Moai SDK Version 1.3 Build 160
Moai SDK Release 1.4p0 + #660
- Improved behavior of TouchHandler.
- Improved to be able to set the initial size of the Window.
- Improved to release the memory of the scene.
- Improved to be able to automatically resize the Label.(#67)
- Improved memory usage of the class.(#57)
- Improved compatibility with multiple versions.
- Other, minor bug fixes.
####Change how to extend MOAI Class
If you want to inherit the class of MOAI, you need to be careful. Please change as follows.
-- Before
MyClass = class(SuperClass)
MyClass.__factory = MOAIProp
-- After
MyClass = class(SuperClass)
MyClass.__index = MOAIProp.getInterfraceTable()
MyClass.__moai_class = MOAIProp
- Add support for Tiled's rotate and flip functions.(#65)
- Add a convenient function to search for TileObject.(#65)
- Add a new widget.(#62)
- Add the audio module.
- Fixed the behavior of the ListBox.
- Fixed a bug that visible of TileObject does not reflect(#68)
- Fixed a bug that setGid of Tiled does not work.(#69)
- Fixed a bug in the drawing order of Tiled.(#71)
- Improved performance of the Button.(#73)
- Other, minor bug fixes.
- Improved the problem that looks moment is a scene in the latest build.
I've implemented around the extension of the Flower.
Moai SDK Version 1.3 Build 160
Moai SDK Release 1.4p0 + #660
V1.4 compatibility is broken. Please be careful.
- Add a function to get a range of content NineImage.
- Work better when the trim of TexturePacker.
- Change the logic of setting the size of the Group.
- Optimizing EventDispatcher.
- Modified so that it can not be touched during the transition of the Scene.
- Modified so that it can close multiple scenes.
- Change in the texture filter GL_LINEAR.
- Change the file name of the module.
- Add many widgets.(Button, ListBox, TextInput etc…)
- Improve the memory leak.
- Improvement to be able to disable the spooling function MsgBox.
- Improve the operation of the Scroller.
- Add a convenient function TMXMapView.
- Change in the texture filter GL_LINEAR.
I made a lot of improvements. I also improved the document.
Moai SDK Version 1.3 Build 160
- LDoc changed from LuaDoc.
- Improve the Readme.
- Documentation updates.
- Viewport has been modified to be resized when the Window is resized.
- Add a NineImage. Displays the NinePatch of Android.
- GetSize function to add a DisplayObject.
This was added to no longer work when getDims returns a negative value. - Fixed bug when TexturePacker trim options have been set. (Thank you, superquadratic)
- Fixed a bug that can not change the size of the Image. (Thank you, Quad)
- Other small fixes.
I added the extension of Flower Library.
However, this feature is not stable.
Please use caution this extension.
- Add a class for TileMapEditor.
- Add a small GUI library.
- Other, there are still some debris.
- LDoc changed from LuaDoc.
- Improve the Readme.
- Documentation updates.
- I've changed the structure of the main.lua.
Compatibility This fix is lost a little. (global.lua -> modules.lua, deleted init.lua, config.lua) - Fixed a bug in the drawing order of TMXMapView.
- Work better when you select the MessageBox. (Thank you, Eric)
- Scroller modified so that the bound. (Thank you, Eric)
- Add some features to Animation. (Thank you, Eric)
- Other small fixes.
I made a few important fixes.
Moai SDK Version 1.3 Build 160
- Documentation updates. (Thanks Felix Gallo!)
- Rename the function.
table.insertElement to table.insertIfAbsent.
Executors.callLater to Executors.callOnce. - Refactoring openWindow.
- Improve the Group to be included as a child of the Group.
- Update event to add the Scene.
- Fixed a bug in the Application:isMobile function.
Moai SDK Version 1.3 Build 98
I've created a lightweight library. Flower is a library that can be used by itself.
I have fixed some small bugs.
I made a big fix for the portion GUI. Compatible part is impaired.
Moai SDK Version 1.3 Build 98
- I have changed the configuration directory of the project.
- I had to rebuild the implementation of the GUI.
