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hyakvnc -- A tool for launching VNC sessions on Hyak.

hyakvnc is a command-line tool that makes it easy to start a graphical VNC session on the University of Washington Hyak cluster, allowing you to interact with the system in a point-and-click environment, with support for graphical applications such as Freesurfer. hyakvnc sessions run in Apptainer containers, which provide reproducible environments that can run anywhere and be shared with other researchers.

If you're already familiar with Hyak and VNC and you just want to install hyakvnc immediately, you can skip to the quick install section.


Before running hyakvnc, you'll need the following:

  • A Linux, macOS, or Windows machine
  • The OpenSSH client (usually included with Linux and macOS, and available for Windows via WSL2 or Cygwin [note that the Windows 10+ built-in OpenSSH client will not work])
  • A VNC client/viewer (TurboVNC viewer is recommended for all platforms)
  • HYAK Klone access with compute resources
  • A private SSH key on your local machine which has been added to the authorized keys on the login node of the HYAK Klone cluster (see below)
  • A HyakVNC-compatible Apptainer container image in a directory on Hyak (usually with the file extension .sif) or the URL to one (e.g,., oras://

Follow the instructions below to set up your machine correctly:

Installing OpenSSH and TurboVNC


If you are using Linux, OpenSSH is probably installed already -- if not, you can install it via apt-get install openssh-client on Debian/Ubuntu or yum install openssh-clients on RHEL/CentOS/Rocky/Fedora. To open a terminal window, search for "Terminal" in your desktop environment's application launcher.

To install TurboVNC, download the latest version from here. On Debian/Ubuntu, you will need to download the file ending with arm64.deb. On RHEL/CentOS/Rocky/Fedora, you will need to download the file ending with x86_64.rpm. Then, install it by running sudo dpkg -i <filename> on Debian/Ubuntu or sudo rpm -i <filename> on RHEL/CentOS/Rocky/Fedora.


If you're on macOS, OpenSSH will already be installed. To open a terminal window, open /Applications/Utilities/ or search for "Terminal" in Launchpad or Spotlight.

To install TurboVNC, download the latest version from here. On an M1 Mac (newer), you will need to download the file ending with arm64.dmg. On an Intel Mac (older), you will need the file ending with x86_64.dmg. Then, open the .dmg file and launch the installer inside.


Windows needs a little more setup. You'll need to install a terminal emulator as well as the OpenSSH client. The easiest way to do this is to install WSL2 (recommended for Windows versions 10+, comes with the OpenSSH client already installed) or Cygwin (not recommended, needs additional setup). See the links for instructions on how to install these. You can start a terminal window by searching for "Terminal" in the Start menu.

To install TurboVNC, download the latest version from here. You will need the file ending with x64.exe. Run the program to install TurboVNC.

Setting up SSH keys to connect to Hyak compute nodes

Before you are allowed to connect to a compute node where your VNC session will be running, you must add your SSH public key to the authorized keys on the login node of the HYAK Klone cluster.

If you don't, you will receive an error like this when you try to connect:

Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)

To set this up quickly on Linux, macOS, or Windows (WSL2/Cygwin), open a new terminal window on your machine and enter the following 2 commands before you try again. Replace your-uw-netid with your UW NetID:

[ ! -r ~/.ssh/id_rsa ] && ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa "your-uw-netid"

See for more information.

Finding a HyakVNC-compatible container image

You'll need to find a HyakVNC-compatible container image to run your VNC session in. The following images are provided by us and can be used with hyakvnc by copying and pasting the URL into the hyakvnc create command:

  • oras:// -- Ubuntu 22.04 with TurboVNC
  • oras:// -- Ubuntu 22.04 with TurboVNC and Freesurfer

Installing hyakvnc

hyakvnc should be installed on the login node of the HYAK Klone cluster.

To connect to the login node, you'll need to enter the following command into a terminal window (replacing your-uw-netid with your UW NetID) and provide your password when prompted:

Quick install

After you've connected to the login node, you can download and install hyakvnc by running the following command. Copy and paste it into the terminal window where you are connected to the login node and press enter:

eval "$(curl -fsSL"

This will download and install hyakvnc to your ~/.local/bin directory and add it to your $PATH so you can run it by typing hyakvnc into the terminal window.

Installing manually

In a terminal window connected to a login node, enter this command to clone the repository and navigate into the repository directory:

git clone --depth 1 --single-branch && cd hyakvnc

Then, run the following command to install hyakvnc:

./hyakvnc install

If you prefer, you may continue to use hyakvnc from the directory where you cloned it by running ./hyakvnc from that directory instead of using the command hyakvnc.

Getting started

Creating a VNC session

Start a VNC session with the hyakvnc create command followed by arguments to specify the container. In this example, we'll use a basic container for a graphical environment from the HyakVNC GitHub Container Registry:

hyakvnc create --container oras://

It may take a few minutes to download the container if you're running it the first time. If successful, hyakvnc should print commands and instructions to connect:

Copy and paste these instructions into a command line terminal on your local machine to connect to the VNC session.
You may need to install a VNC client if you don't already have one.

