Github pages APT repo
(1)This action will setup and manage a simple APT repo on your github pages
Required Personal access token with commit and push scope granted.
Required Newline-delimited list of supported architecture
Required Newline-delimited list of supported (linux) version
Required .deb files to be included
Required Version target of supplied .deb file
Required GPG private key for signing APT repo
GPG public key for APT repo
Passphrase of GPG private key
Branch of Github pages. Defaults to gh-pages
Location of APT repo folder relative to root of Github pages. Defaults to repo
uses: jrandiny/apt-repo-action@v1
github_token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
arch: |
version: |
file: my_program_bionic.deb
file_target_version: bionic
public_key: ${{ secrets.PUBLIC }}
private_key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE }}
key_passphrase: ${{ secrets.SECRET }}
Github pages APT repo is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.