 0.3950789432225217 0.6049210567774783 0.4818061424936258 thank much maam stack queue stress longest actual taken time sit understand actual fairli simpl mention pointer use trembl realis got noth fear
UgyicKZ1F7oSAdikMF14AaABAg Interesting implementation. But "top-level static classes" don't exist in Java! So the Queue class must just be a public class. In other cases if you need a "top-level static class" you can declare it as "public final", make its constructor "private" and its members as "static". 2 m m wjI1WNcIntg 2019-07-05 15:28:05 2019-07-05 15:28:05 neg 0.4056661856024841 0.5943338143975159 0.33385859138209867 interest implement toplevel static class dont exist java queue class must public class case need toplevel static class declar public final make constructor privat member static
UgyriAiGz6An8GHrj5F4AaABAg while(!games.empty()) {\n\n System.out.println(games.pop());\r\n }\nPrints all the games in the real life order 0 Kenny ILJgewz5Dxw 2020-02-13 13:44:45 2020-02-13 13:44:45 neutral 0.5229002827050047 0.47709971729499534 0.798356294058609 game empti system printlngam pop print game real life order
UgxlXYvTdjH7IpO4Ni54AaABAg Thanks a lot Alex, for everyone the short-cut of System.out.println() is type sysout + hit buttons ctrl+space. 0 abdeselam selami ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-12-27 22:16:35 2019-12-27 22:16:35 neutral 0.5086809825832701 0.4913190174167299 0.8232149756453874 thank lot alex everyon shortcut system println type sysout hit button ctrlspace
Ugx4qPMLk_RzntqbS8x4AaABAg Oh that was great, thank you. Is there a reason why you didn't use push? 1 Some guy ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-10-12 13:17:40 2019-10-12 13:17:40 pos 0.5141595565921805 0.4858404434078195 0.1640567842264267 oh great thank reason didnt use push
UgxRNxKaJxEwykgTUH14AaABAg Nice tutorial, but who useses Stack in Java?\nArray or ArrayList or Map would be more interesting than Stack! 0 TheDarkLordXXL ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-10-04 22:00:35 2019-10-04 22:00:35 pos 0.6670611482148754 0.3329388517851246 0.024826573929032782 nice tutori us stack java array arraylist map would interest stack
UgxDEs27Il9ZpxlcojV4AaABAg Awesome video, just went through HashMap Stacks and Queues from you and it was so easy to understand with the examples. Coding at the same time with you makes me remember them. Keep it up! 3 theFragged Noobian ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-08-14 02:15:05 2019-08-14 02:15:05 neutral 0.3537233154998761 0.6462766845001239 0.7147959617379568 awesom video went hashmap stack queue easi understand exampl code time make rememb keep
Ugxxlzrt7qvfz4gf-kx4AaABAg Can you start a series on building a video simple video game? Even if it's something like a gameboy game, because you could use simple sprites, keypad, simple buttons, alerts, damage, health and all the "simple" things to get moving on more complex games. 2 MisterWealth ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-07-27 03:40:15 2019-07-27 03:40:15 neg 0.2674861408743374 0.7325138591256626 0.22196973948977802 start seri build video simpl video game even someth like gameboy game could use simpl sprite keypad simpl button alert damag health simpl thing get move complex game
UgzkfxYExBPLQNd_QuJ4AaABAg Hey Alex. Yes, the video game visual was fine. I probably would have gone with the cafeteria plates visual, where every time you take a plate the stack moves up so the next plate can be taken, etc. When you put the washed plates back, it pushes down the existing plates. That's how it was explained to us back in the 70's.\n\nOn another note, sharing 'why' you would care about stacks would be useful. I imagine one might use stacks (FILO) for such things as reversing things you did in your app, like the UNDO menu item we often see in programs. \n\nOut of curiosity, what do you use Java for? Program any Windows programs? I'd sure like to see more videos on how to create programs for the Windows OS that NOT console apps, but GUI programs. Don't see many tutorials on that. Everything is mostly teaching in the console. Who wants to run console programs on Windows? \n\nThanks for a wonderful and informative video. Keep up the good work and get this channel to grow! 8 RixCanDoit ILJgewz5Dxw 2019-07-26 01:18:49 2019-07-26 01:18:49 neg 0.47678354065447937 0.5232164593455206 0.26590737814817644 hey alex ye video game visual fine probabl would gone cafeteria plate visual everi time take plate stack move next plate taken etc put wash plate back push exist plate that explain u back 70 anoth note share would care stack would use imagin one might use stack filo thing revers thing app like undo menu item often see program curios use java program window program id sure like see video creat program window o consol app gui program dont see mani tutori everyth mostli teach consol want run consol program window thank wonder inform video keep good work get channel grow
UgyviLO0gsIEYziBis54AaABAg Great video and clear explanation thanks.please make more videos in Java. 0 Persian771 fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-03-31 05:44:50 2018-03-31 05:44:50 pos 0.6128173086878107 0.3871826913121893 0.24342801674343675 great video clear explan thank pleas make video java
UgwfxtaG9PAf7yM3jld4AaABAg you just created some method saying any thing about them \nand gave some property\nwe work with Integer why did make String method ? 0 rebaz omer fZNiAeGAdF0 2018-02-06 17:33:21 2018-02-06 20:03:36 neg 0.42462416636347966 0.5753758336365203 0.4051699010372658 creat method say thing gave properti work integ make string method
UgwTp7gqtx-XaQ4hDmZ4AaABAg good explanation and here is my suggestion. you could made it less\n\npublic boolean isEmpty(){\n return top == 0 ? true : false;\n} 0 Bahodir Boydedayev fZNiAeGAdF0 2017-12-20 01:10:32 2017-12-20 01:10:32 neutral 0.6657312726949941 0.3342687273050059 0.6554072565995431 good explan suggest could made le public boolean isempti return top 0 true fals