NOTE: If you receive an error that looks like "Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)", you don't have an SSH key set up.
See for more information.
To set this up quickly on Linux, macOS, or Windows (WSL2/Cygwin), open a new terminal window on your machine and enter the following 2 commands before you try again:

[ ! -r ~/.ssh/id_rsa ] && ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "[email protected]" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected]
LINUX TERMINAL (bash/zsh):
ssh -f -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L 5901:/mmfs1/home/your-uw-netid/.hyakvnc/jobs/15042104/vnc/socket.uds -J [email protected] your-uw-netid@g3053 sleep 20 && vncviewer localhost:5901 || xdg-open vnc://localhost:5901 || echo 'No VNC viewer found. Please install one or try entering the connection information manually.'

ssh -f -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L 5901:/mmfs1/home/your-uw-netid/.hyakvnc/jobs/15042104/vnc/socket.uds -J [email protected] your-uw-netid@g3053 sleep 20 && open -b com.turbovnc.vncviewer.VncViewer --args localhost:5901 2>/dev/null || open -b com.realvnc.vncviewer --args localhost:5901 2>/dev/null || open -b com.tigervnc.vncviewer --args localhost:5901 2>/dev/null || open vnc://localhost:5901 2>/dev/null || echo 'No VNC viewer found. Please install one or try entering the connection information manually.'

ssh -f -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L 5901:/mmfs1/home/your-uw-netid/.hyakvnc/jobs/15042104/vnc/socket.uds -J [email protected] your-uw-netid@g3053 sleep 20 && cmd.exe /c cmd /c "$(cmd.exe /c where "C:\Program Files\TurboVNC;C:\Program Files(x86)\TurboVNC:vncviewerw.bat")" localhost:5901 || echo 'No VNC viewer found. Please install one or try entering the connection information manually.'



hyakvnc is command-line tool that only works on the login node of the Hyak cluster.

Create a VNC session on Hyak

Usage: hyakvnc create [create options...] -c <container> [extra args to pass to apptainer...]

    Create a VNC session on Hyak.

    -h, --help  Show this help message and exit
    -c, --container Path to container image (required)
    -A, --account   Slurm account to use (default: )
    -p, --partition Slurm partition to use (default: )
    -C, --cpus  Number of CPUs to request (default: 4)
    -m, --mem   Amount of memory to request (default: 4G)
    -t, --timelimit Slurm timelimit to use (default: 12:00:00)
    -g, --gpus  Number of GPUs to request (default: )

Advanced options:
    --no-ghcr-oras-preload  Don't preload ORAS GitHub Container Registry images

Extra arguments:
    Any extra arguments will be passed to apptainer run.
    See 'apptainer run --help' for more information.

    # Create a VNC session using the container ~/containers/mycontainer.sif
    hyakvnc create -c ~/containers/mycontainer.sif
    # Create a VNC session using the URL for a container:
    hyakvnc create -c oras://
    # Use the SLURM account escience, the partition gpu-a40, 4 CPUs, 1GB of memory, 1 GPU, and 1 hour of time:
    hyakvnc create -c ~/containers/mycontainer.sif -A escience -p gpu-a40 -C 4 -m 1G -t 1:00:00 -g 1

Show the status of running HyakVNC sessions

Usage: hyakvnc status [status options...]

    Check status of VNC session(s) on Hyak.

    -h, --help  Show this help message and exit
    -d, --debug Print debug info
    -j, --jobid Only check status of provided SLURM job ID (optional)

    # Check the status of job no. 12345:
    hyakvnc status -j 12345
    # Check the status of all VNC jobs:
    hyakvnc status

Show connection information for a HyakVNC sesssion

Usage: hyakvnc show <jobid>
    Show connection information for a HyakVNC sesssion. 
    If no job ID is provided, a menu will be shown to select from running jobs.
    -h, --help  Show this help message and exit

    # Show connection information for session running on job 123456:
    hyakvnc show 123456
    # Interactively select a job to show connection information for:
    hyakvnc show

    # Show connection information for session running on job 123456 for macOS:
    hyakvnc show -s mac 123456

Stop a HyakVNC session

Usage: hyakvnc stop [-a] [<jobids>...]
    Stop a provided HyakVNC sesssion and clean up its job directory.
    If no job ID is provided, a menu will be shown to select from running jobs.

    -h, --help  Show this help message and exit
    -n, --no-cancel Don't cancel the SLURM job
    -a, --all   Stop all jobs

    # Stop a VNC session running on job 123456:
    hyakvnc stop 123456
    # Stop a VNC session running on job 123456 and do not cancel the job:
    hyakvnc stop --no-cancel 123456
    # Stop all VNC sessions:
    hyakvnc stop -a
    # Stop all VNC sessions but do not cancel the jobs:
    hyakvnc stop -a -n

Show the current configuration for hyakvnc

Usage: hyakvnc config [config options...]
    Show the current configuration for hyakvnc, as set in the user configuration file at /home/runner/.hyakvnc/hyakvnc-config.env, in the current environment, or the default values set by hyakvnc.

