simFrame is a pixel-structure simulation environment.
Include pip dependecy in your conda .yml file and add this repo as a pip dependency:
- pip:
- "git+"
Additionally include the following dependencies in your conda .yml:
- conda-forge
- clawpack
- nodefaults
- python=3.7
- pymeep=*=mpi_mpich_*
- hdf5
- scipy
from simFrame.environment import Environment
import simFrame.permittivities as permittivities
import numpy as np
import os
#set local simulation:
os.environ["SIMULATE_ON_THIS_MACHINE"] = "1"
#activate MPI:
#no support for parallel hdf5 in v0.1.0
#os.environ["X_USE_MPI"] = "1"
producePlots = 0
#set size of simulation grid [x, y, z]
dims = [150, 100, 1]
env = Environment(dimensions = dims,
designArea = [20, 20], #the area that is to be changed pixel wise
structureScalingFactor = 3, #pixels in designArea will be scaled up by this factor for the simulation.
waveguides = [[(0, 44), (dims[0]/2, 56)], [(dims[0]/2, 35), (dims[0], 65)]], #Array with components [(x1,y1), (x2,y2)]
thickness = 1, #thickness of designArea. '1' for 2D
wavelength = 775, #lambda in nm
pixelSize = 40, #pixelSize for simulation in nm
structurePermittivity = permittivities.SiN, #permittivity of the structure
substratePermittivity = permittivities.SiO, #permittivity of the substrate
surroundingPermittivity = permittivities.Air, #permittivity of the surrounding (typically air)
inputModes = [{'pos':[[12,12,0],[12,dims[1]-12,0]], 'modeNum': 0}], #array of input Modes. modeNum 0 is TE00
outputModes = [{'pos':[[dims[0]-12,12,0],[dims[0]-12,dims[1]-12,0]], 'modeNum': 4}]) #array of output Modes. modeNum 4 is TE20 in 2D
#set initial structure:
#takes nparray with shape designArea (here [20,20])
#define a function that calculates the figure of merit:
#function has to expect one parameter 'overlaps'. 'overlaps' is a nested list with len(overlaps) = len(inputModes).
#the environment calculates the overlap of each inputmode with all defined outputmodes. i.e. len(overlaps[i]) = len(outputModes).
#the order of the modes passed is preserved.
def figureOfMerit(overlaps):
return overlaps[0][0]
#set the figure of merit:
#env.evalute(...) performs the simulations and returns the figure of merit.
#the environment performs len(inputModes) simulations.
#plot = 0 does not produce plots for the simulations.
#plot = 1 does. Warning: HUGE overhead. Just use this for debugging.
print(env.evaluate(plot = producePlots, plotDir = 'simFrame/' + "simulationData/debug0" + '/'))
#flip pixel at coordinates [x,y]:
print(env.evaluate(plot = producePlots, plotDir = 'simFrame/' + "simulationData/debug1" + '/'))
print(env.evaluate(plot = producePlots, plotDir = 'simFrame/' + "simulationData/debug2" + '/'))
print(env.evaluate(plot = producePlots, plotDir = 'simFrame/' + "simulationData/debug3" + '/'))
#reset the structure to the fist structure submittet via setStructure
print(env.evaluate(plot = producePlots, plotDir = 'simFrame/' + "simulationData/debug4" + '/'))