- I've added a method to detect touch events DisplayObject.
- Improvement how to set the initial properties of the DisplayObject.
There is no significant modification. Has a minor bug fixes.
Moai SDK Version 1.2 Build 56
- Some refactoring in the file.
- Add functions to the ResourceManager.
- Modify the pop-up effect of MessageBox.
- Add useful functions to delay execution of Executors.
- Scene add an event to be sent.
- Add functions to the Group.
- Others, such as bug fixes.
Moai SDK Version 1.2 Build 56
In this version, we have a lot of improvements and refactoring. Some care must be taken, so compatibility has been lost.
- Change the path of the Application.
Before: require("hp/Application") After : require("hp/core/Application")
- Renaming a Method of Application.
Before: Application:appStart() After : Application:start()
- Change on how to import the class.
Available classes has increased in Hanappe. Was changed to the class how to be aware that use the framework to be imported.
Before: Application:import(t, prefix) After : classes.import(t)
- Added ResourceManager.
Description has become easier by using the ResourceManager. Makes it easy to switch over the resource. In addition, the conventional method is also possible.
Before: Sprite(filePath) After : Sprite(fileName)
Added SoundManager.
Added Particles.
Add a class for easy use of the Particle. However, still many problems. In addition, there is a bug in the MOAI SDK. pex file can not be interpreted correctly. -
Has re-written in English of the source document.
Others, such as improvement bug.
Modify:If the string params of the DisplayObject.
- Refactoring:sample.
- Fixed:Bug fixes of Physics
- Fixed:table.removeElement bug fixes
- Added:Mesh etc.
- Added:Add a function to resize Group.
- Added:PhysicsWorld, PhysicsBody, PhysicsFixture.(Prototype)
- Fixed:Fixed a bug in function wait (Animation).
- Fixed:Fixed a bug in Graphics.
- Fixed:Fixed a problem when the scale of the View is different.
- Modify:Change the order of class inheritance.
- Refactoring:sample.
- Fixed:setVisible work around a bug in the MOAITextBox.
- Modify:Group setting when setCenterPiv, change so as not to move the upper left coordinates
- Modify:Change the method of generating an instance of the DisplayObject.
- Modify:TextureDrawable When you first set the texture, change it to resize.
- Modify:Change to MOAIProp from MOAITransform, an instance of the Group.
- Modify:Has inherited the DisplayObject EventDispatcher.
- Modify:Change the order of succession to the constructor of the class.
- Added:In touch with events, changes can be detected moving distance.
- Added:Add useful functions to MOAIPropUtil.
- Added:Add a pop-up display function in a MessageBox.
- Added:CompareUtil
- Fixed:work around a bug and it is not working windows MOAIXmlParser.parseFile.
- Modify:RPGSprite move logic.
- Modify:Inheritable change the theme of the widget.
- Modify:Change the style of the button.
- Modify:Change the name of the function of WidgetManager.
- Added:ScrollView,Panel,MessageBox,BoxLayout,HBoxLayout,VBoxLayout
- Modify:how to generate an instance of the class (__cal)
- Fixed:bug
- Fixed:samples
- Modify:Modify the name of the function of DisplayObjects. (setRectSize -> setSize)
- Added:NinePatch
- Added:Widget classes(Button,RadioButton)
- Added:TMXMapLoader supported format.
- Added:RPGMapView sample.
- Modify:Joystick.
- Fixed:Joystick.
- Added:Joystick widget.
- Modify:RPGMapView.
- Fixed:Overall bug fixes.
- Added:Animation clear function.
- Added:class base system.
- Added:RPGMapView.
- Fixed:TMXDisplay Fixed a bug in the Y coordinate of the SpriteSheet.
- Modify:internal logic.
- Modify:Change the structure of the directory of the package.
- Deleted:TMXMapFactory
- Fixed:TMXDisplay tileNo bug fix.
- Updated:TextureManager and FontManager of weak references table.
- Added:Logger.
- Fixed:Refactoring.
- Added:luadoc.
- Added:Add the "useInputManager" option in the config
- Fixed:Refactoring(Scene, Samples).