If you're reading this file, you fit in to one of three groups:
- You're new to Perl, and you may have questions.
- You're not new to Perl, and you may be curious about what this file is.
- None of the above.
Since Perl is a language that many folks don't have experience with, I figured I would address some of the more obvious questions for those who are new.
For my fellow Perlers, please excuse my mistakes in this file, and feel free to offer corrections and expand this document.
So, teaching you Perl is obviously outside the scope of this document. Suuuper outside the scope of this project. However, there are some excellent tutorials and learning materials I can reference. Keep in mind that I learned Perl before the web was lousy with tutorials, I used what we then affectionately referred to as "dead tree coffins" (books). There are some excellent books, and I think the one I would recommend the most is the Perl Pocket Reference.
Here are some other recommendations: