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executable file
337 lines (229 loc) · 10.2 KB


This class allows you to perform search operations.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Manticoresearch\Client;
use Manticoresearch\Search;
$config = ['host' => '', 'port' => '9308'];
$client = new Client($config);
$search = new Search($client);

Set the index


Performing a search

All methods of the Search class can be chained.

When all the search conditions and options are set, get() is called to process and query the search engine.

The get() method returns the results as a ResultSet object.


This method accepts either a full-text match string or a BoolQuery object.

The full Manticore query syntax ( is supported.

$search->search('find me')->get();

It returns a ResultSet object.


Match is a simplified search method. The query string is interpreted as a bag of words with OR as the default operator.

The first parameter can be a query string:

$search->match('find me fast');

or an array containing the query string and the operator:

$search->match(['query'=>'find me fast','operator'=>'and']);

If the match should be restricted to one or more text fields, they can be set in a second argument:

$search->match('find me fast','title,long_title');

limit() and offset()

Set limit and offset for the result set:



Set max_matches for the search.



Performs a query with joined tables

$joinQuery = new JoinQuery('inner', 'joined_table_name', 'main_table_field_name', 'joined_table_field_name');
$search->join($joinQuery, true);

It expects 2 parameters:

  • a JoinQuery object
  • a boolean flag to remove previously added join queries before adding a new one. Optional, set to false by default.


Performs a knn search query

$search->knn('some_float_vector_field', [0.567, 0.322], 100);


$search->knn('some_float_vector_field', 5, 100);

It expects 3 parameters:

  • a name of the float_vector type field
  • a float vector or a document id to execute knn search by
  • a number of most similar documents to return

filter(), orFilter() and notFilter()

Allow adding an attribute filter.

It can expect 3 parameters for filtering an attribute:

  • attribute name. It can also be an alias of an expression;
  • operator. Accepted operators are range, lt, lte, gt, gte, equals, in;
  • values for filtering. It can be an array or a single value. Currently, filters support integer, float, and string values.
  • filtering condition. It can accept one of AND, OR, NOT values. Set to AND by default.

notFilter() executes a negation of the operator. Alternatively, the NOT filtering condition can be used.

orFilter() executes logical disjunction in case of multiple filters. Alternatively, the OR filtering condition can be used.

$search->filter('_year', 'equals', 2000);
$search->filter('_year', 'lte', 2000);
$search->filter('_year', 'range', [1960,1992]);
$search->filter('_year', 'in', [1960,1975,1990]);
$search->filter('_year', 'equals', 2000, 'OR');
$search->filter('_year', 'equals', 2002, 'OR');

$search->filter('_year', 'range', [1960,1992], 'OR');
$search->filter('_year', 'range', [1995,2000], 'OR');

$search->orFilter('_year', 'equals', 2000);
$search->orFilter('_year', 'equals', 2002);

$search->orFilter('_year', 'range', [1960,1992]);
$search->orFilter('_year', 'range', [1995,2000]);
$search->filter('_year', 'equals', 2000, 'NOT');
$search->filter('_year', 'lte', 1995, 'NOT');

$search->notFilter('_year', 'equals', 2000);
$search->notFilter('_year', 'lte', 1995);

Note that the equals operator can be omitted, and the filter function can be called only with the value parameter, as shown in the example below:

$search->filter('_year', 2000);

The functions can also accept a single parameter as a filter class like Range(), Equals(), or Distance().

$search->filter(new Range('_year', ['lte' => 2020]));


Adds a sorting rule. The sorting rules will be applied in the order they are added.

It can accept two parameters:

  • attribute or alias name
  • direction of sorting; can be asc or desc

If the attribute is a MVA (multi-valued attribute), a third parameter can be used to set which value to choose from the list:

  • mode can be min or max

Sort can also accept the first argument as an array with key-value pairs as attribute -> direction:

$search->sort(['name'=>'asc', 'tags'=>'asc']);

By default, rules are added to the existing ones. If the second argument is set, the input array will not be added but will replace an existing rule set.

$search->sort(['name'=>'asc', 'tags'=>'asc'], true);

The first argument can also be a geo distance sort expression:

               '_geo_distance' =>[
                           'lon'=> -1.774
                   'location_source' => [

The sort method can be chained. For example:

$search->sort('name','asc')->sort('tags', 'desc')->sort('_year', 'asc');

Note that the maximum number of attributes to sort by is equal to 5.


Enables highlighting.

The function can accept two parameters, and neither is mandatory.

  • fields - an array with field names from which to extract the texts for highlighting. If missing, all text fields will be used.
  • settings - an array with settings for highlighting. For more details, check the HTTP API Text highlighting.
    ['pre_tags' => '<i>','post_tags'=>'</i>']

The highlight excerpts are attached to each hit. They can be retrieved with the getHighlight() function of the ResultHit.

getHighlight() will contain a list of excerpts for each field declared for highlighting in the request.


By default, all document fields are returned. This method can set which fields should be returned. It accepts several formats:

  • setSource('attr*') - only fields like attr* will be returned.
  • setSource(['attr1','attr2']) - only fields attr1 and attr2 will be returned.
  • setSource([ 'included' => ['attr1','attri*'], 'excludes' => ['desc*'] ]) - field attr1 and fields like attri* are included, while any field like desc* is excluded. If an attribute is found in both lists, the excluding wins.


The facet() method allows you to add a facet (aggregation) to your search query.

$search->facet($field, $group = null, $limit = null, $sortField = null, $sortDirection = 'desc');


  • field - name of the attribute to group by. This is a required parameter and can also be an expression name.
  • group - Facet name. If not provided, the attribute name will be utilized.
  • limit - Defines the maximum number of facet values to return.
  • sortField - Field the facet values will be sorted by. Also, can be set as COUNT(*) or FACET(). For details, see Ordering in facet result.
  • sortDirection - Direction of sorting, desc by default

Facets will be included in the result set and can be accessed using ResultSet:getFacets().


The multiFacet() method allows you to add a facet (aggregation) composed by multiple fields to your search query.

$search->multiFacet($group = null, $limit = null);


  • group - Facet name. This is a required parameter.
  • limit - Defines the maximum number of facet values to return.

Multi field facets will be included in the result set and can be accessed using ResultSet:getFacets().


Pass options to the search query. You can also customize the ranker by setting a custom expression. Check out the available built-in rankers.

    $search->option('cutoff', 1);
    $search->option('retry_count', 3);
    $search->option('field_weights', ['title' => 100, 'description' => 200]);

    // chain options
    $search->option('ranker', 'sph04')->option('retry_delay', 5);
    //set a custom ranker based on field values
    $search->option('ranker', 'expr(\'sum((4*lcs+2*(min_hit_pos==1)+exact_hit)*user_weight)*1000 + bm25 + IF(IN(field1, "1"), 0, 10000) + IF(IN(field2, "1"), 0, 10000)\')')
    // unset options by passing null
    $search->option('ranker', null);


Enables weight calculation by setting the track_scores option to true.

    $search->trackScores(true); // enables weight calculation
    $search->trackScores(false); // disables weight calculation
    $search->trackScores(null); // unsets track_scores option


Enables the removal of bad UTF-8 characters from the results by setting the strip_bad_utf8 option to true.

    $search->stripBadUtf8(true); // enables the removal of bad utf8 characters
    $search->stripBadUtf8(false); // disables the removal of bad utf8 characters
    $search->stripBadUtf8(null); // unsets the strip_bad_utf8 option


Provides query profiling in the result set.


This method clears all search conditions, including the index name.