The following is for development where the Nodes run in a Docker container.
git clone
cd TaskFlow/infra/docker
- To set the OPENAI_API_KEY
- Add it to a .env file in this directory e.g.
- OPENAI_API_KEY=your-api-key
- Or leave it empty (T@skFlow will then use a "dummy" API)
- Or set it in nodes/rxjs/.env
- Add it to a .env file in this directory e.g.
docker-compose build
docker network create taskflow
- To share the directory permissions we seet USER_ID and GROUP_ID before running docker-compose:
USER_ID=$(id -u) GROUP_ID=$(id -g) docker-compose up -d
- Access the React Processor at http://localhost:3000
- NOTE: It can take many minutes for the npm install to complete
- WARNING: There have been issues with Firefox and insecure websocket on localhost, if Firefox does not work, restart Firefox or try Chrome
To interact with the servers:
- If using docker-compose V2 then the name will be
in V1docker_taskflow-demo
docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=docker-taskflow-demo") /bin/bash
- Connect to the screen window manager to view the server instances
screen -r
- There are 6 screen windows, use
Ctrl-c 0
to switch to the first one
To interact with mongodb inside the mongodb container:
docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=docker_mongodb") /bin/bash
mongosh -u user
(the default password is "pass")
To interact with mongodb from another container's shell:
mongosh -u user --host mongodb
(the default password is "pass")
To interact with redis from another container:
redis-cli -h redis-stack-svc
- Run commands in the redis-cli shell e.g.
redis-stack-svc:6379> info
On the server running the Redis Docker container I ran `sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1``
Overview of the ports:
- 3000 React serving the React Processor app and the React dev server for live updates (path /ws)
- 5000 RxJS Processor Consumer
- 5001 Hub Core
- 5002 RxJS Hub Consumer
- 5003 RxJS Hub Coprocessor
- 6379 Redis (in redis-stack-svc container)
- 8000 Unstructured (in unstructured container)
- 8001 RedisInsight (in redis-stack-svc container)
- 8080 Weaviate (in weaviate container)
- 9229 Hub Core debug
- 9230 RxJS Processor Consumer debug
- 9231 RxJS Hub Consumer debug
- 9232 RxJS Hub Coprocessor node debug
- 27017 MongoDB (in mongodb container)
This assumes T@skFlow is running behind a proxy on a docker network:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
Because we are running a meta version there are two screen sessions:
screen -rd meta
and screen -rd app
SetupVSCode debugging in .vscode/launch.json
docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=docker_taskflow_1") /bin/bash
mongosh -u user --host mongodb
use taskflow
show collections
db.tasks.find({"": {"$regex": "mark"}})
There is a meta version which shares MongoDB and Redis, all the other ports increase by 1000:
- 4000 React serving the React Processor app and the React dev server for live updates (path /ws)
- 6000 RxJS NodeJS Processor
- 6001 Hub
- 6002 RxJS Processor
- 6003 RxJS Hub Coprocessor
The meta version resides in /meta
The code for the meta version needs to be modified at shared/config.mjs
to give a unique DB prefix
Eventually this will capture how to deploy T@skFlow in a "production" environment.
Assumes there is a reverse proxy server, to listen on a single port and forward requests to different ports based on the URL path.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml build docker stack deploy -c docker-stack-compose-taskflow.yml taskflow-prod
If using Cloudflare remember to purge the cache after updating!
docker exec -it