If you have any questions, please contact us.
Please write an iOS app in Swift, that contains two screens as described below:
Login screen
- text field for email (validate for existence of "@", change border colors to black/red/blue)
- text field for password (validate for non-empty, change border colors to black/red/blue)
- button for login
- disable on validation failure
- title
- "Login" (default)
- "Cancel" (while request is running)
- "Try again" (after request has failed)
- activity indicator (when request is running)
- error label
- empty (default)
- text (localizedMessage from backend, when request has failed)
Success screen
- label "hello."
- navigation bar with back button
- https://p0jtvgfrj3.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/test/authenticate
{ "email": "...", "password": "..." }
(fill in values) - expect (200, 401 or 500 will be randomly returned by the api, so you will see all the cases in the app)
- 200:
{ "token": "uuidv4", "message": "Sample greetings message" }
- 401:
{ "message": "Sample authentication error message" }
- 4xx/5xx (if something really goes wrong)
- 200:
- follow the architecture provided in the template app (MVP)
- use of libraries/CocoaPods/Carthage is permitted (not necessary). Make sure to include all libraries in your project, so a simple build/run of the app will work without any other setup.
Version control
- create a branch
* making meaningful commits during implementation is a plus * review your branch before sending it
- create a branch
Please send the result zipped (including .git folder) via email when you are done.