Removed date-fns and replaced with moment.js
Thanks @doakheggeness
Add API key to resolve instagram issue.
Change Accordion click event to toggle individual item.
Add new Popup component - Accepts children :)
Add google tag manager to track routes
add you tag GMT_add_your_tag_here gatsby-config.js
Update all packages :) yarn upgrade --latest
Background Video with title Submit to showcase
Upgrade CMS version. Fix broken image in preview when title is filled in.
BackgroundVideo Component set poster for mobile width window.
Offline support with prefetch 10px images from Uploadcare. Single post layout update to remove background image.
New lazy image component and a bunch of errors.
- instagram load + cache items
- video bg z-index
- post search bar responsiveness
Add background video component with fade in over poster image by default. Inline images through markdown editor now use Image component.
Add SVG icon component It allows you to change color of the icon in css with background of .SVGIcon--icon
add accordion
Configure Uploadcare widget
Image component setup
Add google maps
Init Yellow cake