    -h, --help      Show this help message and exit

    # Show configuration
    hyakvnc config

Update hyakvnc

Usage: hyakvnc update [update options...]
    Update hyakvnc.

    -h, --help          Show this help message and exit

    # Update hyakvnc
    hyakvnc update

Install the hyakvnc command

Usage: hyakvnc install [install options...]
    Install hyakvnc so the "hyakvnc" command can be run from anywhere.

    -h, --help          Show this help message and exit
    -i, --install-dir       Directory to install hyakvnc to (default: ~/.local/bin)
    -s, --shell [bash|zsh]  Shell to install hyakvnc for (default: $SHELL or bash)

    # Install
    hyakvnc install
    # Install to ~/bin:
    hyakvnc install -i ~/bin


The following environment variables can be used to override the default settings. Any arguments passed to hyakvnc create will override the environment variables.

You can modify the values of these variables by:

  • Setting and exporting them in your shell session, e.g. export HYAKVNC_SLURM_MEM='8G' (which will only affect the current shell session)
  • Setting them in your shell's configuration file, e.g. ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc (which will affect all shell sessions)
  • Setting them by prefixing the hyakvnc command with the variable assignment, e.g. HYAKVNC_SLURM_MEM='8G' hyakvnc create ... (which will only affect the current command)
  • Setting them in the file ~/.hyakvnc/hyakvnc-config.env (which will affect all hyakvnc commands)

When you set an environment variable, it is advisable to surround the value with single quotes (') to prevent your shell from interpreting special characters. There should be no spaces between the variable name, the equals sign, and the value.

The following variables are available:

  • HYAKVNC_DIR: Local directory to store application data (default: $HOME/.hyakvnc)
  • HYAKVNC_CONFIG_FILE: Configuration file to use (default: $HYAKVNC_DIR/hyakvnc-config.env)
  • HYAKVNC_CHECK_UPDATE_FREQUENCY: How often to check for updates in [d]ays or [m]inutes (default: 0 for every time. Use 1d for daily, 10m for every 10 minutes, etc. -1 to disable.)
  • HYAKVNC_LOG_FILE: Log file to use (default: $HYAKVNC_DIR/hyakvnc.log)
  • HYAKVNC_LOG_LEVEL: Log level to use for interactive output (default: INFO)
  • HYAKVNC_LOG_FILE_LEVEL: Log level to use for log file output (default: DEBUG)
  • HYAKVNC_SSH_HOST: Default SSH host to use for connection strings (default:
  • HYAKVNC_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Seconds to wait for most commands to complete before timing out (default: 30)
  • HYAKVNC_VNC_PASSWORD: Password to use for new VNC sessions (default: password)
  • HYAKVNC_VNC_DISPLAY: VNC display to use (default: :1)
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_CONTAINERS_DIR: Directory to look for apptainer containers (default: (none))
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_GHCR_ORAS_PRELOAD: Whether to preload SIF files from the ORAS GitHub Container Registry (default: 0)
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_BIN: Name of apptainer binary (default: apptainer)
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_CONTAINER: Path to container image to use (default: (none; set by --container option))
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_APP_VNCSERVER: Name of app in the container that starts the VNC session (default: vncserver)
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_APP_VNCKILL: Name of app that cleanly stops the VNC session in the container (default: vnckill)
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_WRITABLE_TMPFS: Whether to use a writable tmpfs for the container (default: 1)
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_CLEANENV: Whether to use a clean environment for the container (default: 1)
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_ADD_BINDPATHS: Bind paths to add to the container (default: (none))
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_ADD_ENVVARS: Environment variables to add to before invoking apptainer (default: (none))
  • HYAKVNC_APPTAINER_ADD_ARGS: Additional arguments to give apptainer (default: (none))
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_JOB_PREFIX: Prefix to use for hyakvnc SLURM job names (default: hyakvnc-)
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_SUBMIT_TIMEOUT: Seconds after submitting job to wait for the job to start before timing out (default: 120)
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_OUTPUT_DIR: Directory to store SLURM output files (default: $HYAKVNC_DIR/slurm-output)
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_OUTPUT: Where to send SLURM job output (default: $HYAKVNC_SLURM_OUTPUT_DIR/job-%j.out)
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_JOB_NAME: What to name the launched SLURM job (default: (set according to container name))
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_ACCOUNT: Slurm account to use (default: (autodetected))
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_PARTITION: Slurm partition to use (default: (autodetected))
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_CLUSTER: Slurm cluster to use (default: (autodetected))
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_GPUS: Number of GPUs to request (default: (none))
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_MEM: Amount of memory to request, in [M]egabytes or [G]igabytes (default: 4G)
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_CPUS: Number of CPUs to request (default: 4)
  • HYAKVNC_SLURM_TIMELIMIT: Time limit for SLURM job (default: 12:00:00)


hyakvnc is licensed under MIT License.