Akari ROS 2 Humble version (still in progress)
A simple publisher and subscriber (Python)
ros2 run py_pubsub talker
ros2 run py_pubsub listener
Operate Akari using the keyboard.
ros2 run py_akari_pubsub akari_talker
*** Keyboard operation manual ***
vertical movement {q, w}
horizontal movement {a, s}
reset servo positions {r}
enable all servos {e}
disable all servos {d}
ros2 run py_akari_pubsub akari_listener
A simple service and client (Python)
ros2 run py_srvcli service
ros2 run py_srvcli client 2 3
custom msg and srv files
ros2 run py_hello server
ros2 run py_hello client
Read GPIO sample & simple publisher
python3 py_m5serial/src/button_gpio.py
python3 py_m5serial/src/m5stack_publisher.py
ros2 topic echo /M5stack
Send request to change color of M5stack screen
python3 py_m5serial/src/py_m5client_color.py
Send a request by selecting at random from Color list. Then how results from the server.
・Color list
RESET: Reset M5stack screen
RANDOM: Random color red(0-255), green(0-255), blue(0-255)
Send request to show text on M5stack screen
python3 py_m5serial/src/py_m5client_text.py
Send a request by selecting at random from list.
・text list
'1.AKARI', '2.あかり', '3.灯り', '4.アカリ', '5.Akari', '6.akari', '7.灯'
・text size
'3', '4', '5'
・Color list(text, background)
Send request to RESET M5stack.
python3 py_m5serial/src/py_m5client_reset.py
python3 py_m5serial/src/py_m5server.py
Changes a screen of M5stack according to the py_m5client's request. If screen is changed, True is sent as the result.